(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


men pack bags? - just forget it - i will be angry myself whole trip not forgiving myself for not checking man!

sure something left out de.

well at least if i packed & i left something out - its my problem- but if he left something out i will be complaining the whole trip!


Haha../ complaints on our hbs.. Was wondering if guys had a forum like us, wld it be silent threads or even More hiong than us!

My hb also sleep n snore though my gal practically screaming in his ear lei. Then Iike Maddie, I'll nudge him or wake him up so tat he will settle her. Dun care u reli cannot hear or waterer... Do ur job!

Hi Mummies,

I am from the Jul thread.

I have 3 boxes of Nestle cereal to give away.

My cousin buy for me and my son who is 5.5mths old is not in time to eat it cos the cereals are for after 6mths and 8mths.

the only catch is that must finish within these 2 weeks loh cos expiry is on 12 dec and 13 dec.

i am not collecting any money, to give free if you can collect from my flat lift lobby (bukit merah)

1. Nestle Cerelac -- RIce and Mixed Vegateables ( from 6mths)12 dec expiry

2. Nestle Cerelac -- Rice and Mixed Fruits ( from 6 mths)12 dec expiry

3. Nestle Cerelac -- Rice and Chicken (from 8 mths)13 dec expiry

I just dont want it to go to waste.....

PM me if you interested. First come first serve!



beansprout husks? u means those normal red/green bean? dont scare it turn bad inside e case? styrofoam beads think its too light right?


can help canteen auntie jio business here and get commission fr her! =)


hee hee....ya mayb got fatherhood forum hor.

syzygy6: think the best way for my hubby to de-stress is to leave him alone.. hahhaa.. sometimes i will help him in his work.. so that's consider helping him to de-stress lar.. else better leave him alone.. as for different parenting style, can't help leh.. but i've already told him before when my girl is bigger, we have to be consistent in taking care of her.. right now, my hubby doesn't seems to be bothered with how i take care of my girl.. his role is only to play with her.. the others i do..

maddie: i also think it's my hubby's presumption that his parents want to play with her.. his parents actually know that my girl's sleeping time is at 9.30pm, so i don't think they will ask to play with her.. that's why i so angry with my hubby.. i make it a point that it will be me to put my girl to sleep.. no one else, except my hubby if he is willingly to do so..


U din misread my post. Ya. I need him to pack all stuff into luggage n vacuum bags n see if can fit inside luggage n also how heavy, in case we need to amend our packing list then dun do last min not so stressed mah. Also needs his input abt what to pack in case I forget too. Of course getting him involved in packing will have added benefit of him knowing what's inside so when we e there n I need him to get something, he won't give me tt "what blue pants?" kinda qn too... Can't leave all items out last night bcoz it's all on the playmat... Yes... Tts the amt of stuff we bringing... Just now packed in all those tt we can pack first n guess what? My gal stuff alrdy 19kg!!! N it's not completed yet! Still got fm n some small items! I guess it's the wet wipes tt heavy. Her stuff will occupy a full large luggage while mine n hb gotta squeeze into another one.


Not the red green bean. Tt one too heavy liao. It's the black color husks tt u remove from beansprouts? U gotta wash n sun them dry before u can use. Tt time my mother fren got a big from Malaysia for me. Got ppl help u wash/sun then they sell u. If not u gotta buy the husks from wet market n do the washing n sunning ur self. I have been using tt for my gal since birth. Won't rot if u sun it dry. Of course u can't wash the pillow after making lah. So gotta have a good cover case for the pillow in case bb dirties it. Occasionally sun the pillow too to "kill bact" n odours if any.


Moo moo time.

Just thought if this. If you're still bf and need to pump during the day, would you tell your prospective employer about it during the interview? And ask about nursing rooms etc? What if interviewer is a guy??

Orangey / Eva

Let me ask her which buildings she delivers to [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahah men need to be alone to destress... Sometimes need to sit in front of tv or comp to gather themselves together before they can switch to home mode.


Wow 19kg already? Anything that can be bought there?

morning mummies


yes, i will ask loh. unless decide to stop bf.


what you bring? 19kg liao? my 29" luggage can fit the 2 babies clothing + mine + toiletries + medicine. another one that is slightly smaller will put hubby's clothing + FM. hand carry will have laptop, my pump motor, winter clothing for the babies to wear once we reach japan. i think i will have another hand carry to put all the bottles, snack, FM, diaper bag, colouring book, colour pencil, 1 toy truck, nursing cover to bring up the plane for the 2 babies.

baby wipes and diaper, i will buy there.

Vicma - i was there late last nite abt 10pm (tot wanted go NTUC buy stuff only) but surprisingly stil quite crowded n many shops not closed yet. SO went round whole place see see look look..very happee coz lotsa restaurants there! or shld i say i see more food outlets there than retail shopping...whahhaha. but i din see Wendy's lei. prolly coz mi, Hb, n mimi 's eyelids were more than half closed liaoz! lolz


wah mimi go out so late still okie? mine can go out late but provided he is sleeping if he is awake at that time, sure cry the whole house down.

Hi Ladies

Need to check about making a passport for my son.

is it tag to one of the parents passport? what are the documents needed and how much?

been thinking of going to UK next mar. DS will be 11 mths then. don't know if it's a good idea.

should i bring? most of my friends are telling me not to bring. all said that we won't be able to enjoy ourselves.


any advise? thanks


No need to tag to parents. Can have his VERY OWN passport [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Apply online.

BBdust - Mimi's used to it. Her sleep time abt midnite kind, but we were "carriering" her..so she was ok n in fact contented, jus tat her parents back n shoulders breaking aft tat. Ur ah boi keeps to schedule kind, very good n disciplined lei! hehehhe

Staregal, we jus did ours. No need tag to parent liao. Indiv. Prolly u can go ica website. They have step by step instructions there... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


now cannot tag to parents already cause its the new passport. each child must have their own passport.

u need 1 passport photo and its 70 bucks. can apply online.

morning syz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BBdust / Celyn

Somehow I feel that employers may not be keen on hiring a bfg mom... but bo bian don't ask then join already they don't allow blah blah blah will end up miserable having to "fight" with management to continue bfg. Oh well... they don't want then will just to keep trying! Jobs are out there, just a matter of what you expect... bfg your bb there is only NOW. Sometimes i think too much... haven't send out resumes yet ;p


haha u think too much lah dear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but of coz there really are companies who dont really encourage bfg but i would rather tell them in the 1st place than having to "fight" later for it loh, not fair to them either.

I've been sending out resumes lor but to no avail leh. Alot of agents called me up but.. none arrange for interviews. So sad but then all of them tell me its not that there's no job but nobody wanna quit cause everyone waiting for year end bonus. They were all telling me that once Dec pass, I should be able to get alot of interviews. Don't knw to believe or not leh. I am so desperate to leave my current company.

Not bfg friendly (must pump in storeroom and keep got people trying to "dash" in), my dept colleague that aunty kept saying that she lugi cause I pump 10 mins every 4-5hrs and she very lugi =.= plus the worst scenario, my boss from US trying to eat my ML and my AL! Haiz...

Just received an email from him that the 5 days of leave which I brought forward not countable. WTH right? I was complaining to my Admin Manager and she asked me to talk to HR. Sibei sian oneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... If only my boss is based in local or probably a Chinese I wont be suffering so much. My boss quite "racist" in a way, even that aunty also complaining about it. Maybe I should bleach my hair blonde and give myself an ang moh name, who knows my life might be better? LOL! Alamak I still can crack joke!


it's true. v hard to find job now. think till CNY next year coz of bonus. can consider resign first and find job later.

btw how can a coy simply tell u ur leave not valid! they mus have a black & white saying leave cannot bring forward else u can fight for it. my coy if hav any changes they will inform us in advance. and oso ML leave is set by government they cannot not giv u wat...??

Orangey (jimbok)

not true no job, keep sending but best if there is recommendation of agency u should send to, its easier and to ur preference.. some agency is tied on to certain industry.

I just went for an interview with an extra of $900 more if they can match, cant match I no lugi just stay put...

as for ur ml n al, u got to find legal or previous correspondence to shoot back..

I also lost my ml previously but due to govt law, I win.

Thanks Ladies for the info regarding passport.

Recently my son I noticed that my son is more attached to his daddy. So sad. A bit jealous also.

Somemore I can no longer BF cos of the med I am taking for my thyroid problem. Double zzz. Haiz

Orangey & Chips

So both of you using agency to look for jobs? I haven't started looking yet. Yes a lot of people waiting for bonus so not leaving. I am afraid tender first then later end up no job for a while then faint! Downside is now my job need to give 2 months notice... arghhh how many prospective employers will wait 2 months for you? most of the time they need people urgently.

Eva & Orangey

Just asked the Aunty... she does go to Suntec and 4 buildings in Raffles Place. Orangey, later I will pm you the buildings.

Very evil to say this but i think... men gotta learn things the hard way. Juye, let him try making your gal sleep then he'll know how difficult it is lo.. wash your hands. go get yourself a juice and watch tv. haha.. sometimes i also buay tahan.. i wash hands lo.

Now both boys are down with flu.. aiyoh.. think the bug is flying around o..

everyone is going for hoilidays~!!! i want too!! sobz.. but the thought of having to pack the luaggage with the boys' stuffs is backing me off.. lolz.. If only.... if only... i can go on a shopping trip with my buddies!!! aaaahhhh... *dreaming mode*


taking for hyper thyroid (same as hypno thyroid?).

It made me lose my weight quite fast. Am back to pre- preg weight if not lesser.

I happy somemore. Tot that BF-ing damn steady. Can lose weight so fast. 'gua gua'.

Doc says cannot BF. I was diagnosed with the problem just last week. So stop BF for a week now. Feel sad that I have to stop cos I wanted to try to do it for a year. *sob*


I am not even thinking about a shopping holiday with friends... just trying to go watch a movie with hb alone also not possible!


oh u taking PTU then? hypno is not same as hypo.. hypo is u got overeactive thyroid glands. hypo is u got underactive thyroid glands

why doc said cannot bf? my endocrinologist said can wor.. i am still bf-ing leh and i have been on this medication for 2 years plus liao way before I preggie


taiwan taiwan taiwan.. yesterday i told DH, we go cruise want? he said cruise okie but bring ah boy is like no go cruise cause end up u will be tired looking after him so might as well stay at home cause u will be tired at home anyway and at home got maid to help so gua gua gua.

Hi BBDust, Syzygy6 & Maddie,

Thanks for your 'sayang'...

Nope, I started her weaning process after 6 months.. so she should be 'ready' as she has already expressed interest in food a while back..

I've withdrawn her from IFC since end Oct, so I can't attribute her perpetual runny nose and phlemgy chest to air conditioning..

Brought her to the PD yesterday.. PD still do not think the runny nose and phlemgy chest is due to the FM.. however, she did suggest to change the FM to Isomil and see if the condition improves.. Her rashes on her face has worsened and some is staring to look like fugal infection.. she was prescribed with anti fugal cream for the rashes on the face.. as for her butt, she was given some wash for her butt and have to air it as much as possible.. And no more puree for her for now.. Hopefully, her rashes will go away soon.. and cross fingers.. hope no major reaction to Isomil..

Thanks ladies for your input..

Exactly lah.. thats y I don't care I still take my weekly fri off which was agreed by my boss to offset my ML. In USA, they are only given 1 month of ML so which is why I think he feels abit "unfair" inside ba? As for leaves, even the local boss thinks that AL is nto an entitlement but rather a benefit so it doesnt mean that you have to fully utilize your AL but for sure, local boss wont qns why you want to take AL. You have pending AL and you taking, they just approve unless shorthanded right? Sibei sian lah


yah loh cant do my reports cause today closing so got time just browse thru birthday cakes loh hhee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] if not nxt year peak season no time to look for it liao

syzygy6 (syzygy6)

agency wil b a better choice cos if depend on newspaper no time to read wont b in time to compete with those people w/o job.

Im looking for better pay if no have I will just stay here.

actually end year is either people cant get bonus & resign or people take bonus and resign for better job.

Mummies, I am very sian... Just when I tot my maid is good, my mum told me her money is missing. Secretly searched maid rm, cannot find the money but found that she got $2 notes, today my mum searched again, the $2 notes are missing.. She insist she dun have when my parents have saw it with their own eyes. now she insist to go back to agent, but I cannot reach the agent. Wanted to send her back also cannot


Mine is the overactive one. I'm taking carbimazole which is some anti thyroid drug and propanolol cos my heart beat was going at 130+ beats per min.

yours can still bf ar. Hmm. So good.

Btw any one came to Marina Square for the Hi 5 event?

The kids are all so energetic. Cute!

Elmo havent go Bali right? She not online these few days leh. I looking for her desperately ah. Her patches returned back to me cause Singpost says recipient rejected :S

Elmooooo... ni zai ma?


Just realised the Xmas party at Ming's place is next saturday!!! i've not buy the present yet~!!! opppsseiiieee

Hopefully the boys can recover in time for it.. otherwise, i might not go le.. don't wanna risk passing the virus. =(

