(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


power pump. Best in 2nd week onwards so u can really tell a surge in yr supply. Done too early cannot compare only. And done earlier i just realised my pp mtd only day time. It assumes u still latch hor during the day and at night. For initial pumping good to pump at night too cos by right u still need the more freq stimulation and milk duct unclogging function of 2-3 hrly pumps.


Afternoon Mummies & 1st time papa( 欢迎 ) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/kao_welcome.gif]

I went for my follow up with Orthopeadic @ TMC yesterday,and got myself the hospital pack list.

Do you all need ? If yes, I will post up the items later after I done with my housework.

1st time dad.

every preg can be diff but some believe there is a rule of thumb for 1st time mums.

its very possible if the mum seldom walks or exercises and eats alot near the end of 3rd trimester. the actual birth date could be as near or overshoot the 40 weeks edd. cos eat well and very comfy so want to stay in mum's protection for longer.

usually this is ok as long as there are no other signs of low amiotic fluids or bb not growing already since 2-3 weeks last checkup. otherwise gynae will surely advise induction or alternatives already.

its good to let gynae recommend since its his job. and yrs is to sooth yr wife's nerves. ours perhaps to sooth yrs ha!

the usual to look out for the show - fresh bleeding, mucus plug loss, water bag breaking. contractions w increasing intensity and lingers longer and longer and doest go off as quick as before.

backaches and pelvis pain is considered mild indicators i would say cos i myself been getting them everyday for last 1.5mths or earlier. and quite acute pains during lunch and by the end of the day. but i know they are not labour signs.

2.8 is a good size for natural birth. i always tell my male friends. do talk to gynae. apart from them pushing u to do c section-some might for easy out sake. u hv to discuss with yr wife earlier should u think its time to decide on c section and yr wife's all hormonal and in pain. that she lets u decide.

why i say this cos by right the hb is more rationale and calm at that moment. and its from my friend's sister whomi recommend this. good for u to think abt.

my friend's sis's hb is a padetrician and for pride of a natural birth. let his wife go thru a 72 hr labour experience whnich nearly left her nearly dead. it took such a physical toil on her maybe pushing most of the time vs resting most of the 72 hrs. she was bed ridden for a few mths after that. and not to mention. bfing clearing went out in the drain.

i am not sure abt the child's health. but a woman going thru labour already suffers physical down time. to extend it due to personal pride was to push her physical ability lower. something to the effect image to purposely wreck a person's own health. gosh talk about loving her and wanting to spend rest life with the wedding vow? Anyway her health has never been the same after that. It greatly reduced her.

good thing to ponder abt but of course. i dont think yr case might call for u to call this shot. but gd to think abt.

i brought this up purely for discussion. hope didnt scare or offend u since u are new as well.

Will update yr wife's details later as i just got out of bed.

Congrats to all mummies who has popped...

Vic ma,

Had transferred payment for the mother's milk tea to u le... Pls check... Thank you once again...

agree to vic ma..

my dh refused strongly to let me take epi and im still explaining to him. im those kind who will faint or vomit even when having mensus cramp.. can u imagine labour pain is 100x mensus pain... i don want to be fainted or vomitting throughout labour and ended up being cut lor...

i keep telling dh but he does not seem to understand and said epi got side effect coz poking needle into spine... but i keep telling him is not into spine and he just does not want to listen...

sigh, i guess i will just request for it during labour... no choise...

Hi mommies,

have finally settled in at home and have the time to log in here.

As some of you already know, I've given birth to my little bub last Monday by scheduled c-sect under GA. Baby Nyla Omera weighed 2.8kg at birth.

The whole process was rather quick. Will update as soon as I get the chance to.

Mommies who are using breastpumps. After sterilizing the parts, what do u all do with the parts? Let air dry? Cos the bottles still have droplets of water in it. But air drying means exposure to bacteria n germs again.....am I right? Same goes with milk bottles? In mrs wong's class, she instructed to assemble milk bottles after sterilizing...no air drying...but what about the water droplets then? Super confused right now. Helpppppp........

Wonderland (mrsong)

its into the spine, I got scoliosis although my doc say no problem for me to take epi but I think if possible I wil try bear with the pain. Wont know wat wil happen with the after effect on my spine. perhaps weaken it den I wil regret for life.

My sis even told me sekali I become half paralysed. She encourage me to csect but my fren encounter bedridden after csect for 6 mths.

phobia after hearing tat, so I left with no choice, I think all mummies here if can we try to 'lun'.

wont b so good that such pain relief no side effect.

Wonderland: Ultimately you are the person going through labour and you have to decide what is best for you. Ask your HB to do his own research online and to speak to your gynae to better understand the pros and cons of epidural. But ultimately, you should be able to decide for yourself. Good luck!

My HB was initially more prone for me to do a c-sect under GA. But I was not so keen becos I wanted to be able to bond with the baby as soon as possible. I already felt bad about not being able to deliver naturally and I didn't want to miss out further. My HB felt that we have the next few decades to bond with the child so the first few hours are "not critical". So I told him to go do research and read up on other mummies' experiences. He did and now he begins to see where I am coming from. So we have decided on a c-sect with epidural unless the gynae advises us not to do so for medical reasons.


the anesthetics told me during the antenatal class that it is not into the spine but nerve above the spine eh...

my hb knows about the pro and cons from antenatal class but he is kind of stubborn... and he won go and do those research one...

aiya, if i can bear with the pain, i sure bear one, but looking at my experience with mensus cramp, i really stress and feel that i sld keep the option open and he just be stubborn and refused lor...

Wonderland (mrsong)

I got no choice hopefully I cn bear with the pain.

frankly speaking sometimes talk to doc also no use, they sure say no side effect. tis is really goin to b up to urself to decide when the time comes...

Mi too have bad menses cramp until face green green n sweaty.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

aftnn mummies..

wow all this talk abt D-Day is scaring me! hehe

i had a nice dinner last night.. steamboat+bbq buffet at turf city then had durians at 6th ave n coconut drink!

but then i suffered frm heartburn n bhc till my chest hurt! couldnt slp again as usual.. not to mention e backache n leg cramps! kept telling bb can cme out if he wants to.. =/


my hubby was so against epi too but aft seeing me going through bhc, backaches n all, he told me if cant tahan e labour pains n i decide to go for epi, he wont stop me..

Blushwax, Congrats!! DO post some pics of ur gal here wen possible!

RE: water droplets in bottles, tats fine. Mrs Wong did mention its sterilised water too, so just pour in the milk n feed. NO worries abt it.

mrsong talk to gynae then let gynae explain so that it doesnt seem like u are whining and kicking up a big fuss.

My take is this. No epi u faint from the pain. Immed c sect. Well done to his decision! U will blame him for the rest of yr married life and not cool right? Esp with baby and all starting a new chapter as a family together.

My dh on the other hand opposite. This time if bb small my gynae said can try natural. But my dh said no dont bother just c sect. He knows i asking cos of cost. C scet costs more lor.

Pros and cons of epi. Sure there is vomitting side effects and some dizziness after that. They give diff dose for natural birth vs c section. But sure the pros outweights the cons for those who choose epi. Like babypheonix another may10 mtb

sai for her #1 previously epi gd cos it allowed her to rest qhile the contractiuons went on and she just needed to push when the contractions closer freq to push the bb out. U aks me that's a smooth delivery.

Wah pain for hrs and then have to push to get the bb out eventually. I would say with epi smoother lor.

Blush wax i update later hor. Am outside. I bot those drying trays with sticks to invert bottles to air dry alot of versions and brands available. I am using munchkins la.

Hi mummies,

I'm at tmc now.. Going to deliver within24hours.. My waterbag burst..

Afternoon mummies, went to changi board walk this morning and walked fr 5.2km..hope this walk helps to speed up delivery so that I don need induce..

vic_ma .. i finally had time to transfer the milk tea deposit to u...

pls check ...

Funds Transfer your POSB Savings $9.75

Transcation Reference:2789126938


vic ma,

thanks. will talk to gynae again. 80% of woman is US and UK using epi throughout so many years lor...

he just stubborn lor.. yalor.. where got energy to push after long pain, plus if i got fainted, lagi best, who push?

anywhere, thanks all for the advise. i will talk to him again..

Vic Ma

Thanxs for sharing us your stories.

I shared with my wife your friend's sis's hb. My wife asked me whether they've divorced now ha ha.

I am quite open with the methods of delivery. I told my wife if she cannot tahan the pain, then go for epidural... Anyway giving birth should be a memorable, beautiful and less painful experience to me..

Went to Guardian this afternoon to buy blue pad/mat for bed but always 'Sold Out. Not sure why it is so popular.

This afternoon is so hot...

Oh to all woman, every husband has their own ways of caring n loving U lah...

hi 1sttimepapa,

welcome to the forum. nice to see guys also interested...

celia, think he means the rubber mat for changing diaper.

vicma, did u get my $21.60 for the mims order?

yup, saw them selling at kiddy palace and baby hypermart. can't remember where else.

re labour method/etc. hubby generally quite supportive of what i want since its my body and my pain. am keen for epi but will wait and see how it goes lor. like vicma says, no point be hero and tong the pain then at the end too tired to push.

Oh it actually for putting on bed to prevent any leaking blood after pregnancy which can stain bed. I understand there will be heavy flow of blood which can last for weeks.

Cottagefry: Good luck! Looking forward to hearing abt your birth story soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Blushwax: Congrats too!

1sttimepapa (1sttimepapa)

Oh I have that mat too.

I think guardian dun replenish tat fast bah, usually mummies will buy at those kiddy palace, metro, tom & steffanie, OG might hav also at their bb dept, tis mat quite widely available as long got bb stuff selling.

Maddie I agree wif you. My hubby is supportive of my choice.

Before pregnancy, we always knew that we would go for epi because I have very low threshold for pain.

then we were very impress by the video showed at the breastfeeding workshop and both wanted to try for natural w/o epi.

the other day, he told me that actually all the while he doesn't really mind what method I use as long as I am ok.

No point suffer so much pain and end up traumatised. So we more or less agree to go for epi liao, cos we felt I had endured a lot throughout my pregnancy and my state of mind is more important. Traumatised mummy = unhappy baby.

Hi mummies,

fasle alarm.. The staff nurse detected wrongly.. Made me suffer for nothing.. Kena shaved.. So rough.. Now can discharge.. Only dilated for 1- 2 cm, dr woody said still can wait.. Membrane of the waterbag still intact..

Oh if u r referring to the blue sheet that is disposable after soiled then can get at any hospital pharmacy. I am just going to use a towel to line the bed for post delivery.

Cottagefry, guess just wait some more. How come the nurse said the waterbag broke when it's not.


yes, so stupid! Made me worried for nothing.. Cos bb yet to reach full term.. I told her to wait for dr woody to arrive first before doing anything eg admission.. I prefer to wait for another 2 weeks.. She insisted that I will go into labour today.. So stupid!

cottagefry (cottagefry)

relax... part n partial bah..

think most mummies ever encounter false alarm.

My colleague dilate 2cm and drag till another wk then show time lei

Have a good rest & talk to your bb come out after 2 wks.

My bb full term already so everyday I am telling him to come out fast n smooth, dun give me bad pain.. duno whether he can hear me or not..


I feel very relieve now.. Cos I'm totally unprepared, I rush to buy herbs after discharged.. Haha! Now I'm at mos burger waiting for my corn soup.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I finally went to the Mattel sales today. So hot and stuffy inside. The toys and stuff are full of dust too. Saw a baby high chair from frisher price but in the end didn't get anything at all.


You must be very angry now. Forget about it and have a good rest this weekend.

RE: Pain Relief for Labour

Actually, it is up to your level of comfort for the labour. Especially first-time mums may need a little more help cos the first childbirth is always usually more overwhelming (in intensity) and for some first labours, the mother will spend a long time trying to push the baby out.

That's why usually the midwives will advise you accordingly depending on how fast your labout progresses.

Besides being a pain-relief, epi actually helps the dilation to speed up. But there will always the the few odd cases where the progress is super long. Like a friend of mine, she spent about a day pushing and had 2 tubes of epi to help.

As for the pain in the back due to epi, it's not true. The back pain can come from a host of different reasons like incorrect posture when feeding or carrying the baby. I did not have any pain from epi post-partum.

1st time papa

Welcome! Actually a towel in the car and the bed will be sufficient. I had one towel on my bed 2 weeks before EDD. And when my water bag broke, I was on the bed and the towel managed to catch the flow. So dun worry!


Amniotic fluid is colourless and odorless. However, if the amniotic fluid is like green or black (in other words dark colour) please rush to hospital. Cos your baby has pooed in the womb and it is not a good thing if baby intake the 'polluted' amniotic fluid.

Texture wise, it's actually like water lor, at least that's how I remember it lah...

Update notes for myself hor

1)1sttimepapa (1sttimepapa) boy Vic ma - kindly update our details.

EDD:17 Apr 10


DR Adrian Woodworth

1st child

2) piglet08 (piglet08) bb girl born on 21 March & weigh 3.2kg via C-sect w/epi.

Ashley bb & Maddie I got your funds. HJ yrs yet to check yet jsut got your email.

Maddie the dress came today - i was on the way out. u going to induce tue right? should i send out later in the week? I reply to u on monday again thru email also ba.

1st time dad - u are not teh 1st 1st time dad we had on the forum. we used to have one in my #1 batch in 2007 he even came with his wife & kid for our very 1st bb's meetup we subsequently had. cool tt you are so concerned.

Went for Dr's Appt this morning.

Baby weigh about 2.8kg at exact 38weeks. Only put on abt 100 gram within 2 weeks :-(

Am a little worried cause I thought baby will hit 3kg :-( My Dr did says this is of average weight provided me and DH don't belong to the big size grp. I'm petite and DH also not very tall, but defintely would like baby to be more than 3kg. Dr also did VE for me, no dilation so far and he said I can wait for another 1-2 weeks, so afterall my pelvic cramps and wet panties are just false alarm.

He asked me to drink more coconut water to prepare for the big day. I just hope my baby listens to my worries and diligently put on if can, 300-500g this week :)

Baby, Baby, must listen to mummy okay? Absorb more nutrients and gain at least 300-500g this week :D

Me also trying to "make" baby gain more weight. Drinking milk now. Supposed to see Gynae again this monday. Monday morning will go yoga.. been not going cos afraid baby will come out early.. but think now i'm ready anytime. So Monday will go Yoga, hopefully will help in the labour process as i told gynae no epi.. My first one was fast also no epi.. hopefully this one will be too.

On pain threshold - Actually one thing that help me sort of bear with the pain is distraction and not to pay too much attention on the pain. I read a book on hypnothesing - didnt read the whole book, just the intro but it was quite useful to me. It talks about how sportsman etc.. bear with the pain and continue with competition - how they did it - not to focus on the pain. So what i did last time was that I ended up "touring" the hospital. Walking around and occupied my mind with other things. It was only at about 11+am when i lay down on the bed that the pain become unbearable. But baby was out quite soon too. I'm trying to remind myself to have the same mentality for this baby. Wish me luck!


I think milks help alot. I was drinking 1 cup in the morning and another cup before I sleep during Week 30 - Week 32 and my baby gained like 1kg within 3 weeks but now I shorten to 1 cup a day plus its Low fat milk cause the Maternal milk making me constipated. I'm going to start to taking 2 cups of milk daily and switch to fresh milk. Hopefully baby can gain at least at least 300g but I'm hoping for 500g which my gynae said its possible!

orangey u changed account?

anyway, if both u and hubby are smaller build, why do you want a big baby? Anyway 2 weeks to gain 200g should be quite ok. Eat durian, drink milk and eat cheese.

I had been taking lotsa cheese and baby gained closed to 400g in 2 weeks!

