(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Syz: No problem. Happy to share the contacts. We just refinanced with DBS. You can try and pit the banks against each other. They do have some latitude. I will forward you the contacts by sms later.

If the lock-in period is already over, there should be no legal subsidy clawback. If they try and pull a stunt like that, kick up a big fuss.

You can also try and ask for value-added features like get them to give you a savings account which pays interest at the same rate of interest as your housing loan. This means that you basically borrow interest-free. I know UOB offers this but only for their floating rate packages.

Ruru: Yes, Stanchart has been pretty cautious. Same for Citi. The more bullish ones at the moment are UOB and DBS.


Hi Syz,

If u want the uob banker contact, do PM me.

Hi Ming,

Yah, after that disappointing episode with Stanchart, I have decided to stick strictly to local bank and not be lured by any of their marketing gimmicks (incl credit card etc). Hee.... And it is also the main reason why I don't have citibank credit card (no lah, just no more card slot in my wallet!).

Enjoy ur super busy weekend!!!

Thank you ming! It's so nice to have a legal counsel as mummy friend! Hehehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charismama: i wouldn't give... what did the seller say?

ruru: ha, mine i was quite upset with my uob home loan and moved to citi after a 2% difference in the interest rate! have no complaints with citi and will continue with them. they even assigned me a personal banker after that n he calls me on n off to see if i need anything.

Thanks Ming & Ruru. My home loan's with UOB. Will call them up to ask what they can offer first.

Update on bb syz's haircut. Brought her to the junior league inside Vivo's toysrus. $22. Turned out quite well. She sat on my lap while she got her trim and watched Barney for the first time. Got fed puffs too. Kinda like going to the movies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now on my way to CWP to buy some stuff. Sneaked out of the house leaving her with hb at home for the first time. She was crying when I left cos hb was carrying her while I sneaked out. At the bus stop I called home and hb told me she has crawled all over the house searching for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wondering if it might have been better if I said bye to her before leaving but I think this would not have worked either. How to go for cake deco class next week!!! Feeling so guilty now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hb told me to go ahead. Guess she just needs to get used to me not being around and with Daddy only. Strangely he has looked after her while we were out and I went off on my own with no problems at all.

morning all,

wat kind of scissors do u all use to cut bb food when outside dining? I saw from kiddy palace $16+ 2 pcs. Look like toy. Anybody hav tat, Hw is it?

Hi, chips

I got that scrissor but used at home.

Before this I brought those

normal scrissor then rust (I lazy to wipe

dry bah) for this stainless steel so

till now still nice nice. Overall okie leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh, ya who is that mum mention got PT

cleaner? Mummies with PT cleaner

does your PT cleaner washes your clothes?

Anyone got lobang for PT cleaner?

Hi mummies,

Back at my mum's place and after a hectic 2 days. Tmr my birthday but hubby not around. Feeling abit down. But anyway tmr going to celebrate with my parents n my girl.

Bbdust: good luck in ur house hunting!!

Chips: I bought those scissors too, very good n handy..

Charismama: I wouldn't give that to my girl too.. so much difference. Can also pm me the seller's name n nick? Cos I buy a lot of things online so want to be careful. Thanks.

Elmoo: PT cleaner mainly will help to clean ur house, on top of it u can ask them to wash ur clothes, hang ur clothes, fold ur clothes n iron ur clothes.. Opps, looks like my PT cleaner doing a lot of things.


you means part time cleaner are not suppose to do all these meh? mine all those that you mention leh. she will pick up yu ze's uniform and look for stain and help me to clean them off. then run the washing machine while she do other things. then hang the clothes out to dry once done. keep and fold them if they dry before she go back. of course all my clothes must also iron lah.


Happy advance birthday, same date as my elder sis.. May u have an enjoyable celebration with ur little darling tomorrow.



So is the cartoon type in kiddy palace??, I find it big huh, with cover bo...? I didn't see clearly.

PT / FT helper

Those tasks mentioned, my FT dosent do, no washings, no ironings only hide n seek with rain/sun til clothes dry n den do foldings.

Son still coughed with a lot of phlegm especiall during sleep.Will bring him to c PD later to review his medicine. Pain to c he coughed so Xin ku during sleep. Sometimes, carrired n pat him to sleep.


yah loh. purposely go and set up fish tank for them and all dead. this morning, yu ze wake up and go see fish liao. i saw that they are all dead so i told him fish fish sleep sleep. he come back later then they wake up liao. he say don't want fish fish sleep. want fish fish wake up. sigh.... later i must go buy a few more to put inside liao.

good morning mummies~!

syz, when i saw ur 1st post, wanted to reply the cost has increased to S$22 but i saw ur 2nd post that you already went. Hahaha.. who cut bbsyz's hair? Is it aunty Eva? Another thing, if you intend to bring Bbsyz back for more haircuts, it will be more worth it if you buy the vouchers from the branch at United Square. S$18/cut nia. means S$180 for 10 vouchers but must use within one year. (not sure can use at all branches, u check) If too many, probably you find another mummy to share share? Over at the United Square branch, i like that China lady... erm.. cant recall her name now but she cuts pretty well.

celyn, haha.. we gave up keeping fishes. Like so poor thing leh.. one by one keep dying. =(

charismama, i won't give either. Looks like the bottle was kept under the sun for sometime that's why change color? Or, is there an expiry date of the bottle?? Is the date on the bottle same as the one on the box? (suspect seller could have changed bottle from box?!?)

Mummies with PTC (PT Cleaner),

Roughly how many hours your PTC can finish all things (iron, wash toilet, sweep & mop)

Got include clean window? Any west area PTC to intro? Thanks, Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


keep for fun but didn't know die so fast loh.


but its too fast for us to react. thinking that we get a pump and proper home they can last a bit longer.

my part time cleaner usually comes for 4 hours. sometimes extend to 5 hours. if you want them to clean window then maybe she will iron less clothes instead of the usual lot loh. or she can extend her timing to clean the window loh.

Hehe, scissors also got award leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So any mum got PTC lobang please PM me.

Gam xia, Gam xia!


I think it was Aunty Eva... cos the sign hanging on the mirror was Eva. Hmmm wear specs and not our generation but perhaps not as old as our mothers? Think Vivo has a promo where you accummulate 8 receipts and the next cut is free or something... anyway i think i will learn to trim her fringe myself then maybe bring her for a cut months later.. see how. When I want to bring for another cut then will see if any mommies want to share vouchers. Thanks for the idea! When I can I will post the pics and video of her haircut on FB.


Later tonight you got to "wake" the fish up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Then he may just ask you why the fish stay up so late and don't want to go to sleep.


That's what i dislike most about going to office when my nose hurts... makes one feel more sick! Can work from home?


Hope your boy gets well soon. If already 1 week better to go for review.

syz, haha..yup, that's aunty Eva. She cuts better than the other aunty. i think the accumulation of 8 receipts is for all outlets. if you wanna use the vouchers, probably u PM me? I got 2 extras to let go.. corz even my boys go quarterly, i can only use 8. haha. i just bought 10. =)

woofy~! whahaha... me too!

BBDust .. i called Chiltern House already ... no need go for the open house. Their N1 is the year kiddo turn 3.. meaning 2013 ... so they only open for registration in 2012 ... now they enrolling children borned in 2009 and below ...


woo okie okie, so nxt year we go register and put them on wait list [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

let me know after u go for GUG yah,hopefully suntec branch is better and with better teachers.

Dazz, Elmoo, HJ, Bbdust

Where did you get the scissors from?


How's class today? Weather ok for swimming? If there is anything to take note for Sunday's class can PM or send FB msg to me? Gam xia!

**** Any mommies with extra Iiamo teat to spare??? ****

Or know where i can get hold of one today? The shop i get from at United Square has no stock. The prev bp organiser also no stock. Bb syz chewed up her teat so the bottle is now just a warmer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

syz ... we also din go for class today. drippy nose ... yesterday nothing special ... think there is a Parent Teacher session next monday ...

liamo teat .. i have the original one which might be a slow flow? never used before ... do u want it?

BBDust .. actually alot mummies prefer JG to GUG ...

Chiltern House got priority registration for JG students provided you have been with them for min 6 mths before that ... i'm still considering whether to stay put for the coming new term in JG ...

so are u really moving to MP??!!

Re: Scissors

I need to get one too! From Istean? From Kiddy palace?


Omg.. guppies? Last time my dad always buy guppies for us. They can last quite long but then we didnt had pump back then, just put in normal water but my dad says the temp is a big factor so before we release them into the water, dad will pump o2 into the water then let the guppies (in the bag) stay in the water to adapt to the temp.

