(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


flashcards really works one leh... whenever i tell my gal we doing flashcards n she sees the cards, she gets very excited.. her reactions the same as whenever she sees her milk bottle! LOL!


i nvr test my gal bcoz the glenn doman trainer said dun try to test baby bcoz wanna make learning fun.. once u try to test, bb can sense n they wont like it... n he said when doing flash cards, must have eye contact with bb... try not to look at the back of the cards...

lol... mode of contact is for in case like some mummies dun chk fb reg one then we try not to cont them via fb in case nvr see mah... not to call middle of the night... hahaha....


I got it from Agape Babies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can go to www.agapebabies.com but go via SMH BP thread better got discount!


alamak means cannot test ah? Then must tell hub cause he's the one who requested to test BB Orangey to see if the flashcard works.


try not to test bcoz i think the reason is something like once u test, usually parents gets anxious if bb not showing correct ans or response n we tend to think they din learn n we get stressed up n all these will show up in our body language n bb will catch that... the key to learning is to have joy... if stressful learning then will undermine the whole process... i think once in a while, u wanna play with bb orangey n test a bit ok one lah.. but dun make it a habit to test each time.. soon u will find out from other ways and times that ur bb actually got take in n learn all the stuff u taught one..


oh! but but but hor.. we hardly do flashcard.. LOL!

Is realised the flashcards like sitting in 1 corner so started.

re. flash cards, flashcards is meant to trigger the development of right-brain. so better to flash with high speed. No test for now as kids don't like to be tested. When they're older then can ask a bit, that's wat i did :p

orangey, the mickey mouse flashcard dimension look small. For our small babies, preferably get bigger cards, at least A5 size. This mickey mouse flashcards in fact suitable for my girl who is 3 yrs old hehe

Check with u all. How much water do u give bb? My gal cried passing motion today cos it was a bit solid stool. Not sure if cos weaning.


ya. that's right! the big cards to to let bb see properly... how r u going to trsf the glenn doman membership?


how to flash fast fast ah? the trainer also said no need to wait to let bb see one.. just flash fast fast but my fingers not that fast plus not easy to try to hold the cards n flash fast fast leh... i have been doing the flash cards past few mths liao but still not expert leh...

sorry mummies i have been missing ...

busy packing bags to go to zurich. leaving at midnite flight tonite.

toothpaste mailed out ... dazz, syzygy6, celynlee 3+2, piglet08

pearlytea ... i never receive any payment or email notification from u .. will be away for 2 weeks so any toothpaste problem sort out when i'm back?

wish me luck with all my luggages and 13 hr flight!

On flash cards, I'm wondering if i should sell my Glenn doman flash cards - i have the English and Maths set for my son 4 years back. However, i never get to finish showing hte cards. In fact my English set i have not even open the 2nd box..

Than for my girl, I'm showing until 20 dots only.. and only manage to show her once a day. Sometimes non at all... It's really difficult since i'm working.. By the time get back home, baby wants to sleep already..

Anyone interested let me know. I still have the GD baby receipt. They recognise by receipts - in fact i called them after giving birth to my 2nd baby (which is like 4 years after i bought the set) and i can still go back for training.

hi mummies.. THANKS for your tips and offer for freezer space ... got a potential solution.

GBH: i called the dryice guys, they are very helpful and have a potential solution for me... will check it out ... =) Thanks!!

Quite a few of you have the U-like blender. I remember them doing a demo at isetan but I siam cos didn't think I'd need one. Will check it out this weekend. Lots of shopping to do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] thanks Rurucat!

any takers??? ERO tights... $8 each... brandnew... my auntie gave me one... but i dun wear such stuff... XL and XXL size but looks smaller than that leh... seems like i can wear or izzit meant to be very tight kind??? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4637814.jpg]

Last week was my elder gal had rashes all over her body and now recovered.

Today is my baby gal. Her hands, legs and body have rashes and kept crying yesterday nite. Morning brought her to see doctor. Doctor said those are heat rash, prescribe some medicine. Now she refuses to drink.

Yesterday brought her to chalet and dunno because of that, she kept crying yesterday nite or maybe teething. Today worked until 9+pm so cannot bring her home, have to trouble my mum to look after her. What a bad mummy I am!

Morning mummies, didn't post for a long time. My don sick.

For the Xmas party, Ming has kindly extend to 52 paxs including SGSC as last paxs. Max cap loh.

Later I got time come in again to post the time is from 3 to 6, gift xchange at 5pm.

morning mummies...

dazz, how much r u selling the english and maths set? pm me also can..

gbh, this needs to be trained. first, u need to get the thumb cover to cover ur thumb (those accountant used for counting money or fliping through paper). You can get it from popular. I'll take a photo and post sometime again after this weekend. Then you need to hold the flash card in correct position to flash it fast. arghh.. this is tricky.. maybe when i meet u all at one of the gathering then demo bah.. the target for flashing cards to our babies in this young age is must be fast (less than 1 second each card) and accurate (said the correct word when the card is flashed and not covering the pic/word).

bbdust, i thought we can get bk to her before 26th Nov? Meaning I can't join since reach cap liao? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Jasda, PMed you.

Due to space constraint, Ming had to set a cap. So sorry... probably we'll organise another gathering in Jan or Feb la... =)

dazz/bbdust, can help to ask ming to squeeze in 2A + 1Tod + 1Baby? I was too busy with my bp recently and didn't notice there's a cap. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I hope to meet up with u all as have been not able to join for past gatherings except 1st gathering.

