(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

wah so competitive one ah, go pre-sch also need book so early in advance!! Gosh...better remind myself to source for nursery wen bb 1 yr old...tok abt kiasuism...;p

Hippo, Tks yah, so much toks abt the mercury scare + u oredi took the jab n u stil have to "convince" us tat its safe. hehehe... poor gal. yah the news on sat did state specifically tat only preggy women above 3 mths shld take the jab. Below tat, shldnt...


cellow, yah it's really tao tia.. this issue troubles me a lot ..

bcos if i put C1 before delivery, C1 tends to sick at childcare and i've got to take care of her with my big tummy .. and if C1 got sick and pass to C2 when i deliver.. it's tao tia also...

but if C1 is not sent to childcare before delivery, i worry she will be resisting when seeing me taking care of C2 attentively too..

cellow, ooooh.. but u will be sending him to playgroup? dun fret dun fret! maybe like jasda, send after u pop? about 3-6mths later?

jasda, no worries la! i m sure u are teaching her lots at home too! bring her to those adhoc classes in the interim?

sg_sc, super competitive sia. i almost fainted when i read dat article.. imagine if we are popping in the year of dragon??? LOL!

ha! no worries on t he jab la. i just tot our MOH has been pretty stringent on lots of things and with all the exceptions of vaccinations on 18 & below and 1st tri preggers, i tink they have factored in those pple who are not suitable for the jabs lor.. hee~!!!! anyway, i super bo chap one! POSITIVE rem? just tink on the bright side!!! hiaks..

i'm back from my meeting.. and knocking off soon..

SG_SC: i'm gg star cruise.. my ILs heard we are going, they also want to tag along becos they want to go gamble.. up to them lor.. cos i'm not paying for them anyway.. hahaha.. will see how's the weather and the crowd 1st before I decide whether to go for a swim there.. ya, quite pai sai with big tummy and i only got bikini.. see how lor.. thanks for ur concern!!

Sam: got to control, cannot drink too much tea lor..

wonderland: i got the same worries.. but i'm going to hack care what other people say abt bf.. i'm going to bf.. hahaha..

i heard abt the H1N1 jab too.. i'm thinking of taking too.. maybe i will seek my gynae's comments first... to be safe then to be sorry.. even now i got headache often, i try my best not to take panadol, although my gynae said it's fine.. i still worry abt the effect..

Hippo, kekeke...yeah yeah..POSITIVE!! But i neva taken flu vaccines all along, so dun tink be taking tis time wen preggers too - incase i start experiencing all the side effects which im quite sure i wld coz i v weak one... :D

Luckily Our bb Tiger yr - not so "hot yr!" Heng ah.. My HB's niece born in golden pig yr, heard they wanna register for childcare downstairs also no place.

Yeah! mon bluez is officially over...super headache n tired..going back mum mum oredi...till 2ml! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jasda & cellow,

i will be sending #1 to CC after chinese new year, before i deliver. giving him time to get use to new environment and idea of school. don't want him to think that i'm dumping him cos of #2.


at least your #1 is older. my #1 just hit 18 months when i send him to cc in feb leh.


actually.... i din think abt that leh, the health issue. i just trust that my BM gave him enuf immunity, plus all the vaccinations of course. PD did say C1 has asthmatic tendencies (HB's genes) but he might grow out of it.

your C1's health is generally ok?


send before pop la.... sekali C1 really thinks i put him one side bcz of C2!

i already tell my mum, pop, ILs, HB and aunt to remember to still give C1 attn when C2 comes out. plus i will cont reading to C1...

going off home to makan! sgsc's talking abt mum mum makes me hungry!


thanks for the info on ordering from Kohls. will try out CGW.

About baby movements, I have been feeling baby movements almost nightly now. Very exciting!

Seats on public transport...so far Nobody has given up their seat to me. Maybe cos I am not showing much yet. That's what evrybody tells me anyway. But hor I'd rather not sit on the train cos when I sit for too long, I will feel the urge to pee. So I'd rather stand.

Abstinence - I think we as parents have to do as much as we can to advise our kids and provide as much knowledge about premarital relations as possible. I think most kids start early partly cos their so curious about it. So I guess we can only do our best. Religion helps in a way.

juye, ya many people ask to stop drinking coffee and tea. but tea is my favourite. if i change to flower tea should be okay right?

anyway, see u mummies tmr. im just abt to go home from work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sam, juye,

jasmine tea and herbal infusions commonly sold in the mkt shd be fine la. i also drink some tea to keep awake when on training course... a way to socialise also.


realise your qn not really answered yet!

looking for the WTS (want to sell) section of SMH... if you scroll to the top of this thread, and click on "A Singapore Motherhood Portal for the Singapore Parents", it will take you to the main screen.... then scroll down for the Want to Sell and Want to Buy threads. Good bargains there... the bulk purchase (BP) section also.

Hi all,


I still have nausea in the evening and vomit few days once, am now 16wks+, still not gd appetite but gained back 3kg which lost during my 1st tri=P

Stomach cramp

I do feel stomach cramp very often, gynae said it's normal, as long as no spotting that's safe.

Low placenta

was told by gynae my placenta is quite low, he said will move up later... am worries, what shld I take note? Heard can not carry heavy thing... and shld walk slowly?

Baby gender

Ytd checkup, gynae shown us there is a little thingy btw bb's legs, so most probably a boy, but still need to confirm again next mth.

Baby movement

Actually I feel "quickening" since wk 12, now more clear, is like soft kick, few times per day. For my #1, didnt know abt "quickening" but bb's 1st soft kick was in wk 18.

From my experience, for early bb's movement, the kick is like "poke" stop few sec then "poke", like popcorn popping, it's a very new feeling for 1st time mum^^

Few weeks later we can feel bb's movement very clear le, and for last tri, bb will disturb mummy during bed time de haha, very funny~


I do drink my fav coffee almost everyday leh... Tot we can drink max 3 cups per day? Ofcos I only dare to drink 1 cup per day.

Hehe, mummies who wants to feel bb's kick may try this method: lie on bed on side then slowly move till the lie on back position, now ur belly will be more flat and bb will move/kick cos she/he is complaining "I want bigger space!"~ lolz!

sam, pls don drink rose tea... some flower tea are not good too.. better check coz i heard come flower tea cld cause early contraction...

lynn, juliet: yah i heard/read a little abt CDA. I'm a single mom, so very tricky, dun have alot of benefits [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hi cellow: think i misunderstood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning ladies!

sgsc, ya i still expanding! i had a mini shock when i saw my tummy this morning, i've not stood topless in front of the mirror for maybe only a week or 2 now and i'm shocked by how protruded my tummy is now in just a matter of weeks. my baby growth spurt now...i'm beginning to recognise the baby movements. last night played with baby for a while - baby poke poke, i poke back, then baby poke poke, i poke back...then baby ignore me liao...maybe fell asleep...hahah...

i REALLY feel like drinking tea-C...sigh...

hmm, 13, single moms really dun get a lot of benefits. but do examine the benefits of cord banking. juliet gave alot of info...might not be as good as we think. i'm going to ask around also, must make sure it's money well spent...

maybe instead of cord banking, use the money for health insurance for the baby might be better.

I honestly thot that blood banking is beneficial more for #2 than #1. my girlfriends are going for it, but coz their hospital recommends it...

it's now double the expenses half the resources, so you're right lor, perhaps insurance would hold more priority. Want the best for bb but resources can only stretch that far... haiz...

Oh yah, anyone here also delivering at MT alvernia? Is it too early to sign up for antenatal course? My doc is Dr PS Lui, I somehow either feel he doesn't really care or it's just still early.


you are very brave... it wont be an easy journey... esp when the benefits are designed with married mums in mind.

however, try to relax and enjoy the pregnancy journey... bbs are very adorable when they come out or even in the tummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


haha, expanding is a good thing... think bb is growing v fast now at 14-20weeks. haiyooor, bb is so cute to play with you.


yep yep the lie on side, then lie on back method is a good way for bb to respond! i dun do it very often bcz then he will protest non stop - hehe.

This skirt is new, size UK 14 and the measurement is suitable for preggies

waist = 33"-34"

hip = 43"-44"

99% cotton, 1% elastane

- Soft stretch denim skirt with braces

- A-line skirt with faded effect mid wash

- Adjustable braces and patch pockets

S$18 by normal local postage. Additional top up if you prefer by registered post. Interested please email [email protected]


morning all!!


will try ur method to see whether i can feel the baby..


so cute leh.. playing with ur baby.. my hubby last friday suddenly commented that my tummy seems getting bigger.. i also think so, suddenly feel tummy bigger and tighter..

today very happy cos got 2 people let seats to me on the MRT.. when i board the train i thought sian no seats today, cos everyone seems doing their own things (reading, sleeping, etc).. then this guy see see look look for a while, then he approach me to let his seat to me.. hahaha.. feel so pai sai.. but i still sit down lor, cos very tired.. what a nice day to start with.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lynn, so cuuuuutee...u can play wif bb poke poke game liao... i also wan!! Yeah, tummy like becoming bigger these few days...tink now is the growth spurt period. Put on another 1 kg dunno issit coz of food i ate ytd. Had laksa - lunch then curry chicken for dinner.Too fatty liao..

13, Neva too early to ask abt antenatal class from Mt A. U can ask ur doc for more info or jus ask the reception counter. For all u noe, the classes all signed up liao!

lov3mm, Congrats on bb boy! Re: Low PLacenta, i heard is dun walk too much, need bedrest as much as possible too. Dun worry, as wat ur doc said, stil early now, so will go up one. Just have enuf rest n dun exert yrself.

Okie, i WILL go home try ur mtd 2 9 coz i also wanna feel bb!! Hope bb responsive enuf...;p

Re: Tea/Flower Tea/Fruit Fea/English/Chinese Tea - tink heard mommies say best is DUN take too much coz as long as is tea will have caffeine. Sooooo...best is take water la. hehehe

SG_SC: yeah exactly. i asked my gynae many times, he say i kan cheong. i only started package with my gynae last mth, he doesn't seem too enthused to inform me more abt the classes. guess i gotta approach the hospital myself.

Everone already felt bb? I haven't [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] only feel the hard hard 'ball' and see myself showing, but no feeling.

13, we all have limited resources to different degrees. make do with what you have but basic insurance will be impt and more practical. no need to have the best.

i'm 17 weeks today. just read the week-by-week articles and it seems like baby will be gaining body fat this week - gasp! more weight gain! and i eat v healthy one u know...maybe except for the snacks...hmmm...

hehe, ya i felt baby poke poke, then i tested to see if baby will respond by poking back. then baby did after a few secs...my hubby v jealous...keep trying to touch my tummy after that...

increased appetite

haaaiz, ystday morning snack was beehoon soto with bergedil, then at lunch, can polish off one whole bowl of japanese pork bone ramen some more.... and now i m looking forward to the kueh lapis that my colleague returning fm jkt is bringing to my desk. yum yum. :-~~


icic. inlaws are around (only for this week) so dun need to drop off helper and C1 at my aunt's this week.

ILs come and go

i got the best of both worlds for ILs, only occasional dropping in. the meet once in a while w ILs is good. they come, they stay a while [often a month, this time is only a week] then they pack and go home. best!


wat a good start to the day! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

13, have to look out for it one...if you dun purposely try to take note, dun think u will notice coz the movements are not that pronounced at this stage. must be able to recognise the movements too - soft pokes in lower belly, air bubbles popping, butterflies fluttering have been used to describe baby's movements at this stage.

try the lying sideways then lying down method and keep a lookout!

morning ladies...

cellow, your time between delivery and sending to school looks quite short hor?

my c1 has attended childcare before and she fell sick 2-3 times for 1st and 2nd month...

i have felt little bubbles before, thot it was gas. perhaps it was bb, but everytime i feel sharp pain like stitches kinda pain, i get worried, coz can't be bb rite.

now all the info i get also from internet and some mags only hehe, tomorrow have scan, pretty excited.

either it's really gas or it's baby...guess u'll know eventually! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stitches no la, tat time i had stitches for more than a week! horrible....

borrow books from library la, i'm reading one now by miriam stoppard - very informative!

have fun at your scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u know gender yet? prob can find out soon...

dunno gender, expecting to know tomorrow... already have a few bets will be boy, see how accurate my friends' guesses are.

I keep getting stitches, maybe should let doc know. but i find it weird sometimes tummy gets hard on and off, like a solid ball.

The baby kicks are pretty distinctive.

I can feel it particulary when I'm limiting him to a tiny space esp with the positions that I lie in..

E.g. putting up my legs against my chest...

He also enjoys kicking from 4-9pm


oic, so you took her out of school after that?

mar send C1 to 1/2 day school (looking at some montessori schools and LSH around my home), apr deliver C2. if C2 is anything like C1, he will be eager to see the world one week before EDD [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so mar shd be quite safe....

i chop chop cully pork settle C1 in, then deal with C2's arrival. very short lead time.

cellow, yah i took her out from school after sick for 2-3 times within 1-2 months. so pull her out in 2nd month and put back under home care.

now thinking to go back child care, so very scare she often fall sick again... moreover they said march is the peak of hfmd...

13, before my tummy got so huge, i also felt my tummy, esp in the mornings when i'm not so bloated, as a solid ball. quite sensitive to touch also. that's prob ur uterus.

jasda, i'm conserving my leave for when i send my baby to IFC...........anyone planning to take full 4 months? i thot of taking 3.5 months leaving 2 weeks for emergencies or going for jabs etc...but i also hope to bf (latch on) as often as i can so going to work will interrupt that...

lynn, do u consider home care? last time my girl went infant care also when she was 4th month old... start felling sick when 7th month old..

Good morning ladies!

I managed to feel the baby kicking when I was lying on my back. My hubby was so happy last night when he felt BB kicking for the first time. Haha tonight I will try poking my tummy see if I will get some response from BB.

Hi Lynn, may I check with you did you send in the cheque for the brestfeeding workshops before the organiser got back to you? I have emailed them to sign up for the Jan workshops but I not sure if I should send in my cheque first or wait till they confirm a place for me. Thank you!


i did think abt saving my leave also, take 12 weeks off and 4 weeks for later, in case helper really decides to go home after 2 years (Oct 2010). need to train up new helper then...

but talked to a colleague... she shared that she had no chance to take the 4 weeks ML she din take at one shot, bcz of operational issues. see how la later, my new boss is easy abt whether 8 or 12 or 16 weeks at one shot.

[am changing roles within same coy in mid jan]

3.5 months, or rather 14 weeks, shd be enuf for milk supply to stabilise... plus go past the bb growth spurt at 3mo (according to bb growth theory, growth spurts occur at 3 weeks, 6 weeks, 3 mo, and 6mo, then maybe 9mo and 12mo).

Last nite, when I sat down attending my jap class, I felt that my bb's kicks me hard...I can hear the popping sound from my tunmmy..Then I told my friend...she said to my bb:"Naughty boy,don't kick ur mummy so hard." then the feeling was gone...I felt so miracle...heehee...


your baby so cute. Can play with you. I'm gonna try also. Haha. about the cord banking, seems that it's still in early stages and maybe like you said, insurance for baby would take precedence over this. My hubby alaso very jealous cos he's been trying to feel the movements but nothing yet. everyday talk to my tummy ask baby why she doesn't kick when he touches my tummy. Then with pathetic face he say "you dun like daddy ah?" LOL!


I have a friend who is also a single mom and she is doing great with her girl. It might be a bit more difficult and not much benefits but women are strong. I am sure you will be able to cope well. About baby kicks, it's a very different feeling....something you've never felt before. So you will know when it happens.


Yeah yeah! That method works wonders.

lynn, #1 I planned 16wks ML cos I put my DD in IFC when she was 3mths old & after that she get sick on & off. After 4mths than ok & on & off still have runny nose problem. I will do the same for my #2 & take 16wks ML one shot.

Yesterday DD suffering on teething, feel heart pain.

13, yeah go ask ur hospital for more info. Maybe ur doc also not sure abt the schedules n fees. For mi my doc also referred mi to Parentcraft centre (within TMC) for more info. How many weeks r u into now? Me visiting doc tis Thurs too, prob can tell bb gender liao..exciting [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baymic, hehe...incredible feeling hor? So happy n excited to hear of these bb kicking stories...somehow can feel the joy too...


SG_SC, ya lor...last nite was a gd one..the impact was so big that I can see my tummy moving..The popping sound is loud to me...

