(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

was jus scrolling upz upz upz...then i saw cellow's dilemma...

Cellow - i sympatise wif ur maid's situation. So ze er lor, maid $ also wanna swallow. i'd definitely stand up for the maid as she seems like a really sensible employee frm ur description. Its this type of pple tat i would help so tat they dun suffer in silence...like wat the other mommies advised, ring her, get a clear picture for verification of the story and yes, nobody sends cash over mail!! was ur maid aware of tis or did tat woman say she'll send cheque? in any case, since she's sending to ur house, i tot it'd be out of courtesy tat she inform u personally b4 posting anything to ur house, so tat u could look out for it, as well as take control of the situation frm there...nw its jus betwn her n ur maid's words, if she stil insists on her act n cant settle amicably, then i'd make a police report wif maid n ask if she's interested to join u guys...let the police investigate n handle for u.


Morning! Am I too late? Can I join in too?

Kindermuzik trial: Count me in!

1) Wendees

2) juye

3) charismama - 5.30pm sat

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

7) gbh

8) sgsc (Ok wif any timing but 23rd apr cannot coz celebrating mimi's bday)

9) woofmeow ( mar 26 (sat ) & mar 27 ( sun) cannot cos celebrating ah boi's bday ).

10) Dazz [standby mode only. If got other mummies interested, pls take over. =)]

11). Ming 8110 (can only do 12th march)

12) cottagefry

13) syzygy6

14) kite - sat 5.30pm



Orangey: haha... now u know =) her mom and my MIL are sisters. think she's also ok one la, just a bit paranoid that's all.

SG_sc/syz: as long as you not pregnant now can change job la, cos work 6 months includes the pregnancy. i conceived 10 days before starting work at new place. that time went for employee health check up didn't know preg, went for x ray some more. oops.

Syz: its a new beginning! can start trying for No2 liao!

Celeste: i just bring my baby to swimming pool myself. read abt bringing to swimming lessons on ang moh website la, but think they too young to learn anything. now just enjoy and not fear water. when can understand instructions then i will send for lessons.


Yeah she's actually a very nice lady! Gave me tips when travelling to cold countries and we have a few common friends too. Actually I hardly see her brings up abt her family lor so I didnt know lol.. Her hub is one nice guy hor cause I've a friend being married to a german and that german family was really bad. After my friend gave birth, the PIL told my friend once she stop breastfeeding, she can leave and they will take care of her baby. WAH LAO right? Like using her stomach to make grandchildren for them =.= Whereas for her, her PIL are very nice and her hub also nice to let her come to sg when she wants and a stay is always at least 2 months. My friend's hub right she has to beg and beg then he let her come back to sg for 5 weeks and then on the 3rd week he ask her to come back early cause he feels that she's abducting his son. Haiz.. very jialat...

Maddie - oh so means even if conceived on 1st day start work, also included huh? then work for 3 mths go 4 mths maternity leave la? hehehe..sounds good! din noe, all along tot need min 6 mths employment then conception allowed...

Swimming pool - i let mimi play on float in water, at first happy, then later cry..tink water too cold..dunno hw also, where to find heated pool for her..

Anyone has comments abt Beco Butterfly carriers?

Elmoo! till now haven got my carrier yet lei! mimi already learning to walk! lolz... have u already gotten urs? ;p

KDD - the carrier can use frm NB till bb 45 lbs (20kg) which i presume is abt 4-5 yo? sometimes im tinking of bringing bb out myself or abroad, then if use carrier be much easier, else gotta lug stroller n stuff ard...hard to get ard. Abit too late but better late than neva, n #2 can use next time too..


Please lah! What lousy mommy, dont say that! My gal is around 9kg and I cannot take it also!! Imagine lugging a sack of rice around!

Actually I want to join in for the Kindermusik class until I heard Dazz said that it is like exercise class for mommy!!! Then I don't want liao, cannot imagine swinging my gal up/down for 1 hour. My poor back cannot take it one.

Hi mommies,

Thanks for all the breakfast ideas. I introduce breakfast consisting of yoghurt (change brand, now she is ok with it), cheese, bread and puffed brown rice cereal, and oatmeal. Gosh, the best part is...... her milk intake never reduced!!!!! Aiyoh, want to faint liao.

Hi Cellow,

Hmmm..... damn angry when I heard abt your maid's story. I think you can try to help but do try to moderate your poor maid's expectation that it is likely she won't get back the $ liao.

Also, if really reach the MOM's stage, you need to know that you have to bring your maid to MOM for the officer to interview to find out what happens. As it is a case of you say, she say, I think chances of getting back the $ is 50-50 only. So sad right? My maid when she 1st came to my household, she asked me to keep her salary for her!!! I immediately said: For what??? You keep yourself. When mom is free, bring you to bank to bank in. She then told me her ex-employer kept her $ for her one. Faint!

Aftn mommies! first time in my life aft had mimi, i reverted back to old habit, slept till 2pm!! jus woke up nia, yday slept at 4am coz went pak tor wif hb watched The Rite @ Nex...tink 1 yr neva watch show here liao..so deprived hor?

KDD - i guess for one or 2 hrs stil ok la, not whole day kinda carrying, i will also kisiao...hehhe...but 11kg??!! wow!! i jus weighed mimi few days back n i tink she lost weight...7kg only!..jiak lak dunno wat happened. hope is weighing machine inaccurate.

Rurucat - I was also worried abt the exercise part, but was tinking if i tired, prob pass mimi over to HB for continuation then i rest outside...take turns dunno can anot.

Re maid salary - my mum keeps her salary every month n both of them will sign on a small log book on the debit n credit side of things. So the maid has no cash on hand at any time (tis is to prevent her running away or sneaking out daytime to jalan or worst, get cheated if she happens to befriend a bf here). If she needs to buy any stuff, my mum will get for her n deduct frm the book n get her to sign. Then every 1 or 2 mths, mum will bring her go send $ overseas. so far so good, no issues.

hi all afternoon,

Time flies, my maid has been with us for so many months, today is her 1st off day, she went lucky plaza heee. My sis bring her there. She got no ezlink card, so we give her a $10 value card. Hope later she cn find her way bk. Tat day went out with her, she duno how to board the bus, ??? Strange,..

I think its good for her to relax herself n get some of her hometown stuff at LP..

today I handle my boy alone.. Wow piah he hor morning woke up 8.30am after milk n shower at 9.30am, 10.15 feed again, 12.00 porridge n 1.30 milk den he slp... Jing gao tong, my arms almost break.. Nw he is stil slping, I washed fan, wash toilet n did a lot of cleaning.. Just dismantle his playpen, I need to ask, the top part take away, bottom is metal isn't it painful only with a mattress when he drop if he stand up?

yesterday brought my boy for haircut $5. Oh my god, my boy look like 2 yrs old n even my colleagues also say so stil double confirm with me his actual age..

my maid is bk at 6.15pm tis morning out 9.30am.. Wat is her off day timing like? onli told her tomorrow need to work, dun come bk late. Tis morning bb shower she help out in preparing, 6am woke up wash cars n mop floor. Oh her off day stil doin all tis.. Really appreciate.. jus nw when she bk she 1st thing shower n carry my boy... She went lucky plaza went esplanade wow very A sai I so long nv go liao..

Mummies, do you give your bbs banana? Any problems?

My maid fed BbZ banana & apple with cereal this morning. Not too sure if it's allergy or too much or indigestion, BbZ fussed the whole afternoon, cried and cried and eventually vomitted, twice. I was out for a praying session so he was at home with maid. She got panicked when he vomitted so quickly call me and i rush home.

Saw me and cry, aiyoh... poor thing. I massaged his tummy till he fell asleep on my lap. Told her not to feed him anymore porridge and he took 2 more milk feed. Now orh orh oredi.. hhmm.. just thinking what went wrong.

Dazz - i understd banana must be the short kind, cannot del monte those long n big ones...coz too liang maybe tats y bbZ stomachache? poor boi...hope he's well now.

hi mummies,

i want to get the leapfrog magnets, upper/lower cases... the cheapest is order from amazon ship to SG ar? i see some online SG stores selling S$49.90 wahh!!!

SG_Sc - i tot is short kind of bananas too liang.. is the delmonte type ar? oh no, i been feeding the delmonte type! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I got my carrier liao, ergo brand de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Used few times only coz seldom bring her out

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Monday Morning

Dazz, I also feed my boy bananas,

SG GC, I also thought the delmonte type is liang so I give the shorter kind. Duno if it's bcos he's quite prone to cough, or is it bananas causes phlegm. He started coughing again. I also dun dare to feed cold stuff like yoghurt or cold fruits.

mummies, does bananas cause phlegm?

photoshoot with dphotofolio,

• $300 for 1 hour session

• all soft copies return

• 4 X 5R print

• strictly for parent + kids + grandparents, no solo/individual shots for adults

• other family member will be $15 per person

• photoshoot must be completed before 30 Jun 11


1. celynlee

2. sylvia

3. dazz

4. lovebbk

any other mummies who is interested, please pm me.

mummies who had confirm the shoot, please make a 50% ($150) deposit to my account, POSB SAVING 054-30682-2 by 25 FEB 2010 and pm me the details and also give me an email for dphotofolio to send you the recepit for the deposit.

Morn Mommies!

Jas03 - yeah tats wat i remmeber reading. but till date we have not fed mimi bananas coz v v sweet lei..scared she addicted to it then other foods dun like liao..only let her bite bite abit for fun.

Wendees - i tink bananas, watermelon, papaya if bb got cough better dun give 1st, else more phlegmy.jus like adults, my mum also nag at mi cannot eat. Cold drinks or food too...

Elmoo - issit the ergo sport too? HB say no need buy nw lei coz she big liao n also can use stroller instead. but i was tinking if get nw, stil can use for mimi as n wen we like it n for #2 wen NB...so more worth the $$$

sg sc, even papaya? then only can give apples lor, more neutral. Cos orange I know confirm very phlegmy. watermelon very liang. But I think ang moh doctor will say fruits are ok. I wanted to bring my boy swimming in the pool, but my mum also nag at me, say must wait till may/june, when weather is warmer.

Morn mummies =)

Dazz ..i only give my boi the short short bananas..so far ok...not those del monte or aloha long babanas ( too LIANG ) .. ...have nt tried mixing before with apple myself though ...has yr boi tried this combo b4??? if its the first time, maybe he's not used to it.


Ya if you planning for #2 get now also same coz mimi can use for now. Mine is ergo sport [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wanted to use for bali trip end up #2 didnt go coz she sick [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby swimming classes: Celeste, you can try Aquaducks at Dempsey. They have a waitlist for weekend classes though...

SGSC / Syz: The law relating to maternity leave benefits was changed in 2008. So long as you have worked at least 90 days with the employer before giving birth, you are entitled to the usual maternity benefits.

Dazz: been giving the short bananas. she loves it. so far, no problem. in fact if she dowan to eat, i give her some banana then she may want to continue her meal.

Didn't give him the long banana. It was the short short kind. You all never steam it right? Corz for ours, it was given just like that. HHmm.. it's either too much or something. Anyway, he's ok now. hahahha.. thanks mummies.

My friend just sms me. Her sister hired a burmese maid for her confinement. Now decide she dun want to keep the maid and wants to transfer her away. My friend told me that maid is nurse trained and can speak english relatively well. She is also experienced in taking care of kids and babies. She asked if i'm interested. What's your opinions? Should i take? If i take means i must send back the current earlier than her contracted period. Should i?

Dazz: Why don't you interview the maid and see how you feel? Also, see if you can observe how she handles children if you want her primarily for childcare. If it's for your grandma then you have to see if your grandma likes her. Old people can be very picky about their caregivers.


u are right, old people are really particular abt caregivers, my MIL is one of them [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Any of you got the intention to sell your play yard?? Or do you know where i can get used play yard but still in good condition?


try freesgcycle its a yahoo group just join n state this as a wanted item.

By the way I jus received call and will get a free sample of gain for my boy..ooo.. think most of the mummies here will soon receive the call from them too.

Haiz.. need to bring boy to PD right after work.

He seems to have diarrhea since yesterday and we thought to monitor since I've given him the culture powder given by KKH but doesn't seems to work and my mum just called me that he seems to have mild fever too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm so upset.. Dont know what went wrg. He's already so small in size and now with diarrhea and loss of appetite :'(

When will my boy actually be on a higher percentile for his wt??? Haiz...

Dazz: yup, eat banana fresh like that. I would go with Ming's take about seeing the maid and talking to her. At least can tell if you like her face, attitude, see if you can understand her etc. From what i hear about yr present maid... CHANGE!!

Orangey: diarrhea can give rice water, boil rice with water like barley water and feed him that in bottle.

Orangey, hope bb Orangey get well soon. Boh bianz la.. part and parcel of growing up is to fall sick to get immunity.

Maddie, hahaha.. change ah. Spoke to my hubby, he machiam no reaction de leh.. lolz. MEN!!! Let's see how it goes after toking to my MIL tonight.

Shappie: yup, i got gain IQ call also, will be receiving this week, although i havent even used the similac tin yet. wondering when to start intro formula. big hurdle is my gal don't take bottle at home. then the frozen milk i'm asking ifc to give. waiting for her to take from cup/straw then will give her FM at home. sigh. when oh when can they take from cup? she got the sippy cup she don't sip lei, she just bite.


sounds like stomach flu to me


i just started similac FM for my boy on sat cause going 1 year old soon mah so i want to stop slowly le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u got try letting her use straw?

Hi Mommies,

Anyone want to sell me their unopened Gain 2 formula? I stay in Kallang, so I think can collect from east coast/central mommies. No point collecting from afar as the $ saving = petrol and parking. Hee.....

Hi Orangey,

Yah, i had spoken to 2 PDs on the lao sai issue before. Both advocated just giving probiotics and keeping the baby hydrated while waiting for the diahrrea to clear up. Haiz... it is only we mommies see our darling the backside red red and stomach pain then we heart pain.



the mag mag cup straw [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i think she can take it le. the yakult type also okie lah.

