(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


we are suppose to go rd trip end of this mth with my family but the thot of bringing baby hmm better not loh... scared he makes a big fuss or something muahah.. so i think nxt year then we go


maid maid maid issues again... she go and paste stickers in my kitchen. yes, those nemo & fishes (cartooney) stickers in my kitchen. Ask her why, she say no other place corz that sticker only stick on tiles. I told her yesterday, pls shift the stickers to BbZ's cupboard. I don't want my kitchen to be kiddish and also, don't want the stickers to trap oil and dust.

Instead of shifting that, she go and used other stickers, of which, those that my hubby used to decorate photoframes to put our kids' photos on BbZ's cupboard.

When i saw it last night, buay tahan liaoz. Told her off. And guess what? This morning "ba gong" lo... 7.45am her room door still close. Never even come out to take over bb or say good morning. KNS.. attitude siah. Don't make me deduct her salary. =X

charismama, ah? Your gynae allow you to close factory ah? Mine don't allow lo. =(

bbdust, you read what i posted.. u say is it she chut pattern again lo? buay tahan.


did you tell her to paste the stickers? why she so weird got and take the stickers to paste herself if yes. must make it a point that they cannot touch bb's stickers without mdm's permission.

tok her head for not waking up till 745am.... this is the kind of bhvr that will make me send her back to agent for a good scold (or scrub, as they say in one of the chinese dialects)


i went to count those in storage. yes got at least 12 there. but w/o caps.

NOOOOOOOOO WWAAAAAAAAAY i m having 4 or even 3 kids. i m done w having my own children, can have goddaughters to buy pretty dresses for (heh). finito. period. full stop. the end.

yes where ws i? so yes you can have the bottles. whenever we next meet.


you need a super kao POT of coffee then. like me. C2 wakes up 3x last night. thankfully i m sort of recovered. he quite dong shi.... mayb he knew i ws sick the past 2 nights, only woke up once.

cellow, my MIL bought the stickers for TodZ to play with. No, i did not ask her to stick the stickers. She did it herself. For that, i did not blame her but only asked her to shift the stickers to BbZ's cupboard and that's the kind of attitude i get. Haiz.. Am i too nice to her?


YES! you are too NICE!

the stickers are for her to play with meh. TodZ decides where to stick them. not her.

HMMMMMMMPH at the attitude.

and to add onto the rampage... since i m on a roll here....

is this HER house? that she anyhow decides WAT to take and HOW to position the things.

if you speak like this to her with the emphasis on the words in bold ah... can let me know the effect later? no need to shout. just speak very firmly.

compound it by complaining abt her to the MIL. see if that would set off another round of scolding by the MIL for taking the stickers that MIL bgt for grandson to play with, and maid is the one who plays with them.

that. has the added adv of bringing MIL to the same side as you also *wink


oooh congrats on finishing the first box of cereal!

i rem i took a photo for C1.

just started on the first box of cereal for C2. this is the second week already.


however good the attitude, also must rem she is the maid, not a family member. mine ah. last night C1 pushed sm jigsaw pieces under the sofa. so after he slept, i used umby to fish them out... wow the amt of dust that came out. i took broom and dustpan, swept up the dust and left it there for her to keep (she ws off doing smthing else). when she came to it to keep, i stopped her and asked did you sweep under the sofa. she said YES. i gave her the look. she still held eye contact wor (good rite). i din shout. i simply said v firmly, you must sweep the floor thoroughly bcz C2 is crawling already. she answered me, yes mdm and that ws the end of the conversation.

no matter how good how good the maid, must rem this is still jst a job to them. bt tis my family and my house and my life. so naturally my std is higher. must tell them off EVERY single time they are caught in the act.

stupid Mr C!!!! left the freezer door ajar when he took bread out this morning. luckily i m wfh today so discovered it early. heng minimal damage just 2 packs of milk needs to b thrown.


Yeah! See u on Sunday!


RE: Dragon & Tiger BB

This is what I am afraid lor. Scare not compatible wor.


My house got no PIGs leh! LOLz. Only horses and tiger. ;)

Help, help!

Anyone knws why pump suddenly no suction?

I'm using medela mini dual now now wana pump but got sound no suction!

I duno how to use hand express, die liao lah.. 爆奶 liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I checked the tube, bottle, funnel everything liao. This morning still okie de, haizzz..How to TONG till 5pm? 12 hrs no pump.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Yes yes I want! If you don't need them then give me okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Heheh~


Your nick got pig ma! Indirectly also pig so also good combination! Heheh~

Re: Dragon

I think I read lah.. I think lah hor.. Dragon not compatible with Tiger but I feel that for BB hor.. don't too bantang over it?

During pregnancy, I've got 1 colleague who go loud that bb will be Tiger bb lor. Was telling me tiger yr not good to have babies etc and she was TTC so when she realised that if she really strike would be a tiger bb she decides to hold on to the TTC but then you know de.. 人算不如天算, she got pregnant also and gave birth in Aug.

My mum was telling me try for Dragon bb too! Hehe~

i bring water from singapore cos i dun trust overseas water. LOL. anyway mine is a short trip only [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gg tis wkend.


hee when i assemble already use my hands to touch loh so also like not sterilise too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and it doesnt touch the milk so shld be okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi elmo,

call Medela Service Centre.

Address: 81 Toh Guan East #03-01 Secom Centre Singapore 608606.

Tel: 6562 6298.

Mon-Fri 9am to 5.30pm.

Sat 9am to 12pm ...


C2 very dong shi wor.. Know mummy sick, dun want to disturb her. good boi.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


try to google how to hand express? doable one.. Once I forgot to bring out the valve and had to try hand express for the first time too. Hands will be very tired lah but better than 爆奶.


no problem. Later I get from my hb. When you want it? By mail or?


Is mini dual electric operated? I m using Medela PIS advanced. U have to check valve, membrane, connector parts whether there is any crack or hole. Else a small crack will affect the pressure of the suction.

The staff will help you to check the pressure...


Hehe thanks! yes by mail ok? I pay you postage [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

don't says dont want postage ah.. must let me pay postage okay!


The orginal box no more le, cos that time I call and ask the service centre they want you to bring the box/warrenty card then will do..

The membrane got a small hole but now it's both side no suction, last time membrane got hole but the other side still got suction!


I duno how to use hand express leh..


when parts wet i also pump before, I think my milk got back flow to the tube so motor kana

(this morning eyes on lappies so didnt know got back flow a not but usually will got weird sound when milk goes into the motor mah)

SUAY, SUAY, SUAY! Sat going to be 姐妹 now pump spoil if use single pump need to pump 40mins where got time? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My hub SIAO one told me pump spoiled then STOP BF loh!


even no warranty also can bring down to service centre. no problem. U just bring the whole bag, parts, milk bottle down n let them do a function check.

Btw is your motor working? if motor is fine, then hv to check your parts.

After sterilise u hv to shake off excess water from the pump n also hv to be careful dun let the water flow from tube to motor! But some water flow into tube is fine! If tube got water, hv to shake or use pump to blow out or just it dry under air con or overnite.

Last mth, 1 of my tube genna milk flow into the tube. I quickly took a cab n went down during lunchtime to the service centre n changed both tubes cos my tube old liao (used for no. 1 in 06).

To prevent water enter tube, shake off excess water from part. (meaning after assemble all parts, then shake). I dun use hands to assemble after sterilise. I wil assemble 1st then sterilse whole thing.


by default the membrance will have a hole?

The service centre can still help you to service but will double charge you the service fee. Same as unit bought from overseas.

BBdust & Orangey,

Initially I also quite pantang one. Ever tell my gf that I dun wanna have baby in year of Tiger and there is my Lovely YH. I din plan for this at all.

So now I tot if Dragon yr have #2 then schooling all problem and scare 生肖 incompatible. 'Skali' accident happen to me again to have a bb dragon! (^~^")


function checking no need to pay any $. if service motor, then tats another thing. why dun u go down for a check, maybe not motor problem.. they r experienced n know what to do.


Will call the centre to ask later, got to rush like mad they close 5:30pm right?

Lucky my office near to the service centre if not take plane also cant reach before 5:30pm liao

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no problem. if not, i think u can go mums n babes at united square but not sure they service check like e one at Secom centre. but better get it done fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aiyoh.. the postage not a lot lah.

You pm me your addy, ok? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last min tell me to attend meeting at 3pm. so got to moo moo now. if not, don't know meeting till what time. but no matter, will excuse myself at 430pm to go home. :p


Thanks! Wah can say 不辛中的大辛 imagine dec went bali for holiday pump spoil there, I sure die one cos #2 dun wana latch liao! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

鸟不生蛋的地方 got money also cannot find pump! Hahaha...


piglet08 (piglet08)

both fierce zodiac sign.. sekali they compatible and join force bully u hahaa.. u wat zodiac ?

alamak actually fated no need to purposely choose a zodiac sign.. olden days they giv birth like lay eggs where got bother so much.

