(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

congrats to those who hav delivered their bundle of joy!

im still waiting for my turn.. will be 37wks tmr.. hope bb's ready to meet mummy n daddy!

kite kite,

i think if ur BB is not too small then ok to deliver... if got high BP then better to deliver asap... high bp no joke one... ur doc shld be able to strike a balance btw BB health n mummy health... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yday i went chinatown this shop called Golden Dragon... i was tempted to get some materials from there to knit BB booties for my BB girl... so i bought some rolls n the staff there will teach me how to knit.. they told me that will take 2-3 days for beginner to knit a pair of booties... i hope i can finish b4 i pop! tmr going to see gynae n see what he says... im in a dilemma... cant wait to see BB yet still not prepared completely yet.. still a lot of washing n cleaning to be done though alrdy done a lot liao...


were u induced or not induced? Mine at Also same weight As urs at 36 wks. Gg for csect next wk 37. But on actual day, gynae wil measure again.


dun worry. My no. 1 also has jaundice n very high at 18. Ur bb wil b ok. Just pump n bring it to hospital daily to ur bb.


my gynae not worry any bb weight though quite small. She more worry any e risk. Hmm actually how many kg is small? Heehee.

congrats to all mummies who popped - puckie, juski... and any others that i missed out from 3 days of archive.


C1 was at 16.4 on day 5 and i refused to hospitalise him. with support of PD...

hope bb can be discharged soon! even EBM (no direct latch) is better for him than FM. jiayou! take heart!


wah still got time to knit booties!

nesting behaviours

my nesting behaviours are not e normal clean house, wash bb clothes type.... like last time, i had the urge to finish up my work stuff and other ECA type activities over this weekend. siao siao. hope tis not a sign of impending labour.

i told C2 already that he cannot come out before ah ma and ah kung come to SG on 14 Apr. o/wise Mr C jialat jialat, gotta handle me + C1.

Re: Jaundice - I recall prenatal course mentioned that jaundice occurs because the baby has high blood count. If I have very low blood count (mine ranges around 8, the last check was 8.3 several weeks ago - i am on iron tablets now), will the probability of baby having jaundice be much lower?

Hj, jiayou pump bm for bb to drink.

Gbh, wa admire u for knitting booties. As it is I already haf difficulty to get evrything together.

Manage to clean up bb room today, put bedsheet etc on cot, wash all the baby stuff, finalize packing hospital bag. Dunno if this is nesting behaviour or if cos no choice cos due to induce next week. Still more or less ready for bb to move in now. Just to wait n hope can come naturally before next tues.

Aftn mommies, wow..more have popped. Congrats Puckie and Juski!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

JUs to share my bb gained 500 gms in 2 weeks, but i gained 2kg too..so its possible for bb to gain so much. BUt my appetite has been v good, esp on sweet stuffs like cakes, desserts, durian..so prob tats y..

Finally bought my warbrobe frm Ikea last nite, but mum says cannot fix wen im in house. True mah?

We also bought a white inflatable changing pad ($10)whereby the sides can blow air to inflate. Tink its for bringing out to change bb diapers but we gonna use it for the cot mattress coz we using nappies first few mths, sure urine will leak thru n dirty the mattress. coz we dun wanna keep changing the mattress pad each time bb urines. Hope tis will work as well.

SGSC, hi 5, my baby also gain 400g in 2 weeks, and my chest of drawers will be delivered tomorrow. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I am very excited about it as I can't wait to put all the baby things into order. (Nesting Instinct too?)

My hubby finally have the energy to take pictures of me.. nothing fantastic, but at least now I have something to remember my pregnancy by.

I can feel my mood lifting and hope it stays that way.

BTW, do you/should we line the chest of drawers with some liners before putting baby clothes in? I wanted to get the IKEA organisers but wonder if those drawer liners used for kitchen are better. Also considered mahjong paper but worried abt the chlorine...

vic_ma pls update for me: scheduled c-section/w epi on 9 Apr @ Mt A, Girl. (#75 on your list) thanks!

Congrats to mummies who have popped!

gbh: wah still got energy to knit?!

hj: dun sad.. last time my #1 also very high jaundice. ask hb bring EBM to bb.. or you can go to the hospital to latch bb too right? bb will be home in no time.. cheer up.

i been procrastinating, finally sit down and pack my hospital bag...

I just descaled my pigeon steriliser.

But very strange, the first round when I descale with lime juice, steriliser metal plate was clean and shiny.

then I add water per instruction and do it another time, when I open the steriliser, there were chucks of bronish residues. And now the metal plate got a chou da mark.

Is this normal? Do you think I have spoiled it somehow??

Hi Kite

I find her good and very comfortable with her. After my 1st and 2nd delivery, I do not feel the pain after 2 days. That's good thing about her stitching. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When r u due? Is this ur first bb?


my understanding is that bb poos in uterus when they are 'in distress' meaning not enough blood to placenta or not enough amniotic fluid etc. we can only know when water bag breaks and we can see the colour of the amniotic fluid.

kdd, didn't line bb's drawers. just wiped with damp cloth. too lazy to go and find paper and cut to size.

hi mummies, just wondering if any MTBs here are planning to breastfeed their newborns? if so, pls feel free to join in my new facebook page set up to connect breastfeeding families and help breastfeeding moms with tips and advice on how to make the breastfeeding journey a smoother and more sustained one. =)


breast milk is nature's 'formula' for all newborns! =)

Hi juski, Congrats! Btw, did you stay in single or double room? At the moment i'm opting for single but thinking about changing to double depending on the difference in price.. How much did you pay cash?

Alot of mummies popped already. Congrats!

Seeing gynae tomorrow. Last Friday he say i'm 1-2cm dilated. These few days i dun feel anything special leh and i felt that my baby is still quite high.. doesn't seem to be coming out soon.

hi mummies,

i bk after an afternoon outside... tired now but later still gotta go wash my bathroom... tmr is my gynae appt... i scared he will tell me i need to stay in hosp to get ready for labour bcoz these few days i feel an immerse pressure down there... so have a feeling my BB very engaged liao! so better clean up the hse asap...

kite kite,

not sure how small is considered small but i heard that usually the doc would want the BB to be at least 2.4 kg n above to let BB discharge on time.. if lesser then gotta stay in hosp till bigger... not sure how true bcoz this one heard from frens one...

cellow, maddie, jas03

re knitting booties... haha... i hope i dun 3 min enthusiasm... scali havent start alrdy going to pop! i havent make the BB cot yet bcoz the plastic wrapper is still on the mattress... i plan to only remove the plastic wrapper after BB is born so that it wont collect dust meanwhile bcoz also dunno when BB is coming..


re BB poo inside.. usually its when BB is distressed...


re preparing the drawers, i use the IKEA organisers (with a zipper at the base one and can be folded to keep away)... i think its made of nylon... so i wash them in the washing machine b4 using them... i din line the drawers with anything else... just wipe down with water/ rubbing alcohol (to sanitise, im a clean freak!) i tot the ikea organisers r good to also keep the small BB clothes neat in a pile.. if not the clothes will topple here n there without any organisers...

Mummies - i am feeling some family stress these days.. cannot control then feel like crying.. sob.

Re: Toyogo Plastic Cabinet - I just bought one from Toyogo yesterday.. any advice how to remove the plastic smell? Just open and air? I tried using some antiseptic wipes to clean the interior and exterior already..

Today is busy day for me.

Just finished 2nd round of washing for bb clothes.

Wife is running nose since Sat. Thought is labour symptom n will go away but don't seems to be so.

Brought her to see doc at 6.30 and Doc prescribe running nose medicine for her and given her 1 day MC tomorrow.

Poor wife worried whether Boss will be happy when she takes MC. Told her y worried so much n her health is more important now. So far, of all the MCs that she took during this period, boss made her to work from home. Even email to her whether she has finished her work.

Wife is working in a male-dominated company where all the male 'egotisam' is high. Boss never bother to admit mistakes and keep her in the loop of anything and expect her to know everything. Boss even sigh in front of her if her work is not up to her expectation or vent frustration on table.

I've tolf my wife to resign after her maternity leaves. Poor woman, in stress n cried so many times during this period. I've to give her a lot of support during this time.

I've more things to tell if u guys want to listen his unreasonableness..

Too tired going to sleep now.


dont bother just clean with damp cloth will do. Antiseptic on bb's clothes not a great idea, they hv sensitive skin. Rinse well and air again will do.

siew ping,

what happened? y stressed? r u having mood swings bcoz of hormones too? whenever i feel depressed or stressed, i always ask myself if its my fren who is going thru the same thing would i be very worried abt it? if ans is NO then i will conclude its a small prob n will tell myself its the hormones n the stress will pass.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

re the nasty plastic smell, try putting a small open container of baking soda (bicarbonate of soda) inside the drawers to absorb the smell.. baking soda can absorb a lot of smells n also moisture.. but i nvr try if plastic smells can remove or not... i put a small container of baking soda in my wardrobe to ensure that my clothes dont have that "not dry" smelly smell... take care not to spill it though... if not u will have a mess! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

btw did u try washing the drawers with water n soap before use? usually i wash my togoyo stuff with water n soap b4 use bcoz most plastic will have an "oily" layer when brand new.. perhaps just a good wash and rinse will just get rid of that smell... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


its so gd that u can understand what ur wife is going thru during preg n that u can be sensitive to her... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its alrdy bad enuff that work is causing stress, plus our hormonal up n down swings during preg makes it worse.. continue to support ur wife! its the best thing u can give her now! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

siew ping,

oh btw if u going to try the baking soda mtd, i advise that u remove the baking soda before filling up with BB clothes, u dont want the powder to end up on the BB clothes.. i dunno if BB will be sensitive to that.. just leave the baking soda container in the empty drawers a few days then remove it b4 putting BB clothes inside...


dun worry,have faith. i'm sure bb is ok.

congrats to all mummies who've popped! way to go juski! natural w/o epi is inspiring!

enema stools

it will be loose. more like diarrheoa. after they administer for you, you'll feel like going immed but try to hold for a minute for a full clean. if not you pass out mostly enema.

my nose blocked since yday.

I think the hormones runninng wild. Pls all do take care. Post natal blues can really attack anyone. Its like it makes u see the most negative aspect of things. We must focus on what's most important. Resting and preparing for delivery. Or taking care of our new babies and enjoying them.

Stick to positive words and sayings. Lets all continue to encourage one another.

Siew ping, try to be positive abt the family issues. I also do end up being very tearful this few days even tho nothing much to be upset about. My hb say I cry until so chicham. But after that usu feel better. And it helps when he doesn't get upset when I cry. Just keep me company until the wave of sadness pass.

Celia r u ok. Pls let us know how it goes. Will keep u in prayer.

hi Siew Ping, I went through the crying stage when my hubby was away for 3 weeks also. Just couldn't control and every night cry. My son was sick during that period and vomit when cough. So night time i have to clean up the vomit etc and not enough sleep that it affected my work as well. Only support was from my mother and she tried to come to stay with me for a few days.. Perhaps you want to seek help from someone close to you? Else you can also try deep breathing and try to think of positive things. In yoga lesson, the teacher sometimes tell us to close our eyes and imagine that we are in a valley with streams of water, laying beside tree etc.. But i suppose this needs you to be relax and really let go of the worries for the moment. Frankly i tried but in a short while i give up.. hee hee.. But I find taking time out and spending time with myself helps - i.e. go shopping or perhaps do some light exercise.

Siew Ping, on cleaning. We bought a new wardrobe recently also -about 2 weeks + ago. After clean, we even air it for 3 to 4 days and put those charcoal stuff to absorb the smell. After that than we put the clothes in. But frankly, maybe the one we bought is the cheapo neighhood type of wardrobe, the smell is still there after unless if i close the wardrobe.. I think they probably use some type of chemicals for the wood and it will take sometime for the smells to clear up.

doc say lucky realise early for my blood flow, i got no contraction, no dilation yet heavy blood flow. Bb not much movements so got to emergency csect

12.01- bed stain wif blood, i quick change n cme hospital., reached hospital ard 1230 n change gown to delivery suite. After observation no dilation nurse say wait til giv birth, supposingly doc cme morning 8am as told, bt my blood flow heavier nt in gd color, doc quick cme n did an emergency rescue to mi n bb.

My labour i shld say no pain onli panic due to the blood wondering hws bb doin inside.

bb nw under observation for 6 hrs i stil didnt get to see my bb yet. My bb drank blood n had bowels. Nw in intensive care unit.


For ur updatE, 3.3 kg boy, 50cm emergency csect w/o epidural.


Congrats! Your bb will be fine and soon he will be in your arms.. Take care and rest well.. Will keep u & bb in prayer.

Morning all! I'm so early today, because my water burst n i'm in the hospital now. Now trying to clear all my stools before going to ward to rest. I can't believe it, i'm going to deliver today. But now cervix only open 1cm, long labour leh. Ok, will update u all again.


find she is very calm. This is my 2nd pregnancy, 1st one also delivered by her. Mine both csect. My csect will be tmr at 37wks. Very excited n ganzhong.


my no. 1 poo in my uterus After 9hrs induced labour n fluid turned green. Ended up emer csect n cervix stil not openEd at 2cm. My no. 1 was stress.


my last wk checkup, bb at 2.3kg. Hope n wish he will gain more weight after a wk.


congrats to u! Take care n dun worry ur bb will b fine. Hv a good rest.


wow keep us updated. So Excited.


ur BB will be fine. dont worry.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


feels so excited for u! popping soon!

kite kite,

dont worry abt ur BB weight.. mine also smaller than average thru out preg... i kept asking gynae if ok everytime i see him, he like not concerned bcoz he said more impt is BB is healthy, big doesnt mean will be healthy n small doesnt mean will be unhealthy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

