(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Dreamic, u were lucky tat ur HB able to feel kicks now coz i read the book saying now is mommies feel it lightly first, then wen HB put hand over tummy, bb somehow will stop kicking...heheh...

Blushwax, haha..ur HB so persistent, Ask him put hand on ur tummy to sleep every nite then... Sure can strike once bah! i also waiting for tat wonderful moment myself...;p

Tell u all something. Tink i terrible mommy, coz i making plans to go long holiday in the last mth of my ML, since company requires us take all at a shot...so dun waste..but HB abit worried, coz bb so small then, cannot bear to leave bb alone...he say wait bb born then see hw.

SG_SC, r u serious?? I don't think you will bear to leave ur bb when ur bb is still so small...I guess u will not able to enjoy urself so much...

Baymic, power lei..so fast can see tummy moving??!! was it fast or slow movement n the popping sound u can hear wif ears oredi?

Jasda, no la, seeing doc for 16th week scan..im the slowest one amongst u ladies coz i EDD end mth...hehe..till now dun even noe gender yet. Excited to see hw much bb has grown so far...been a long long time ;p

Baymic, hehe..for now i stil feel is perfectly fine lei...prob like wat u said, wen bb really in my hands liao, i will not bear to leave bb..but i really wanted give myself a break b4 start work..

Will see hw next yr la, if bb is healthy n strong, then i will have no qualms leaving them in my ILs hands..whilst we 2 old ones go 2nd honeymoon. kekekekeke...

morn ladies.

sg_sc..where r u getting yr dresses fm?

i felt the poke poke sensation last nite on my left tum..keke..duno isit bb learning kungfu :p ..in wk 19 this week.

SG_SC I first felt him kicking then I quietly asked my husband to put his hand on my tummy. Somehow I realised that the baby doesnt move when I talk. It happened to my colleague as well the last time she was pregnant.

SG_SC,my hb & I also wanted to go for a short 2nd honeymoon after delivery...Maybe after a yr bah...

I am going for the amino test tomoro...

morning morning...i went off a bit early yesterday, so missed out quite a bit...

Hippo: I tried calling one pre-N hor, ganna laughed at for calling so early leh! haha...it's church one la, the lady say they dun hv waitlist...for 2008 babies, have to call next yr to find out more about registration..

Lynn: i feel the same too about using the $$ for private cordblood banking for insurance instead. Can get the kiddo an endowment plan, at least next time got $$ for school. :p

jasda considered home care before already but not viable. so IFC - if really cannot when baby goes in, i'll think of other solutions.

dreamic, i just send in my cheque. if the classes are cancelled, they will refund so i didnt bother to sign up first before sending cheque.

cellow, thanks for the info on baby growth spurt!

i have 6 days urgent child care leave for my company + maybe 8 days leftover of my leave from this year. my normal leave is 18 days. wonder if tat's enough...so i plan to leave an additional 2 weeks just in case. anyway, i prob need more rest next year. coz IFC must prepare to take leave!

Baymic, wah, ur baby so strong liao.

sgsc, better see if u bear to leave ur baby then! but i suppose it's ok to take a break if someone can help look after. later stage even harder to leave behind when they are sticky to you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hello mummies

I prob am too busy and haven't had the luxury to sit down and rest to feel baby's kicks. I'm second time mom but sometimes still not sure if some sensation I feel are the kicks!

btw, anyone still hving MS? Sigh, i threw up yesterday on the way home...sian. Everyday still feel nausea..at nite can't sleep well too coz got cramps (think coz tummy expanding?? doc says the cramps r normal thou) and i already feel quite heavy to toss & turn...sian ah!

maternity clothes

some of the smh mummies in the thread for my C1 are talking abt holding a garage sale, mainly for maternity clothes, toys and clothes that their bbs have outgrown...

details not confirmed yet.

any1 interested? good way to recycle, save the earth, as well as save $$$

Morning mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I m in my 17th week, also seeing bb this thur. very excited and wondering what is the gender thought that day i dreamt about bb again..(total 3 times).


I always feel bb's movements on my left side. so cute. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i m also a 2nd mom. maybe u are busy to notice or feel. i started to feel it at 13wks for this pregnancy but its on n off. For 1st pregnancy, only started to feel at 18 weeks.


me too. Yesterday i was like MERLION vomitted out all my lunch (fishball noodles), not sure why. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] After tat i felt better n ate some honey lime (dry preservative).

juliet, i'm definitely getting insurance - health + education. i think there's a thread here with some discussion on it. one of the mommies is an insurance agent so she bought for her baby all the necessary policies. i've already informed my agent to meet me during my ML! hahahaha...

sgsc, they managed to squeeze in 2 in the mailbox for me. i think 3 can la. if not, i suppose the lady in charge will tell u.

xiaolaohu, kite: sigh. i feel so lousy leh. nothing really helps. and my gastric problems came back yesterday - before & after i merlion. Wah lau, pain until want to faint sia...

sg_sc, should be able to see gender is bb is cooperative enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] btw, who's ur gynae ah?

juliet08, which week r u in? i've ceased throwing up since 14 weeks. hv a good sleep at nite usually will help. don keep ur stomach empty most of the time and try to eat some snacks also help.

SG_SC, remember to tell ur bb to open his/her leg before you go in to see your gynae..My fren asked me to do so..I did so I can see very well...heehee...


i had gastric problem during 1st tri, really painful until want to faint. i understand how u feel. Try to avoid sour stuffs like tomato sauce, orange juice n etc...it tends to help.


yes its important to buy immediately after born. My no. 1 is also fully covered with insurance, her medical like pink of health, gold healthshield (hospitalization) and education plan and etc..cos my hubby who works in this line and knows the products very well and settles everything for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

XLH, heres the website tat Lynn provided ytd...very reasonable priced i feel...;p http://lavenderroom.ocnk.biz/

Dreamic, ooh ok so silence is golden. try my best coz tink i sure excited one then...

Baymic, yalor. but 1 yr later very long lei then by then u emotionally bonded wif bb n vice versa then abit harder to leave lei..Best of luck for ur amnio 2ml. Sure everything's gonna be fine! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kite, mi Thurs morn. R u at TMC? U also for 16th weeks scan?

Baymic, Jasda, mine's Dr Joycelyn Wong from TMC. Actually dunno wan to noe anot..stil half-hearted..but so many of u noe bb gender oredi...heart also itchy...heeeeee


mine thur noon. Yes at TMC. u? mine 17 weeks scan. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] yup alot of mummies already know gender. I have no clue. only dreams... 3 dreams told me its boy......not sure how true..hee excited...

sg_sc, my gynae same as urs. no wonder we eat same brand of fish oil hehe.. good to know gender so that u can start shopping! but usually 20weeks then only can confirm ler..

kite, wow amazing u can dream of the gender.. let us know if it's true...

SG_SC,thanks alot...Wait for my good news... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I also don't want to know the gender initially but ppl around kept asking me...Made me also anxious to know...

Kite, mine's early in the morn then need come back work. yalor yalor, let us noe if yr dreams turns out true k!

Jasda, wat multi-vits u taking? tinking of asking Dr change mine lei(Prena-forte) or maybe give mi iron tablets coz i always headache...dunno issit blood circulation not good n not enuf blood.

Baymic, yeap! my ILs asking n my mum too...pretend say gender not impt but if is boy they sure super happy one...


I had gastric probs in my 1st trimester too. In addition to the sour stuff, you should also avoid drinking too much milk. Worsens the gastric problems.


so persistent right? He will always fall asleep first before me so put his hand on my tummy and go to sleep also no use. He sleep like dead log one. Haha. Hopefully baby will open leg big big and you can find out gender.


can see tummy moving? Cool!

lynn: yep. I got health & endowment plans for my #1 too. Wah lau, next yr have to one shoot get the same thing for the twins. $$$$!

Jasda: me 16wks now. for my #1, my MS only stopped at wk 20. Sigh!

Kite: ya, v. xinku. I haven't been eating sour stuff...so dunno why gastric problem so jialat. Looks like have to start the yucky gastric pills again. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Blushwax: i hate milk! so nope, not drinking milk at all! kekeke

good morning moms....

everyone reports very early.

cellow, juye, wonderland, so must avoid tea completely? Not even green tea? I know Camomila should be avoid. Not sure of other flowers. I think I briefly read someone said rose tea too..

Juliet, you still having MS? Last night I went to my mom's for dinner. And forced to eat fish…. End up feeling terrible the whole night. Puke-y. super sian…. Furthermore hubby not in town..

sgsc, if you are considering between reg. mail and normal postage, i'd suggest reg. mail. u get to track down the parcel just in case it doesnt get to you. just a few bucks more

juliet, now all ur costs will double! but twins so precious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] identical or fraternal?

jasda, SG_SC,

Ok sure. hee heart itchy like u....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let me know the gender too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


during my bad gastric pain, i just tolerated with it for 2 days, really buay tahan. i drank too much fresh orange juice and hunger caused it. i remembered i drank some HL milk and drank some soups lotus root with red dates n it helped. Yummy i love chinese soups...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] makes me wanna drink now.

sg_sc, i've been eating usana's multivit even before conceive. i ask dr and she said ok to proceed. i also eat usana's calcium pills. which dress u like on the website ah? i also itchy hand to buy one to try.


Measurement of the down jacket. shoulder to hem is 30". do you think its too short cos your are pretty tall....


hving headache often.......hmm maybe link to hemoglobin. my blood test shows my hemoglobin is on the low side (just pass limit). If its below limit, it wil be PIN XUE. Gynae advised me to take more green leafy veggie, now wkdays my mum will cook cai xin or spinach for my dinner. also gynae give me iron tablets (the name is Iberet-Folic-500 with release of vit B and C) n she said it will help too.

Tummy moving - when you get bigger and bigger u will see your stomach jumping and moving - and sometime an elbow or knee or feet poking out a little. My no. was very active in tummy. There was once I was taking a bus at 30 weeks plus and I got a sit. Then baby started moving about a lot..and people can see my tummy move ahahaha

Cellow!! Me me me...forgot reply u jus now...i also wanna go garage sale get cheap goods...let mi know too k! Tks..

Blushwax, same as my HB, snore somemore. Haha...okie okie, once got news will update u all


Jasda, i make sure i drink 2 cups of milk daily, shld be enuf calcium bah...wen will they determine if we taking enuf calcium or enuf iron etc? issit during the detailed scan?

Dresses- i got Maternity 16,28,48. can buy try try la, i see other website all much more exp too..tis is my 1st maternity clothes purchase till date. Stil trying to squeeze in my old dresses..hehehe

Sam, submit liao. Nvm la, since Lynn could receive hers, then keeping my fingers crossed too...must have faith in our postal svcs! *touch wood*

Sam: ya lor, still ms...

lynn: mine is fratenal...one confirmed boy liao..the other one can't really see but doc thinks she saw the birdie...sian! hoping she see wrongly...

kite: anaemia will headache meh? me quite anaemic coz of my thelasseamia. my Hb level only 10%. Standard should be above 12%...

cellow, count me in fr the garage sale too .. keep me posted, thanks!

sg_sc, wow, u drink 2 cups.. i drink 1 cup and eat 1 calcium pill, should be sufficient bah.. now going to start drinking protein from amway.

Kite, Jasda, oh tink i recall liao!! My OSCAR test Dr havent run thru wif mi results yet...heheh...so Thurs wld be the day she decide if i have enuf of calcium n iron. heheh...Kite, I take lotsa veg liao, but dunno y stil headache. Will ask Dr for sure then let u all noe wat she says since many of us here also got tat stipid headache..

Sweetpea, for 1st time mommies, we cant wait to see more action frm bb!! haha...ur bb so active tat pple ard can see even...such an interesing n funny sight! If only i was there too..

Jasda, coz tats wat Joycelyn said. If can take tablet i dun mind lei, oredi taking so many supplements liao. I tink ur one calcium pill contains like 500mg calcium too.. i force myself to drink 1 in morn, 1 at nite. Esp so full at nite, stil must down 1 full cuppa milk..then my colleague say my shoulders like broader liao, must be too much calcium n protein frm milk. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Do u tink if those protein supplements from California fitness can drink (not those body-building types)? Coz i bought so many tubs last time wen dieting then now like wasted, waiting for it to expire...

Going mum mum liao, have a good lunch mommies!

it's lunch time mommies!!

i ordered a jean from the website Lynn provided.. i opt for registered mail, i scared my jeans go missing in the mail.. hahaha..

i've one tub of milk powder for mummy, any taker?? i don't like drinking that cos i'm drinking fresh milk everyday already.. so thinking of giving it away.. the milk powder is FOC when i signed up the first born incentive.. let me know if anyone is keen, i can FOC give it to u.. or FOC mail it to u.. just anything FOC lar, cos need to get rid of it.. thanks..

ok, going to tabao lunch to eat in office today, cos i see the weather outside very hot, i scared later i headache again..

i oso got headache this morning but gone already...bearable for me.

i ordered Maternity 21, 39, 70. 39 was ordered quite early last time for me to try out this place. the material is good so i ordered another two.

21 is rather big for me but i'm petite. i think for this price and for an online shop, the material very soft, nice and comfy. stretchable also so not to worry if you grow bigger thereafter.

70 fit me quite well so if you usually an S size, you can get this one. Even if you are usually an M also can coz material soft and stretchy. Not for the super busty though haha coz top portion rather short - just nice for me now.

No lining for these dresses though, but cheap cheap one cannot expect too much ya? heheh...

i always try to get normal mail coz no one's ever at home to receive the registered mail and i end up picking up at post office. very ley chey. the normal mail has not failed me so far...*touch wood* [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juliet, aiya, wat was i thinking? of coz fraternal la coz the other gender unconfirmed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heheh...quite amazing hor...if really "long feng" tai, very cool ley!


lynn: we are really crossing our fingers and toes and what-have-you, hoping the other one is really gal!!! hahahaha....Although I already 看开了, but 3 boys really a bit sian la! Imagine 3 monkeys climbing up n down at home! EEKs!

Plus hor, if got one sister, at least they know how to dote on mei-mei and knows how to connect with gals also mah.

