(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Good Morn Mommies!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My fav CNY like tat end oredi...gotta wait another longggg year


me too i love CNY [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but end liao.. so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and to make it sadder, the nxt public holiday is in april si bei sian ah

bbdust: u can self-declare holiday on ur boy's bday.. hehehe..

sg_sc: ya lor, so fast end liao.. just now my office cleaning aunty said to me, ur girl now 2 yrs old hor?? i was like, no she not yet one.. she said after CNY liao, chinese is 2yrs old liao.. hahhaaha.. like they very big liao hor..


his birthday ah oh yah hor... LOL i think i will do that since i got leave to clear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yes my MIL also said my boy is 2 years old if its chinese calender like wah so old le

bbdust: i self-declare 3 days of holidays.. hahaha..

ai ya, today the million dollar toto leh.. haven't buy yet.. also dunno where to buy at my office here..


hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] in celebration of ur ger's birth

i haven't buy too but i think no time to buy already lah so give up


i self declare holiday for my birthday and #1's birthday yearly. this year will add another holiday for #2's birthday. :p

zao an mummies! ...friday once again !...

tink carters/osh kosh nw having sales :p ...hehe...for mummies who need to indulge in some retail therapy for the babies =)

My MIL already told us on the 1st day of CNY, that BbZ is 2 years old. hahha.. i still gong gong reply her, huh, no ah.. his bday not here yet ah.. then she tell me, in chinese calender la... ooooohhhh... hahahaha... then i faster add in, oh! so like that, he can wear shoes liaoz lo? and she hesitate for a while, and said, should be can la... wahahahhahaha... so now, BbZ can wear shoe lo! hee...

Juye, hhhmm... have have! Far East basement, somewhere near This Fashion. Think it's near Guardian. Quick quick go buy your hope!! hahahha...


the previous sale was very attractive 1 for 1 leh, now i think still have some items 1 for 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] its a steal can go and buy


u getting better? today exam ah jia you okie

bbdust, no leh.. only took medicine last night. Now doing last min "predicting" of topics. lolz... think after today then i can take medicine on time and rest. haha.. Still havent got a chance to go buy the honey

Bbdust- yah man. March is dry spell. Must find something interesting to spice my very mundane boring life

Juye- my Indian colleague tot Mimi oredi 3 Yo! Dunno where tat came frm. Must be Due to my haggard look n frumpy hairstyle. Haha luckily he Neva Ask if my kid grownup Liao, else sure box him!

Toto - ya faster go buy a hope la. Good luck ah!


got ah, 1st birthday bash, then mimi's birthday [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I got to attend my friend's birthday too so that means 3 weekends gone.

Hi Mummies!

Birthdays: March seems like a month full of bday celebrations. Two of my friends have kids turning one in March so that's two parties on two separate weekends. My mum and bro also celebrate their birthdays in March. Busy busy month. But happy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kindermuzik: I can make it if the trial is in May. Keep me updated.

Thanks mummies!

I think i need to hug a box of tissue paper to the exam hall later. hahahaha... My nose is running like nobody's business!! -_-||

morning morning TGIF! yay!

welcome back syz [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah it was either that or kosh him on the head for asking me more than yes or no qns.


good luck for exam later! and huat ah!!!


yes more bdays to celebrate. i also self declare holiday on C2's bday this year. one more self declared holiday.

date night

is whenever we self declare. havent gone on date night since.... mid dec. must do another one soon.

ladies and gent,

i need your opinion

my maid's ex employer had withheld $500 from her, presumbly for her airfare lest she did not finish the 2 year contract. maid now wants to recover the $500 back fm the ex employer J. called J on 11 Feb. J asked for my address and said she would mail the money to my maid. maid contacted her again this tue and said not received yet. J said mailed already... ended off w telling my maid 'enough of this nonsense, i do not have time to entertain u'.

maid told me ystday morning and asked if there ws any mail for her.

maid contacted J again last evening. J told her sent $350 in cash (who sends cash thro normal mail? liar liar pants on fire). The postman must have taken it *blink*.

i trust my maid. she has been honest and competent in her work. just a little bit blur blur.


shd i intervene by calling J and threatening to take the case to MOM?

i believe there is a special type of hellfire for pple who bully those who are in a less powerful position.

$500 is one and a half months' work for the maid. i would like to know how J reacts if HER employer owes her 1.5 months' salary.

sg_sc: ya lor, i think march is a busy mth leh.. birthdays..

dazz: good luck!!

bbdust: ya lor.. i've already applied leave.. boss approved.. hahaha..

celyn: i also self-declare holidays for my bday, somemore this year longer holidays cos going overseas then.. hahaha..


hmm for me i will call cause i feel injustic for my maid LOL but sometimes being too KPO also not good leh


thats fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cellow, yes, i will interfere. (if i feel that it's worth my effort, meaning, i know my maid will appreciate it and it will help improve the relationship between us and probably her working attitude too).

Then again, the conversation i'll have with J, will not start off as a confrontation. It will be more like a "i act blur" situation and start by asking her if she owes the maid $$, for what la, what made her retain the $$ previously (just to make sure your maid is not lying). From there, you access lo. Ultimate is to tell her you'll go to MOM. Then again, she might rebutt you with "what proof do you have".


my nose is totally not cooperative, my brain is too congested with mucus and phlegm and i cant get any facts into it and i feel a fever coming. HOW TO TAKE EXAM LIKE THAT!!!??? *cryz*

I wonder if MC can help postpone the exam? But no point delaying ah... i might forget more things. haiyoh.

cellow: i will call too.. just to clarify things and help the maid too.. i agree with dazz, not to start off as a confrontation, more of query abt the situation..

or can the agency helps??

hate it when looking for the officer urgently and yet disappear for so long without any reasons.. can i just simply don't care?? then anything wrong, blame me for it.. haiz.. idiot!!

Cellow: Call up the ex employer and find out what is happening. If she insists that she sent the cash via post, ask her for documentary proof. If she hems and haws, pins the blame on the post man etc, suggest that she makes a police report. See what she says then. Last resort if she is unco-operative is to alert MOM. Your poor maid though.

Cellow: thought maid have to sign every month that she did receive her pay. I would also call and ask what is happening. Hear her side of the story. Then I would suggest that she pay the money in person n offer to be witness for her so maid will stop the 'nonsense'. Then no need to have extra trouble for all of us by askin MOM to help to sort out the whole issue. Then if J know u going to involve MOM then maybe she will just guai guai pay.

DaZz: can take another time? How?

thanks for the advice.


i cannot stand by and do nothing. esp since maid told *me* the story, and she DIN ask for my help at all from start to end. she only asked me if there ws any mail for her. only when i probed further, then the whole sad story tumbled out.

dazz, juye,

i already have a script in my head

start off w telling J - my maid thinks you still owe her $500, and she told me you have sent $350 cash via normal mail. just want to clarify with you wat is the current situation..

yes then proceed to ask J to pay my maid in person and offer to be witness so maid will stop the 'nonsense'. and follow the rest of maddie's script - no need to have extra trouble for all of us by asking MOM to help sort out the matter.


when meeting in person, i also want J to sign smthing to the effect of she will not bother my maid or raise any charges agst her... scared this woman later accuse my maid of theft... (wat other things can she accuse my maid of?? thinking....)

is that a good idea?

my maid's prev agency has closed down. else i would ask the agent to sort this matter out.

Cellow: I think both your maid and J should sign something to the effect that the payment is in full and final settlement of the outstanding wages and that neither party will have any further right to claim against each other in the future. Sign two copies so your maid and J can each keep one copy. But ultimately if J doesn't want to sign, there is nothing you can do. But you can always drop her an email or an SMS to state something to this effect and if she doesn't refute you, that counts for something.


Hope your maid will get her $ with your help! Tsk tsk to that previous employer.


Letter given yesterday. Told to reconsider and get back to them on Monday.

Re: Period

Just went for a pee. While peeing felt a cramp and as luck would have it.... blood [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] think my period is back [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] why??????

Dear mummies, sorry for interrupting.

I have a new Burberry dress for sale. Pls click link to view the pics. Got from those online seller in Facebook. Size is too small for my girl.

If you are keen and sincere in buying, pls PM me. Thank you.

Dear mummies

Has anyone brought your baby to swimming? I have brought my baby to babyspa. So far he is still ok with water. Would like to bring him to attend proper swimming lessons. Know any centre or instructor that can teach baby swimming?

Sian period really back. Is it a sign? Submit letter yesterday and period came today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] good sign? Bad sign?


I just saw a pic of bb maddie in my FB! Remember you told me it happens that one of your relatives (sil I think) is my friend? I know who le but dont' worry we dont chat so much de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Everyone sleeping but elmoo at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

morning mummies


i'm home alone with 2 today. cannot go out of house. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and me up at 6+ cos both up liao.

Morn mommies! Rise n shine beautiful sat morn..gotta sleep in abit more while i can coz stil at mum house, which means i dun need to do a single for mimi...hehhehe


Syz - wat it signifies ah? hmm.."go wif the flow"??? heheh..seriously, im not clear of ur reason for resignation, but im sure u have tot long n hard b4 tendering, + since ur boss oredi noes ur intention - any idea if he's going to work things out wif u to hold u back? else tender oredi then later stil decide to stay on abit....

wats ur plans then? r u tinking of being a sahm or look for another job? coz if u planning for #2 soon, tink most complanies require u to work for them for 6 mths then u'll qualify for maternity benefits...unless u dun hanker aft tat la! ;p anyhow, jus ensure tat watever decision u make on monday, u'll neva have to look back! Good Luck!

toking abt tat...budget review no additional maternity benefits to boost birth rate [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] tot gonna have the paternity leave > the pathetic 3 days nw...or issit not under budget?

