(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

orangey, your mum's place that store, what's the name? is it the same as the one in pasir ris?

bbdust, the price you quoted, is for how big the tin? 900gm or 1.8kg?

charismama ....same same...i hv been buying my fm from the same place too....only last sat then realised that my confinement herbs also bought from the same place but diff branch at jur west.


xian mu si wo le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think it's the medical hall there (nearby got mac) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its 1.8kg tin, eh my boy is very short hor 25 percentile nia. my PD also said he short alamak. he is 73cm only sob sob. when he reach puberty, mummy is going to let him go swim, play basketball eat tian qi.


yes yes, its kim sang medical hall loh. the webby is by them ah.

bbdust, ah lao just update me say BbZ is 77.5cm and 9.7kg.. i was like, huh... the height dun sound correct to me but when i double check, he say cfm it's 77.5cm. but but... that's like, half of me!!! aahhh!! so fast half my height oredi!?!?

i think the fm still ok, i too get the fm from them. DD ok leh, no diarrhoea (touchwood). cheaper than $3. Think FM stock move faster ba.

If you get other thing, then be careful lor.


wah he is very tall leh.


i also think FM shld be okie, my nephew has been drinking since 1 year old plus from the same medical hall.

Orangey, the one i say at Pasir Ris the name is Jin Tai Tong... is it the same as the one you mention, that's near your mama?


tian qi eat is to grow tall tall de, but can only eat later lah now cannot eat.

no build got nothing to do with BM. more dependent on genetics, bone etc.

BM babies weight is regulated de and BM babies will never be overweight and fat de.


Tian qi only can take when our boys reached 12yo :D

73cm ok leh.. I think bbO maybe 70cm? I dont know wor.. Last measurement at 11 months 70cm.. Dont think he can shoot up 3cm within a month right?


Nono.. Jin Tai Tong is near my plc :p My mum plc is a provision shop.. I buy FM from them cause NAN HA is $5 cheaper! Their pediasure also cheap.. $62.80 compared to NTUC $66 and CS $68..


My friend told me that Guardian got promo for Pampers. Buy 1 and get 2nd pack at 50% off.. Means 2 pack at $38!

Orangey, Jin Tai Tong's price is already lower compared to NTUC and other supermarkets. so you're saying the provision shop's price is lower than Jin Tai Tong?


It's ard the same but for NAN HA, my mum plc the provision shop cheaper. Dunno leh.. last time I skeptical to buy but I "observed" the NAN HA and checked.. everything same as NTUC one.. Made in Switzerland then I dare to buy cause I heard pple saying some cheaper FMs are from M'sia? I asked the provision owner he says its illegal to sell M'sia FM in Singapore so the FM in singapore must be from local distributors.


He says if buy in big bulks, the distributors will usually give them big discount. Its like 薄利多銷 like that.. I think Jin Tai Tong also tell me they buy in bulks thats y can get cheaper price. If not, they are the 2nd tier distributors lor.. I know that provision shop is so called a 2nd tier distributor where by Nestle/abbott will distribute to them then they distribute to their own clients. If not wrong Jin Tai Dong also operates the same.


i never dare to buy from medical hall leh. only buy from ntuc, cold storage and shop n save. don't even buy from sheng siong though its cheaper.

when TodZ was drinking Karihome for a period, i bought from Jin Tai Tong because it's so much cheaper compared to supermarkets. No prob so i think still ok ba.. (i did check the place of manufacture and expiry date too). After that, bought a few times of Friso from them then i shifted so never buy liaoz.


Huh?! My mum says Tian Qi only for guys cause of the male hormones :p I think for girls is black herbal chicken. Both black black one or you remembered wrongly?


I think ur mum remembered wrongly ba? That time my mum brewed Tian Qi for my bro then I asked if can drink she says cannot this one for boys only cause this soup contains male hormones so the boy will grow tall and strong. She says if I wanna drink she will make black herbal chicken haha but I dont like that so I told her nvm 12yo drink b4 already dont need to make for me..

Jialat.. I accidentally go and press Aeropostale now I hooked onto the screen :S I'm supposed to save $$ but they got sales!!!!!!!

Ermm nvm lah.. take already shld be fine lah maybe only abit man? LOL no lah kidding lah.. I think shld be okay ba since its just TCM. Just like guys also take Herbal chicken right?


hee must be fine lah if not i wont be here le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] guess older generation also dont know bah so will feed loh. best is before feeding check with TCM doct [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u checking out milk ? can see friso 2 for me...

Im dying.. fm is so expensive w/o sales...

how i wish i can hav a cow at home


Aiyah i think those herbs more of like natural not like medications so haha no worries one.. Either you will get too heaty or no effects :D


Okay! I help u check!

thks Orangey,

whre is the location u checking, ask for a gd price n if I had 1 or 2 dozen hmm better price ??

damn ex.

Friso 2

shop & save 3 tins in a bundle $95 (900gm)

NTUC 3 tins in a bundle $93 (900gm)

NTUC 1.8kg $64.80

Friso 3

NTUC 3 tins in a bundle $71.40 (900gm)


That time I ask if I buy in bulk can cheaper the uncle says cannot leh cause very cheap le.. but I'll try asking for u again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies,

23th April Playdate

1. Ming

2. BBdust

3. SG84

4. Rurucat

5. Syz

Ehh, so just 5 mommies and our darlings? I called Royce gym and this sat there is no private party. The one time entrance fee for 1 adult and 1 child is $25, and $10 for additional adult. Is our playdate confirmed?

Any other mommies keen to join us?

Wah rao so paiseh.. My hub took wrong present!! Haiyooo.. The present I bought for friend's bb he nv take.. he go take another bag which I wanted to keep it for bbO when he's bigger or give to my nephew cause he seems interested in it then he took that one!!! I only realised when I reach home ytd.. Angry angry!

Why the hub always so blur!!!!!!!!!


Love to join but I wanna bring bbO to swim! Ytd we went to attend friend's bb 1st birthday party at Aloha loyang.. he was enjoying the water play at the baby pool but didnt get him to swim cause didnt bought any spare clothes so made plans to go swimming this coming sat!


I whatsapp my friend to tell her wrong pressie hahah Her hub will collect the correct pressie tmr. Aiyoo maloo leh!!!

Orangey, lolz.. boh bianz la.. hee. At least your friend understand can le. hahahaa...

i also gek sim... my ah lao hor... haiz.

orangey, huh? what is tio "auntie"?

ooohhh...!! you mean kena summon ah?

no la.. that one hor.. i nag nag then forget about it liaoz. he continue to be like that, he pay ma.. what can i do about it. It's another matter la.. he's crying over spilled milk. haiz

ERr auntie will come and see the car got coupons anot or see whether the season parking got expire anot? I saw ur FB complaint abt ur ah lao ma.. :p

he never really cry la... he's grumbling about a matter that has past. haiz. Oredi told him the consequences and asked him to access liaoz. he say nevermind go ahead then now grumble...machiam my fault. kaoz.

then the FB matter ah... if he really never tear coupon or never buy season parking ticket and kena summon.. that is more "understandable". But he always park at loading bay then forgot about it and kena fine!!!! One time it's like S$50/S$100 and it's like 3-4 times liaoz lo!!! hhaaiizz... that money slowly accumulate.. i'm getting closer to my balenciaga leh... sobz. =(

sick in bed. Vomited last night. I took bus to a mall this morning 2 stops away n had to sit down to catch my breath aft e short bus ride

Stomach still churning. Mayb caught c1's virus, he has been having loose stools for past 4 days.. Only poos twice a day though, not considered diarh bah

Oh c2 can toddle unaided over half my living room!!! That's ~ 7 to 8 steps. So exciting for him


oh sayang dear... pls rest well okie could be stomach flu and yeah welcome C2 to the walking club [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

