(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

juliet, ho ho, can be protective da-ge to mei mei eh? but i see the way my nephew bully my niece i faint ah...maybe age gap too big...4 years...

cellow, the link is cute! i love the pic of the twins in the stroller, they look so teeny! juliet, now we know how u'll be looking like...

lynn: my bro is 6 yrs older than me, my sis 9 yrs older. My bro dotes on me since young. Not v. 'teh' but can tell he's quite protective de lor.

When I got married, during tea ceremony, he warn my hubby to take good care of me else he will go after him... :p


small world...! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i dun know them personally, i just stumbled onto his blog linked from another blog. then continued reading on their parenting adventures lor.

i think when the boys are older, it will all be well. but at this young age, got sibling rivalry, and my poor niece is still too young to defend herself though she's a very brave little one. not scared one!


without measuring myself, i think shd be ok. my torso is not that long. thanks! for the loan (if I need it) and also for taking the time to measure

lynn, sg_sc, i'm usually wearing M to L size. do u still i still order the dresses frm the website?

sg_sc, fr the protein, pls ask dr before drinking ok? bring it on thurs.

juye, oops! u just reminded me i hvnt pass the milk to cellow! hahaha

cellow, sorie sweetie. pls forgive this forgetful bird-brain of a pregger.. hahahaha! i will make sure i put aside this evening so dat i will rem to bring to my mum's place.. tsk tsk..

juliet, hahaha! mine is 2007.. so ok la.. ha! u just tell them to send u curriculum 1st la.. haha

jasda, i saw the article in YP oct'09 issue. quite a number of kindys datz full with waiting list.. ha!

jasda, all 3 dresses i ordered were free size but the size varies. Only 70 is on the smaller side. the other two can fit someone M to L size. I think there are measurements shown on the website as well. Can check against. Don't order so many at one go lor. Like for me, i ordered 1 to see first also.

cellow, sure no problem, dont need to be so ke qi lah. no point buying it if you are not traveling a lot. can save some $$ buy clothes for baby. just keep me posted ok. u have my number and email. just drop me a note if u need it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wow juliet, twins!! so cool.. what happens if at later stage both babies kick u at the same time..

sg_sc, going for holidays during ur last mth of ML? go for it! hahaha.. i already planned to go holidays after confinement. hahahaha!

aiyo this thread is moving too fast for me.

i'm going to fetch #1 at babysitter's place and bring him to see baby with me later. can't wait to see baby.

baby kicks:

i'm a 2nd time mummies, still haven't feel baby movement yet leh. so slow hoh.


must buy insurance to cover all aspect of medical and hospitalisation at birth. my #1 was hospitalised for 4 days when he was 2 months old for UTI. i didn't get to claim anything from insurance cos they have some kind of 'period' thing that i happen to fall under so can't be covered then.

sam: i dunno! haha. According to many mummies to twins or multiples, they don't sleep well at night coz too much actions from the babies inside! i'll just keep my fingers crossed....

celynlee, hahaha.. i just read whatever i see on current page. its mission impossible to read everything. 17 weeks liao but no movement yet...

juliet, start your tai jiao now.

jasda: i think of next yr, i want to faint sometimes. hv to take care of 2 at the same time plus still by then my #1 is only 2 yrs old!

Samer: ya, must start 'nagging' at time liao..haha

cellow, heehee..

baymic, i was tinking of hkg or japan. whahahaha! dunno yet leh. still planning. looking at all alternatives and MUST make sure my mum dun kill me also.. hohohohoo

samer, yup! must relax and have some nice, couple time.. hee..

juliet, dun worie too much! i m sure u can cope just fine. my cousins are twins too and my aunt put on merely 12 kg in total! so super shiok leh..

mommies, sigh.. my emotions jammed my brain now. My colleague made some super insensitive remarks abt my belly and baby. she said im 17 weeks and belly so small. ask me to careful later baby not growing plus until i now i have not feel any movement.

Moms. Samer = Samantha okay i just changed my name.. i think a few coll are in the forum too. just wanna make sure they dont "happen" to see what i write abt them.

Jasda, ok, now preggy cannot anyhow drink things..The clothes shld be ok la, i also usually wear M or L, but but the dresses i chose like all quite big lei...only worry abt the shoulder which r usually abt 37cm across...hope i dun grow broader.;p

Hippo!! whahaha u also ah? u even faster lei...aft confinement..then bb BM how? Jus spoke to my fren abt it, then realised wat abt the bf issue? gotta stop bf ah...hw hw hw? wat u intending to do?

sam, dun worry, i also had the how come you havent felt anything yet previously. just brush it off. i'm getting the opp - how come ur tummy so big? read up and be well-informed yourself and know that it's perfectly fine to have a small tummy at this stage esp if u r a first time MTB. some pp remain small and unnoticeably pregnant at 6 or 7 month! so long as your gynae doesnt say anything, why would their opinion matter? =) everyone's different [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] maybe they meant well just that it really isnt appropriate to say such things to a hormonal MTB!


don't care about what they say. i'm a 2nd time mummy, tummy still not showing yet. i just look a bit fat on tummy only. i think i'm also in 16/17 weeks. no movement of baby too. they don't have x-ray eyes to see your baby inside. as long as gynae say baby is ok and healthy can liao. size doesn't matter.

until now, only close colleagues that i told them that i'm pregnant. the rest still dont know cos can't tell.

Hippo, my hb & I are planning to go places to relax and made our marriage life more merrier... We might go places like Bali or Bintam...Short trip at first...

samer, pls dun be bothered with this dumbass, brainless colleague of urs!!! she is obviously jealous of the fact dat u look damn good during ur pregnancy and is trying to shoot u down.. ignore ignore ignore. my ex-kelic just gave birth. cos there were lotsa politics going on in our ex-co, she had no choice but to "hide" her pregnancy from her boss so that they can't fire her till itz too late.. and guess wat? no one could tell she was preggers until 6mths plus!!! imagine! and i just saw her over the weekends.. she was glowing! just popped and she has only 3kg left to her pre-preg weight.. =)

as for movements, i felt only very very faint movements but i know bb is okie!

sg_sc, hahaha! dunno if i will be bf-ing for long in the 1st place.. hhahahaa.. dun care. plan 1st. must go..

sam, don worry abt wat others said. most importantly tell urself and believe that bb is healthy and fine regardless wat others said.

baymic, envy u leh planning for trip.. remember got to bf leh.. how to detach frm bb so early...

sg_sc, will bring my protein fr dr to see also ... i think soy milk may not be that good [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ok, will try this website.. my clothes all cannot fit nicely liao..

samer: don't be so concerned abt how big/small ur tummy is. it really doesn't mean a thing lor. when it finally gets BIG, you'll wish that it wasn't that big! coz really v. xinku one..

last time my cousin's wife, tummy no show until 7mths hor! in the end the baby also 3kg when born. so tummy size doesn't really says it all! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celynlee, lynn,

thanks for slapping me awake. u r right. why'd their opinions matters right? i been through worse. Last check up shows everything is okay. baby is doing well. thats all it matters now.

here's a pic of my recent belly, is it really very small??



positive affirmation to self and bb

my baby is the right size for my body

my baby is growing healthy and well, i nurture myself and my baby

ooooh, got a bitchy response to that, but suffice to confine it to .... MEOW! HIssss Hissssss. kekeke.

i only gained 8kg till end of 8th month for C1, then gained 4 more kg in last month. everyone was amazed that i was giving birth in 2 months' time. i tell them - oh tis ok, gynae says he is perfectly healthy.... came out 3.4kg.

hippo, baymic and sgsc intending to holiday over maternity...

then BF how? lag along pump? that's wat one of my colleague's wife did... bring to bintan.


I'm also facing the same problems as you. Hiak hiak hiak.. but at first I don't care then lately one close colleague told me, one of my kaypo colleague always lookout for my nick and see what I post up! Irritating right!

ah... mummies, thanks a lot!! your words really really means a lot to me. (from the bottom of my heart) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. now i wonder why so am i becoming to emo eh.

i just sms'd my hubby and told him i feel so upset abt what people commented.

Guess what? he replied "go talk to the mothers in forum, they will be able to give u comfort and precious opinions."


Don't get upset. Small tummy doesn't mean baby not growing lah, it could be because you got deep 骨盤 that's why the bump not so obvious. My friend's #1 also not obvious and she can even fit into her gown when she's 5 mths preg and her baby boy weigh 3.5kg [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

samer: i tot it looked alright...althou i think mine is twice as big as yours...and i think that's coz of the 2 tigers inside! :p You are still on the right track la! That said, size dun really matter here! ;)

*whine* i'm gigantic...and a first time MTB at that...i was like tat end of 3rd month and then i ballooned...wait till u guys see my photo - i really ballooned within 1 month...must post pic - hehehe...tmr bah...


choose a nick that isnt at all linked to your real name.... more privacy.

over in C1's smh thread, once got furore when a mummy asked in the forum, one of you other mummies know my cousin and have been alerting to my post, i dun like it, pls dun do that. her real name was in her nick lor.

i mean we all come in here and vent and share lor... often the venting may not make a lot of sense... even to yourself afterwards...

Sam, pls dun go crazy over their headless remarks. My mum also always stress mi ask cannot see lei, stomach stil small... u feel movement oredi anot? By now shld feel kicks liao..last time i....then i jus shut off. hahaha...jus dun care wat others say, u r definitely diffnt frm them lor..like wat everyone says, as long as dr says bb is fine n good, then lo n behold, everything all bochap! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jasda, dun drink too much soya milk, i used to take alternate soya milk n milk for variety but a GP recently told mi soya milk not gd, dun take too much, Guys also will affect their productivity...din understd wats he was explaining la, but tats the bottomline. then somehow, Joycelyn also encourage milk instead of soya, though she din say y...prob the way they process the soya beans? dunno eh...but best is drink milk bah...

Hippo, y dun wanna bf for long? ur cute dd din like?

Cellow, yalor. Tats my main concern. So troublesome lei + Then hw to transport back Spore?


dun feel sad as long bb is fine. u know for my 1st preggie, i was quite slim that was why my stomach looked small too something like yours. R u slim in the 1st place? but for 2nd preggie, of course i put on weight n thats why everything bloated n bigger now.

Yesterday my boss found out i m preggie n congrats me. and even mentioned how come i put on alot of weight. for me, i quite numb about ppl's comments. dun dare lah.


yes i brought along my no. 1 for holidays when she was 6 months old. I brought along my manual avent pump (never bring medela one) and latch her all the way on plane, hotel n in the car. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quite fun.

