(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


no problem. you let me know roughly when you need. i can shift mine to my fridge freezer and give you more space in chest freezer if you need. anyway, its just a day only. i'm ok one.


Got bb to fall asleep and put her in her cot, then got myself ready for bed. Just as I was drifting off to dreamland she woke up. Luckily I dedcided not to pump the other side before going to bed. Will likely be a zombie tomorrow.

Food : Baby is now taking normal Paul's yoghurt with mashed bananas or pears for breakfast.Lunch is sometimes a Healthy Times food jar because I want to get him started on meat.And dinner is Heinz cereal.He is also chewing on the Heinz teething biscuits at random or a chilled carrot stick.I also give him water daily with a little Gripe water.

Hubby's likes the kids to follow more of relaxed diet.LOL!

cellow : are you in the east as well?wanna meet up?


Paiseh forgot to mention, yes I also store raw food in my freezer but not together with the milk. I've got 4 shelves.. 1 shelf for Ice, 3 shelves for milk and 1 shelves for raw food (pork/fish/chicken). Ok with you?

Hi All!

Been a really hectic week so far (and it's only tuesday!). The rest of this week looks busy as well and my hubby is away for work tmw till Fri. Sigh.

Syz: Not an option to sleep in and take a cab to drop off your daughter? 2 more hours of sleep can make a lot of difference. And hope the infection doesn't recur. Think positive!

Mrsmorgan: I bought the mothercare tricycle trike a couple of weeks ago when they had a promotion. I think it was marked down to $158 or something like that. Pretty sizeabler discount 'cos the original price was $200 plus. See if they still have the promotion?


maybe ur gal hungry? tt y cant slp well? u started her on semi solids alrdy? my gal slp quite late recently but i can see she starting to revert bk to old times liao... so slightly better.. my gal used to need to 5am feed but now no more after i started her on semi-solids... usually her bedtime starts at 12mn...

SG_SC, cellow, ya lo... everyday damn tired, panda eyes and this panda get fatter and fatter, and dark circle get darker and darker. Think next time i don't need sun glasses liaw. Oredi 2 months like this ler, passing phase so long meh?

Hubby in SGP enjoying his bachelor life, don't know if he miss us here, or he oredi got another mrs there. Sigh... never perfect in both, but for me now, I must make sure my gal's health get back on track. Tried the monkey's "dan", didn't seems so effective, but just give her since I have bought. Hopefully she don't easily sick again, else always use the inhaler also is not a solution.

Good nite lo. Just finish my project plan. *YAWN*

ghb, no ler, my gal have 3 meals of porridge which my mum cook every morning. My mum is damn hardworking lo, everyday cook small portion just nice for 3 meals, and steam pumpkin/sweet potato/long bean/ short bean/cauliflower / potato (all recommended here de), to mix with it. Now even tastier since PD said can eat chicken, my mum cook the kampung chicken soup (withou salt / msg) to mix with the porridge to feed her. She damn likes it and also finish 3 big spoonsful every meal. So, I think is quite full liaw lo. Unless her digestive system is toooo good and fast? Does not seems ler. Tried the water method as recommended by HJ, but still, cry till tear down the house. So, really clueless. But checked, she seems teething, but also can't explain teething 2 months, the teeth also never come out. Clueless mummy here!


wah! ur gal is even eating better than me!!! LOL! then maybe its teething or over stimulated? sometimes bb need some time to wind down b4 nap or bedtime... i realised if i dun give my gal the quiet times to wind down, she wont slp one...

One Year Old birthday bash committee:

(pls volunteer!)

1. GBH (main coordinator)

2. wendees (cake)

3. pinkzee (gifts)

4. cottagefry

5. orangey (design invitation cards?)

6. celynlee

7. Dazz

8. vicma - Treasurer! faints! delete hor if u think no need

9. juye

10. adak

11. juski22


since no one wants to volunteer be main coordinator, thne i volunteer myself... any objection???


re ur move,

u can try putting dry ice in the styrofoam boxes??? at least if it "melts" u wont have a whole box full of water like normal ice? tt time i bought some dry ice at this factory along depot road... i rem can see the banner advertising dry ice from the road... i think this was the factory i bought from tt time.. cant rem bcoz very long ago... but i rem the url name very easy to rem...


Hi Syzygy6,

Yes, I blended normal white and brown rice w a blender. I wash the rice 1st, place them out in the sun to dry, then blend and store. 1 heaped tsp to 100ml stock water takes abt 1hr to cook.

If u r thinking of using the food jar, remember to test-run 1st, or else wait reach Cameron then panic.

I start w instant rice cereal (hAppybellies) 1st for 1month b4 moving on to porridge, so u can start w that 1st.

Morning. *yawn* Groggy and squinty eyes. Bb woke up again at 3am, latch to sleep, woke up when we woke up at 4 (i didn't have to pump after all cos she drank and drank). Latched to sleep when i reached my mom's place and sucked on off till 7 plus. She is so sleepy that when my mom changed her diaper and into her romper, put into car seat to go for a morning walk she slept through.

Counting down to Fri cos next week Mon to Thurs I'm on leave so 6 continuous days with bb. Yippee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for sharing [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup will test the flask before bringing it up to Cameron if I do buy it. 1 hour in a slow cooker also ok. Wake up, start cooking process, feed her and get ready to leave the hotel room will prob take 1 hr as well. And then can leave at my mom's house on weekdays for her to cook bb porridge. Will go shopping this weekend for the blender for rice grains (coffee/spice grinder is it? - which brand are you using?) and the hand held blender for purees. So excited! Oh yes another thing do you grind it until like powder or like coarse black pepper?

morning mummies, haven't come in for a long long long time.. going to take leave every wednesday till dunno when cos my mil's wrist has been swollen since she started taking care of my boy so she requested that i let her rest her wrist more often.. still thinking of whether i should bring him out today cos the haze is still quite bad.. dun want to coop at home and seldom got time to go out to the malls..

my mil started making porridge like meal for my boy using the rice cereal so she can save some time from cooking and used up the rice cereal first. I got a shock when she told me she mixed an egg yolk, a small piece of carrot and some meat stock to the rice cereal and gave it to my boy. So far still ok..

hi gbh, i saw ur email invite to meetup in sep i think, but by the time i saw the email i think already mid-oct so didn't reply u.. so busy at work till no time to check my personal mails too..sigh..


I cannot risk sleeping 2 hours more then take taxi to my mom's place cos if bb sleeps through I will sleep through. Cannot be late for work or end up not going. Easier to follow hb and leave the house together.

Morn mommies...The haze is esp bad tis morn..if only i can stop breathing for awhile. Feels like im killing myself slowly!

Syz - wow envious..6 days wif LO. Enjoy enjoi!

Baby expo

Anyone heading down this weekend to spend $$$?? ..is it worth going for mummies who hv been there b4 in previous years??

HI mummies!

I've been MIA for a while cos super busy at work and at home. My mom came to visit for a week and I thought I'm supposed to be freer since she'll help with BB but end up I'm more busy and stressed. Since she's staying at my home with nothing to do, didn't send my gal to IFC and she is a bit confused cos of change in routine. I'm also tired cos of change in routine and not sure how my maid is taking it. Luckily hb is ok...

mom wants to boil porridge for my gal to eat. hope it works out so i just follow what she did. but think rurucat description is quite good also, if i had to do it myself.

Am booking anniversary trip to Club med bintan early next year! Yay. Thanks Chlosper (if i remember correctly) for the offer tip.

XLH, It is worth going if you have stuff to buy. Diapers are usually cheaper. I have only gotten my pampers from there so far. Missed Dazz advertisement re giant pampers sale. Guess i didn't have the luck to see her pushing mountain high trolley to cashier.

I nominate GBH to be birthday bash chairperson!

juski: re cheese, shd give low salt cheese my friend told me. but she lives in aussieland so i guess maybe easier to get there. i've not gone hunting for it here. guess can try jasons or cold storage.

MIL informed me last night that there's birds' nest. Ask me to feed TodZ. Luckily... TodZ brushed his teeth already, so i told her, "oh, he brush teeth already, ready for bed.. think ask daddy to eat lo."

Then it suddenly struck my mind... not sure if she'll feed BbZ... 'cause she might just "let him drink the water" so i quickly sms my hubby (he's not at home) to ask him to tell his mother nicely not to feed BbZ birds' nest. Along with that, i told him all abt the wheat/gluten allergy etc... Apparantly, all that have been said was ignored. He didn't finish up the birds' nest.. i didn't know till i was in the car this morning. BbZ is still at risk. hhhhaaaiiiizzzz

Dazz: my DH don't even let me eat birds nest while BF cos scared the proteins get into the BM. Lucky he more kiasu than me so this one he ownself kaotim my MIL. U say carribbean i thought i forgot to put club med BINTAN. haha. No la, not so ho mia.

baymic... lolz.. looks like we're on the same league. Cellow says, birds' nest is the No.1 allergen food ~!!

But to old folks.. birds' nest is a delicacy that will give bbs nice nice skin hor!!

haiz haiz haiz

maddie, then during pregnant time, those birds nest that i drunk... will affect bb anot? hhhmmm....

oppss.. haha.. i meant the condo next to Vivo. OOhhhh... don't tell me we're neighbours hor. You don't happen to be staying at the tall tall HDB do you? hahahahha...

Maddie...im tinking of diapers..my boy using drypers L in the day..one jumbo pack of 72pcs i can get at $16 per pkt..but if not much cheaper then maybe bo hua to go..tink go look see ..keke..last time chiong shopping to mega fairs like robinsosn etc ..nw chiong bb fairs


oh is it?? During preggie,I drunk alot leh...I drunk almost every week... Wow,then I must stop my mum for giving lil boy birds' nest liao...She mentioned that she wants to make some for him...

dazz: i also drank birds nest when pregnant. nope, not so lucky also to stay at super tall hdb.

XLH: i bought the pampers M (think is 44 pc) 3 packs for $45. prev bought pampers S 3 packs for $45. not sure about L size. but i'm the idiot that went taka baby fair 4-5 times only walk in 3rd floor baby section and wonder whats so great about the taka baby fair.

maddie...!!! lolz... the taka bb fair is at the times square! alamak... hahahha... how come you never ask us what's so great about the fair then probably you might find out it's the wrong place. hee.

Baymic, duno leh... i believe most mummies drank bird nest when pregnant... so that poses another question my MIL will ask (i foresee la...)

"During pregnant time, you drank right? Bb will take in right? So now Bb can't drink?"


Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When we took bird nest when we were pregnant, all the food is converted to nutrients. So in a way, we act like a filter to babies in us. AFter baby is delivered out of the mother's body, their body's defense system need to be built up. Therefore, introducing too many foreign foods may not be very good for infants.

Bird nest allergy happened to my grandma. She passed out and got admitted to ICU after taking collagen added bird nest. Probably due to the collagen too. But that was about 3 years ago. She's fine now.

my gosh.. so hazy outside ...

and this morning , someone in the office burnt their toast bread, no one wants to claim. Now the office smells burnt. Irritating my nose.

wendees... air on the island is very bad... i need oxygen mask soon. Just realised i ran out of instant noodle. Wanna hide in office during lunch also cannot. sianz!

morning all [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dazz, baymic,

haiyor, dun see me so up. i only repeat wat i googled the other time, which is - to be precise - birds' nest is one of the most highly allergenic foods around.

hazy day

i finally finally used my delphin to purify the air before we shut all the windows last night and switched on aircon for the 2 boys. bought for one month already, now then kan zhang.... alamak.


luckily your grandma is ok.

your explanation on birds' nest sounds v pro leh *thumbs up* much better than mine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you studied food sciences last time izzit?


you need rest.... hopefully you will feel better after your leave next week! *HUG*

Hi syzygy6,

I bought the blender brand, U like, at CK tang. They have a permanent demo counter there. The blender is orange in colour and comes w 2 blades, 1 for blending rice/meat, the other for juice. Whole set $69.90.

syzygy6... yeah.. i also bought the set mentioned by rurucat.. but i've yet to open ceremony yet... corz still feeding BbZ Happybellies cereal that i bought previously.

cellow, hahhaa.. same same lo.. i had my purifier on full blast last night. I close the windows, on the purifier, let it run an hour or 2 then i on the aircon.

cellow, heheh.. thanks... yup, studied food science. I thought I return everything to my teacher already. My interest is always in food science.

dazz, we got haze inside the office too. I need to wear mask.

Cellow: ha, i also started using my less than one month old super atas vacuum cleaner to purify air. finally don't feel so bad spending the $$$.

Dazz: i just didn't think. that time pregnant ma. u make me gian instant noodle!

very bad haze. wonder when it will be gone.

u like blender:

i also have the set. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

