(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Tiny Bubu,

Congrats to u...So productive that every yr 1 bb...very tedious for ur body so do take care ya...


Piglet - i also peifu u wan #2 so fast. I stil feel breathless tinking of the whole process n mainly the aft birth journey. NO REST!!!

Wendees - They r v v active now. Gotta guard them like a hawk, else will sim tia tia for us.

Piglet, I'm so scared of adults bed now. Can't leave my boy there alone. hahaha... looking at my playmat, I also will say siao to put in the car. Cos my car boot has got the pram.

Violet, my exersaucer rented one. Rented jumperoo. But this mummy got sian of it wanted something else. Which brand is your Activity center?


R u serious that u want #2 so fast??

My hb & I plan to try to conceive next May so that we can have #2 in 2012 (Yr of Dragon)...

Yday my HB nearly broke my gal's neck. He reached out for her with both hands frm her back to lie her down. She arch her head backwards like gonna drop down then tat instant i heard a "craigggg"..my heart stopped beating. Tot her neck twisted n waited to see her expression. No crying! But stil worried, coz first time see/hear tat. Thruout the nite, she been waking up screaming in tears like every 15 mins....tink she shifted position whilst sleeping then somehow touched on her raw nerves n she cry lor...gonna observe. Dunno will cause perm damage to her neck anot. So pissed off wif HB. Told him i will not forgive him if anything happens to her.


I hope for #2 cos now still fertile so think better try lor as such things not say if u want u will get it one. But DH say NO!!! I thk he is stress too. Plus I only like got few years to try liao so cannot delay 'This Project' any further!!! LOLz.

Btw Mummies, jus any updates:

RE: Baby Boy who fell from sofa

Got more details fr DH and he said that day when the BB boy fell, the mum was turning 1 side to get his milk bottle to feed him and the next second she heard a loud thud!

Though now the bb boy is awake, he can't drink milk on his own. He has to be fed thru tube. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] & the mum has to work half day from now on. I am not sure how serious is it and dun dare to ask too.

Hope all is well for him.

creative baby.. bought from spring at $99.. simple and effective.. manage to eat my breakfast n lunch today by putting him in it today..


you power leh. i will just let them crawl on the floor if we are not at home and go house visiting. can't be bother to tranport so many things around. when they really know how to crawl, they will eventually crawl out of the play mat unless got play yard to block them. so do you have a set of play yard at each place?

haha..baymic - piglet cant wait to be xingma x2, then x3,x4,5,6....hehehehe

Violet - wats the diff betwn the rainforest n precious planet one? latter more toys to play wif issit?

Piglet - Mi mi!! n bb mimi..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually dunno go there do wat lei..issit all mommies n bbs line up on stage then the judges go round see see? hahah...so weird but exciting hor?!! Gonna volunteer my HB up instead.

Oh dear! Piglet, I feel so sim tia for your fren's bb.

my heart already shattered once, Cannot take anymore blows.

Thanks violet, probably will take a look at it.


Any swell on your gal's neck? I always nag at my hubby to carry my gal properly and to support her back with the other hand too cos now she likes to arch her way through. Then he will say my mum nags at me and i in turn nag at him over this. Sigh.


Actually I want no. 2 fast also but really "EX EX EX" so gotta aapostpone a bit lor. But I thk better dun have #2 to be born in Year of Dragon cos when u register him for P1, u gotta have BIG HEADACHE!!!!

Wendees & Mummies,

Me too. So we must be very very careful.

Piglet - lolz on "the project"..little piglet's project. But y'only got few years to try"??? u gao ling can fu mah?

So sad for the parents n poor boi. Will pray for them.

Ok mommies, bringing mimi go see her eye dr liaoz. Hope nothing too serious. Chat ltr!


wow ur hb is so careless...Poor gal...Must sayang sayang her this sun...U r going there too ya...See u...

Ya,I guess Piglet wants to be xingma so that she can be SAHM to look after her bb...

Piglet hor?? Got money, still can spend more time with ur lil ones...

sg gc, play yard is just for my place only. Want to contain him after he returns home from ifc in the evenings, while I have my dinner or if I prepare stuff for him.


Not xingmaX2, X3 ....lah. This time round just find my gal lucky only. Maybe that photoshoot is the 1st and the last! Cos I find her looks more and more like ah boy! LOLz.

Yeah see u on that day ya. I also dunno how is it gg to be like. No agenda, not sure of dresscode too.

I PM u my contact later so that when there we can call each other! ;p


hope your friend's son get well real soon.

don't worry about having #2 in the year of dragon. he/she will follow #1's school when its his/her turn so no issue with p1 registration mah.

Piglet - saw ur post decided to respond b4 i ciao. heheheh...Dunno yet coz haven picked my gal up frm mum's home. Will check later lor. I v v worried nw. n im soooo late coz appt is at 2.20pm!!


no worries coz if my boy goes to an unisex pri sch, then the sibling can automate to go in the same sch one...so we r not so worried abt this issue...I plan to be part time teacher or volunteer for the school for my boy when he turns 5 yrs...at least got 2 yrs efforts,hope that the school will let my boy go in automatically...


I am not gao ling can fu yet. But 4 more years to go! Now 'AUnty' liao. By then will be 'Lao Aunty' liao. Wahaha.


If i got chance to be Xingma also gotta see if DH agreeable or not. As long as it is good exposure and not too taxing on bb, i thk should be ok. But of course I will not expose her once she is of schooling age. ;)

To me, difficult and cannot be SAHM in SG as everything we gotta 'Pay And Pay'!


maybe you can call and check up with the school on this volunteer work thing. some school will interview and select volunteer ones. some even volunteer also doesn't guarentee a place in the school and still need to ballot for it.

wendees, PMed u

i think i'm the only one going but not joining ah? haha...cant stay so long ah, and wun be there so early i guess coz D sleeps the best in the mornings


YES better call and check. the really really popular schools will tell you they want a specific skill set like diploma in children eduction and SAHM. schools also operate 5 days now, just like workplace. and hor, they take you in, doesnt 100% gtee a place.

5yo may be too late. you can try calling when ah boy is abt 2yo.


*blink. a bit kua zhang not able to leave bb alone on playmat surrounded by playyard? i do that all the time. the playyard is plastic. so wont hurt too much. C2 "TIMMMM-BEEEEEEERR"s all by himself smtimes and laughs sm more. bth him.

and.... sorry if this offends... smhow bb picks up on parents' kan cheong spider mode. if he falls on the playmat, and you go OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO and act like big disaster, then he will also pick up on your mood and cry like no one's biz.

*passes you liang teh* guess his falling off the bed really traumatised you.


sayang sayang. no point scolding HB... he most likely also feels bad... just tell him to be more careful nx time.

keep this for ref: Bao Kang pediatric tuina. at bukit merah central. 62719118. C1 (i forgot how now) twisted his left wrist while playing when he was less than 1yo. massaged already then ok. best to make appmt.

Dear mummies,

Regards to the Baby show,

so far any ppl had called u all up?? I am waiting for them to call me to say what we suppose to do & dress our bb as...

Hi all,

Wow, we are now talking abt primary schools? I was just thinking about checking out the nursery schools when I am on leave in Dec. Don't want to think about primary schools yet. Although I must say that when we were househunting, we made it a point to only view properties which were near good schools. Better resale value [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baymic, you sure you want a dragon baby ah... it will be baby boob that year wor.. just thinking about school enrollment i scared. But since it's 2nd bb not so bad right? Can enroll same school as kor kor?


no worries, not offended lah.. what I meant was he's still not very strong sitting for too long, gets tired easily in the evenings. Yesterday he fell backwards onto the playmat, most likely hit the back of his head. But I checked should be fine.

that day, #1 was watching Tom & Jerry. then suddenly this thought came to me. i do have Tom & Jerry at home too. will they fight like the show? #1 is rat and #2 is tiger (cat family). :p

funny you, celyn.

then mine will def fight like Tom and Jerry too. *grin*

C2 is already more feisty than C1. maybe bcz we tell C1 not to beat C2 or otherwise bully him. budden hor... needs to work the other way round also. C2 cannot provoke C1.


good good. as long as everything is fine.

okie. last pump session of the day then i need to scoot.




just pour hot water in lock n lock n then put bottles inside like that can meh? i mean considered sterilized? then i gotta bring a long a super big lock n lock? bcoz im using avent big fat bottles leh... sigh... i wish im cow so no need bottles... just nn....


the playmat is just nice for bb to crawl but my gal prefers the bed to the mat... she only starts to crawl on mat recently... prev she only does tt on the bed... i guess she dun like the hardness of the mat...


i think i will be ks, bring sterilizing tablets, compact steriliser n the playtex drop-ins... hahaha.. my fren told me she thinks i will hate the sterilising tablets bcoz of the strong chemical smell...

yes... go n test! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i wanna ask if anyone bb will cry after finishing milk? mine will cry when theres no more milk in her bottle... but she is drinking 210ml now n my small sized gal tummy looks so big after the feed.... i dun dare up her milk intake... only abt 2 weeks ago up from 180ml...

