(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Ming - which river valley development did you look at? I'm shifting out of the area this week and I'm a little sad. Shall miss the proximity to town. sigh. A place I've called home for the past 4 years.

Cellow - when the going gets tough, I'll always remind myself that "this too shall pass". It is really bad lately - insufficient sleep, cold virus, super clingy baby. But this shall pass. Without such tough times, how else can we appreciate the good?

Ruru - don't get too jealous. It's a good thing baby h clings on to daddy. Frees you up to do lots of other stuff.

We tried putting baby c with his grandparents last week and again today. He cried all the way. Refused his favorite grandpa. Basically he was so difficult to handle that we (my hubby - luckily i wasn't there) received an official complaint from my mil today. Yes. A complaint. What's new anyway. The dogs get such "letters" from her often enough. First a love hate relationship with the dogs. And now her grandson.

First time papa is indeed a rare breed. My traditional hubby thinks his responsibility is providing baby c with a good foundation - school, investment, etc. Non monetary stuff is the mother's problem. If only money can solve all issues.

Got to sleep soon. It's going to be a busy day, with all the shifting and unpacking. Not to mention sending baby c to class. It's swimming week and he loves the water. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I m up. Pumping. Bcz c2 yelled so much in next room that he woke me up so I figured I might as well pump. Poor baby, must b the stomachache.

Chlosper ,

Happy moving house!

What about you tell the hb - I go earn the money, u try being sahd for a week to educate and bring up bbC.. I bet he would just dismiss the challenge eh

Some old folks are like that, ignore n minimize contact. That's wat I m doing w my own parents.

Morn mummies, i went for a chk-up regarding my sot sot menses and doc told me to go bk for pap smear to make sure evrythin's alright.. Hope it's just hormonal imbalance.. Haizz

Re: housing

Hubz n i are thinking of moving to e north nxt yr. Guess i better start looking ard for schs too.. Anyone knws if e hdb rule which says that if u dwngrade ur flat u hav to pay levy still exists? We're nw stayin in a 5rm so if hav to upgrade can only move to exec, massionette or jumbo. If e rule doesnt exist anymore we might just look for a 5rm but bigger than our current one.. Now they even hav a rule which says we cant keep 100% of e profit we earn frm e sale of our flat.. Sighh


better call up HDB n check cause their ruling change and change and change and the 1st call to one officer and another call to another officer might give u different answers. so call and email them to have it in black and white.

yu xi is going for her 1 year old vaccine today. i'm meeting my friend for lunch before her appointment. wondering if i should bring her along with me for lunch or let hubby fetch her and meet me at kk. but he will be a bit late if he goes to fetch her. still thinking...


i thought so too but also worry that hubby will be very late for appointment. but if bring her, i won't bring stroller will be tiring carry her the whole time cos she don't want others.

BBdust, ok i better check with them again then.. I just hope they wont change rules again when im abt to sell my flat! =\

mummies, im thinking of going for GUG parent & babe cls once a wk.. but im nt sure if i shld send my boy to childcare nxt yr.. i hav a maid so mayb just send him for playgrp? but will i get working mum subsidy or nt ah?

Hi Chlosper,

I wish man!!! The fact is my hb is just a big playmate to my gal, every other details must be handled by me or maid. Like feeding time, we must prepare ALL the items on standby, call my hb and he just plop my gal in her baby chair and switch on the tv and then start feeding. After feeding, he just lift her out of the chair and cont' to play w her, and I must do the cleaning up!!!!! I always told him can he please learn the whole loadshit (i beg ur pardon to the mommies!) so that i can really be free? hahahhaha.....

Well at least ur hb is so interested in your son's education and learning. My hb just listens and says 'up to you!'. GRowlllll....


ahahhahaha he must be thinking he is doing u a big favour le by helping u plonk ah ger in her highchair, feed and then continue to play with her so that u got time to wash up :p


so sowwie! i din reply to your PM abt the patissier cake until now...... too busy over weekend, then the cold war w Mr C knocked all other thoughts out of my little brain.


i tell Mr C, ok you say one ah, up to me. later i decide and you dun like the outcome or the process, you better zip it or else there will be hell to pay. so give your input now before i decide.

fierce wife!


hmmmm. you got a baby carrier? easier than stroller. if i go out alone w C2, then i just ergo him.


hope everything is fine for your checkup!

BBdust, i see.. ok that's gd news no. 1 then!

gd news no. 2: i just called hdb to enquire.. if u bought ur 1st hdb flat direct frm hdb and u buy ur 2nd flat frm open mkt (resale), u can dwngrade or move to a same-sized flat (e.g:5rm to 5rm).. no levy will be imposed! =)

as for the profits part, if u're taking a hdb loan for 2nd time, 50% of ur current flat's sale proceeds hav to be used to offset ur new mortgage.. so meaning u can only keep half of e profits..


great to hear that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so 2 good news for u in 1 day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yah ultra cute hahahahahaha Actually it's the papa that like spongebob lor.. insisted I get that spongebob foodjar cause there's also normal kind cheaper by $4 but Spongebob one really very cute so ok lah $36 :D

Now can buy shuttle chef! Wohooo....


I got excuse to buy cause the tiger food jar is quite heavy so when we go out, have to lug it and hub complaining about it lol

Now I need to learn how to cook proper soup w/o seasoning. When bbO goes to CC in Dec, it means I have to cook dinner everyday!!! Any good recipes? I'm not good at cooking soups!! :S

cellow, im just waiting to do e pap smear and cant wait to knw e results.. hope evrything will be fine.. sighh

orangey, thks for sharing! i need to buy a flask for my sis who just gave birth 3 wks ago..

morn mummies.

ruru ..hehe..same with me..papa is a playmate to my boi...anything else goees to mummy...tantrums included as a package *-*

cellow..np..see another time got chance to get the yummy cake or not bah =) ...u n yr dh make up leh mah??? dun keep the cold war on for too long okie .

cholsper..have fun settling in at yr new place ..hehe ...official complaint!!!! ....oh well ..what can be new /exciting than getting 'feedback' from our caregivers???


cook soup with thermal pot is very easy one. i have been using it to cook soup since yu ze starts cc.

1. pork + lao huang gua

2. pork + lotus root

3. pork + winter melon

4. pork + sharkfin melon

5. chicken + huai san

6. pork + potato + carrot + sweet corn + onion

7. pork + black beans

soup that you can cook once you reach home and very fast

1. yong tau fu + vege

2. fish ball + minced pork + vege

3. sichuan vege + chicken + sotong + prawn + straw mushroom + crab stick (seafood soup)

these are some soups that i cook for dinner. all no seasoning added


The soup w/o seasoning taste nice also? I was thinking before I add in any seasoning, will scoop up for bbO (actually should be bbJ okay with effect bbJ :x) then thereafter add in seasoning for ourselves.

Chlosper: Moving to a new place? More space for the little one I hope. E has stuff in every room in my house. We saw a development at Kay Poh Road. Too small for our family but the location is fantastic. Walk round the back of the development and you are at Patterson Road. Too bad the estate is badly maintained.

Shopping: Robinsons having private members' sale tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

anyone using britax car seat ??? can advise if the following models are good?

Safekepper under sister brand SAFE N SOUND

Empire under sister brand SAFE N SOUND

Celyn: yes 2 yrs best.... trying for 2nd one... hope have gd news soon....

Mrsm: ur menses sot sot also??? for how long??? then juz go see doc n they ask u pap smear??? mine also started haywire end dec... so far have 1 time menses only.... haizzz


my menses also abit sot.. Sun got abit of stain then Mon no more! I though my Menses coming lor then end up nv come :S


so far, i have not added any. hubby and the kids never complain leh. hahaha.... my fil ever drink my soup before also never say anything.

i cook first thing in the morning when i wake up. cook over fire while i prepare for work. then put in thermalpot before i step out, then come back, warm it up while i prepare and cook the rest of the dishes.

Orangey, at least u have stain, mine nothing at all....

worried something wrong with my system... going to observe and see...

alot ppl around me, now always have tumor in womb and whole womb gone.... haizz

BB Dust: Looking for good deals for rental yield or appreciation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We are very happy where we are but we like to kay poh and look at properties. In the long run as well, we are wondering whether we should move closer to the good schools. No problem for E as she can always go to my alma mater. But we like SCGS too and are considering that.


yes i find that investing in properites is a wise choice esp in the long run [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hmm u could look around bkt timah areas, seems like some properties there got enbloc potential.

Morning Mommies!


*hugs* cold war needed for both parties to cool down before having a good talk. If baby is sick as a mother we naturally want to be the one looking after the baby even if we have a helper. Older child acting up / misbehaving / meltdowns etc is part and parcel of their growing up years. Mr C has to learn how to deal with them or rather prevent / minimise them from occurring in the first place. It is not as if you were having a tea party with girlfriends while he was dealing with a cranky tot. He is probably so exasperated/tired and with no one else to turn to naturally he would go to you to ask you to help (aka "take over"). Maybe he just needs you to sayang him (Mr C) a bit and he will be refreshed and energised to look after C1?

Re: Childcare / playgroup

I withdrew bb syz from JG playnest and put her on the waitlist for playclub next year. With my working status still a question mark I don't know whether I will have the time or $ to send her for class. Think keep the $ for playclub. Intend to send her to nursery 3 or 4 hr type of programme when she turns 3. Still looking for one. Here in the North doesn't seem to have many choices. If no choice have to work I may just have to send her to childcare from Jan next year. Also headache where to send her cos I prefer a place which a big private outdoor area for them to run around and play. Don't need to focus too much on academics. And preferbly have bus service and a nice uniform. If anyone come across such a school please let me know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] TIA!


I have no idea but my hub only approves the $169 one cause he says only 3 of us so shld be enough.. I'm gonna get a bigger slow cooker too so with 2 of them shld be ok ba?

bbdust i visited before ... quite a nice big clean compound inside but outside is above burger king and have ppl smoking around cos of the restaurants ... english teachers mostly malay and chinese teachers are china kind ... they are trying to get an area for outdoor playground ... something like chiltern in playground splash area ..

mrsm ... i went to GUG suntec ... very messy i don't like ... its a parent babe class so u must be there ...


U stay in north too??? I also got problem with this. I intend to send YH to CC at 18 mths this sep. U will only be sending bbC to playgroup ya?


by using Shuttle Chef means we just boil soup then thereafter pour it in to keep it warm? How does this works ah?

syz and HJ

hee i hve also put bbl in playclub. maybe they will be classmates??




oic. hmm dont know shld put bbl there or not. i think i will have to check out the schools around that area. I heard good reviews on schoolhouse by the bay too.

hee i also dont like GUG. hi 5


I am using Britax car seat. Have 2. One under Britax "Royale" and the other SafenSound "Royale". Suitable from birth to 18kg. Very comfy. Robinson have sale for the 2 models you mentioned but I have not seen the actual product so can't comment. Sorry not much help. I think Maddie has the Britax "Royale" too.



Thanks for the advise too. I called up ystd to one of the CC at Tampines and I went to have a view at 5pm.

Will be arranging to visit Star Learners & Little School House @ Sembawang too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

