(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Brandedfans - i noe hw u feel..is supa supa tiring one..esp us, wake up then sleep, then wake up again then sleep abit...headache lor. hope tis is jus a passing phase!

Piglet - read somewhere that weaning use spoon better coz idea of weaning is to slowly let bb get used to eating frm a spoon instead of sucking frm a bottle...



Can no problem [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When I reach home I sms u? Can you pm me your hp?


Tanjong pagar? My hub working there, if not I ask my hub to pass to your friend?


No Worries. I have just SMSed her. ;)


Thanks for both the info provided. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RE: Nestle Cerelac

Mummies, I have just checked with Nestle SIngapore and they confirmed that the cereal itself does not contain GLUTEN. However, as all products share the same production line (though it is thoroughly cleanse before), there might be traces of gluten.

So overall, it is still quite safe to eat NESTLE Cereal.

Orangey, i pmed u in morn wif my HP..u see have anot, else i PM u again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw, r u the same person with nick: Healthybaby (Orangey)?

Actually, there's this thing in my mind.. hope i don't offend any mummies by saying this thing out. It could show the ignorance on my part too but....

This thing about wheat and gluten... since when it has become a "trend" to avoid giving it to kids or just that i haven't been keeping track, that's why we don't know?

honestly, i didn't know the impact of it until some mummies here mentioned about it. And, it has been hard for me to convince my MIL on not giving BbZ food with contains of gluten and wheat. She kindda give me that kind of "last time also never hear of these" kind of look.


Orangey, is it ok with Papa Orangey?? Where's he located? You sms me the location can? I check with my friend if she's free to help me pick it up anot. Thanks ya!

piglet, thanks for finding out from nestle. Cos I also have 2 tins at home, waiting form me to give to my boy.

dazz, t's not a trend, but the allergy abt wheat and gluten became more known in the past few years. People are more aware nowadays. In the olden days, ppl do not know much abt allergens, and just dismiss it as an allergy (mild: rash, diarrhoea or vomitting) without knowing the cause. 6 yrs ago, I was studying Food Technology in Brisbane. Did my internship in a Food Allergens Lab, testing food products for allergens like egg, wheat, gluten. Usually these are traces cos production line may be contaminated with such allergens. The range of products for Egg free, Gluten free, etc is really very common. It's actually good that more and more ppl are aware nowadays.

mummies, i have the following items to let go.

1) Avent Single Electronic Breast Pump (S$200) - Will throw in other freebies that i have at home.

2) Lucky Baby Car Seat, Black or Dark Blue (S$100)

Let me know if you are interested or know of someone who is interested.

I think one mummy mentioned is it gbh?) that there's a thread for me to post what i wanna sell?? May i know how to look for that??


He's ok de lah.. His office is right behind Tanjong pagar MRT. Anywhere ard the MRT would be good or somemore where Red Dot also can.


got it! I'll sms you later when I rch my loft [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I SO SO SO angry.. got this male colleague. I know he's trying to be mean. Said this to me "Hey, how did you slim down ah? You like slimmer than before pregnancy!" He said it in a very sarcastic tone. I got chi ji by my dad who offically declared that I'm fat and asked me to go on a diet and now this man come and be sarcastic.


there are different types of symptoms. Skin symptoms (common rash, hives, etc), digestive symptoms (stomach pain, diarrhoea, etc), respiratory symptoms (sneezing, coughing, wheezing, etc). Life threatening symptoms like anaphylaxis can affect several parts of the body at the same time, including the skin and the digestive and respiratory systems or it might just involve respiratory or cardiovascular symptoms.

In addition to producing the symptoms of food allergy, it may also lead to difficulty in breathing, falling blood pressure and unconsciousness.

Vic ma posted about few weeks ago, probably a month plus. She also have very detailed info.

Can read more here.


wendees... thanks!

hhmm... now, it sets me thinking... could TodZ's cough be due to allergies than inheritant?? hhhmmmm....

mummies need advise ...

I'm moving house, how do i transport my FBM?

Is there any company who can help to transport them? how how how???

Called tucklee ice and they say they cannot help... duh.


dun think so much abt TodZ's cough. just boost his immunity fm now on... bcz if you think think think, sure got smthing for you to worry abt. look forward gal!

(scanning thro posts)


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] welcome back. hope the freq night time wakings are just a passing phase.


you feel better? yes there are not enuf hours in the day. i feel liddat ALL the time.


dun discount the work of a sahm... it is equally if not more tiring than a ftwm, depending on your boss (bb) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


tok your colleague's head for you!

i m on leave this week, and unable to come out of the east side. gotta tk care of C1 and C2 myself this week as aunt is not avail.

so tmr to get mozzie patches, def cannot. sigh.

i pm you my hp number ok.

vent vent

Mr C is the pits. think i m VERY free as i m on leave this week. we had one of those senseless arguments this morning bcz he ask me to go and get a parcel for him at the post office. then complained that i anyhow leave the netbook everywhere. then talk abt my family's shortcomings.

totally random attacks.

i already in v bad mood as on leave not to go out, but to tk care of kids and do some house keeping (like filing our bank statements and wash curtains). plus he is working this entire weekend. so my bad mood just spilled over into a noisy discussion that had C1 stop in his tracks and look at both of us.

with children and maid around ah, fight also cannot fight properly.

cannot stand my HB!!!

er... get styrofoam boxes, pile it with ice/dry ice than place FBM into the boxes just before shifting and load them into the fridge the moment u reach your new place?

er.. that's provided you got a fridge each at both places la. =X


the only way i can think of is to store temporarily at some relative's or fren's place.... either near to your old place or new place. then use the FTG bag to transport them over after you have settled into your new place.

dun know any movers would want to be responsible for fbm wor.

cellow... thanks. hhmmm.. you're right. I shouldn't dwell on it. but but.. can't help feeling guilty. Am now feeding him Sambucol that i bought from Vic and hope it helps!! *pray*

Regarding Mr C...hhmmm.. he oso PMS ah? how come so random de. Or is he jealous you're on leave and he's not? Ask him to switch place lo! I believe you'll be more than happy right? haha.

Orangey, your colleague ah... siao de lo. Senseless comment. Just ignore him la.

errr...there are about 45 litres ...

I have only one medium size fridge there now.. which probably can take 15 litres.

Will need to off the fridge a few hours before the move right so that the "motor" can cool down else the fridge will be too "hot" to move???

die la .. ..

sorry piglet, was out to meeting and just bk.

We tried both - spoon feed and mix with milk. I think both are fine with brown rice + si shen and my bb took it well. u hv to try to see if ur bb takes it well or not. One thing is if u feed ur bb by spoon, he/she can learn to eat food by spoon. If u feed thru bottle, the nipple hole need to be bigger.


Thank you! Aiyah, think I'm more or less used to it. First my mum telling me that I don't seem to be losing wt and second my dad says I need to go on a diet to lose wt. Even my parents so negative about my figure! Before pregnancy complain complain says I too skinny must eat more then now tell me must lose wt! Hmpffffffff....


No worries. How about I mail to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No need postage cause i still got some stamps left. Just pm me your address ;)

orangey & cellow: my new place is at bungkok is it near? i staying clementi so quite alien to the new place area..

cellow: changed settings..

Rant rant!

Missed the bus. Pulled away from bus stop as I was nearing it. Have to wait 25 mins for the next one! Arghhhh... Wanted to rush home to latch her. Sitting at bus stop now thinking about the additional work I could have cleared instead of sitting here waiting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


is your new place at bungkok green? near hougang? if yes, i might be able to lend you a bit of my chest freezer space and also fridge freezer space. fridge freezer, i can clear up the top layer for you if you don't mind the bottom layer of it are raw food? if its sat, maybe got no raw or very little left. cos i go marketing once a week so by then not much left liao. i stay at serangoon north ave 4, across a junction will be hougang liao. you let me know.

And hubby just called to say he needs to be at work at 5 plus tomorrow... Means leaving house at 4.15... So what? Wake up at 2.45am to pump and get ready??? As it is so tired already and 50/50 chance of holding off the breast infection plus late afternoon started to have stuffy nose and a headache. Already taking lots of vit c and water. I NEED REST!!!

Sigh... Sorry had to let off steam and no one else would understand better than you all.


You checked with the freezer manufacturer about it being a must to cool down before shifting? If no need then just put lots of ice in it and quickly drive it over to your new place and turn it back on? If drive at night or early morning no jam and cool? Sorry if i have sprouted nonsense :p


Was feeling better this morning. Then downhill from mid-afternoon. Ha ha suddenly remember "this too shall pass" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Thanks for calling Nestle!


So if it is trace amounts then it is just up to us whether to risk it or not. Will go read up more from the link you posted.


Thanks so much for the detailed tips! Going to save them for reference [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Adak,

I moved house recently. This is what I did for the transportation of FBM.

I bought 3 huge styloform boxes ($13/piece). I moved my fridge first to the new location (one day b4 the actual move) w the help of my friend's brother who is a mover. He charges a very reasonable rate of $80 which included the fridge, the iceboxes and the daily need items which cannot be packed in boxes.

My friend's brother came around 10am, i switched off my fridge around 9am. Took out the FBM and packed with lots and lots of ice (bought from petrol station). I went with the van to my new place and then switched on the fridge over there and waited for 30mins, then I unpacked my FBM and voila!!! Done task. My gal has been drinking the FBM daily and so far so good.

The key to making sure the FBM won't melt during the journey is to pack it with TONS of ice, don't try to save space and pack the whole icebox with FBM then top up w ice. U should place 1 layer of ice below, place the FBM in the middle and the surround them w ice to the brim.

So at the end of the day, the key is to spend $ to make sure the liquid gold survive the move. Hee......


eg. if there are trace amounts of gluten in a rice cereal and if there are symptoms occurring to a baby, it would mean that it is rather uncertain what is the cause of the allergy. It could be caused by the gluten or the rice. This is to identify what is the cause of any allergy. That's why it is recommended for infants to have single ingredient food when trying out with the 4 day rule.

wendees bb expo at expo ah?

GBH u can be the main coord.. i seldom log in here.. so if theres anything u can FB me or sms me! hehe

Flipping through Isetan brochure for their sale from 22 oct & 7 nov. There is a Tiger porridge maker. Looks like a thermal flask. Anyone used this before to make bb's porridge?

mummies can i chk anyone gv their bb take cheese yet?

my FIL bought cheese n ask me to gv bb eat =.=

say it gd for their lung... but i nv heard it b4... wonder is it safe for her to eat it

Hi Juski,

The angmoh book recommend cheese and yoghurt leh, but I scare cow's milk allergy, so hold back for now. Anyway, most cheese are salty, so I rather not give my gal any as of now. Maybe when she is around 9mths old, then give little bit to try?

I only know cheese is for calcium intake, not too sure abt lung benefit??


Are u taking about some food warmer thingy? Cook the porridge halfway, then pour into this thermal flask thingy and the heat trapped inside will continue to cook the porridge until soft?

The mini slow cooker takes about 1hr to cook the blended rice.


Buangkok MRT there? I'm staying like not that far and not that near.

If walking distance ard 20-30mins but if take bus think less than 10 mins heh! So you want me to lend you my freezer space? I got my supply inside also which is not alot lah maybe around 70+ packs nia. I can afford to help you store around 20 -30 packs?


Have a few more questions to ask you:

For the porridge did you use a grinder to grind rice grains into powder then use 1 tsp of the powder or just add 1 tsp of rice grains to the stock?

How long did it take for the slow cooker to cook the porridge to the right consistency?

Did you use a hand held blender to blend the porridge for the first few weeks?

Thanks in advance [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just saw your post on the cooking time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] our postings crossed. Yes I think it is some thermal cooker just that it is small and shaped like a food flask.

Am going on a short trip to Cameron highlands in mid nov so thinking about how to cook the porridge there.


celynlee: ooh very near, can i keep you as my last option? not too comfortable with raw food .. =)

syzygy6: that's what the mover said .. hmm think i should call and ask the fridge maker

Orangey: maybe can .. my frd lending me her fridge space too.. let me check how much more space i need to borrow then let u know can??

ruru: where u buy the big stylofoam boxes?

