(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

i might pop by toyrus one of these weekday evenings or if not, weekend liaoz lo. Or you tell me what you intend to get, i help u buy lo.. then again, i'm not sure if i can turn up for the party anot leh... =(

Omg, Dazz you just reminded me about Ming's Xmas party! I also havent' buy pressie yet! AH~~~~~~~

I'm sibei headache.. My buddies' Xmas gathering, Hub's buddies Xmas gathering, my family Xmas gathering all must buy pressie. Bankrupt + ki siao soon!


yah for babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


moi too, full month shower plus many gatherings LOL also have not buy yet siao liao.

wahahha... i settled my buddies' present at Coach at one go on Saturday. One list down~! Also settled my boys' pressies sometime back when i buy from leapfrog. Now only left hubby's (which is a combi of bday, xmas + wedding anni).. super headache.. don't know what to buy him lo~! dahz.

Other than that, nothing else to buy oredi.. wahahah.. do have other gatherings but never mentioned need to get anything leh. =X


Jiayou...U sure can find a good one...

Oh no, I also haven't got any present yet...I must do a last min shopping this weekend liao...

Wah Dazz, your present so ex ah. Coach! My buddies gathering we set it at $30 per present. Its a gift exchange like Ming's party like that. I cannot imagine if suddenly I suggest set to $100. I think they will strangle me. LOL!

So sian with my hub! Always wanna be the good person when it comes to friends. People can suggest I cannot suggest. Stupid de... Angry leh!

quick one as have been on MC the past 2 days.... down w C1's stomach flu. luckily he recovered, but now Mr C and I are both sick.

jiayou to syz and orangey finding new jobs in the new year!


dishonesty in a maid is a big no-no, esp wrt to money. how come no one is at the agency..... usually they are open during the evenings ah... try again tonight?


sayang sayang. v heartache to see all the rashes. maybe you really need to consider skin prick test to suss out what dd is really allergic to so that you/she can avoid the offending foods.

christmas shopping

did away with all these for the adults. find tis meaningless after a few years. only buying for cousin's daughter.

heh, thanks for all the advice on reacting to stranger teenage girl taking C2's pix on her hp. it is good to know i m not alone in this. like violating his privacy lor.

OMG!! I also haven bought the pressie...stress stress stress...

Baymic - Congrats on ur new job for the new yr!!

Orangey - U sure can get better job one..be patient k! meantime jus hang ard ur job ( no need so bia oredi) n wait for opps to pop by...;p

Oh Mommies, many thanks for the wishes hor! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so paisei ah as u al noe im not FB savvy/active. So neva check Fb regularly one (unless got email alerts)..heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

See ya al next week!!

good nite ladies..

Orangey, i'm also looking fr job leh, u're looking for wat kind of job?

sgsc, so late haven't slept ah? see u next week ;)


im going for 14 days... so kinda ks abt bringing lotsa stuff... other than clothing im also bringing diapers 1 pk of pampers M44 and quite a few pkt of wet wipes... also bringing 2-3 boxes of organix rice cereal... i have no idea if bb stuff is easy to find in germany bor so not goign to run the risks of wait go there cant find plus i think most of the stuff there written in german then i siao liao... im also brinign my foldable bathtub to bathe her... if not i dunno how im going to bathe her there... i guess most of the weight is from the wet wipes bah... bcoz her clothing not heavy mah... im not bringing pump but bringing steriliser n im packing this into the check in luggage not hand carry...

Morning mummies

Can I rant a bit? My boy started his fussing again at 515am when I need to wake up, pump milk n rush for work. Instead of helping, my dh said he wants to walk around y can't u just stand up n walk? I m angry cos I need to rush to work n u can ZZzzzz. I passed him his son n say u handle n he just let

him sit on the bed n cry, not even bothering to pacify him then

he went back to zz. He even scolded me saying it's my fault

that he wakes up early cos I let him zz too early, n becos of this he cannot zz

Now he wants to pass him to maid but maid not up yet so he again just let him lie on bed n fuss then goes bk to zz.

From birth since now, he does not take care at all, i have been waking up, tired n still need to work n now ask u to help

for 15mins, u complain n it become my fault .. What's with this man??? Grrr

Morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


If she is ok with shower head then cut out the bath tub. My recent trip hb and I bathed her together. He sits on one edge of the bathtub and supports her in "standing" position while I sit on the opp edge to soap/shampoo/rinse off. Fast and fun. Only our legs will get wet cos in the bath tub. As for steriliser, I used the Avent digital warmer as a steriliser too. Just set on the mode that will be as long as your usual steriliser or more. Maybe you latch her while you are out sightseeing then bottle feed her fm when in the morning, at night and midafternoon if you pop back in to the hotel to rest. Then don't need to have so many bottles.


My gal ok with showerhead. Problem

Is some place the showerhead is fixed to the wall one. Cannot take down then can't bathe her using shower head mtd liao... I'm not bringing the warmer... I also wish I can latch her as much as possible but my ss not enuff n recently drop big time too... Hope to bf her as long as I can. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Oh... U bringing travel cot? Tt will be heavy... Does tt count toward luggage weight? I know stroller dun but not sure abt travel cot... Me wanna do away with tt... Going to let her slp with us...


It's like tt one... I dun expect hb help me with night duty unless really no hands n gal crying badly bcoz hb needs to work while I'm sahm... But when he is home from work, I expect him to help out as much as possible whether chores or bb bcoz I'm alrdy tired out day n night by my gal. But sometimes when my gal is napping, instead of quickly help pit around a bit here n there, he chooses to sit around n watch tv! Sometimes I'm so angry when I see him paying more attention to tv than to what I said tt I wanna smash the tv!!! So sayang to u... Dun get too angry... U not alone in this...

Re traveling list,

I wanna upload my list here n let mummies advise if I overpack bor but I dunno how to upload the table style leh... Any mummy knows how to upload a list tt looks like those in excel files? I always see those in BP threads leh...

morn mummies..been bz over the past few days.

Xmas gathering - pressie

Bdget capped at $25 right?? for baby hor??

I hv nt buy yet also..n some mummies just reminded its next SAT!!! .....ok time to go for retail therapy~~

Bbdust ....yr dh got woken up by ah boi perhaps..that's why he's so grouchy???...i feel guys at times when it comes to our babies can be super bo chap n v laid back..if the mummy is ard then EVERRYTHING can juz let mummy settle..grrrr..my dh at times also like that de.


Ai my fren is a good dh he will always try to zz early so that he can help feed his son at nite, his wife who is also a sahm every day also zzz through the nite n she is not even bfing leh

So hao nan ren

Jthan..hope the rashes go away quick quick ..did the doc say if it might be a case of mild ezcema ??? rem to keep bb's skin clean n dry too.


Yah he grouchy cause he got woken up but that does not mean he dun need to help loh if I m not working today it's fine but it's will be a mad rush later loh N end up I got to take cab

BBdust - hug hug to you.. i think someimes when it comes to bb matters, men are less patient n blow the top easily. i totally understand wat u mean when u say hb rather watch tv than slp when there is chance too. same for hubby sometimes, he rather play ipod late late than sleep then if gal wake up middle of the night, he angry say he no enuff slp. tsk tsk. so your hubby is considered NORMAL bah...

Re: Xmas gift - i also havent buy! no chance to go shopping leh, esp when my ofice in some ulu place, only see construction work n more construction work. sianz..

Calling vicma - sorry i havent transfer my $$.. my fault.. i try to transfer when i see an atm machine ok?

syz, SC_SC, BBdust

thanks for your input again.how you all get your kids to stay still to take photo? i have a feeling it's not going to be easy.. govt really know how to earn money. cannot understand the logic a bb can have his/ her own passport.

BBdust, hmm i dunno y the doc din give me BF friendly med. i think i'll go back and check with him.


you're going for a long haul trip! i want to bring my ds to uk next yr too. so scared he will keep wailing in the plane. seen parents who had to carry a crying baby and walk up and down the aisle for almost the whole journey before.. *shudder* that is just to aussieland.

share your experiences when you're back.

have a good trip!


that time he still baby mah so easier [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah i think u can check with ur endocrinologist how come he didnt give u PTU which is bf-ing friendly?

Morn mommies!!

BBdust - Dun be angry la, sometimes DH have their version of PMS too...(wif our DH, sometimes try to close an eye bah)Main thing is ah boi eventually got pacified and alright can le..cheer up k!

Staregal - we used the pic that had us carrying her but is a close shot of her face alone. Quite easy one U try..they mentioned white backgrd, but actually not compulsory...hehehehe

Siew Ping - i also office here no shopping..all boring stuff. Gonna have to recce tis weekend liaoz!

How come lose voice...u shout at DH too much ah? hahaha...drink more water n barley...hope u get well soon!

bbdust... *sayang* nan ren.. haiz.. *shake head* that's why... mummy zhen wei da. =)

vic.. sorry.. i also haven't transfer the $$ to you.. including the $$ for sambucol.. alamak.. i don't go out for lunch nowadays then morning come work, evening go home.. no chance to go atm.. plus i dun have IB.. ask my lao gong help transfer he will gum gum chum.. haiz.. sorry ah.. i will try to do it tonite. Can let me know how much is the sambucol pls?


the travel cot is very compact one. less than 3kg. i already pack it inside my 29" luggage liao. :p

i can't let 2 of them sleep with us. either one of them have to sleep in the cot if not i will have to panda baby the next morning for kicking and boxing each other in their sleep.


no leh he never got pacified cause dh sleeping then i pumping so he self play loh.


yes mummy zhen wei da [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

quick one... still woozy today


Mr C used to do all sorts of nonsense too instead of looking after C1 too. then one fine day, ah niang bth and blew up at him. and told him if he doesnt chip in, he can forget abt any more additions to his dynasty. (i also told him a lot of other things in between, but that ws my ultimate finishing line [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

cellow... woohoo...~! That sounded familiar...!! Wahahahhaa.. think Daddy Dazz got his share of that when i blew my top at him one fine day after dunno how many months of lun-ing!!!

Men... must be threatened~! =X

then again, the threat cannot backfire la.. scarly go and find other woman... we also jialad. oppssiee =X

dazz dear,

i also told him in another encounter that if he goes out and finds other woman and i find out, he can shake hands w Mr Bobbit. fierce hor... men... must show colour sometimes.

but not too often.

most times tis better to be gentle w Mr C. works better.

cellow n dazz

i cannot say that cause he already told me he dont want #2 cause its very tiring looking after them look (who is speaking about tired and he does not even help). if i say that hor he will sure say okay that is great [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

huh~! men ~! He tok like that only because you've given him a son la.. see if he tok like that if your 1st born is a gal..~! dahz. aiyoh.. you very poor thing leh.. *sayang* *hug hug*


haiyooor how can a father say that he is tired tired tired. who is more tired than mummy. and a breastfeeding mummy some more.

*hugs* to bbdust.

sometimes i remind Mr C that being a father is more than just depositing sperm. the children need him and i need him to chip in to help. besides our 8mos are rapidly developing their own personalities now. and they are sooooo much more fun to play w now than a newborn

once i also told him - look, this is a fact, if i get tired out by all that i have to do for the kids during the day, then there is no time and energy left for sex.

smtimes men have to be threatened w the taking away of a treat. like children. *blink*

