(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

haha, i think my hubby will say the same. looks like can consider donating bah. stem cell research still in infant stage i think.

so far i've been given seat twice only coz i'm the type to avoid the seats area if crowded coz i feel paisei if pp have to give up their seats to me, not tat they will! so far only 1 aunty and 1 uncle give up to me. all see me from some distance then ask me to sit one. so nice! i oso think young pp nowadays too selfish, too self-righteous to think for others. i'm fine standing now anyway, just stop staring at me!


During my 1st preggie, when i took bus, i remembered got 1 aunty see me very gan zhong n immediately let me have my seat. very nice aunty. then another occasion, i also dunno why, i climbed up to upper deck (double decker bus) to find seats. lol all the ppl find it strange why i went up to upper decker. haahaa luckily still got a few seats left.


you must do it before you due leh. i think from 32 weeks onwards. must sign a lot forms with scbb one then the form will go into your record so that gynae will know. you can also remind gynae when you are in delivery suite.

Sam: ya...i think the whole society got a part to play in this era...the world is 'shrinking' with google & www. Everything can be found online. I don't know how to teach my kids abstinence next time!

Ya, at 10 years old i was still playing 'zero-point' lor..


so good can go eat buffet until you vomit! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last friday I took train, I'm standing infront of 3 teens boys they were chatting only 1 of them spot me, but I'm standing for 2 stations before he gave me the seat then i thot he must be suspecting am I pregnant anot. Scarli 2 more stations he drop off, KNS! Haha..Btw, I got cordlife for my gal now duno wana keep for #2 anot. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

juliet, still thinking of abstinence? i think my ger ger dun get herself preggie can liao. must insist on protection to protect herself and only give herself to someone reliable and not just anyone or go for ONS can already =.=

lynn, cellow,

that's my MIL.. whatever for her own doughters all ok one even got those pantang thingy...

her own daughter is daughter and nvr care of other ppl daughter one... i very sick of her...

then now she quiet quiet and just want her daughter to come back.. the pb is her daughter got confinement lady lor.. not that need mil's help or whatver... just maybe need mil's buy stuffs only...

u know hor.. when we we discussing to hv my confinrment at MIL's place with confinement lady so that when husband outstation, mil can help to buy stuffs... then sils (i got 2 sils, older sisters of my dh) all said don want her mother to drive in/out, too tiring for their mother!!...

u see?! very evil

lynn: haha, u v. 'kan de kai' liao hor? :p

my #1 is boy, my twins this time, 1 is confirmed boy..the other not sure yet...maybe i can leave the job to daddy to teach his boys! Assuming daddy doesn't cheat on mummy on the side!

re cord banking, i also didn't manage to bank in my dd's cord last time. this time still considering seriously


haa hopefully i can accustom to ANG MOH food cos unlike virgo cruise more asian food. Then every nite they will have fine dining nights....

Go there just want to KOON n relax. hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wonderland, aiyo...anyway, i oso got CL, then marketing my hubby can do. how come ur SIL's hubby cannot do marketing?

and for my sis, she even went down during first few days to show the CL where to do marketing. the thing abt CL doing marketing is that during the time she's not around, u have to look after bb lor.

why are women so evil? if not MIL prob, got SIL prob...sigh...i'm lucky mine both ok....but i not staying with them...

Mommies, actually i read that we shld tok to our kids young (even frm pri sch onwards) abt sex education and birth ctrl, coz only then will they not be too curious abt it n wanna try try try everything as they grow up. Be open wif them n try to ans their every qn frm young...so tat if anything, they can relate to us first instead of finding out frm the web or frens...

juliet ya la, have to be more open-minded to keep up with the young pp now. i think unrealistic to preach abstinence...i will try but i will fall back on knowing how to protect yourself. rather tat then i have to look after her baby - forget it! i want to retire one ley.

juliet, lynn,

yalor.. they r so evil... anywhere, i will go to my mum's place... later don complain i nvr go home... last time i go my mum's place for 2/3 days only then sil and mil complained i nvr go home....

aiyo, when i go my mum's place to stay e.g. hubby travelling, my MIL will call me to check if i've taken my dinner ley! or if my hubby at reservist, she will call to check if i'm scared of being alone at home, and invite me back for dinner if she's cooking over the weekend.

they know u staying at ur mom's rite? anyway, i know some families think that the moment u r married into their family, u 'belong' to them alr. so when ur SIL go to ur MIL's place, remember to ask her why she nv go back to her ILs and if her MIL will be unhappy or not...kekeke..

wonderland: i dun see my in-laws for weeks! :p v. bad but i dun really like talking to my mil. my sil is ok, but still not in the same wavelength thou she's only 1 yr younger (technically 11 days younger).

I hang out more often with my bro's in-laws than w/ my own in-laws! hahahaha

sigh, its not easy moms. especially when they reach their teenage yrs. peers pressure u know. very scary. as they get older, they think friends are more important. its not easy to develope "friendship" with ur children.

im not sure if i can treat my kids like friends either.

who doesnt want to preach abstinence . but im not sure if they will have that patience to listen. will they think we are so lao gu dong..

juliet, it's true wat! wat, practice double standard ah? v hypocritical...

if my ILs dun allow me to go back visit my parents, i will definitely kick up a big fuss one.

sam: i totally agree..but just gotta try lor. hopefully things change for the better in the next 10 yrs! :D

btw, those already w/ kiddos...how early do u register ur kiddos for pre-nursery or childcare etc huh? I tried calling "my first skool" the other day, waitlisted behind 100+ kiddos! gotta wait for a yr or 2!!! madness!

lynn: that's y i want gals...always will think of their parents...boys...sigh....really praying and hoping the other twin is a gal!

lynn, juliet,

i think it will lagi worse after apr coz my hb is eldest son and my bb is the eldest grand-son in the family... think the more they will restrict me and my bb.. but if they are going to do that, same thing i will kick up a big fuss!

yalor, double standards mil is like shit... worse thing is some times my dh tends to give in....

sien, not sure i will get depression or post natal blue later...

if yes, lagi good.. can scold them and say not my false coz i cannot control my emotion... hahahaaa...

lynn, get used to it ba... there's a differences in MIL and Mothers. Good thing, my ILs all not ard already.. so will be getting a CL for sure. Gotta find someone really experience and good and hardworking, so that i can fully recuperate. haha. (i dont want to do anything except for BF and eat.)

Juliet, im not as optimistic. im just hoping it doesnt get worse from what it is right now.

wonderland, no good to get post-natal blue ley tho it seems everyone will get only to differing degree. stay with ur mom if it's viable lor. if u want to bf, severe depression can interfere with bfing.

Hi all regarding the H1NI vaccine, I've also heard that it contains mercury for this current batch. However the 2nd batch will not have this problem and it will be delivered in mid Nov. So mommies wanting to go for a jab may want to wait for a while.

Pinkzee and Lynn, may I find out what breastfeeding class did you sign up for? I am also keen to attend. Do you mind sharing some information with me? Thanks!

Celyn, thank you for your recommendation. I managed to get some tops from modern maternity with some discounts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lynn, just wanna scream out only la.. i want to bf.. mil better don say anything abt it coz she does not quite support this idea...

if she dare to say i will ask her to go away or go stop her daughter from bf...don come disturb me and bb...

re: h1n1 vaccine.. found this from the news (http://sg.news.yahoo.com/cna/20091102/tap-358-hsa-says-safety-h1n1-vaccine-sim-231650b.html)..

"The benefits of the H1N1 vaccines outweigh the possible side effects, according to the Health Sciences Authority (HAS).

And it said this is especially so for certain groups like those with chronic diseases such as asthma and diabetes, as well as pregnant women."

just in case there are mummies out there who reali are worried and wana get the vaccine but confused by the discussion around here.. =) i m certainly not the right person to give any comments on whether one shd take the injection or not cos i just had mine and my edd is the same as every1 else in apr so dunno if there are any side effects or not.. keke.. but i know for sure that i dun wana kena tis illness cos one of the mummies in my #1 thread kena h1n1 while pregnant 2 months back and she was in agony eso when she had to take tamiflu which doesnt give her the assurance that it is safe for the foetus too.. =P

plus, our MOH are not allowing kids below 18 to get the jab cos the lack of clinical trials on this age group. so i tink this speaks for their responsibility on ensuring the right pple gets the right jabs and not vaccinating every1 else just cos h1n1 is dangerous?

juliet, my girl is going to pre-N next yr and i signed her up early this year. .but was reading an article dat some places have waiting list of 200 over kids and more! hmmm.. super competitive man.. hahaha

the seat getting speech

no i havent tried it yet! in my dreams maybe.. but also not nec till HB is outstation.

a lot can be deflected w soft tone n a smile... no need to be loud or aggressive abt it... msg can be hard, but delivery need to be gentle lor.

separate conversations w mum and mil: they both observe tt women know how to keep it inside and make ourselves miserable onli, esp during the child bearing years. so both elderlies tell me not to keep till explode, and to bring up and discuss. gently... 'honey is more attractive than vinegar' in their words.

think they onli 'nag' me after i start being pregnant sia. b4 that, no occasion to, i guess. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


no need to preempt the conversation, and hv it all in your own head now. talk to HB and see what he says.


Amen to the 'act blur live longer'!

i'm cramping so much today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] v uncomfy...

wah the long waiting list is to prepare you for pri 1 next time!

hippo, do u plan to send ur dd to school before delivery or after?

i'm still in dilemma whehter to send my dd to school before or after delivery?

jasda, sending her from jan onwards! keke.. so that she dun have the idea that i m "dumping" her at school cos of the baby.. plus it gives her more time to adapt too.. =)

hippo, if i send her in jan, if she falls sick i hv to take care of her with a big tummy ...and moreover if she gets sick and pass to 2nd one? this is my concern..

jasda, hmm.. same leh.. cos if u send her after u pop, then u have to factor in the part where she needs to settle in/ the initial stage might be very challenging if she can't adapt yet/ her cries/ her protests/ her refusals to go school? and the falling sick part applies to both b4 & after delivery wor.. either u take care of her with big tummy or take care of both kiddos if she pass to #2..

hippo, if i send her after, my #2 will be at my mum's place during weekdays and thus they will not see each other so often ...

sorry to voice out wat's troubling me here..

jasda, aiyo!!! sorie for wat? silly! we share info ma.. keke

hmm.. in dat case u can consider wor.. cos 4 my case, both will be with my mum u see.. so i need to ensure she adapts to school too prior to me popping. else my mum will hv a hard time.. hee...

hippo, ic.. so ours are different cases... i really think very hard on this issue.. cos i also don wan my girl to think bcos of #2 then "dump" her to child care.. 3 months after delivery then send should be ok rite? not immediate mah ..

hippo, thanks fr listening to me. i hope i won't delay her learning in school. by the time she goes to school 3 months after i deliver will be 3 yrs and 3 months old liao lor..


hippo, jasda,

same on putting C1 in childcare before C2 comes along... C1 will only be 21/22 months by then. the concern that C1 thinks that i m 'dumping' him has also occurred to me...

this one really tao tia.... he is a bit young to go to school school, not childcare school.... dilemma.

