(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Thanks! She is better liao and already off the neubaliser thingy. Just that she still has slight runny nose and phlegm. PD wants her to rest well these 2 to 3 weeks thus can't join the Bday Bash. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] So sad.

Now I am trying to feed her more so as to let her gain back her weight. ;p

woofy, boh hor leh.... my nose is still block~! congested with tons & tons of mucus... lolz. =X opps! Sorry for being gross. hahaha.. been blowing my nose away the whole morning. Whoever walked past my desk will go... "wow... so jialad...still come for what...?" Then i'll give them that "pitiful" look and say.... "my boss lo". wahahahhaha...

actually, i was on MC yesterday la.. Felt SLIGHTLY (5% nia) better now. If only the doctor gave me MC till friday, think i'll fully recover. whahahaha.

piglet, you on leave all these while ah?? Glad to hear YH is recovering. Dont worry, she's a strong and brave gal. Her chubby chubby cheeks will be even more chubby!! heee...


Thanks! I was really worried sick when this happened and cannot eat and sleep! Dunno where she got the virus from too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piglet..GREAT!!!! ..good to nurse back to health first =) ...no worries abt weight loss ...the wt gain will definitely come ..might be slow at first but will be steady *0*

cellow: i make sure i do part time work to justify my part time pay lor.. hahahaha..

so true abt mummies got to think abt sacrificing our time whereas daddies on the other hand just need to worry abt money.. hahaha.. but i'm used to it liao.. my dad himself was like that when we were young.. so seems like the situation didn't change much now.. hehehe..

piglet: good to see u here.. glad that YH is recovering well..

dazz ..load up yr vit C & warm fluids in the meantime bah...if med does not really help, then gotta be patient n wait for body to fight the notti virus bah =)


Try go and take MC and rest these 2 days! The virus huh I tell u really telok! My mum was sick on and off from 05 Feb till now afte taking care of Yh with me. SHe been to doc 3 times liao and spent almost $300 but not recover yet! Then my MIL also down with fever and flu after visiting YH in Mount A but already recovered. Then my Hub lost his voice and got cough too. So till now I am the last one standing.

RE: Leave

Ya lor. I was on leave since 02 Feb till 22 Feb 11 cos my mum sick and my MIl was not in town. Plus I prefer to look after YH myself cos I wanna her to sleep more and not play.

Thanks for the concern mummies! ;)

I am really shagged.


could be anywhere de, like going out etc could also kena virus. slowly nurse her back to health. very heartpain when our lil ones fall sick.


yes i have


an apple a day keeps the doctor away and eat oranges [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Bbdust, ya.. realised i haven't been eating much fruits. I better start my routine again.

piglet, wow! So many days leave?? so you fully utilized this year's leave liaoz or you took unpaid?

If i still don't recover by next week, think i'll have to miss the bday bash liaoz. =( But at the rate that i'm recovering, i doubt i can make it. haiz.


I know but this time is viral bronchitis wor. So it means we gotta be alot careful in future? Cos once got it, easily will kena again?

Btw, I CONDEMNED KKH!!! BAD SERVICE AND POOR ATTITUDE! When KKH twice and we requested to get Yh to be admitted cos she is dehydrated with less than 200ml fluid daily but they REFUSED! U know what they say? wait till she hits 41 degrees then we decide! WTF!!!!


I still have abt 12 days extended maternity leave not utilised so I used that lor. ;)


my boy kena bronchiolitis before when he was about 4 mo and was admitted to KK too. hmm i dont really like KK and the MO there. KK A&E doctors are not PD i have asked the nurse there, they are just MO on rotation which is why sometimes they misdiagnosed.

hmm i am not sure whether will kena easily nxt time but I think might be more prone to asthma.

piglet, i have never liked KKH and i have not brought my kids there once though others tell me they are suppose to be the "expert' in this field. no no no. It has been Mount A for both my boys since birth. I like their service and the nurses there all very nice and caring.

wow.. lucky you still have maternity leave left o..! =)

bbdust, whahahaha.. thanks ah! are you going to ask me everyday if i had ate my apple? HEE!! ^_^v

alright, i just talk back to my boss... think he is fuming... lucky appraisal is done and bonus is coming.. i hope i can last till next year... =X

piglet...yeah if its bronchitis then gotta be Xtra careful..my boi had a nasty bout of this few mths back...pd did share that we gotta be extra careful if ah boi starts to have runny nose n persistent cough so tt it doesnt develope into full flown bronchitis + i got childhood asthma myself so the tendency to tiio might be higher as compared to others lor.


which is why i always go back to RH if my boy is sick loh never mind the higher cost at least the service and attitude is much better

haha yes i will ask u eh u got eat apple or not ah?

BBdust & Woofy,

Sigh.... Actually I am afraid that she will kena again during her Bday Bash. If U were me, will u hold 1st bday bash for her? Or only within family members?


Ya lor. Initially these leave was planned to be taken before and after her bday. Now just wasted like that! Sighhh.

Yes I agree! Mount A service is very good and they are very patient!!! Thumbs up!


Oh dear, sorry to hear that YH was sick and was in Mt A! Glad that she is well on her way to recovery. Your immunity must be very high to be the last one standing! Probably cos your body knows you need to take care of her. Hope your hb and mom recover soon.


Wish you speedy recovery too!


I have introduced cheddar cheese. Those in a block. I cut into small rectangular pieces and leave her to feed herself during snack time.


i will still hold the birthday bash lah cause no guarantee family members wont be sick also but i will tell everyone in the invitation that she has just recovered from bronchitis and will appreciate if people whom are sick that period but still wish to attend to wear a mask, but i think by writing that she has recovered those who are sick will not attend liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


That was what my hub and I havae in mind! To inform the guests and distribute mask! But scare the guests might be offended.

But I got no choice cos there will be lote of babies and toddlers around.


i dont think they will be offended loh, if that person is offended, he/she most likely is not a parent and is some self centered person loh and why are u inviting that person in the 1st place?? hehe

the not sick ones no need to wear mask lah cause they might find u being too paranoid, but sick ones shld auto wear mask lah.

piglet..i will still hold the bday bash cos 1st & foremost its a happy occasion mah....might not be on a grand scale but maybe with close family members lor but i will of cos say in advance that the bday star has juz recovered recently so tt guests who turn up will zi dong lor.

Bbdust & Woofy,

ya ya! I meant only for those unwell guest then will give masks. ;)

I wanna hold her grand one for YH cos not sure when will I have #2. Plus I wanna her have a memorable one and photos taken so that she can refer to when she is older and plus it is her 1st bday and I wanna help her 冲喜!!! All the bad ones GO AWAY & the GOOD ONES COME TO HER! (^^)


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] go for it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mummies.... just a gentle reminder, whatever kind of effort that you put in now for #1, remember to do the same for #2, #3, #4, etc o~!! must be fair... hee.

and i can tell you how hard it is. lolz. then again, try!

mummies with #2 and above already, can you think of something which you did for #1 but never for #2? hee...


My hub and I think so too but my mum objected. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I know I am bad to say these but I cant help it...My mum felt that I din take good care of her and let her fall sick like that. Cos when YH's fever was at ard 39 degrees my mum called and I told her doc say can only take panadol earliest at 4 hrly but she wanted to give YH before 4hrly and I asked her to wait for me. Then I gopt scolding from my mum. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

piglet, ^_^v

because my MIL always remind me about it. -_-||| hahahhaha... When TodZ was a baby, we bought a photo frame that can display 12 months of his photo. And Daddy did that for the 1st 10 mths and subsequently stopped. (never update photo for 11th and 12th month). So BbZ now, totally never do though we have the frame!!! wahhahaha... so my MIL is nagging him about it. And a few of other things ba.. really takes effort lo. But for 1st bday bash, it's the same scale. Buffet at home.. hahah.. same for korkor, same for didi. =D

piglet, don't be so sensitive la.. how can it be your fault... panadol cannot anyhow give de leh. overdose how? somemore she still young. Mother will never harm her own child de lo. She's equally gan jiong ba. Don't think back liaoz. What most important is that she's recovering, slowly let her gain back her healthy state then weight. look forward!!! =)

piglet: yeah, go for it!! it's once in the lifetime leh.. just be more cautious abt the surroundings and people, especially sick ones.. should ok one.. 冲喜,冲喜!!

my girl the same leh.. still blocked nose.. crying when drinking milk.. so sad.. now other than eating little porridge, milk also little.. haiz.. sleeping also tossing around alot and heard her breathing so difficult, i so heartpain.. dunno what i can do to help ease her pain..


How not to be sensitive? Each time I think of it, I feel like crying. Even now when I am typing it down, my eyes are teary.


Pls take care of bb A ya. So long no fever, should be ok. But do observe and go and see PD again if she does not recover.

piglet: hugz hugz.. i know how u feel.. like my girl, i dragged a few days then bring her to see doctor then i realised her blocked nose was so bad.. i still tell myself, maybe only pi sai stuck inside her nose, after she sneeze a few times, her nose will be cleared.. silly me right?? i feel so so bad, when see her cry when we tried to put the nose drop for her.. feel so so sad when see her struggling to sleep well but the blocked nose is making her feel so bad.. that's why i'm so emotional yesterday when i came back to work that i nearly resigned to take care of my girl myself again..

dazz: ya lor, got to be fair for both.. i'm telling myself, next time when i have #2, i must rememeber what i did for #1.. got to be fair.. hahahaha..

*holds hands w piglet and juye*

repeat after me - i m a good mummy who wants the best for my child!

shoo away the guilt.

when to see doc, how frequently to give medicine ws the best decision made at THAT time with all avail info.


she heartpain her grandchild that is why she gan cheong and say u.. dont take it to heart okie hugs hugs. I think she felt at lost on what to do to relieve YH's fever bah so her only solution is to give med hoping that it will subside quickly. u can just tell her to sponge YH 1st to bring down the temp and that the doc said med must follow instructions to eat as it might cause overdose. maybe with alternative solution, she will not be over panicky.


hmm i give up giving nose drops to my boy when he is awake i do it when he zz if not the struggling makes them more resistant


eh. C1 has tons of photos and videos in our home computer categorised by month.

photos of C2 are not uploaded into our home computer yet :p still sitting in either Mr C's iphone or the digital camera.

let alone categorise into month or any other theme.

:p :p :p

bbdust: even sleeping also hard to put the nose drop.. she will wake up crying and don't want to sleep again.. so got to struggle to hold her down and quickly put the nose drop, at least just for that few mins that she will cry very very loud.. then sayang sayang her.. then she ok liao..

cellow: thanks!! ya, i must keep telling myself: "I'm a good mummy already!!"..

SO TEH CHEESE wouldnt stick to their teeth lah...because even when we eat, also stick to our teeth

my boy vomitted for two nights already, maybe because i gave him biscuits in 8pm+...maybe stomach cannot take it. anyone still feed solid food so late, or all milk only?


hmm I do brush his teeth so i am not worried.

i only give him milk, his dinner is 6 plus.

is it cause he is too full? my boy will vomit when he is too full.



After eating solids I will "brush" her teeth and gums.

I have fed her snacks or sometimes a bowl of porridge around 8+pm. She latches to sleep around 9+pm. But her tummy will be VERY round. Could it be the biscuit? Try reducing the amount or feed some other snack at the same time and see how?

