(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi mummies,

Fyi, Aussino has some sales going on currently... I bought a baby comforter set today for $44.95 (usu $89.90) and 2 additional fitted sheets for $9.90 (usu $19.90)

Mummies - thanks all for the advice.. maybe have to put baby near to us (not under the beam) but then adjust the aircon so that it doesn't blow directly at her..

Re: Vomiting - I vomited again, this time, my MAC big breakfast.. and it is a lot! Breathlessness came back again.. and get tired really easily now.. hehz.

Re: Hubby's support - true, that is very important.. sometimes i get really unreasonable and most of the times, hubby gives in to me despite his bad temper too. I asked him isnt i preggie thats why he gave in to me, he said "yes loh, when bb is out, i will K u up upside down~" hehz. Today also feel privileged cos i went Happy Pay Steamboat and BBQ and i get preferential treatment - additional table set up for me and hubby with 2 chairs with backrest. hehz. Must enjoy cos next time no more privileged liao.. Thanks baby!

Ya. The comforter set so nice and cheap! I wanna buy!! But but but they dun have it for boys. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] boo-hoo. Called all the outlets. All have gal's one only. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi mummies,

i suffered frm diarrhoea today.. had stomach upset in e aftnoon, thought it was contractions! called dr woody n was told to go to hosp but i decided to wait.. scared false alarm.. e pain subsided after i cleared my bowels but then it came back again in e evening.. now feeling much better..

sigh.. worried that i might nt be able to tell when im having e real contractions..

Orangey: I know how you feel. At my check up yesterday, baby also put on only 100 g from the last check up. Baby now at 2.6kg at 36.5 weeks. Am really hoping that she is past 3 kg at 38.5 weeks which is when we have scheduled the c-sect.

Gynae says to eat more and to drink full cream milk. Hope this helps.

siew ping,

yup ppl ard me hav been telling me this too.. now my bhc start again.. dunno y i get it more at nite.. sure cant slp again ltr.. =/

piglet: Congrats again. Why did you require a c-sect? What was the experience like under epi? I am scheduled for a c-sect under epi on 8 April and would like to find out more about the process if you don't mind sharing.


welcome to the club! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hmm... i still dun understand leh.. ok.. i guess i shld start the PP mtd around in the 2nd week... thanks! i will probably ask u again if i encounter prob BFing... hahaha! paiseh gotta trouble u again then... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


there r pros n cons to having an epi but i think end of the day shld be u making the decision bcoz its U who is giving birth, not ur HB! i personally wont go for epi if possible bcoz i scared of the needle but i stand on ur side to have epi bcoz u want it urself... the pain not on him, easy for him to say no! here r some links on epidural:



Hi mummies, I had given birth to my boy yest morn. He came earlier than expected. I lose my mucus plug in the morning and contraction pain kicked in. Was 3.5 cm dilated when I reach tmc. Gynea decided to do an emergency csec and around 10pm, my boy is out.

Vicma, please update the table for me. Thanks. I had emer csec under GA and my boy weighs 3.165kg.

thats 27th mar right puckie? ok i update tomorrow or monday. Using hp now to post.

Gbh no prob just ask if i online sure answer u.

Hi, congrats those who has popped! So excited. I will b delivering via csect next wk. Though bb still small, gynac prefers to deliver at 37wks cos my no.1 was born at 36wks, so predict earlier. Now m trying to eat milk n durians, baked potato n etc. Rice no appetite to eat.

morning mummies!

congratulations puckie! ur BB is a good size even though he came earlier than expected! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks! i wanna make sure i can TBF successfully! wants the best for my BB!

kite kite,

woo... it's really getting more n more exciting! more n more mummies popping! im feeling also very excited now bcoz my BB is considered full term now and it's popping time anytime! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wah so exciting...

i dun think my bb's coming out anytime soon and i hope not coz gynae will be away till after good fri.

1sttimepapa, i just bought the blue pads from Kiddy Palace yesterday - 5pcs for $6.90.

i also went to get a thermometer finally...the CADI brand one, not too bad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can use for forehead and ear and can measure room temp when on standby. $96 on promo at Kiddy palace also, usu price $136.

vic_ma: Please add me in this thread too:

EDD:26 Apr 10


DR Chris Chen

2nd child - Girl

Sometimes, when doc says baby not out so soon, is also unpredictable. For my first baby, I went for my usual checkup at 36 wks+ and check with doc the likelihood of delivering soon. He say unlikely within the week ( my cervix still closed). Who knows, the next day, my water bag starts to leak and I delivered my baby.


actually I want delay til 38wks but gynae said not advisable according to no.1 at 36wks plus I hv slight high blood pressure so she dun want to delay. Hope bb wil gain more these few days.

Vicma, can send the dress anytime.

Congrats to puckie n piglet. This is getting more n more exciting. Ppl who don't expect to end up deliverin n others like me who want to end up waiting n waiting.

just went to see doc yesterday, am 35wks now. Doc says unlikely to deliver before 38wks. (hope not cause she will be away in my 37wk). So far I have gain 1 kg a mth consistenly till feb which i gain 3 kg and mar 2kg. bb is only 2.2kg only.. consider small???


I used natal essential 2 yrs ago during when i had no 1. Its gd. I read the reviews from the march mummies n all claim standard still good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dont want to wake up! Smaall noisey monster been clamering for me to wake since few hrs back.

'mummy wake up! Lets go. Lets go baby come on! Wake up!'

halo mummies!!

im back!!

here the update:

11pm: chk in TMC

12am: doc came to chk, dilated 2cm.

1230am: contraction came, vomit n cold sweat

2am: went in 'waiting room' ( they shave, make u go poo)

7am: dilated oni 0.5. so drip water

730am: contraction stronger (almost wanted to ask for enpidural!)

9am: got feel to push

930am: doc came n when into labour room to PUSH!!

finally baby out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

baby weight: 2.365

natural v vacuum.

my total bill by cash n medi is $ 2700 at tmc

juski (juski22)

congrats, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_smile.gif]

wat does vaccum means ? to suck out ?

so u nv use epi, vaccum = painless ?

now i tried to total BF my baby but hor how come she will kep asking for milk aft feed 15 to 30 mins?? n i BF her almost 1hr lei....

celia, thx [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

vaccum means doc use it to suck the baby out faster, so u dont nid to push so hard.

i nv use epi

thanks mummies for the info on epi.

I had a very intense backache last night until i was awaken from sleep. Tot it was time but the pain went off after half an hours... aiya, why not continue to pain then i can pop liao.. hahahaa....

RE: bb weight on u/s and actual

Im also interested to know eh.. mummies who have delivered can shared? gynae always told me only estimation after each u/s..

ya..the nurse jus shave for u.. but not all. oni the part nearer to ur v.

mmm... mine is like lao sai kind but sure abt others

Wonderland (mrsong)

ya tat y doc say my bb 37th wk 3.1kg. I dare not eat I scare its more then tat n I cant manage to push him out.

when 36h wk 2.8kh , 37th wk 3.1 kg. BB put on 3kg in a wk..

Last trimester, BB wil grow fast so milk, rice all nv really eat. I only take supplements, fruits n light food ( porridge, meehoon) for my meals

hahahaa.. celia, ur bb gained 300g from 36w to 37w la...

i tried to eat normal, and infact im eating normal all the while just that i need supper coz else gastric at night...

hahaa... went for dinner with some buddhist master last night and they kept feed me with lotsa foods... yummy yummy and forgot abt my weight.. heheee....

later than i found out that my dh's grandpa (passed away many years ago) was with us for the dinner.. hehehee.. no wonder those master gave me so much food....

btw, im a toaist in case u wonder how i know passed-way grandpa was around...



so sad ... i just admitted my baby into TMC due to jaundice ... the level is quite high at 16 ... now cannot latch on and feed him .. have to do pump EBM instead ... sigh

