(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Yes [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Every now and then when I close my eyes, I think of BB Orangey crying on the floor I get nightmares.


Hugs Hugs Hugs, glad that bb orangey is fine, we really must be careful at all times.

my dh also leave my boy on the bed and went to take his diapers, i scolded him cause one flip he will be on the floor already


Yah lor.. imagine my hub was on the bed sleeping and he didnt even hear bb orangey crying =.- I heard thought he's just fussing but got worried when I find his crying like diff so I ran inside and saw him trapped in between my bed and side table! I almost heart attack and I hurriedly carry him up, check him up and down and calm him. He was crying really really kelian but imagine if it's me think I cry even worse. So finally after a while, he calm down and playing with us but he doesn't want to sleep! Gave him milk but he dont want then end up make rice cereal for him and he ate up the whole bowl! I must buy new teats liao... Think he find teat no.2 too slow cause when I change to teat 3 he's okay.


nan ren ai ~~~ mummies are always the more alert one haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] daddies can sleep and sleep even when the world tumble down

So long he does not have any vomiting/fever/unconscious symptoms means he is perfectly fine right? Still kinda worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm still shivering [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yesterday kept praying to god to bless that BB Orangey no injuries.. the most just let him frighten a bit but please no injuries and he will guai guai grow up healthy.

Morn mummies...start of a new week!!

orangey..usually mummies more kan cheong than the papas who might be more laid back i feel..my dh included ..i always got a lot of "what ifs" etc etc but i can't help it at times when i comes to my boi....thank god lil orangey is doing ok..do continue to monitor if u still dun feel comfy enuff but dont get paranoid..if really bu fang xin, bring ah boi to the pd ...for me hor ...at times when everyone says that all is ok bleah bleah bleah, i MUST hear the doc say ah boi is ok then i happy..keke

hello mummies,

Having training later.. what did I miss over the weeks?

I submitted a long essay for my co survey.. :p

This is part of my essay...

Firstly, there are NO nursing rooms in the entire bldg.

Secondly, nursing mothers have to TRY THEIR LUCK in securing an empty room for expressing milk.

Thirdly, not all HR personnel are willing to help when asked. Those HR who are female/mothers however does sympathise with the situation and will put in extra effort to help. I cannot say the same for our male counterparts.


Yah lor.. he is okay le.. very active and happy. Ytd he was playing so much with my relatives at the bday bash. Play until I have to keep finding him cause they kept bringing him go gai gai!


I also show hb all the stuff tt I'm bringing so tt incase if not enuff or I miss out anything, he can say so n remind me. Wait I forget to pack anything inside n he expects to have tt when overseas then spoil my vacation if travel across the globe to quarrel there.


Men r really really very careless when come to taking care of bb. U know my gal can eh eh eh and wake up few times a night n I'm always the one quickly patting her bk to slp, hb totally sound aslp... if wait for hb to pat her, my gal sure fully awake liao... Last night my hb best. I was pissed with him mah so I dun wanna care whether he can go to bed bor, I just continued to put all stuff bk n make amendments to my list while he settled my gal who was still awake. After much fussing, my gal kept quiet so I tot must be too tired slp liao. Then when I was abt to go to bed, I was horrified to find both of them aslp on the big bed! Hb actually left her slping on my bed with only a bolster next to her on the open edge of the bed! The cot was not even pushed against the bed to block it! I alrdy told him tt gal will flip n move nowadays n what makes him think tt a mere bolster can keep my gal safe? Somemore hb is heavy slper, any movement made by gal won't alert him in anyway...


Ur boy Shld be ok one. he was probably more traumatized by the "kyelp" btw the bed n bedside table rather than actually hurt. Tt happened couple days ago right? So if by now no weird behaviour, it Shld be ok liao.. So dun worry huh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm a May 10 mommy. I need your input please, esp those with your little ones on FM, esp Similac.. Any of your little ones experience runny nose and phlegmy chest after taking FM? Could this be a sign of incompatibility or allergy to the FM?

Lil Megan has been on partial Similac since her 2nd month.. and she always seem to be down with flu.. runny nose with phlegmy chest.. Initially, I thought it's due to me spreading the flu virus to her and the air conditioning in IFC but I have since withdrawn her fom IFC for a month now.. and she's still the same.. and her runny nose is the clear and watery kind.. A friend commented that she could be allergic to Similac, thus the perpetual flu like symptoms.. and that got me wondering... Any one with similar experience?

She seems so prone to allergies that I have yet to formally start her weaning process and she is going to 7 months in another few days.. headache...

Thanks in advance...


hi JThan, my boy is also partially taking Similac, now mixing step 1 and step 2. He has no prob with Similac. Probably you want to check with your PD to see what's his/her advices?



If he is very active and happy most prob ok [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good that your co has such surveys so that can provide feedback! Hope they will do something about it.


Have an enjoyable trip! Take lots of pictures [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Siew Ping

Good idea to feed the 9pm feed at home. How about cutting out the playtime after she wakes up at 10plus at night? Train her to go back to sleep if she wakes up 1 hour after the 9pm feed?


I wouldn't like it if strangers take pictures of bb syz. For me if my relatives/friends/colleagues want to take pics it is fine with me, no need to ask. But strangers?!


Next time your hb want grandparents to play with bb when it is bedtime tell him "Oh good!!! I am sooooo tired it would be great to have them play with her and then you look after / make bb sleep after that ok? Let me rest until 6am (or whatever time is the 1st feed of the day). Love you!" *BIG KISS* and off you go to sleep.


How about leaving the items on a table and tell him to pack when he can? Think he will get them done somehow cos he was the one who wanted to go on the trip right? I know the point is to pack early so that you know what to drop or whether need to add more things so just take all the stuff and then if need to drop then easier. Let him stress about it if he can't squeeze in all the stuff at the last minute. You relax and enjoy your holiday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feel like having laksa for lunch.


haha i like ur comment on juye's grandparents part... that sounds brillant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u also going overseas hor? so many many mummies going overseas, make me so gian to go too but but i fear bringing my LO on board the plane.. what if he fusses the house down?

Hi Jasda & BBdust,

I'm bringing her to the PD later in the afternoon.. this is just one little saga on her weaning process and I'm still trying to isolate the cause..

She has always been down with flu since her 3rd month and especially so when she started in IFC. Initially, I thought it was due to me as I was falling sick myself due to lack of sleep. But her flu has never really recovered.. When she seems to be almost recovered, her flu symptoms will come back again, so I thought it's due to the air conditioning in the IFC or maybe from other babies.. She has been on flu medication like forever now.. She was even prescibed Singulair for a while but it doesn't seem to help... Recently, I've got myself a helper and have withdrawn her from IFC at end Oct.. Still, she is having these flu like symptoms..

What causes me to suspect that she is extremely allergic prone is that she started off with red rashes at the side of her mouth (about a month back when I started her on Similac Stage 2 and rice cereal). The rashes will get red after eating rice cecreal. I've changed it to HT organic rice (cannot) and even just boiled white rice (also cannot). At my PD's recommendation, I've stopped feeding her rice and put her back on Stage 1. Her rashes (although not as red) and flu symptoms remain.. But my PD also warn me not to miss the window for weaning.. so I started her with carrot puree last week.. She was okay with it on the 1st but started making retching sound on the 2nd day.. and cried on the 3rd day on seeing the puree.. So we stopped the carrot and started on potato puree on Fri.. she made the retching sound on 2nd spoon.. tsk tsk... but on Sat mng, we found that she seems to be having major diaper rash! So we stopped the potato immediately. For the whole of Sat, she was quite cranky and I thought she was just being naughty! It was much later in the evening that when I was trying to chnage her diapers and she flipped over.. her bottom was covered in this huge patch of rash!! and it's raw!!.. no wonder she was making such a fuss.. it must have been painful on contact with urine... ouch!! We basically air her butt the whole day yesterday, so it's much better but still red...

I'm now trying to find out if any babies experience with running nose and phlegm on taking FM.. and if I should consider changing FM..


no leh i am not going for another trip soon. went on road trip to Cameron Highlands and back. Next year going Penang. Hb and I plan to stick to road trips for now. Hb posted some of the Cameron pics on my FB account got lots more but he hasn't had time to do up the rest yet.


Oh your poor bb! Feel heart pain for you. Perhaps consult another pd? Try searching the forums for recommendations for pd who are good at treating allergies? Sorry I can't be of much help to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


wow ur mum is seamtress than u sud learn sewing fr her. can always approach ur mum once u meet w difficult. as for me i need to wait till next class then can ask. my mum teach me sewing technique but not drafting part. make toys from socks...good idea at least can recycle bb'ssock. beanie pillow is 1 of my to sew item but can't find suitable bean ='( bcome put aside project. mum stay w me and help me care bb. hmm...i don't quite trust ccc and maid. heard too many stories.


my family is gg on a road trip to penang later this month but but i cannot go leh cause my DH dont want to drive my bro's car and the other car is already packed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so saddddd


oh dear, poor lil darling. maybe she is allergic to the dust thats why she keeps having bouts of flu and also she wasnt fully cured in the beginning so now got remnants of it?

did u start her weaning very early?

i think like syz said, change another PD who is good for treating allergies or go for a blood test to check what she is allergy to?


I dont really mind they take photos more mind if they (strangers) touch my bb. but if i notice they take photo i will "keh keh" push bb away fr their view =P

Haiz.. I realised that now we often have mis-communication problems.. He's very stressed out at work n often bring work back home.. So most of the time, taking care of my girl doesn't involve him much.. He will get very pissed off if my girl cry uncontrollable, then he will be mad at me pampering my girl.. Cos everytime she cry, I will quickly carry her.. But that apply to his parents too.. But he will only be angry with me..

GBH: I will also don't involve him when come to packing.. Things will not be done when involved him, so might as well I do it myself..


Ha ha... where I sit in my office has no windows so I have no idea what the weather is like outside unless the thunder is really loud ;p No laksa for me cos I bought lunch from this Auntie who sells packed lunches office door-to-door. Saves me time cos I need to pump milk during lunch. My laksa craving got to put on hold [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can just call me syz. Easier to type.

Orangey: hug hug to u n bb Orangey.. He will be fine.. The other time my girl fell down, I also had a scare for few days..

*burp* ...had a full lunch...raining now ..wana hug pillows to zzz..hehe

jthan..do check with IFC on the cleanliness ..maybe lil megan has got sensitive nose???


Tink most family now also underutilized their kitchen coz mostly working parents mah. Mine coz my mum quite fussy don’t like outside food so she cook. ya sewing is really fun sometime u c nice dress but can’t fit ur size and oso bb then can sew urself. Can save $$ too but eat up lots of time la.


Mis-com usually because one or both parties stressed by other things and also differences in parenting style. Anything you can do to de-stress him when he comes home? When relaxed then discuss parenting style... need to be consistent or else when kid gets older they will learn how to play one parent against the other. Or am I thinking to far ahead??


Where do you buy the fabrics to sew your dresses? I wanted to learn to sew too but I find that it is cheaper to buy dresses than to buy fabric for the dress.

wow many mummies here is travelling w small bb in tow. impress!!! dont dare to plan any trip not even short trip. think of the to pack things already kill my thought. agree w bbdust too. wat happen if bb cry inside e plane.


wow so good got deliver to office. save time go out, look for table and queue for food. also no smelly dress. buy from chinatown..err...building name if not wrong is people park. (1st floor is food court) ya sometime buy is cheaper but some design can't fit u so got to make urself. can sew design u like w ur own choice of fabric. i do buy dress i like provided it fit me. but my intention is to sew for my girl. coz bb dress is so much more exp than adult. and they outgrow e dress v fast too. so can modify e dress if u know e basic sewing. btw i'm still learning...


$2.50 incl delivery to office? tt s cheap! weh s ur working area? mine @ somerset lunch range $4-5 sometime $10 set meal if colleague crave for it. got $3 but small portion. later hungry buy snack cost more $$. tt s y my mum sometime pack lunch for me. save $$

Hi mommies,

Talking abt packing luggage and hubby involvement, for my case I always tell my HB u just hv to bring your physical self to the airport, the rest I do. If not, things won't get done and I go bonkers, tt is all. Even our wedding day, all things done by me and my friends, he just hv to appear and do the march-in w me. Hahaha....

Hi mummies,

Hugs to Juye and GBH. LOVE syz comment to juye's hb also. but really i wonder whether her grandparents Really wanted to play with her or it was hb that presumed so. if my ILs were staying with me and wanted to play with her, then i would tell my MIL to put her to bed after playing. generally after some hiccups during the first few months, my MIL quite ok now, accept her bedtime is 8plus. i used to just leave her with them and go do my own thing if they wanted to play with her. but she is so grumpy and fussy and really no fun at all, soon they realised if want to play with her, they better come earlier. then again, my hb is the super almost-perfect type la... he will help with baby and ILs also. tho one night i complain bb cry so much he said ya-gah, i really never hear. so next night, i wake him up and say she crying. then he guai guai pick her up to rock her back to sleep. haha.

Jthan: my gal goes to IFC since 4 months also. she gets about 1 flu attack every 3-4 weeks and after that she has drippey nose for 2-3 weeks. she is totally on bm or ebm or Fbm so i understand the frequency of flu attacks are less cos of this. she also had this terrible rash on her neck that is worse on days that i put her in IFC full day. seen PD who said just got to wipe properly after feeding cos food stuff that drips there will cause allergic reaction. after i told the IFC, somehow they were more diligent in wiping and now her rash is miraculously all gone. so far rash on backside is rare and really on and off. if your IFC staff: baby ratio is not very good, then need to be more ngiow with them so they will pay attention to your baby. mine was super attentive cos they saw how bad the rash was one day then i said i bring to PD and he say must do this.

re holiday: we are going malaysia in dec and feb (cny) and bintan in jan so quite excited.


I can't leave him to pack bb luggage bcoz he won't know what to pack.. End up we will all suffer if got missing items overseas... Guys r not meticulous creatures... They will bring minimal then later when realized missing something then "orh orh!..." simple thing like getting hb to bathe gal (which he has done so many times alrdy) till date I still gotta help him get ready stuff which he forgot.. Like forgot take towel, set clean diaper on bed etc... How to trust him pack luggage??


What "bean" do u need for making beanie pillow? I used the beansprout husks... If not u can buy styrofoam beads from spotlight too to use as the filling.


No worry lah. Ur boy ok one. Today Monday Liao leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Raffles Place. The portion is average.


yes they are not meticulous. i prob misread your post. i thought you wanted him to help put the stuff into the lugguage / vacuum pack some of the items so suggested leave everything on the table then tell him all to fit in the lugguage... let him do OTOT. That way as long as nothing left on the table should be safe.

