(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

bbdust, i totally agree with you!! the timings all buay fit.. lolz. thought of sending TodZ for their mandarin class but the timing ah... all falls in his naptime! hahahaha




yah loh... very difficult leh, imagine u send him for class then 1/2 way he wanna zz or what then how? and I realised the playnest is sunday/monday. i can only go sunday but monday i working how to send leh? the playgroup at least better got weekends class

celyn: so funny leh.. see all of them give comment on ur sickness.. anyway good to test too.. no harm what.. i also got the symptoms, but mine confirm false alarm.. u all know why right?? hehehe.. anyway think really the weather is crazy recently and alot of people fall sick and stomach flu is very common now.. u take care leh..

piglet: very weird leh.. got menses still preggie ah?? did u ask ur doctor why??


*zips* although dying to ask you to test - haha!

get well soon.


you still havent done it!!? nearly one year already lor.

(oops should i be so direct ha.... :p)

Juye $ BBdust,

It was menses. Not spotting.


That's why when i heard the news that I was preggy I was struckdumbed! And I kept telling my gynae that IT IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! & He smiled.


I am not sure abt Juye but i only did it 6 times. Oops!

piglet ~!!! you still can count!!! lolz...

huh? got menses and still can be pregnant!?!?! Then Celyn!! What is that 1% man!!!?? oppssieee... =P anyway, next month then ask you again if the symptons persist k. hahahahaha


Too few times that's why can count! LOLz.

I din really clarify wiith my gynae back then but it was really menses lor. Imagine my menses cleared on 15 June 10 then i was sick till 2 July 10 then went gynae on 05 July I think and there I got the news i was preggy for 6 weeks!!! I had ????? in my head but dunno what to ask and all i rememebered was I told him IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! IS IMPOSSIBLE!!! IS IMPOSSIBLE!!!

So Celyn... hope to hear good news from you real soon ya.


you win loh. still count even so few times. but i also can count this times cos use only 2 caps. hahahahah...... if not, i also won't know how many times and its before i did iud. after iud, only once last week. so conclusion, no lah. (dazz, see no hope right?)


LOLz. I think i am only the one mummy who counts? wahaha! Really very tired everyday lah. Where got mood? Weekend need not say lah. Gotta cook, clean and take care of baby. By the time I finish all chores, I will be a Dead Pig' liao!

Still got chance one, Celyn............ ;p

hahahaha... piglet, you not alone lo! i'm also a dead pig everyday!! my hubby even resorted to whatspp-ing me and said "can i make appt with you?" and i replied "sorry, all slots taken up with Uncle Zhou!" lolz.. very bad ah!! wahhahahaha...


hahahaa...... every night, the dead pig is hubby cos he wakes up to attend to my girl. when he's at home, my girl very sticky to him too. after my girl sleep at 730pm then he still need to read book to my boy. so he very busy while i relax and surf net. :p


Wah!!! Ni Hao Xin Fu wor!!! I am the one who attend to my gal from head to toe, front to back & left to right!!! LOlz.

BBdust & Dazz,

We are the same, one more mummy and we can form a 'Mahjong' session liao! Hahaha!


#1's time, i will wake up for night feed cos he is very regular. 3hourly sharp and just inline with the time i wakw up to pump so i feed loh. but my girl, she buay zhun lah. sometimes wake up when i was pumping half way so he got to wake up loh. hahahah.... since then he is up for all night feed for my girl. i can tahan my girl crying and ignore her but he can't, so he attend loh. to me, no need to give immediate attention to them. after crying for a while, she will go back to sleep on her own. hubby cannot, so he got no choice but to attend himself.

hubby do all the dirty work like change diaper. he will have to do when he is around. even if he is sleeping, i will wake him up to do it. :p


hahahahhaha *faints*


xin fu xiao nu ren ah u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n he does it with no complains


wah ur DH is thumbs up [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

okie lah see who will join the mahjong session tonite, i already got VIP seat there liao hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

chk wil wet tissue expire ? my room pack ( pigeon ) not high usage use quite slow.

Im not sure if its the wet tissue tat cause his lp to b red n painful.

Hi Shappie,

I juz chked my pigeon wet wipes packet... there's exp date indicated at the back.

Mayb u got to change diaper more frequently...or could it be the diaper brand not suitable for your bb?


maybe you change the brand of wet tissue and monitor. if not the problem with wet tissue then can be diaper liao.


haha like that i will definitely loose cause I cannot bear to see him cry

the last time round we went KK and the doc took his blood pressure while he was crying, the machine went out of range and error so from then on,i wont let him cry for long.. too stressful for them and increase his blood pressure hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celyn: got lar.. but once only.. hahaha.. but both of us really very very tired after a day of work.. my hb didn't request too.. hehehe..

anyway talking abt this.. that day i went to see doc, kena scolding from her.. she said even after having baby must still maintain the intimacy... but i told her we are really very tired after a day of work.. somemore i got to take care of my girl after work.. where got the energy.. she said must really set aside at least one day each mth just for the both of us.. go par tok.. then maybe will start to have the feelings back.. my doc said it's really bad that i didn't have any intimacy with my hb (or once only) since my girl is here.. hahaha..


hahahah..... that's why i'm the evil mummy. i also can enjoy peace when i'm alone with my 2 babies. cos they will play on their own without disturbing me unless one disturb the other and start to 'fight'. but hubby on the other hand can never enjoy this kind of peace cos my girl will stick to him like glue. he walk away only, my girl will 'cry' so he is stuck with her.


haha daddy's girl girl leh. but when she grows up she might stick to u more le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celyn: really so xin fu leh.. my girl totally opposite of ur girl.. she sticks to me like super glue.. i walk away, she will cry..


i agree with your doc leh. must still maintain loh. i realise after having baby, our topic is only baby and no longer ourselves. all we do and think is baby. somehow, i don't like this kind of feeling. there is like no love between us liao and can be very 陌生. i feel in long run its not going to be healthy for our relationship loh. but going pak tok without help from anyone to look after our kids is also difficult. so the least we should have is to maintain intimacy to feel the special bond and love bah.


I used another brand yesterday his lp ok liao but tis morning again cos last nite he ps.

diapers is the usual 1 he wears... morning ok nite time lp pain.

midnite I also got wake up change his diaper so he is not soak in wet diaper 1 ..


cos you are with her 24 hours. so she sticks to you. now she will also fight for my attention with #1 loh. there is once i call out to her to come and i hug her. she happily crawl towards me but before she can reach me, #1 already run to me for hug liao. she see liao, she will cry and crawl at the same time loh. then i got to carry one on the left and one on the right loh.


i guess so bah. my boy when young also like my girl, stick to hubby one. now with #2, he wants me and push mei mei to hubby liao.


try to use for a few days then see if its really the wet tissue bah.

Bbdust... i've been thinking thinking thinking about it since dunno how long ago... lolz.

Orangey~!! You pray hard i tio toto big time k~!!! i buy for you on your bday. lolz.

