(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi Juye,

If i'm not mistaken, you were from EC Club in SP? Btw, Jiayou and hope you have a smooth delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

morning all. monday is a tough day to get going at work...


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] will go look at it later. gd idea to laugh laugh laugh the blues away.


your boy is a tough one... he will be ok. in the meantime, you rest well. keeping you both in prayer.


forget the how many cm dilated. our minds can do funny maths one.

wat i did for C1 was to take off my specs and refuse to know how many cm dilation and how much time has passed... jiayou!

mood swings

i m moody, but i know why i m moody. tis just work. i seem to swear a lot more (silently and under my breath) at work and esp when driving. haha.

jiayou, maddie and siewping... vicma is right leh abt the post natal blues, and applies to pre natal blues as well.

on this topic..


all you can do is listen and hold her when she is stressed. tis amazing how she will feel better after that.... smtimes i tell Mr C, i need to cry or i need a hug, then he just does his supportive silent offer-shoulder thing, and i feel much better... ok mayb not imm after, but def after that.

*pat on back*

C2, you guai guai stay inside until after 14th Apr... all your little frens are coming out to see the world. but tis not your turn yet!

Thanks all. I'm still doing fine now, pain still bearable, now waiting at delivery suite. Should be able to deliver by evening time. I'm trying to relax so that I can dilate faster. Now using the breathing method that mrs wong teached.

Celia: i'm at tmc too, at delivery suite waiting. Congrats to you!

Alsky: yes, i'm from sp ec club. Are u too? So exciting.


Yap, I'm from May thread. We were in the same club and from the same Game Fest committee. Heehee. Been so long since those school days and we are all becoming parents now. Congrats again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Send regards to Ron, Never knew you both are married till recently.

Good morning!

Congratulations to all mommies who have delivered! and Welcome the lil ones!

am enduring my last week of confinement, so looking fwd to the baby shower this weekend *yay*

Wow! Seems like it's a bumper day of baby arrivals.

Celia: Congrats and am sure your boy will be fine. Think need to start and try pumping in the meantime to try and establish milk flow?

Juye: All the best! Looking forward to seeing you post your birth story when you are ready.

Kite/Maddie: Think you girls are next in line. All the best too!

Pre/post natal blues: I have been feeling weepy recently too. And you know the feeling when you feel more mang zang becos you can't really pin point the cause of your mang zangness? That's been me the last couple of days. Am telling myself this is a passing phase and will be over in due course. When it hits really hard, I busy myself with making lists - planning the 1st month party, looking at interesting baby classes etc. When all else fails, retail therapy and chocs usually help [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Congrats to all the newly-minted and re-minted mummies!

Celia, jiayou! Don't worry, have faith and everything will look up for your baby!


online retail therapy (esp browsing BPs and WTS threads on this forum) during confinement burnt a BIIIIIIG hole in my pocket last time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dun feel weepy. i just feel like whacking pple... maybe all the testosterone that i m carrying LOL

like lucida, i do visualisations, yoga and light exercise. chocs and ice cream also help a bit [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


oh ya, causes of newborn jaundice. posted for sm1 (think ws mrsm?) before.

jaundice is caused by the fact that fetuses have a different kind of red blood cell than adults. They are just getting rid of these cells around the time of birth, which releases a lot of bilirubin

from googling 'excess bilirubin newborn' http://bodyandhealth.canada.com/channel_condition_info_details.asp?disease_id=170&channel_id=9&relation_id=10860 this was the best non medical description already... all the wiki explanations were too cheem for me.

hi morning mommies.

Congrats to all mommies who have popped! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morn all!

Wooh...more birth stories aft one nite! hahah..

Celia, congrats on the safe arrival of ur son. Close shave but he's in good hands now. Dun worry and rest well!

Juye, all the best too! Jiayou Jiayou!!

Kdd, haha..but i gained most weight out of wat bb gains..1/4 of mine!

Is tat the nesting effect? Jus wanna faster get all things ready coz now like so crucial liaoz..Yday aftn we were bz washing the nappies n clothes 1st round nia..

I will jus clean n wipe the insides many times till no soap nor smelly smell...tink airing it wif windows open big big helps for few days too. Last time my WIW drawers i go put the freshener inside, then close it, then i got preg liaoz, cant stand the smell n till now aft one yr i stil keep my drawers open to 'chase' the smell away, but my room enclosed one, so i cant air it effectively. so sianz...

BTW, my mum said dun to assemble the warbrobe wen im ard. Is tis true?

Celia, Congrats to you and your son. Just focus now on looking after the two of u...

Juye, you sound very brave and calm! Jiayou.

Thanks Ming, winding up at work liao. looking forward to seeing bb face to face. all the best with the retail therapy. I'm also looking forward to receiving the MIM dress from vicma soon!

Kite, all the best for tomorrow!! hope u can sleep tonight...

Sg_sc, my MIL also didn't allow me (AND HB as well) to be at home when my guest bed arrived at home. Not sure abt wardrobe. Generally, I don't believe la, if u want to be around, make sure nobody finds out. if not, then go kiakia when assemble lor. to me even better, no need to do work. =)

wow so many more popped!

i'm in the weepy mood. last fri on leave then in mrt nobody give me seat i started weeping. so pathetic rite? embarrassing. hubby didnt know wat to do with me. haha.

celia, congrats! hope u see ur bb soon!

sgsc, i guess it depends on your family's beliefs la. some family move anything also MTB not allowed to be around. For me, i'm not allowed to fix anything in the house so i've been putting up with a leaking tap for the longest time. very annoying.

unable to breast feed cos i now on pain killer drip 3rd pack liao,


I discharge on thurs, u jiayou,

Mine is csect w ga, fast job within an hr all done

hi mommies

just went toilet. found some pinkish streak when i wiped. just a bit nia but called gynae. She told me to monitor and go hospital straight if the blood became menses like and if contractions start. If not, just keep to the original appt and see her this evening.

my turn soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but then, my bd is tmrw. maybe my girl wants to share the same bd. hmm.. dunno good or bad...

Maddie/Celia: Retail therapy is great! Except my hb has banned me from buying more clothes for the bb 'cos she really has quite alot. Both hand me downs and new items. So now I am branching out to toys. Grin. DOn't really feel like shopping for myself 'cos I am so big now. Looking forward to getting a new wardrobe after the little one is born though. I doubt I can fit into my old work clothes...

Lynn: When on the MRT, position yourself in front of the priority seat, if the occupier does not get the hint, you should ask for the seat. The other day we were at Holland V and another car looked like it was going to try and steal our lot. So I got out of the car and looked on at the other car as my hb reversed into the lot. It is really bad taste if people try and fight with a pregnant lady but of course we have to be reasonable too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

janet, no leh. no contractions or any symptoms over the wkn. bb playing the waiting game with us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

and i'm still at work. haha. my colleagues were so shocked to see me in office this morning!

LoveBkk, looking down the list, it'll be yr turn v soon liaoz...really is anytime! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So exciting...

Maddie, Lynn - my mother everything also say cannot. But my MIL no comments lei..yalor, but to be safe since we oredi come so far, tink i better disappear wen HB fixes the wardrobe. heheh..Maddie, like wat u say, can geng abit..hehhe

Weepy mood - hmm...issit a sign which'll come on stronger as we approach EDD?

lovebbk and bbdust, you are still around!

happy lunchtime everyone... i m heating up leftovers from last night's dinner... will mainly work at home from now on.


I had brown discharge on 19 mar n pink on 20 mar. Then contraction started on 22 mar night. Delivered on 23 mar afternoon. Just sharing with u.. Usually show le, then some may hv contraction v fast n some few days later. Shd be anytime now...excited!!!


now i rem... yes saw on FB... but preggie brain rapidly forgets stuff!

now emailing my maternity leave form to my boss. nesting too? haha.

celia: Is your scoliosis mild or quite curve kind? I also have the same problem but I think it is consider mild.. Does this means cannot have epidural?

hi vic ma

I had delivered on 26th march baby is 2.725kg natural via epidural

will update my story soon =)

67 20-Apr wilbb #1 Dr Fong Chuan Wee Glene Girl

Take care ladies =)

vic_ma, my scheduled C-section 9 apr next fri, not 9 march [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] really thanks for updating all our details.

congrats Celia!! Must rest well..

Juye all the best, jia you!

lovebkk: all the best.. you still go to work ar? so nice if bb same bd as you.. everytime i hear some mummies update their labour starting soon i get soo excited..


Hi mommies,

Lots of babies and lots of tears...Let's all jia you.

Eat chocolate! I had been eating chocolate, ice cream and cheese (dun know if that makes people happy too) for the past few weeks and my mood seem to have lifted a bit.

SGSC, the assembling of things part I feel it's up to you and your family. First, if anyone will get upset if you hang around.

Then, ask yourself are you bothered by the notion. If no then what's stopping you?

For me, I bai wu jing ji liao.. why? Cos my up down left right neighbours did reno throughout my pregnancy. The ultrasound shows my baby is ok. So no need to hide. I hide my house 'reno' but cannot hide from reno that others started anyway.

But then, even so, my hubby took leave to wait for the delivery of the drawers and the aircon man to service the aircon today. So ... it's up to you.

BTW, our EDD quite close.. seem like our stage of readiness also about the same. My mom was helping me with the washing of diapers and bath towel yesterday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Now only need to rearrange the baby room to make it look more like a nursery.

Everyone, rest well and keep cool!

