(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Gbh - Same here! #2 will make sure i guai guai pump regularly n latch bb freq...at least ur gal can still latch which is sooo good. Mine will look at nei, then look at mi, then look away like asking mi to stop dreaming tat she'll suck lor. So i hope to start on a gd note for #2 but but but #2 will not be in the making till next yr at least (cross fingers)

I was tinking of getting a bottle/jar frm there then jus sterilise tat thing once (either use tablet or rinse wif hot boiling water many times) then can use thruout ur trip) but again for convenience sake n since bb no longer nb, prob dun need to be so paranoid like mi oredi...hehehe



yesterday very guai... maybe cos her Daddy felt so bad scolding her and patting her so hard the day before that he spoke so gently to her and she got stunned ;p no prob getting her ready for bed!


heee good to hear that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


heeeee does that mean u are preggie already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

paging for orangey

when must we order the shoes again ah... i must go see if i wnat to buy more [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm buying those faux fur boots. Haiz... dunno where I kept my UGG boots and no matter where I search, they are nowhere in sight so I deem them as "lost". Had to buy a pair of boots that can keep my calves warm cause travelling to TW during CNY and usually temp can dip to 5 ~ 8 degrees only. I wanted to get UGG but haiz.. so ex leh I niao to buy cause my sis bought me that UGG boots :|

pardon my ignorance... what is UGG? >.<

tinybubu, wow... you super fast leh. But at least financially you are ok to support so not so bad. If not, really headache liaoz. You must really bu and rest well. Too taxing for your body liaoz. One year one. =X Take care ya! Happy for you!! =D


UGG boats are those flat usually brown/beige fur lined boots. personally i think they are ugly (sorry orangey!) but they do keep the feet really warm.


since pregnant already, dun think so much. having the financial resources to support 3 is a good thing, so at least you have that going for you. your time and your energy... hmmm... that is a finite resource though.


*cellow digs your ostrich head out of the sand*

go and test la... tis better than thinking constantly abt it. LOL on noti teenager facing principal behaviour! if you want to try for VBAC, i hv 2 gynaes to recommend. dr paul tseng ($$) and dr lai fon min ($$$$). i went w dr lai for C2's delivery and he is worth every cent.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yes and that's why i know i will not stop at one. siblings are most tedious when growing up (imagine the fight every morning amongst 4 girls for washbasin/toilet/skincare space and wardrobe space), but once we are adults, i m super grateful for them. luckily i have 3 sisters to discuss things with and pray tog when my parents were ill.

i m not too sure abt the 7mo not throwing tantrums. apparently (according to maid), C2 was playing w a train toy, then C1 came along and took it away, put it back into his toy box. later in the car, C2 kept kicking C1... i commented on C2's unusual bhvr to maid, so she related the whole story to me. gotta teach them to share and to get along.


same. no flu vaccination for C1 and C2. i would rather subject the adults to the yearly vaccinations. oh yes, for mummies w maids who take care of our precious darlings, it is also worth vaccinating the maid for flu and Hep A/B. both are not part of the std maid package that the agencies do.


sterilising overseas. bring ONE lock and lock container. the low tech way is pour hot water 1/3 way, cover and let it steam sterilise. cap the bottles after that and you are done. no need to fuss w sterilising tablets, compact steriliser and all that.

my own pump parts in india, i also do that every night.

does it sound way too simple for you?

back in office today. still head full of cotton wool. die la. how to work liddat. and ss dropped. to be expected since i ws sick and still feeling off.


*send stay well vibes to your home* i assume you are already well and at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

elmo, i let my boy tried the pumpkin, potato, beef jar but the beef smell is quite strong, i only took out 1/3 of the jar and he doesn't seem to like it as much as the steamed potato, carrot, broccoli that i always feed him with.

also bought the kito patch from watson last week. btw can use mopiko on baby? then i have to go buy some. will ruyi oil on the bug bites be helpful?

btw mummies who have the playmat, do u recommend 11mm or 15mm? i saw on forum now they only have those rolled up type though i prefer with zipped bag then easier to transport around. i saw the zipper bag at spring maternity but the price is $165 for 11mm parklon mat compared to forum price can get 15mm mat already. dunno which one i should get.

btw will baby be able to crawl on the mat? will it be too cushioned? want to let my boy learn to crawl but the floor is too hard and bed is too soft.

Morning Mummies,


Thanks for the info. Am glad that my gal's weight and height is fine and in the correct percentile. ;)


Thanks for the samples ya! Will keep a lookout for it. (^_^)


Thanks for the info dear. My gal is 7.5 months old and I only started plain cereal for her since last week. SO tot of buying the blender and make puree for her.

But just to check with u mummies, how long does our babies need to be fed on purees huh? I scare buy already then later on when she reaches 1yo, she need not eat puree liao then that will go into waste isnt it?

Tiny bubu!!!

Congratz Congrats!!! U r really productive!!!

How I wish I am preggy again too!!! HAhaha!


i bought the yellow bear small sized playmat (cannot rem thickness and if LG/Parklon) in 2008 for C1 to crawl around on. tis really good. you were at ming's place rite... i believe ranting and a few other brgt the playmat along. it is VERY good for bbs learning how to crawl. neither too hard nor too soft.

you can contact smallsmallworld directly thro their website. i found this... http://www.smallsmallworld.com/yellow-bear-alphabet-p-436.html

this comes in a zipped bag, easy to carry around.

mopiko on bb. i just use watever moisturer is on hand to reduce the itch. calamine and CB calendula cream are the usual ones i reach for. to prevent bites, i apply the CB bug repellant on them. or can burn eucalyptus or citronella oil in the room if at home.

piglet and orangey: no u all misunderstand. i am not pregnant! just wondering if i really am then how. thinking more and more and still tbf my gal, really don't think this is a right time lor. even tho my ss dropping tremendously these 2 weeks.

piglet, jiayou, bbdust to you!

cellow: you had vbac?

gbh: yup, i would bring combi of sterilizing tablets and cellow's hot water method, which i sometimes use at work to 'sterilize' pump.

yup, my gal also now on off can throw tantrum. she will open her mouth and yell. i usually give in, for now. dunno what to do otherwise.


*sprinkle bb dust*

my bb dust v potent one. both times, one shot only, dio already. fertile like dunno which tropical jungle. sigh


haiyooooor, go and test!!!

both were vaginal births. no epidurals, no gas, nothing. healing ws super fast for C2.

and best, dr lai made the delivery FUN.... a strange thing to say, i know. since most of us associate delivery w pain.

both doctors' VBAC rates are higher than the national avg. mummies who want to VBAC, pls take note.

mummies who are joining the x'mas party at ming's place...i m going to send out the details to you via email so if u have not receive, pls kindly let me know. thanks much [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow, i was just about to ask you and other mummies who have toddlers. Does your kids fight? TodZ and BbZ both on the playmat. TodZ playing with his Thomas train, BbZ will crawl over and touch. TodZ will scream on top of his head, "NNNNNOOOOOO....MMMIIINNNNEEEEE!!!!" not once, not twice, but alot of times. Until didi cry. Then didi also won't lose out. After sobbing, he'll go back to the same spot and irritate the brother again. lolz.. i'm facing these episodes daily. Kept telling TodZ that he must share but he simply just don't listen. Then my MIL always say "you don't give didi, next time i don't buy toys for you already". Erm... i'm very worried lo.. i'm worried that TodZ will feel bad and keep thinking, "ever since got didi then i become 2nd place." or something like that. haiz.. how ah.. how to make him understand?


Mine is 15mm Parklon bought from Cheong Choon. If you want the bag they can give it to you free. BUT i find the bag useless. The playmat goes to my mom's place on Mon and we'll bring it home on Fridays cos it is just too lacheh to bring back and forth everyday. The first time we packed it to bring to my mom's place, one of the 2 zippers broke. Then when we packed it to bring back to my place, the other zipper broke. We have since bought a HUGE bag from IKEA to transport it and it works fine but my hb didn't zip it up (which irks me cos outside germs get on it and all) so I don't know if it can be zipped up. I will only know this weekend when I bring it back.


i m also facing that dilemma.

amongst my group of frens, there is one particular SAHM who raised her 2 sons (5yo and 2y3mo) to learn to give and take. she does not own a cane, and i dunno that she has ever raised her voice at the boys except when they are in imminent danger. very gentle and effective parenting. must learn fm her. her elder son is the most disciplined 5yo that i hv the good fortune to meet. he is the only short person who has come to my home, and actually picked up the toys and put them all back to the proper place after playing. and when mummy tells him to say goodbye, he actually shyly came and stood beside me... initially slow me ws thinking ha, why is he suddenly here... and i realised OOOOH, he wants to hug (instead of wave) goodbye to me.


when i get the chance to sit down and hv a good chat w her, i let you know ok?


sms answer fm the guru of gentle and effective paretning...

"Just repeat a lot. Explain that he (i assume she is referring to the elder one) can play with it for 5 mins and they can take turns like that. Or distract with a lesser seen and thus even more appealing toy. Or food. Last resort is to threaten to take it away."


the bumper playmat that i bought fm SSW is also transported Mon/Fri for 1yr during C1's time and we just started the trspt cycle again 2 weeks ago for C2. there is a particular way to fold back the mat so that it fits neatly within the bag one de... *puzzled puzzled*

maybe ask the seller if they got extra bag


mine also fight in a way. #1 will 'cry' and say 'eh, mei mei' and snatch the toys away from her. i will have to keep repeating and say to share and let mei mei play. let mei mei play with 1. he will sometimes give mei mei. sometimes he simply bo chap. i will usually take from him and talk nicely to him to ask him let mei mei play. or ask him which one of his toys can let mei mei play.

i won't expect a lot from him cos they are 20 months difference in age. he himself is like a baby too.

he will go to mei mei when she cry and go 'mei mei, why?' cos i usually say that. or he will take her pacifier and put in her mouth when it drops. so to some extend, i think ok lah. just need to slowly teach him to share. he need some sweet talk for him to share when he is not in a good mood.

cellow & syzygy6,

thanks. yah, back at work in meeting now. :p


no problem. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha, my hubby dun want leh! HOW? He kana UTI last week now hvnt recover he got phobia how to have #3?

Who wana donate FISHES to me :p

I also c-sec if really wants also cannot so fast right? I scare window havent heal


You got heat up the beef jar food? So big bottle dun can finish a not.

I used Zam Buk to apply on kito bites also (my mil taught me 1) ruyi oil is for tummy wind.


I just tell my #1 if you snatch toys or buli meimei I will ask KARANG GUNI uncle to collect meimei then she will said BU YAO!

She wont dare to buli meimei again she scare karang guni take her meimei away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your friend son really GUAI, how she teach him de? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I also wana learn, my gal on cane since 2 yrs old..I told my hubby we need to buy extra cane for meimei, 1 each.. :p


The bag that the shop provided fits the mat well. The zip broke when my hb used his bull strength to pull the zip. So now can't use that bag anymore and we bought another bag from IKEA.

afternoon mommies,

have been a long while since I last drop in. Need to take time to skim thru previous archives.


have pm-ed you.


saw your post on your fren's well-behaved son. teach me... teach me..... ;p


congrats!! Take good care of yourself, ok?

Maddie & Cellow,

I gladly accept your *BBdust*!!! (^____^)

But DH said not now! Maybe wait till gal is 1yo or older or maybe stick to 1 kiddo.

I wanna preggy now also no chance.

syzygy6, i see.. but if i buy those rolled up type, dunno can fold or not and carry around, i saw at minitoons the rolled up mat is very big and bulky.

cellow, i saw on bp a similar but bigger, thicker mat is only $175 compared to smallsmall world $155. but small world is folded type while bp is rolled up

elmo, i took the portion and heat it up by steaming, rather serve warm then cold cold to my boy leh.. if bring outside i may heat it up by putting it in a bowl of hot water. unused portion must put in fridge so that one must heat up also.

BP: Parklon Green Yellow Bear School Bus (2100*1400*15) mat and price is $175

No carry bag (rolled up)

SSW: Parklon Yellow Bear Alphabet

1850 x 1250 x 12 mm $155

Carry bag (folded)

Congrats to Tiny bubu and Maddie! So fast preggy again. Happy for you gals!

Violet, I bought 2 15mm playmat from bp and 1 preloved 11mm. Got one for my home, one for my in-law's place and one for my parents' place. I prefer the 15mm one. It's more cushy. I prefer roll up, so that there won't be any creases in between. I guess it's which one you prefer. Get fr Bp more worth it.


I feed direct yesterday for pumpkin & sweet corn puree. I think for beef must heat hor if not very er xin :p


If you might get the Haenim play yard to place on the mat then need to consider the size that will be suitable for the no. of panels you want.


after my boy's fall off my bed yesterday, he tried another stunt. Think I really have to be very vigilant on my boy these days, I need to be more paranoid. I left him on the playmat, within his play yard then went to have dinnner. My active boy after sitting for about 10mins, got tired and just fall himself backwards. He waited for a few secs before started crying.

Violet, really depends on how u use the mat. I even wanted to get the 18mm mat but cos too ex. For my boy, even with mat and play yard also must sit to play with him. Otherwise, I'll have to think of exersaucer or other things to let him sit by himself.

drinking teh C to stay awake....!

elmoo, pearlytea,

heh. i only wish my toddler would be so guai too when he reaches the 4/5yo stage. now i just tap on her expertise for parenting my 2 sons.


i want to laugh when i read that you got 3 playmats for one baby! kekeke.

if no need to transport, then of course the rollup version is better.


personally i think the lg/parklon bumper playmat is more worth it than the minitoons playmat. easier to clean and easier to store. the cushioning effect is also different. lg/parklon is much much better.

if fixed want to get the folded up zipper bag one, mai tu liao. SSW usually organises monthly SMH BPs. can email them to ask.

wendees, i wanted to get from bp also cos more worth it, only concern is if transporting it around will be a hassle or not as i plan to buy only 1 mat to share with my mil and my boy is there on weekdays.

syzygy6, the playyards look cool too but i look at my living room now like no place to setup leh.. even the mat will be quite out of the way. oh, for mummies who have the playyards, are they stable? cos my boy is quite strong, worried that when he tries to stand up against the playyards, thet will topple?


ya no choice, Sat go in-laws place, Sunday go my parents' place. Can't keep carrying him the whole day, this boy doesn't want ppl to carry for so long. wanna come down, roll around. Can't imagine when he starts crawling. Don't even know if he can be contained in the play yard.

Violet, ya, I've the play yard too. According to bp, babies hold on to that for support to stand up later. Not bad lah, I find it quite stable too. My house only has 2 bedrooms. We went throught re-orientation just to fit the play mat and play yard. I told hubby, unless we get a bigger place.

Cellow, I take it as investment lor. Otherwise, every weekend I've to take all his barang barang and travel. Weekdays I don't really want my in-laws over. No choice, have to bring this bao bei to their place on sat lor. Not very kua zhang already k, my relative's toddler has 3 sets of toys, bicyles, car seats in all 3 houses / cars.

wendees, i got a activity centre for my boy last week. quite happy with it cos he can stand in there and play with the toys. similar to exersaucer but much cheaper.

Also rented a jumperoo to put at my mil's place. in fact i rent the jumperoo for 2 months, 1st time is the rainforest, this month is precious planet. my mil say the precious planet one is good, thinking of buying a brand new one but think no point since he'll start walking pretty soon.



I also tot of getting one for my MIL's plc but hubby say no need so we only place the playpen there.

Weekends when at my mum's plc, my gal will play in her walker or on my sis's queen size bed lor.

My DH will not want to transport the playmat around one lor. He will say I 'Siao'!

Imagine jus one weekend bring my gal to my mum's plc, it will be 2 bags and a walker. The playmat is heavy too so I dun dare to ask DH if wanna bring the playmat to my mum's plc.

Btw, any idea which mummy and baby are we seeing on Sunday? *WINK*

