(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


BRAUN EP15 EXACT POWER BEARD TRIMMER can have diff length of shaving ? I dun wan to shave myboy botak, is it easy to do side shaving at the ear there

wats ur email add, i add u in fb. u can pm me.


bbdust: my dh was a senior technican at paya lebar.. pilot good pay leh.. hahaha..

celyn: will keep that in mind when i go down to check the school out..

chips: yup yup, those with suctions one.. wanted to try whether that helps my girl to sit down properly while we have our meals.. can't let her keep playing with food right??


feed ur gal watever u eat lor.. tis is wat i do to keep him stay stil.. or I giv him a pc of biscuits to eat else an apple to hold n bite himself

I cant recall which mommy was asking asking 'walking wings'?? but anyway, i saw Mothercare @ Habourfront selling ard $50 plus and has pink and blue color to choose from [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Gd memory u have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Nowadays my mind is so scattered... getting very forgetful :p

hi mummies,

thanks for showing concern for me on fb. its not gal whos making me feeling very tired... had a very heated argument with hb last night in the wee hours. im so tired of being his wife


best go to the barber if you want side shave, side burns... i was and still m terrified of cutting into C1's head or ears. i know my hand is not steady and my boy is fidgety. so botak NS style it is. i went for a less sweaty head over a stylish head.

but ya, C1 does look like a PRC little boy w his NS haircut.

only my VERY capable MIL can cut layers into C1's hair. using nothing but a pair of scissors. i rest my case... she can cut his hair all she wants to.

(residual MIL angst showing up again!!! tok tok tok back into the ground)

pnut, it was me looking for walking wings.... thanks for the price check!

good memory bbdust. bbL getting better?


watever it was, tis valentine's day. dun argue w HB, kiss kiss make up tonight. B is better today? when bb sick, and i m sleepless, my mood is super foul.

Mr C once effectively headed off a potential arguement by putting a finger to my mouth and saying 'you are in a bad mood, dun say anything'. i opened my mouth to protest i m not in a bad mood, but he was right - i AM in a BAD mood. that caught both of us off the normal pattern of an escalating fight.


awwww. heart melt. v impt to be appreciated as wife, not just mother of his child.

when Mr C does smthing liddat, i enjoy the moment and tell myself i will close one eye to his next 3 senseless actions.

Cellow: had lunch with my 'work spouse' today. he say 1. come home late for no reason on V day plus 2. bring home flowers unexpectedly = quickie with mistress. haha.

bbdust: next time ur bro can go sq be pilot leh.. hehehe..

chips: we are always giving her biscuits/bread, but she always finished way before us.. and i don't like kept feeding her especially she had her meal before that.. so most of the time, we will try to schedule our meal time accordinly to hers, so that we can all eat together and she will guai guai sit in her chair..

pnut: oh, is it?? i just went paragon's mothercare but didn't see the toy.. actually i also scared my girl wouldn't like playing with the toys.. but i just want to try..

gbh: hugz hugz.. i always quarrel with my hb nowadays.. think u can see my complains here.. guys are always not sensitive enough and not as thoughtful as us.. but i believe he do has his good points that why u choose to be with him right?? i agreed with cellow, once bb sick and i'm sleepless, my temper tends to go wild too, and the people who kena will always be my hb.. so it's super common lar.. cheer up ok??

Good afternoon mummies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Any mummies taking more milk plus supplement? Coz I got a bottle from friend then this morning wana take but inside the capsule turn into liquid like melted powder,yeeekk..Is original like that?

Or I store too long outside (I didnt put in fridge) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



super funny. i have such weird conversations w Mr C too - tell him to take the 2 boys to his mistress, make sure she wipes their backsides clean, feeds them properly and holds them to sleep when they are sick. then he rolls his eyes at me. end of conversation.

only a mother would do all the abv for her child.

maddie: hahaha..

want to complain abt taxi driver.. was waiting for cab just now, infront of me is a ang mo lady with her baby.. she was carrying her baby and holding on to the baby stroller and some shopping stuff.. when the taxi came, the driver didn't even bother to come down to help her keep the stroller and her stuff in the boot.. so pissed off.. so i quickly go ahead to help her out.. wth with those taxi driver?? this is not the 1st time i saw this or encounter this.. why they not helpful anymore?? i used to see those taxi driver will come out to help one leh. but since i got baby already, i didn't see this anymore.. i got to do it myself..


bbl getting better le haha but still a bit sian sian haha..


sayang sayang cheer up.


he got in sq le but end up rejected offer cause airforce counteroffered haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


"it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness"

helping out is a wonderful thing you did there... pat yourself on the back!

Juye: Good for you for doing something nice for the mother!

XLH: My friend catered the High tea spread from Angelli for her daughter's party and it was pretty good. We are having a high tea celebration too for our daughter.


Habourfront's Mothercare is bigger and has wider selection of toys [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hubby is upset that his $ is once again wasted on something that bb doesnt play with >_<

re keeping our gal occupied while we dine outside, we try to schedule the timing to coincide with her milk feeds...give her the bottle with the small hole teat...but still she finish her milk faster than we eat...once in a while if we are lucky, she will doze off after milk...envy those parents who can dine in peace, baby guai guai sit in the baby chair playing by themselves...


got lei , when I pregnant not carrying anything, the taxi driver open the door for me I was so shock with the service. He told me the door is heavy..

And there was once I bought some grocery, the driver carry for me to my house.. wow tis kind of service I was thinking am I suppose to give tips ?

cellow / ming: thanks for that.. i believe all of us will do that too.. i still wait to see whether the taxi driver will come out anot, in the end, he didn't.. think the ang mo lady also waiting for the taxi driver to come out lor..

pnut: is it?? oh, just now i went to the paragon one, they out a notice there that in mar, the harbourfront one got sales.. so maybe i can go see see look look then.. hahaha.. going to spend money again..

chips: u are just one lucky one lor.. i kept thinking thought it's their duty to help.. so i thought wrongly lor.. hahaha..

bbdust: wow, then looks like rsaf offered more lar.. hahaha..

Hi mommies,

Talk abt guai guai baby, on the returned flight from bkk, we were seated side by side w this couple with a baby gal (maybe 5mths old as can hold head steady). She was an angel. Drank at least 300ml of bm within a span of 2hrs and was totally quiet thru out the flight. Just played w her pacifier and stared. My gal on the other side was crying and screaming when the plane started its descent. So paiseh! Hee....

I told my hb if our gal is as well-behaved as the baby beside us, have 10 children I also don't mind.


only with counteroffer leh if not he would have jumped ship le


haha u shld see my son when he drinks milk, i think no one can handle except my helper and me, then i start to feel scared that my nxt one also same ahha


i think those long sleeve 1 ( mercedes cab ) will hav this extra service.

but a few driver I came across they say they dun wan anything to happen so they better extend a helping hand. as u knw sometimes accidents can occur, slip / fall off while getting off the cab

hi mummies,

i wasnt the one who started the fight.. hb was the one who triggered the whole thing... it was one thing leading to another n all accumulative..

yday was v day, i din even get a kiss or a "happy v day!" wish and i helped hb wash old bottles so tt we can retire them n change new ones and i did all the washing n sterilizng (usually tt his job) and was kept bz all night long with chores... when i commented tt i nvr even get a word of appreciation n thanks, he gave me tt frustrated n irritated look! then nvrmind... later he grumbled tt i din clear his chopsticks away after dinner! pls lor! how do i know whther u still wanna eat or not since theres lotsa left over food??? plus cant he see that i was bz all night n he cant even clear his own chopsticks???!!! best part is when he saw tt my used glass was left on the kitchen counter top, he grumbled to himself (thinking tt i cant hear) n put that into the sink but i din even leave tt there bcoz i was lazy or what but bcoz i wanna make another cup of coffee!!! its like i dun help him clear chopsticks is my fault (like small thing also cant help meh?? kinda attitude) then when its my turn (which in this case here is not), he can grumble... by the time i was done with the second round of washing bottles after dinner, it was past 12 mn n he was putting gal to bed... i tot he will help by keeping the playmat n her toys... no... he fell aslp alrdy... i was like boiling inside but told myself nvrmind... he probably dozed off (which later he claims tt he did)...

thne i went on to declutter my cupboard n gal woke up at 3am for a feed, i had to go into the room to wake him up to get him to feed gal. then i was trying to tell him how to assemble the new bottles bcoz i chnaged to 2 diff brands which we nvr use b4 and he said "cant u tok nicely??"!!! i was like ??? what is this??!!!! my tone was not lovey dovey but it was not angry nor rude lor... he expects me to still tok to him in a gentle loving way when its 3am n im not bathed n still going chores and sat and sun night i din get to slp much and whole of yday was faced with a whiny sick bb (and if u all rem, whose fault is that???)???!!!! and plus the earlier things tt happened during the night... that sentence sparked off a very heated argument lor... n i told him lotsa things im pissed with him.. like i feel tt why he cant understand me and hes not respecting me as a wife bcoz he nvr listens... oh ya... did i ever mention tt he has this perpectual habit tt when u tok to him, he wont respond (not even a nod or uh huh) to acknowledge tt he hears u ... n when u repeat urself n later ask him "do u hear me or not??" n he will ans with a frustrated "yes! i hear u alrdy!" and there were times, im too tired to bother to repeat n i just assumed he heard me n later whne things happen n i said tt i told him he will say that he din know bcoz he din hear me so cant fault him!!!! and this "non acknowledgement" only happens with me lor.. u tell me how to comm with a person like this??? u expect me to know whther u hear or not???? for times tt he hears, only half the info is in... lotsa times, he only does things halfway or gets half the things done bcoz he din hear the second part... im really very disappointed with him bczo i bet tt if its my fil toking, he will pay FULL and COMPLETE attention!!! each time i said tt, he wiill say that i nvr see dosent mean tt it din happen tt got times he also nvr hear his fil... pls lor... u wanna say like this i also cant argue with u lor... but i bet tt out of 10 times he nvr hear me, probably only 1 time or lesser probability tt he nvr hear his father!!!

plus, he doesnt like to read books so he nvr read up anything on childcare or related stuff,he said tt i go n read n i can summarise n teach him... so i did all the reading n research and find out from u mummies here for advice n such... but when times come tt i tell him tt its to be done this way, he will be stubborn n refuse to listen n wanna challenge me... n yet when other ppl tell him the same thing, he will accept!!! many times, he makes this comment of "everything is all u say one!" (什么都是你讲的!})bcoz he thinks that today i tell him do this way, tmr i tell him do another way... i had to tell him many many times tt the situation might seem identical but its not due to many factors and when i tell him how to do, he dun wanna listen then make this kinda commment!!!

classic eg recently: told hb tt we need to give gal a fixed bedtime as much as possible so tt she knows when to slp. then there was a night tt obviously my gal was not ready for bed yet n he just brought her into the room n forced her to slp, she cried non stop bcoz of tt (prev she was happily playing in the living room) then i told him tt y not u let her play a while more in the living rm while u drink ur coffee and i quickly go bathe then after tt i will put her to bed myself (since gal has no issue with me putting her in cot even if she doesnt wanna slp but as long as im next to her, she wont cry) then initially he din wanna listen n insisted on forcing her to slp... gal cried non stop lor... then only then he took her out to play a while... n he said everything is i said one!!... pls lor, y would u wanna make everybody miserable by sticking to so called ur ways of doing things??? u gotta be flexible with babies mah bcoz she is not a robot! not press this button def will always give u that same result all the times... if this way dun work, then gotta tweak a bit n do another way lah!!!

i just feel tt im unappreciated, taken for granted and def not on his list of top priority.. bcoz if i am, at least i will be heard...

sorry for the long rant but i just need to vent.. nobody understands my situation... even ppl around me.. outsiders always think tt im the "bully" at home bcoz my personality is more outgoing while hb is the quieter one but they dunno the kinda shit i get at home...


re taxi driver, tt time my fren n i also got such terrible service... somemore i was carrying gal, she carrying her newborn n we each had our own strollers.... we called cab n driver came out looking sian n we closed our own strollers (din expect driver to close bczo we know they might not know how too) and i had to ask him to help me load the strollers... pls... he thinks we can still load strollers with babies in out arms??? whne reached dest, he din wait to pull into the shopping centre driveway, he just stopped behind other taxis and unloaded our stuff including diaper bags on the grass patch while my fren struggled to open her stroller and i was trying to get out of the cab with my gal... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


ur DH sounds like mine leh.. gwad.. he also will scold me and say 什么都是你讲的 cause at times i will try different methods and see if it works and he will scold me and say I am confusing everyone but parenting there is no fixed thing one mah, if this method fail, can't i try others?

i also always tell my DH that he dont appreciate me cause whatever happens, he will side with his mum and then give me all the angry crap cause he felt that i have 'bullied' his mum then he will start to threaten me to ask my mum to take care of ah boy but my mum working mah how to take care?

everything damn thing his mum say is correct like the milk inccident, his mum said he sees my boy drink milk very 辛苦 and he can come in and tell me not to feed him anymore milk *insaninty* but when i say, he will say i am not correct and I am influenced by all the crap parenting books i read and the forum

when his son keeps waking up and whine waking him up, he come n scold me saying i didnt feed him enough in the day or i shld just stand up, walk around and make him zz. I have not had a decent sleep ever since he is born and he has not help a single time at nite too why is he doing all the complaining? sometimes i feel like screwing the whole family. hahha

GBH/ BB Dust: Hang in there girls. Times when I feel irritated with my hubby, I tell myself that we are on the SAME team and we are both trying to do our best in our own way. I must help him to help me so I tell him exactly what I want him to do. Works 80% of the time which I think is not bad.


I get that at times fr my hubby too... Talk but he nvr listen... sometimes acknowlege alr still can do different pattern as per my instructions... eg when he help me to wash bottles, he can leave out the cap... or wash the bottles alr and leave them next to the sink instead of keeping them into the steriliser...

But i dun quarrel with him...cos it will only make me more pek chek cos i'm sure he will come out with excuses to defend himself... so nowadays when i can do things myself, i will do instead of asking him to do for me where i still have to monitor him and tidy up after him...

dunno isit bcos we are sahm our world revolves ard our home so little things or minor mistakes sometimes we cant tolerate...


i gave up asking him for help cause he will be too glued to playing games that he will just say orh orh and then forget to do, it pissed me off the nxt day to find my pump not washed and sterilised then i go to quickly wash, sterilise and bath and cheong off to work.

hmm perhaps I wil like to share sometimes working outside come home, my temper can be real bad but then alwys tel myself to control

I can be loud when I give a reply but not on purpose.

I realise my boy bad temper and there was once I said him hey y ur temper so bad, my sis looked at me, u urself also not tat good either..

talk abt knowledge we share n read on forum..

I think those people who tot they ever brought up children think they r so good and feel others r crap... anyway forget abt wat they say if we feel we believe in where the info / source come from.


that's my DH, he got shit from work, i will have shit when he comes home cause he will subconsciously vent his pek chekness on me and his whole family got one very distinct trait - bad temper


lets hug tog n cry!!!! im just pissed tt im trying my best to care for our child and yes he does help out around the hse compared to lotsa guys dads tt i know but his attitude sucks big time!!! its his attitude tt i cannot tahan... only diff in my situation is my mil not in the pic... i cant imagine without her in the pic alrdy like tt if inside pic its def the D word liao...

ming: i also have same thinking as u that husband n wife must be on same team but i find tt he is not a team player... like last night incident makes me feel that not only i help him do his share of chores, no thanks but he went on to slack n din even put away the toys!!! n also the chopstick n cup incidents tt makes me think tt i help him is to be considered playing like a team but when he so called help me is im being lazy??!!!

i reminded him all these so tt i can let him understand how i feel n my perspective... his response??? "if u feel so 委屈 washing the bottles and think tts a big matter then next time dun wash! i rather u not wash!" but tts not what im trying to say lor!!! i wash bcoz i happened to have the time n so i do n i brought up this issue not to say that "look! i do this u know??!" but just to illustrate a situation n how i feel when his attitude shows signs of unappreciation n nonsense...

gbh, bbdust,

guess we've all been there. I flipped last Sat too. Totally pissed off with my hubby. Long story, but we've made up. I really hate quarrels and conflicts.

I've heard this said b4, it's the wisest words to me. "The best present that a father can give to his child is to love his wife. When the wife is blessed, the child will be blessed." Regardless sahm or full time working mums.


i dunno if hb gets shit from work but i doubt so... even if got shit, its probably only from my fil since he works for him... i dun think anyone else will give him shit... so its not tt bad right??? at home, i get shit from my whiny gal... hb comes home no appreciation nvrmnd still give me shitty attitude... *sorry for all the shit stuff but i cant find better words to lend the oomph in my vent* ....

cant shape a dh tat u wan him to be, accept and live happily.

not all dh so tie xin and sensitive to their wives feeling.

shit at work - not necessary perhaps tired after a day at work.


yes.. tt phrase is so wise... think im going to copy tt n paste on my fb!!!


whos not tired??? sahm lagi more tired bcoz working hrs is 24/7 one leh... somemore a whiny bb really really gets to u one... its diff from work stress/ deadlines to meet kinda stress...


hugs hugs, understand cause the past 2 weeks i was on leave staying at home taking care of ah boy and its tiring even with helper, so kudos to u for doing everything singlehandedly, u are one good mummy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yes, it's so wise. I heard it from my church pastor. One in Singapore. And a pastor friend from Aussie, salso aid it to my hub. I'm so thankful, I don't have to say it myself.

wendees ...agree!!! so true man ...keke im goin to post this on my fb so that dh can see & read for himself! ..

gbh ..hugz ..things suck big time when there are quarrels irregardless of the reasons behind it...cool down slowly okie...come here rant n dun let it simmer ..it does not good to our sanity in the long term.


cause he likes solids mah so he asked me to feed him more solids instead as his mum very sim tiah that he keeps crying when he sees milk. they grow up drinking rice water so she dont find it a problem.

gbh, I always wonder how do u manage as a sahm, really pei fu. Though you don't have to work, but your job is 24/7, cannot take leave and mc somemore. Esp nowadays our babies are so active, really xin ku ni!



tell ur hb tt last time kids drink long kao jiu (drain water) also wont fall sick... i.e. times have changed!!!


u shld meet my hb n tell him tt... he thinks im very sin nang bcoz whole day at home mah... can even slp if i want... *roll eyes!!!*

actually its not tt tough looking after one kid... yes, its physically tiring but its still manageable.. only times when i feel tt i wanna go crazy is when B is very cranky n whiny... she just goes on like a broken recorder n "uh uh uh!" every now n then n can easily break into wails if u ignore or even ATTEMPT to make a move away from her... somehow i feel tt if the same situation but if someone around say my mum and even if she is not taking over B, its still better for my sanity leh... its like the presence of other around does help...

but when u have a hb tt gives u rubbish, it just cracks ur whole sanity and brings in a whole myriad of issues and negative feelings... like i feel tt im alrdy a sahm (tt i considered a sacrfice but i do it lovingly n willingly for my gal), y cant u see tt im sacrficing a lot of stuff by being a sahm... for a start no financial freedom.... i gotta dep on hb for $$ tt which i dun really fancy bcoz i prefer to be indep... no personal freedom: u gotta bring gal wherever u go... no personal development... n last but not least... no frens... sahms have lesser frens than ftwm bcoz no colleagues n also harder to keep in daily contact with the outside world...

