(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

bbdust, erm... hhmm... what time ah... hhmm...i need to check with Juye cause suppose to help her with the registration. Why ah?

Actually, i got abit of problem because TodZ naps from 1 - 3 or 4plus depending on how tired he is. Am thinking probably that day just make him tahan all the way. Hopefully he wont turn into a grouchy monster. =X


hahah then bbz leh? mine used to be quite fixed in his nap time de but hor ever since he turns 11 mo, his awake time can stretch to 5 hours leh sometimes.

I'm not so worried about bbZ corz if he really wanna ZZzzz... can just carry him in his carrier to ZZzzz...


haha i can also sling him lah but i prefer if he zz first then at least go there can play [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning woofy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mine 2 also leh. both will nap at 12pm one loh and they can nap till 3 or 3.30pm at times. hope i don't have 2 grouchy pig that day.


yah. they will be sleepy so become grouchy yet refuse to sleep due to all excitment around. then will cry at the smallest issues loh.


I really wish to!!!! But PD said let YH rest more till her 1st bash leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

We gonna miss all the fun and with u babes. =(

Hi Syz,

My gal is attending the afternoon class, so far there are at least 10-15 carpark lots available when I reach there. I am not sure abt the morning class situation but 1 thing for sure, for weekend class, the parking is BAD!!!!


yah loh mine also like that de wor, during CNY he was so excited he refused to sleep, keep wanting to play so "tong" for 5-6 hours straight gwad. so i think this weekend will also be the same.


nxt time bah... let YH rest well.


Ya lor. No choice. Too bad March is a busy month for most of us here and unable to attend YH's 1st Bday Bash on 19th.

Hope we can catch up real real soon again.

morning. i m sleepy and grouchy.

Anger mgt

C1 has been acting up ever since Sat. Only w us, the parents. Mr C lost his temper last night... I had to come out of the room unlatching C2 to calm the storm. poor C2... always gotta give way to the kor kor. maid pat him back to sleep.

Later I wrote Mr C a note that insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. And even I was scared when he raised his hand to C1 while I was carrying C1, let alone a small person. I held C1's hand, well basically I slept next to him until he went to sleep. Sing song, talk talk talk to the toys. Children forget so fast.... but this adult is still stewing at the other adult.

I was so mad that I stayed up till 1am to do work and din get to sleep until 2am.

Can you understand why I am so mad?

afterwards I felt like shaking Mr C, threatening to smack him and all, see how he likes that. but of course that scenario would only happen in my dreams!


best to let YH rest and recover as she hosts her 1st bday parteeeee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] tis a good decision you made there

Celyn, you bringing thomas? Oh no... i hope TodZ will not snatch it! I better warn him before hand. lolz...

Piglet, ya lo.. 19th is the day i fly off to BKK so cant attend.. so sorry. Hope lil'YH enjoy her bash!!

Cellow, *sayang sayang*.


Is C1 ok now? Poor boy. He must have a fright when Mr C raised his hand.

I can understand why u were so md.

If I were u and Daddy Piglet try to raise hand @ YH, I will smack him first and ask him 'How do u feel?' I mean its like if u cannot take it when I did that to u, how do u expect YH to react? She will just cry and u will be hopping mad! Just let him know that violence will not be able to solve the problem.

Go and have some tea or coffee to perk you up. ;) Its midweek already!

RE: YH's 1st bday Bash

Cellow, i also hope this is a good decision that I have made for her. (^^)


at first, want to bring his ride on car but thinking there are so many babies around. not easy for him to ride on his car and move around, also not safe for the babies who are crawling. so thomas is safer bah, at least he just sit there and play loh.


hugs hugs. sometimes, when they lost it they won't realise that what they do is not going to help. there is once hubby raise his voice at yu ze too. the poor boy just cry louder loh cos scare mah. then i have to hug him to sleep and ignore hubby.

Hi Cellow,

Gosh! What I do when my gal acts up is to scream at my HB! Hmm, maybe your hb screams at you instead of C1??? Hee... just joking.

Whenever my gal acts up (and it can be a whole day affair!!!), I will ren and ren until my HB comes home, then if he dares to defy me or irritate me, then KABOOM!! He ever asked me why I used him as a punching bag when it is our daughter who is the notti one. My retort to him is that my gal can acts up, what about me??? Whole day whine whine whine..... i want to go mad. Of course he doesn't accept my reasoning, but I personally feel much better after I exploded and after a night'e sleep, is ready to face another day with my gal again. Now my HB knows my pattern, when I kaboom, he just keep quiet and then everything will be ok. I will never raise a hand to my little one, but if she really test my patience, then I will ask my maid to attend to her for awhile while I walk away to cool down.

piglet~!!!!! NNNOOOOOOO......!!! I'm going with a bunch of frens leh... no hubby, no boys. You ask me to come back with a #3~!!! NNNooooo....!!! lolz. HAHA.


i m no saint. i have been guilty of Mr C's behaviour as well. however i try very hard to manage my own anger by punching (pillow, not wall, wall is too hard and hits my fingers) away from the boys' sight and hearing. i m not proud of my own behaviour but hey, if i cannot admit it to fellow mummies, who can i admit it to?

i know that my own stubborness will only validate C1's behaviour and digging in his heels, so i dun do it in front of them

can literally feel steam coming out of my head a la a cartoon character last night. i bet if you put an egg on my head at that moment, you would get a instant sizzle.

okok, now i have joked myself out of my mad.

thanks for listening fellow mummies.


very shuang leh.. no boys... imagine u have 3 in ur life.. :p

any good news for me today?


sad YH can't come!


my temper ain't too good and when #1 is up to mischief sure kanna scolding from me BIG TIME

Zz, the delivery got delayed so i made my hubby go pick up from the person at Changi direct. But must see if he can make it in time anot corz he got a few appts back to back today. Think you wait for my msg ba. If he cant make it today, he prob will go tomoro ya. sorry!!

bbdust, oppppsssiiieee! today no fruits to eat! =X

cellow: liang teh for you! let it blow over then start again la.

talking about raising hand to kids. i told my gal 'noti girl, beat backside' and i beat her backside (diaper la, not pain one) and she use her hand and beat her own backside. end up how to scold when she's so cute. then i beat my backside, she also beat my backside. jialad.


Ya lor. I am very sad too. Have not see BB T for long long time since last year Sep's gahering till now!


I am doing the same thing as u are and my gal just follow what I do. Her actions really amused me that at times i dun have the heart to scold her.

sonshine: my last day end of the mth lor.. i'm just going to take thing easy 1st.. my hubby give me 3 mths to look for another job.. but can drag one lar.. hehehe..

dazz: u can sensed that?? hahhaha.. indeed happy but one stupid officer spoilt all our mood just now.. fly airplane when he got impt presentation to make today.. stupid fellow.. so glad that he's leaving us too.. not need to do rubbish for him..

talking abt the birthday bash tis sat, i also dunno what time to reach leh.. i also scared i got a grouchy girl that day, somemore i alone with my girl only.. anyway it's something i'm used to it.. just carry my girl in the carrier for her to sleep lor.. i will start my girl's routine slightly earlier that day.. so nap time will be bring forward earlier before the whole event started or at least till the cake cutting or grp photo taking..

i'm back home resting in bed again. extended my mc. was feeling fine this morning, had breakfast also ok. then started to feel nausea after i drink milo. feel so uncomfortable the whole time in office till i sms my boss and say i want to go home liao can't take it. came back, drink a cup of eno and eat a sng buay now feel slightly better.


NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!....... hahahahah...... gp ask the same thing, i also give him same answer..... NNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!. :p

Celyn~!!!! go test go test!!! You got all the symptoms!! Dont say impossible k... sometimes impossible can happen. haha. *wink wink*

Celyn, IUD is only 99% sure... there's still a 1% chance that it can happen... so probably, don't assume?? Test la~! No harm ma! =D


haha who knows u might really be in the 1% hee.


hee exciting hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] cant wait to meet up again


oh dear. hope you recover soon. i can't help but ask if there is bun in the oven though ;p


Glad you feel better now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Am guilty of losing my patience with bb syz too... spanked her fleshy thighs. Bad mommy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Nap times

Your bbs have such regular nap times! Mine takes 40 winks and that is it! I hope to stretch her night time sleep so that she will make up for it.


One of my bosses agreed to the part time work 3 full days idea to handover the work to my replacement. Hope the others agree. And hope they offer my replacement the job quickly so that she can start in early May.


Am very happy to have hb agree to JGC class... ok i didn't ask him i just asked for his opinion on which location and time slot is better ;p think he got bulldozed into accepting. Prob is that the class we want is full so have to be on the waitlist [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


on hearing the good reviews abt JG playnest, i also feel like sending ah boy there but the timing are all wrong [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


After I read what u posted, just like BBdust & Dazz said, I also got this mindset 'Nan Dao'????

QUick quick go test and share with us ba! =) Maybe u really 'Strike BIG SWEEP'!!! (^^)


Before i was preggy with YH i also has all these symptons and i was sick for 3 weeks and on medication and at the same time also had my menses and I din 'DO IT' for 6 weeks but yet i strike too and was already 6 weeks preggy with YH back then!

Go test lah! *WINK*

