(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

thks Orangey, let me knw..


mine havent, he need support. He did try a few steps (3 steps) and drop on floor. feel pai seh n quickly crawl n hide somewhere.

though he cant walk on own, he alrdy manage to climb up the antique 'sofa' in living room.

I cannot imagine if he can walk, he sure go and 'lao yu' take up fishes from my father's tank. currently on floor any insects all die under his fingers


Cellow: poor gal. take care yeah... can take C1's meds lor...

Re walking:

today i brought my gal to school thought can let her try walking further. tell her sit down at shoe cupboard she sit and lift one foot after the other to wear shoe. she walked out the door to lift and to car holding my finger. when i reached school car park, i put her on the floor standing. she walked straight to her school entrance wait for me to open gate and straight away to go in to the play area find her teacher, never look back. cannot believe my gal so big already.

one more hour b4 i can go home to my boi..yawnzzz


my boi has nt really decided if he wants to start walking yet though he walks / zooms by very fast when he's in the walker...its a funni sight when he really walks ard the house but has the walker ard him ..duh

woof: can try take off walker liao, else he dun learn how to balance n grow his leg muscles.

dazz: how can forget park at loading bay??

just reading thru all the posts.. what you all cut with the scissors huh?

maddie, lolz.. how can forget ah? hhmm.. let me find one chance, you interview him can? lolz... his best record is he left the car OVERNIGHT at the loading bay okie!!!!!!!! -_-|||

and regarding scissors, cut whatever food to make it smaller for easy feeding lo. =)

maddie...actually the walker belongs to my nephew..my boi since young no walker de...for the fun of it, my parents let him try sitting in it ..it's not daily he gets to play in it....BUT when he's on me bed, he can walk sideways holding onto my headboard n enjoying it man.


Hope you get well soon. Yay for C2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Overnight?! As in at the carpark at your place?


BbM is so independent! Like a big girl! You must be so proud of her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


What time would you like to meet? I need to leave by 2pm though.

Xiang, Loreal kids. Blueberry... smells very sweet~!! lolz. why huh?

syz, yes, overnight. the loading bay is downstairs my block.

Hi All!

We held Baby E's birthday parties over the weekend. Thankfully she was on her best behaviour and charmed everyone. Her poor parents are exhausted though with the back to back parties. I was super super happy though. I don't think I have been so happy and felt such a great sense of achievement since I was admitted to practice.

I told my hubby that I was more excited about the birthday party than our wedding and I definitely enjoyed myself more. I guess it was because the wedding was more stressful.

Playdate this Sat: I am still on. Maybe we meet at 12 noon? I am thinking of leaving baby E to explore the gym with her daddy while I chat and eat with the mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dazz: ha, guess he just has to stop parking there, ever! Then won't get in trouble.

Syz: ya, but she just grew so fast. Soon she'll be moving out!

Must ask u mummies how u discipline ur kids. BbMaddie is starting to be defiant n test limits, n I'm sure she understands what we tell her she should do n not to do. She knows she did sonething wrong n will look angry or cry miserably. I thought it was terrible twos but didn't expect it so early.

Hi Ming,

Yes, our darling turning 1 is Indeed a memorable event but exhausting to the parents!!! Gosh, it is like 1 moment we r preggie, next moment we r all holding our little ones in our arms for the 1st time and then suddenly they r 1!

Ok, we meet at 12pm at the entrance of Royce Playgym this sat then? Tmi I will PM the mommies and we exchange hp no?

Hi Maddie,

Gosh, talking about discipline!!!! Since young whenever my gal is naughty, I will tell her mommy is angry and hmpphhh very loudly to get her attention. Now she is 1, she seems to understand this sentence and there was once I warned her against doing certain thing and she immediately burst into tears and ended up I had to comfort her?!?? It is considered the terrible 2? But most of the time she will obey the command.

Sometimes to get the point across, I will open her hands and slap lightly on the palm. If she throws a tantrum, I just ignore her until she calms down then sayang her.


never mind lah. 1 pair not enough leh. i need 3 tickets leh.


my girl still crawl around and refuse to walk.


i start very young. don't care they understand or not but just do it consistent so that they know they can't do certain things. yu xi is more stubborn then yu ze so is harder to discipline her. not sure if its so qiao or what, she seems to know that if she is throwing tantrum and want me to carry her, she must stop crying when i carry her up. and somehow she manage to control and stop her tears. or maybe she is just pretending to cry that's why can off so easily. if she do something that she is not allow to do, i will warn her and eh her from far. she will look at me, frown then look at her action then look for 'jiu xin'. if got 'jiu xin' then she will try again, and if i eh her the 3rd time and 'jiu xin' didn't help her she will burst out crying. even though she burst out crying, i will still walk over and beat her naughty hand or leg. if she cry non stop, i will just let her sit to cry till she calm down then i sayang her.

till now, yu ze knows that if he do something wrong and wants me to sayang. he must first calm down and stop crying before i will carry him. wants mummy to carry means stop crying and he really control his tears. i'm teaching yu xi this now.

Came back from kids clinic at Bishan. Doc said is bronchiolitis. Poor son need to undergo neubaliser for 5 mins to clear passageway. Struggled a lot n cried very loud. Now son need to take 6 medicine including 2 existing. Not happy with doc that never advise us to dilute milk Intake 1 week ago n now said need to dilute. Intend to seek for 2nd opinion at kids clinic at Rivervale mall this thurs during his 1yr injection.


I also had that experience once. Important now to keep your son warm, no direct fan, vicks on feet with sock and if you can tahan...wipe down instead of bathing. These are to avoid further moisture.

What's the doctor's rationale to dilute milk?

Sin ku ni ler. I know it is very heartpain.

Sarah,Thanxs for your advice. think her rationale is milk will create more phlegm. Asked her last wk she said everything can take. This time, she also gave naval drip. Should have given last wk n he will not have so much phlegm now. Wondering what to add in porridge for him now with his condition?

Thick FM causing phlegm may be true. I recall I was at a clinic and overheard another mummy saying the doctor advised her to thin down the milk for her phlegmy child.

In regards to food, I avoided giving chicken & also fruits coz many are "liang". It was when I started giving iherb probiotics and I must say it really helped. Now even hubby fall sick, baby is still fine. I think you can order from vic_ma

When baby asleep and they suddenly wake up and cry, give him few strong pats on the back to loosen the phlegm. This was advise from my FIL who was admitted once for lots of phlegm and he said every morning when he wakes up, the nurse on duty will beat his back so can unblock and breathe easier.

Never tried the nasal drip before.

They might vomit milk more often. Don't be alarmed as that is one way they expel the phlegm. Poo poo is another way apparently.

Night waking increased for me during that time. Pat the back to loosen phlegm, pick him up, hug him, show him love. It wouldn't become a habit and before you know it, he will be well very soon and back to his old routine.

Ya I carried twice in slant position 2 times this morning n he slept very comfortably. try to pat his back to loosen his phlegm when he cough n cry later.

Juski: Royce Gym is in Liang Court. Join us if you can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh my boy kena bronchiolitis too when he was very young. got admitted to KK. it will take sometime for ur son to get well as it will be at its worse for around 5-7 days then after that he will slowly get well. so far how many days le?


dont feel bad. its the virus from the flu that causes brochiolitics. the virus enters the respiratory system and then makes its way to the lungs and cause inflammation. with this, mucus will collect in the lungs and making it difficult for ur son to breath.

with brochiolitics, their appetite will be affected esp when it comes to drinking milk. but hmm that time when i was at KK, they only discharged my boy when he drink more if not he will need to put on drip cause he refuse to drink. if your wifey is still bf-ing, ask her to continue


yupz its the running nose virus that causes the brochiolitics. the other time my boy same too, it started with running nose and after a week it became brochiolitics with wheezing sound and phlegm. we went to KK, doc did suction and admitted him as he refused to drink milk that time. so scared dehydration.

morning to all.. =)

didi went for pneumoccoal jab yesterday... Doc say to expect fever. Till now, he's well.. (cross fingers) but korkor got fever instead. Strange... suddenly fever... also duno what went wrong. Vomitted his dinner out last night too. haiz.

Ruru: yeah see her cry so pathetic. Thought terrible two start at two. Who knows one already terrible. Unless two is worse!? Jaw drop.

Celyn: u r my discipline guru lor! We tried the leave her to cry in her high chair until she stops n she did, after 5 min while we quietly ate dinner. Scolded her for throwing water bottle on floor.

1stimepapa: bronchiolitis is not parents fault lo. Usualu after 5-6 day runny nose it will start. We also end up at a&e for the neb n she also cry. Didn't want solids only drink milk that few weeks. No one told me to dilute milk but I was bf.

I believe all the mummies in this thread have seen how dedicated you are as a father; seeking advice, attending to your son, getting him to the clinic. Sometimes it is the nuisance weather. My girl had flu 4 days then on 5th day rained heavily. I didn't do anything different on that rainy day & she got chilled. This is my own mummy opinion on why my girl got bron that time lar. After that instance, I'm more cautious that she is kept dry (enough clothing, hair is dry) during rainy weather & there has been no other similar occurrence.

bbdust, not sure what happened to korkor... as for didi.. hhmm.. is it the 1st time for pneumoccocal? dun think so leh.. before this should have taken one before. Alamak... i cant remember.. need to see his health booklet. =S

Hi 1sttimepapa,

Usually the PD won't give strong medicine for cough/cold during the initial stage. It is only after 3-4 days when our child don't get well then during the review then the PD will give stronger medicine. I am very kiasu one, if my gal don't get better within 3 days, I will go and see PD again.

Do continue to use the nebulizer even though your darling cried during the 5mins ordeal, it is the fastest way to loosen up the phelgm. You may notice that your son seem to cough even more after the use of the machine, that is because the phelgm has been broken down. The next step is of course the discharge? My gal either vomitted it out or poo-ed it out. Hee...

As to whether you want to dilute the milk, personally I think it doesn't help. In the 1st place, our darling don't even want to drink milk (my gal can drink 200ml out of her normal 600ml intake!!!).

My gal continued to eat her porridge but I made it very watery so that it is easier to swallow. With the use of strong medicine and the nebulizer, the worst should pass in 3 days time. Hang on there!

Hi Juski,

I think we will be at the playgym from 12-1pm, then lunch from 1-2pm, so i guess 1.30pm is alittle not here not there timing. Nevertheless, I will PM u my hp no, so give me a call when u are ready and I update u of the situation then u decide want to come anot? What do u think?

Tried disciplining her this morning. She was fussing without tears. I said "no" but aiyo so noisy. I cannot tahan. How long before we give in?

One thing i do when the kids are sick is that, lessen their food intake but split it into more times. Meaning, "shao chi duo can". Partly because of the vomitting. If eat alot, then vomit, he might end up feeling more miserable. So i let him take lighter meals but more frequent.

Hi Maddie,

Good for u!! U can tahan 5mins of ur darling's crying?? I cannot lor, so luckily she is not a hard-core gal, or else I also don't know how to discipline her beyond my scold command and light slap on the hands.

Ruru: i cannot tahan but my hb around i dare not don't tahan. he accuse me of spoiling her rotten. when i scold her and smack her she no kia one. when he scold her she will cry and look at me. so i have to look away.


maddie and ruru

mine ah, sigh when i beat him for being noti, he smacked me back. when i scold him he will cry and grumble. bad bad temper child of mine.

