(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

bb compatibility,

龙争虎斗, my sis bil n bb

my house got 3 rats n 1 tiger(my boy) they cn play until my boy laugh without nobody business.

2 dragons(my sis n bil), my boy cn sense their presence when they abt to come he will 'pretend' in deep slp... Nt sure if coincidence, bt alwys like tat n he dun smile with them.. My boy quite easy to smile bt jus wun smile when see them.



not true not true! you might have started ovulating this month then you bd and striked lottery so af no chance to visit!

Damn pissed off with this person from another forum. She is selling 12 similac glass bottles (labels scrubbed off) with caps for $2 each so total $24.

I asked her if I were to buy all 12 could she give a discount.

Her reply: "Aiyoh, $24 for all 12 of them are already very cheap."

Don't know why her reply made me so pissed off. If you don't want to give a discount just say "I'm sorry but this is the lowest I will go" or something like that.

I remember experienced mommies from this forum telling us that it is only worth buying if the price is about the same as the cost of the caps right?

Anyway, this is my reply to her:

"If you do not wish to give a discount then you could simply decline politely. Whether it is cheap or not is relative. To me it is not worth the price as there were mummies who have sold me these same type of bottles as a much lower price and I already have extra caps purchased from Mt A at $7.60 for 10.

Thank you anyway for your reply."

Would you have gotten pissed with her? Or has the market rate changed so much that $2 is considered cheap now? Or I should not be asking for a discount in the first place (she did not state in her original post that "requests for discounts will not be entertained" or something to that effect)?

I was telling myself to ignore and move on but I couldn't stop myself from replying [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] shoots she reply might just reply and make me more pissed off!

Or should I just go delete my post?

Hai yo... you see lah... agonize over such trival stuff... this is the kind of thing my hb cannot tahan about me.

Baymic/Wendees/Piglet/Lynn/GBH - okie, later i PM u all my contact. Once reached liaoz we April mommies can all join forces ya. Let our powers combine!!! :D but they din mention tat they'll call mi lei...tink no dresscode la. Anything tat u like!

Piglet, we shld be abt the same age, but depends on hw many kids u wan. If 3 or more, then of coz betta #2 soon else no energy keep up wif the kids. If 2 enuf, then stil can spare few more yrs..for mi, i jus noe i need a break first! not tinking so much..

Baymic - yalor yalor...passive income as xingma..heheheh

Ming8110, same lor. u mommies serious ah? so fast toking abt P1?? tok i was jus reading abt CCC couple days back?? ;p

Wendees - *pat pat* i understd hw u feel...can fall on any part of body but not the small head lor...scared will affect development, esp nb wen their heads still soft.

Cellow - Dunno whether Hb feels bad anot. He was so soundly asleep last nite though bb screamed! i had to pinch him awake...no kidding...then he tried to look worried wen i told him my concern while i pacified her. I turned ard awhile later, he was soundly asleep again man...sigh...luckily she seems fine now. Tks for the Tuina...will definitely archive this coz my HB quite gu lak one...*touch wood*

Syz - whahhaa...honestly speaking i also feel $2 for one bottle is daylight robbery lei!! the bottles r practically FOC, only the caps which we can get at abt 70cts each? Labor for removing the labels dun need be $1 bah!!! hahah...u've said ur pc, jus forget it n move on if she rebutts.

Luckily my gal no cockeye..the opthalomogist (pardon the spelling) says she's perfectly fine. Thank God! Then on way back, we said the Dr shld pay us instead for giving him n his nurse free entertainment. My gal was so cheerful n happy to hear him explaining n shining the flash into her eyes man. Started giggling n smiling all the way...hahha..n v obedient too...the Dr was pleasantly surprised n so were we! :D

Btw, jus a few shines here n there n a few silly laughs cost us $100+ for consultation. But my mum said at least buy the assurance lor...yippee!!


Thanks. Still in office!!! Sigh waiting for bosses to finish meeting cos have documents that i need them to sign.


Glad that I'm not the only one thinking it is exp. ok ok will let it go.

How come brought her to see an opthalmologist? Thought it was about her neck?


no no. no af doesn't mean not fertile. you still can ovulate loh. don't play play if you don't want accident to happen. :p


its daylight robbery loh. you pay me $1 can liao, i got nicely clean glass bottles and plastic caps though not similac one, its the slim type. :p joking only. hahaha..... for preloved glass bottles with caps, max i will pay is 70 cents each.


glad that your girl is fine. pay for an xin loh.


R your similac bottles the same as the hospital glass bottles? Aiyoh, didn't know you wanted bottles, I gave my glass bottles (mamex) away for a pack of wet wipes. Could have given mine to you.


my boy cries after 180ml milk too, usually it's not enough. But depends, sometimes it's ok, sometimes he can continue sucking even though it's empty, so I think it's not enough. I think if your gal can drink, let her drink more. That's my rational, cos this mummy wants baby to be chubbier :p

Last weekend, hub and I brought baby for a hotel stay, I was prepared to use lock-n-lock container to sterilise my bottles and pump with hot water. Hehe... my hub asked housekeeping and they do have steriliser and it's Avent! No need to use my lock-n-lock.


tis the aiyoh that will set me off.

i will also get v pissed and prob respond the same way you did. $2 per not worth la.

*passes you super kao liang teh*

hope you are home already! i go dig for my glass bottles, count how many and find a way to pass to you ok. i realise that i wont use them after using the normal ziplock bags / slimline milk trays.... anyway need to set them free after 7mo of non usage.


erhmmmmm. ah niang here is an example of irregular AF after tbf C1 till 14mo and C2 - tadah - was made! so if you want to defer another one, dun play play.


your mum is right, you pay for peace of mind. most welcome! hopefully you never have to go to pediatric tuina.


hmm liddat then mummy and C2 not compatible liao. BUT i dun believe in this *shrug*


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i knew my hot water in box mtd too simple for you. you need to fill enuf water such that got steam, then take out when the water is cooled down to around room temp. agak agak la.

210ML and not enough!!!!

*scratch head* i just upped C2's intake to 150ml per feed, 4x during the day, latch in morning n evening.


congrats to you...u are very power...I one kid already half dead liao...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust I din rec the xmas details..


very nice but dunnoe real thing nice or not..

hi mummies,

i just tried using the playtex dropin system to test run for the trip... aloy... so confusing.. apparently they got 2 set of measurement readings on the nurser (bottle)... one for drop-in... the other for expandable drop-in... now im using the liners tt come with the nurser... so dunno if its which one... but i bought the expandable refills... but i think the one tt comes with the nurser is the expandable one bcoz that is the closest to other readings when i used my avent bottle as a measuring guide though the readings r still slightly bigger than the avent one... the other set of readings is totally off...

i put 150ml of water in my avent bottle and poured into the playtex one n it read slightly lesser (abt 10ml difference) in the playtex one... initially i used my measuring cup to measure the "150ml" filled in the playtex one.. also shows up as slightly more than 150ml when i poured out into my measuring cup... so i guess the playtex ones the "cutting" bigger... sigh...


Hahah next time when you don't need those bottles then you let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yes they are the glass bottles from hospital. It's ok lah you made that mommy happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is this immediately after her rice cereal/puree? Or some time after her solids? Could it be you've replaced one of her feeds with solids so she wants more milk for the other feeds to maintain her milk intake for the whole day?


Yes yes yes I think it is the "aiyoh" that set me off! Thanks for the liang teh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cooled down already. Don't you want to keep your bottles for no.3 & no.4 (cos you have 3 siblings :p)? When you don't need them anymore I'd be happy to takeover in exchange for $ or wipes etc [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I only know Pig mum/dad if have tiger bb very good. Only came to know when pregnant then everyone around starts to says "eh good leh.. pig mummy and tiger bb is the best combination" I think must be influenced by Fann wong's fengshui shifu cause the shifu ask fann and christopher to have tiger bb cause both of them pig ma..


Your girl small size? No leh.. she looks tall to me! Definitely not small size and wow she drinks 210ml! If only my bb orangey drinks that much for every feed!


the milk feed is the "full feed"... so shld not be hungry after the milk one... or not enuff one bcoz her tummy so big after the feed... i really dun think i shld up to 240ml.. and i din give her the milk after she start crying for milk leh... i see that timing abt there for milk liao so i make some for her lor... sometimes in btw feeds i got latch her but i usually dun count the latch as a full feed bcoz i feel tt my ss not high... i treat my latch more like a in btw feeds as something like we drink water like tt...


ya.. my gal considered small size.. she is tall only... her wt usually at the 25 percentile.. ht is 75 percentile... her last wt at pd was i think slightly above 7kg only... thats abt 2 weeks ago... i est her current wt at most 7.2kg?

BB Dust: Thanks for sending out the emails [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

HJ / other mummies who have travelled with their babies: I know it is not advisable to use mineral water to make milk for our babies but on the airplanes, all the water they serve is mineral water, how do you get water to make milk on board the plane? I don't think we are allowed to bring our own water due to restrictions on liquids? Need to know as we will have to feed my daughter at least once on the flight.


the milk is not necessarily after cereal feed (assuming given some time ago)... in fact almost all milk feeds when she finishes, she will cry (irregard last feed was milk or cereal)... then i must distract her for a short while before she forgets abt it then stop crying... only got rare times, she wont cry n just drop the bottle on her own n then quietly play by herself...

My boy also small size [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Grandma (MIL) keep giving me stress!


If not wrg, they will go light on the fluid restrictions when traveling with a baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also wonder abt tt issue when onboard... i wonder if can bring aboard the distilled water bought when after we have crossed customs??? if can, then at least i will buy say 2 bottles n bring onboard lor...

Celynlee/Cellow - Tks tks! yes grumble but actually am very relieved...:D

Orangey - wat abt Pig grandparents wif tiger bb? ay gam anot? hahaha...tink also can maybe coz is 1st grandcxhild in family! lolz


thanks for the info! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i just asked my pilot fren abt the water onboard... he said dunno if its distilled but it's boiled though... just now asked a flight crew... think he shld know better... see if he replies me bor..

Ming ... I brought my own water up. No restriction when it comes to baby [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also intend to bring my own water up the plane cos i got 2 babies to feed loh. and my flights is 6 hours, so maybe need 2 feed depending what time is the first feed for #2.

Good Morning Elmoo, BBdust & Celyn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yay Thursday Thursday. Today and tomorrow on leave in the afternoon but if I can't clear my urgent stuff cannot go on leave [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Want to go Robinsons in the afternoon. Need to buy electric kettle to bring along on the road trip. I know hotel will provide but I am always weary of the condition of the kettle and don't use it. And esp when the water is meant for bb syz. Also need to go Mothercare to buy 6-9mo sleepsuits for BBsyz, she's outgrowing her 3-6mo ones. I am going to let her wear pretty sleepsuits up in Cameron cos weather is cold. With the sleepsuit don't need to worry about tummy exposure and socks dropping off.


Thanks for the X'mas party details. Confirm attending with hb & bb so 2A + 1 bb. You need me to reply that email to confirm?

morning syz

hee its okie if u not coming then let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

when u gg cameron? we are thinking of gg as well but nxt year lah hee

Syz/BBdust - finally finished first box of rice cereals yday...heeee..call mi slow...

Then went NTUC finest did the most kiasu thing. Bought all the organic stuffs like baby oats, brown flaxseed, barley flakes, avocado n bb spinach. Prob is dunno wen will start grinding them to feed her..tis lazy mommy abit lost again. Issit grind oredi keep in a tub n put in fridge, then jus sprinkle abit abit into cereals/milkfeeds as n wen?

My helper being instigated by my mum, nowadays feed my gal puree/cereals via her milk bottle coz easy way out, instead of spoonfeeding which gal will reject aft few spoonfuls n she'll blow it out. sigh...jiang bu ting..always got lotsa excuses one


hee me never grind before leh cause for the bb oats we just cook then my maid will use strainer to strain it and it becomes goo... we no grinder leh maybe i shld buy already.

eh eh i think u got to ask vic vic she has been grinding brown rice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

u tell ur mummy if she dont let her learn how to use a spoon and coordinate her oral motor skills, once she miss the window she will learn it slower so she is not doing the best thing for her granddaughter loh.. my boy also keeps blowing the food out but we still feed using spoon, albeit being very messy


tell them baby got to learn to eat from spoon loh. i always feed #1 those little biscuits when he was young and he ended up not knowing how to put food in his mouth till very late. most babies can feed themselves with little snack when i still need to feed mine. now i started training my girl to take the snack and feed herself with it. since she can put the pacifier in her mouth herself, she should be able to do it with snack too. :p

Morn Syz! haha..mimi was exhausted last nite...only wanna sleep, din wanna drink. Make her wake up to drink cry until so mad n so sad like tat...eyes stil closed. Mang chang...hahaha..good lor, then i also faster zzzzz..

oh ya u going cameron tis weekend rite? usually i'll jus boil the hotel kettle prob twice to kill off any germs inside it n pour it on the bathtub to same time disinfect it.hehhe...if stil worried will jus boil few more times wif the distilled water, then throw n start using. QC considered passed! nice cool weather. im also going penang next mth for fren's wedding. Then tinking of driving down to cameron for sightsee n strawberry plucking aft...neva been there b4 n cant wait to enjoy the cold cold weather there!


There is a cardmembers gala(??) today from 6.30pm. But I will go in the afternoon sale or no sale to check out and update you.


I haven't reached that stage of grinding. You ask Vic or Ruru. Please tell your mom that they should train her to eat from a spoon. Messy nevermind. Make eating fun. Demo to her... you eat your own food say ahhh then put food in your mouth and go ummm and yummmy!!! Then you scoop her food and feed her and repeat the ummm & yummy and GOOD GIRL! kiss kiss kiss ;p

BBdust/Celynlee - told them liaoz, but my mum's idea is bb eat fat fat good lor, not so much on develop their oral motor skills. sigh...then she'll say have...first few spoonfuls will eat then later dun wan, so dun waste feed thru bottle lor...LL!

Gotta go..tok later! ;p


BBdust / SGSC

Going up on Sat and coming back on Tues. Let you know how it turned out when I come back. Next year we plan to drive to Penang. Just thinking maybe we can plan a road trip together next year [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Form one convoy of families with kids!


The kettle sometime I open and see the heating coil so yucky I get scared already! If mimi was sleeping why wake her up to drink? I would quickly go sleep already ;p Oh yah why did you bring her to see opthalmologist? Thought is was her neck you were worried about? *puzzled*

