(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Re bb slping,

I tried to keep her occupied n dun slp So tt she can slp earlier but no use one, she wanna slp, she will just knock out. U can see from my fb pics tt got few occasions she was so tired tt she slp in the jumperoo n bumbo seat while playing lor... I cannot control n totally dun let her slp. I can only "modify" a bit here n there So that she naps shorter n I wake her up rather than she wakes up by herself... N this requires lotsa patience n persistence which I dun have... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. Just now she slp at abt 1am plus... Tot good liao... Considered early but she woke up after 1/2 hr!!! Then just fell aslp abt 15 min ago...


I only buy Xmas pressies for church frens bcoz they usually will give pressies to us too... Also for gift exchanges for some of Mt family n frens gatherings. Ya. I buy mostly online. Store shopping is a luxury for me now. No time n no energy to do tt too. Ya. When bb naps I nap too!! I usually come in here using phone when bb is awake n playing next to me. Can't use much of laptop bcoz not that mobile plus she will be very attracted to that big object. Hp I can at least still hide from her quickly. Hahaha...

morning mummies


in the end didn't bring him to see doc cos the gp he always go is closed. going to bring him later and also buy medicine to standby for the trip. i usually will wait a while too but cos got upcoming trip so i don't want to delay any treatment if needed.


i know what you mean, when my girl want to sleep also very hard to stop her but will just have to try to drag a bit longer each time loh.

Morn mommies!

Eva - Learn sewing??wah steady...so i bet u can cook too then is a perfect xian qi liang mu oredi! Yup yup!! quite nearby but dunno wen can materalise coz everyone's so bzzzzz! lolz...

Gbh - i tink coz mommy nite owl so bb also become bb nite owl..whahahah

Celynlee - gd loh, at least HB ard to help 2day..Ah boy will be fine one!


Dunno izzit bcoz of tt bor but last time she slp early one before 12 MN def will slp liao... Now a bit haywire alrdy plus might wake up a few times maybe due to nightmares or what...

Morning mummies!

Eva: where u learn? i'm keen also lei but wonder where i'm going to find the time.

Celyn: what happen to your boy?

GBH: agree with cellow. but mine i let her nap 10-15 min between 5-7pm if she's Really tired n cranky. it gives her the boost to continue being cheerful til bedtime at 8pm. having said that i was telling my hb that my gal has NEVER fallen asleep without someone 'putting' her to sleep unlike one mummy's baby can sleep in bumbo! but yeah, day time nap beyond 3 hours i will wake her up.

XLH: the nepia is $14 per pack plus 2 free. usual if take delivery 4 packs is $15 per pack. goon was selling at $16-$18 at fair. can't remember actual price.


his 'feng mo' no more when he wakes up this morning. mon, going to check with teacher if there is something different in cc that might cause him to develop 'feng mo'.


he suddenly develop rash for 2 days in cc loh. thurs, cc call say he got rash around his neck and eye and he keep scratching. so got hubby to bring him back and see doc but doc say nothing wrong and don't know what is the cause. that night, rash all subside liao. then yesterday, cc call again and say he got rash again after his nap. when he reach home, can see his eye is swollen loh due to the rash. then again this morning, all subside liao.


Maybe the cc sleeping area is dirty or dusty? Tt y ur boy keeps having rashes when in cc?? Or he is allergic to some stuff there? Toys? Books? Balloons etc?? My fren tt time started feeling itchy after I took out some balloons for her kids to play n we later realized it's the powder on the balloons but me n her kiddos ok leh.

morning mommies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

GBH, dun b jealous of me after reading below hor :p

my gal still zz now... havent had her breakfast yet. She sleeps quite alot noawdays...morning she'll wake up at ard 7 plus, fall asleep within 30 mins after playing ard in bed (i'm lazy and tired to get up and make milk for her). From then she can zz till 10 plus or 11 (her record was 1130am). In the day, she will nap btw 30 mins to 1hr ard 2x... nite time she'll zz ard 11pm+...of cos there are nites where she's playful and wont zz till 1am. I'm glad she sleeps thru the nite (but rotating and kicking me alot)

Maddie, same same! my gal cannot fall asleep by herself (exception is in carseat and car is moving fast enough). I have to carry her to sleep till my arms quite toned liao.


I'm the one whose bb fell aslp in bumbo lor!! Usually my gal needs me to sit with her in bed while she rolls n moves abt on my big bed before she falls aslp but when she super tired she will just knock out Irregard where she is. She might cry a bit before tt if she not happy tt she wasn't given the "right condition" to slp lah. But sometimes when in good mood, she won't cry, she will just knock out...

If ur gal screams in slp tt one confirmed nightmare... Mine is will flip a bit n eh eh eh then if I quickly give her the pacifier or pat her, she will go bk to slp...


Mine is wake up 9am plus.... Drink milk, might or might not play a while. Nap again at 10am plus or 11am till 1pm. Wake up feed, play till 3-4pm. Nap 30 min. Wake , feed, play till 5-6pm. Nap usually 1hr plus. If the 3pm time nvr nap then this round will nap longer. Wakes at 7pm till 9pm plus. Might nap 30 at times. Then dong all the way till past midnight.

anyone goin meiji sale later?? can share what is on offer if u r heading there?? ...weather v hot today..Am thinking if i shld come out of my cold room to go

Good noon mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

So hot hot today sian


Hmm my boy sleep patterns quite fixed in the day one, every 2 hours must nap be it power nap or nap lasting up to 1 hour (he dun go beyond 1 hour unless I sling him walking around) then nite time zz time 8 to 8.30pm cannot go beyond 9pm will be cranky but past midnite will wake up many times be it hunger or don't knw wat reason ...


its not his first day in cc loh. it only happen during his first week in cc cos he was the youngest then and smallest size. so teacher put him at the most 'warm' area, scare too cold for him, end up he had heat rash. it was only after 1 night of sleeping in air con then i concluded that the rashes are heat rash. since then i had inform his teacher to put him at the coldest area to nap and no more rash liao.

now that its back again, i wonder what his teacher did. so shall ask about it on mon.

Re: Sleeping pattern - started sleep training late last week. Need to slowly find reasons why she not sleeping much at home. So far, the steps we take are as follows -

1) Make sure she dun drink the 9pm feed at nanny hse. Feed at home so that after the feed, she will wan to start getting ready for sleep.

2) Usually naps around 1 hr then wake up. Start to play with her around 1 hr then later start bedtime routine ie. sing song, massage, play some short games to tire her out, play with bolster string, then slowly rock her to sleep.

3) Last night is best cos slept around midnight. Woke up at 530am this morning.

4) Fed milk at 615am, went back to sleep after i pump milk at around 730am. Mummy concuss as well.

5) Baby woke up around 1015am. Bathe liao went downstair walk walk. Then mummmumm cereal at 1115am. Went back to sleep around 1215pm. Now still sleeping.. expect her to nap another time late afternoon after 4 plus 5pm feed..

Hi Mummies!

Greetings from Melbourne [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Myers had 40% off most things storewide today. Managed to pop by the store for a while so I am quite pleased. Wish I had more time though.

Xmas shopping: We are about 60% done with our shopping list. This year, I decided to shop with specific themes.For instance, I bought my cousin and her family passport holders for the whole family. The adults got leather passport holders while the kids got cute cartoony ones.

Vicma: Sorry, we want to come for the Bday party but can only transfer $ to you when we are back next Sunday.

Off to bed now. Longish road trip tmw to Yarra Valley. Hope the little one makes it with minimal fuss. She was an angel on the flight up thankfully. Hope our luck holds [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shit, my boy just fell down from my bed. I really have no idea how he fell but I heard him crying and i ran back to my room to see him stucked inbetween my bedside table and my bed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He kept crying and crying but after a while managed to calm him down. He is now playing with his toys and can smile at us. We took something to see if he is following and he does follow the object. Shall I bring him to KKH?

Ming8110 - Have a fun fun time wif bb Ming in Aussie land! Take more pics yeah!

Orangey - *Hugz* BB Orangey would be fine...dun worry too much k. Its jus tat we parents see oredi will feel simtia..Dun tink need go KKH, jus monitor first 24 hrs if no vomiting, fever, intense drowsiness, loss of appetite then shld be alrite. 2ml will be another bright n cheery day for BB Orangey!

Morning mummies.... Any PD open today ah? Ours is not. I need to bring both boys. One runny nose, the other blocked. >.<|||

Haiz.. he is behaving normal now and very active but then he doesn't seems to want to eat his cereal and his milk leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But other than that he looks perfectly fine. No orh ba ka.. no bruises.. no injury no baluku..

My mom says the bedside table "cushioned" the fall so my baby actually slide down instead of falling directly thats why he was stuck in between my bed and bedside table. Dunno lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

helo mummies...manage to look in now. yesterday lst minute went expo. bought mat for bb fr small*2 world as recommended. thanks mummies esp bbdust& vic_ma. no time to go all booths coz went quick late and didnt c any giv out free cereal.


cc got make toy class too


hee hee...me not good in cooking. mum &hb cook most of e time.


ya no time. sometime skip class but lucky got replacement class by teacher.

gbh, sgsc&maddie

i learn sewing in sengkang cc. $60(passion mem) for 2 1/2hr*10 lesson. learn sewing bcoz wan to make dress for bb. btw so far not yet sew any for her coz bz w my own dress. my mum guide me @home also. it's fun but really provided got xtra time.


glad to hear bb is fine. my bb also fall fr bed 2 weeks ago but lucky my mattress is on the fall so the fall impact is not too big. ur bed is very high fr floor? my mum oso said no need go doc jus need to monitor 1st.


curious bout ur nick name. hee hee y bbdust??

I also have a pillow blocking my boy but I think either he wiggled and push it off or he fell down together with the pillow. My pillow quite heavy though. Anyway he's jumping, yelling, playing now. My mum says he is ok cause no baluku..


sayang your heart.... has it stopped beating fast fast already? mine shivered for days after C1's first fall.

advice needed

if a teenage gal (a stranger) whips out her hp and starts snapping pix of your precious, wat would you do?

after church today, i ws at the canteen having a mid morning snack. maid ws carrying C2 trying to rock him to sleep. later i saw 2 teenage girls and their mother making cooing noises at C2, but they werent doing any harm so i just let it be. anyway they came over to C1 later and made the appropriate 'oh so cute, oh the brothers look like each other' comments.

later today, maid told me that the whole interaction started when the younger gal took out her hp and started to take pix of C2. call me anal, but i dun like non family members just anyhow tk pix of C2 w/o my prior permission lor. but it wsnt me who ws carrying C2 at that time...

so mummies, wat would you say to the teenage girl if it were you?

Hello mommies...sianz..sun nite liao...

Dazz - Hope ur bois r fine nw...tink sun hard to find PD. If really urgent better to find GP first!

Orangey - phew....;p

Celynlee - Gd tat u found the source of the prob! no need ponder oredi...I haven go down yet.. will prob drop by any weekday next week. Ya, see lotsa cars in/out there got traffic warden too, but prob wen all shops fully open sure worse. sigh

Eva - Lucky u! HB can cook...my kitchen got everything but under-utilised until stove got dust on top! hhaaa..sewing clothes for ur gal sounds so awwww...can sew for mimi too???!!! lolz...jus kidding la...no stress ;p

I need to complain again.. Think this is the platform for me to complain since I can't do it over FB..

My hubby is angry with me not letting my girl play with his parents just now.. It's already way past my girl's sleeping time when we reached home, so I quickly changed her, gave het milk n try to make her sleep.. Yet my hubby still wants me to bring my girl out to let his parents play with.. His parents came back later than us n when my girl is drinking milk.. Hello, don't he know that if my girl missed her sleeping time, it will be so difficult for her to sleep n she's already very cranky.. still want my girl to play with her grandparents first.. I really had a difficult time getting her to sleep just now lor.. Normally will only takes abt 10-15mins, just now took nearly 40mins lor..

Sometimes really very mad with my hubby over different parenting style.. He doesn't help much already n yet he wanted to create more problems for me.. Now he doesn't want to talk to me.. Petty guy...

Cellow - i also super anal like u...hw can anyhow take pple's pic w/o permission. If i see i would go over say "Ay excuse mi y r u taking his/her pictures and using my hand to block off the lens at the same time" n listen to wat they have to say...if they jus say..ooh so cute jus wanna take a shot...i would then politely decline.

Juye - hugs hugz...men can be even more petty than women one. Jus leave him be then 2ml morn everything will be fine again! else if stil angry tell him "she cant sleep u coax her to bed ah?"


i also dun like strangers to take pics of my bb w/o my permission so u r not considered anal abt this... who knows what this gal will do with the pics??? even if she is just innocently appreciating ur boy's cuteness n meant no harm... there r lotsa ppl out there who will abuse other ppl pics... n u nvr know whether this gal will have the common sense to know tt if she shares the photo with her frens right?

if i were there, i will straight away stop her and if she has alrdy taken the photo, i will ask that she delete the photo right in front of me and show me that she has indeed deleted it... i guess my reaction like this will probably set the gal thinking twice the next time she wanna take other ppl pics too....


sounds fun with the sewing class... tooo bad i got no time to go learning sewign from cc... i got no help with bb... whos takign care of ur bb when u go to attend class??

i know how to sew a bit thru reading those sewing books lor... so far i only made the beanie pillow and the case for my gal with some guidance from my mum... she used to be a seamtress last time when me n my bro were younger... also made some pillow cases for my sofa throw pillows... hahaha... all very simple one... recently im making the covers for those big bean bags for sitting... i have one big one and going to make that into 2 smaller ones for kiddos... only managed to complete one so far... hahaha... took me donkey years to finish one thing... i would love to learn how to make soft toys from socks... very cute n classic toys for bb...


i was abt to say same thing as you!

"I need to complain again.. Think this is the platform for me to complain since I can't do it over FB.. "

pissed with hb too... was supposed to pack bb's luggage for the trip today n we had a long day so came home alrdy quite late but no time liao (leaving sg in abt a week) so gotta really sort out her stuff n see if all can fit into luggage or not... so i took out all the stuff on a list tt i prepared very long ago n then from there see gotta make amendments bor... lay all the clothings n wet wipes n stuff on her playmat n checking off the list... by right, hb supposed to keep all those that we not using daily into those vacuum bags n then pack into luggage liao... n guess what? it was getting late n he told me he wanna slp alrdy... i was and still pissed now bcoz yes i know he needs to work tmr and it really gettign late liao (wee hours) but we have no time alrdy... each day he comes home around 8pm and gotta settle gal n have dinner n he settle down by then he will also tell me tired wanna slp... then how? no need to pack???!!! actually i was contemplating to ask him to take leave tmr and lets get all things done once n for all but i know he sure will get pissed by my this suggestion so i just kept this thought to myself

plus u alrdy know this task is not going to be a 5 min thingy, if u wanna slp early tonight, then tell me from the beginning that we do this another day lah! now then u tell me not packing after i gathered all items from different places???!!! pissed bcoz i gotta go put bk all the stuff into the respective places bcoz i cant lay them all out on the playmat like tt... and thru'out while i was takign all these out and doing stock take, he only needed to look after gal and carry her once in a while if she cries (he was watching tv at the same time)... pissed!!!! he din even participate much abt whats need to bring n whats not req... i gotta keep asking him while he watched his tv! waste my time and energy!


re ur case, did ur hb know u not willing to let ur ILs play with gal bcoz she needs to zzz? or theres a misunderstanding? meanign u show him black face but he might be clueless as to y and in return he showed black face?

morning mummies


when i do packing for our trip, i never involved hubby cos he will be clueless too. i just gather what i think is need and show him before i put all into the vaccum bag. not really to ask permission but to show him that's all i'm bringing. not enough, please say so now. i'm leaving on thurs and i'm not 100% pack yet.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


why bbdust ah? hmm want to spread the bbdust to my friends loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

