(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


use a shaver... can buy from any parisilk shop. cost me $75 for a braun one. at $20 per haircut for kids, you only need to cut his hair yourself 5x to recoup [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


PD might be thinking due to a different infection (since fever went away), so no need to give antibiotics first.... wat is your mummy instinct telling you?


Cellow: She is still playing and active as usual so my mind tells me I should not be worried. Plus, her fever is relatively low-grade - usually not more than 38 degrees. BUT, I am disturbed because there must be an infection somewhere which the PD has not been able to identify. It could very well be the flu I suppose since she has a drippy nose (like what Ruru's daughter got). Her nose also alternates between drippy and blocked. Sigh.

Dear mummies,

I am from 2010 Nov mtb.

I need a favor from mummies who expressed and has excess ebm to give away.

Im going for an intestine operation in March and currently I only latch my girl directly. I tried to latch n express but the expressed amount is very little. I need to provide for her supply at least for 4 days while my hubby feed her when im in OT and im unable to get down fm bed at least for 3 days.

Mummies, please help if you do have extra ebm.

Thank you for your help.

morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

happy valentine's day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning all,

Happy Valentine's Day [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Is it easy to use the shaver? braun which model?

Maid salary

Pai seh bk to the topic, y maids got standard salary 1 whereas we dun hav.. the increase is a big jump lei... we seldom hav chance to enjoy such increment lor...

By the way, my fren maid runaway, 1st try her 2 kids went for a chase, yesterday morning she jus left with her belongings.

Morning mummies!!!

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

Asked my hubby how we going to celebrate vday today, he said I'm his 老婆 not his 情人 leh, so not need to celebrate.. kns leh..

Morn mommies...

Happy Valentine';s Day! HB in reservist starting today...kns also lor. but not as if we'll celebrate too la, esp aft marriage. SO Juye, somehow we're like ur HB...hehhehe

Slept at 2.30 coz had to relocate to mum's house, nw eyelids super heavy. Mimi gave everyone a shock tis morn coz she cried loudly wen she opened her eyes to find herself in a different environment tis morn...headache...MC MC MC!

VT, I have excess fbm to give away, but do u mind sep/oct stock?

Juye, better than my dh. This morning told me today is valentine day, why I nv treat him for dinner!!!! Kns

Today I told my mum that Greg don't want to drink milk before he sleep. She told me to stop pumping, as he grow older, he may not like the smell/taste of fbm. Then she added 自古以来bb是喝奶粉长大的. I told her Greg rejects fm, not bm.. Then she keep quiet. Bth her, feel likelaughing out, though she mean well, she scared I spent so much effort pumping, end up Greg dun want. Duno want to laugh or cry..


i get that from my mum too. that lost generation has been brain washed thoroughly by the formula milk companies. hehe. did you respond zi gu lai, bb shi he ren nai zhang da de, bu shi nai fen?

valentine's day

wat valentine? Mr C and I stayed up late last night playing FB games. then at abt 1230am, he looked at me and said - oh valentine's day already hor, happy valentine's darling. then his eyes went back to the computer screen. *blink

i had to stick my face in front of his computer to get his full attn. but i know he ws teasing me la. haha.


lao po also qing ren. that statement doesnt make any sense.


never notice the braun model. i go home tonight and check.


since E is active, that's ok. PD must have checked her ears, nose and throat ya. usually nose blocks might spread around the ENT area. sometimes the mucus migrates and comes out from the eyes too... well for C2, it did once. seek 2nd opinion if really not well within 3 days.

Hi Ming,

Yah, my gal alternates between drippy nose and blocked nose and she had alot of phelgm. Hmm... I agree with Cellow, see another PD if fever is still around (whether high/low) after 3days.

I actually asked the PD to do blood test to check for infection before starting on antibiotics. My PD told me there is no point and told me to start immediately after my gal's fever resurfaced after 3days of all-clear.

She said it is not right for fever to come back after it subsided so that means that the underlying infection is not cleared up. Also, she asked me whether the cold/cough had improved and I said only marginally,and it is sometimes good, sometimes bad situation, thus that prompted her decision to start on antibiotics.

True enough, after taking antibiotics, her fever immediately broke and her cold/cough got well pretty fast too.

charismama: greg latch on?? maybe try latch him on.. i also always get that kind of comments, i just bochay..

sg_sc: ah.. that's really super sian.. luckily my hb's reservist can go home one..

cellow: ya lor, i told him i also his qing ren leh.. anyway we are going for dinner later..

my girl also kena cough n running nose, more than 3 days liao leh.. yesterday her cough got slightly worst. but overall she's still active leh.. this morning still smile happily at me when i'm getting ready for work.. should i seek 2nd opinion??

i tried giving my girl pork last weekends, dunno whether is it her appetite not good becos she's sick or she don't like the porky taste.. she only took a few mouths then she don't want already.. yesterday dinner, i still got to trick her with her biscuit then she will take her dinner.. she refused her milk too, so maybe it's due to her being sick hor??


i think maybe cos she sick bah, my boy also down with fever and runny nose [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] he really got no appetite to eat keeps crying non stop


both of us are super practical. i ever told Mr C, give me the money better than you spend on valentine's day - grossly inflated prices for flowers and meals.

re cough duration. ok this is wat my PD told me, if your own cough lasts 3 days, pls expect bb's cough to last a week or 2. she doesnt medicate for cough. unless there is a cold or fever as well.


then come in here and chat lor - haha

why so anxious to start.... only first few hours... orientation mah

cellow, i almost want to tell her, tot last time only got nai ma? but i zip, scared she take it too hard...

juye, i doing exclusive pumping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i treat it ase he has drink enough during the day. Plus he did not wake up in mid of the night to feed, so I find it ok.

maybe your girl appetite has not recover. sometimes those medicine make us weak and no appetite too, babies also the same, dont worry

orangey, 1st day of work, should be very relax.. btw, how you settle your pumping at work? I keep thinking of this, and scared that change job mean I have to stop pumping, end up stilll stick to current job

orangey: but u can come in here liao ah?? or u using ur HP??

bbdust/charismama: hope she can get well soon leh.. see her cough i heartpain leh..

cellow: ok, i shall continue to monitor her cough..


yes. IF there is only a cough. and IF you know who infected baby. usually will be one of the parents or other adults around.

so if adult is sick and gets well after 3 days, then expect bb to be sick for a week or 2.


good for you. responding would be too unkind, and now we are mothers, so must be kind to our own mothers also ya.... i bite my tongue a lot more now even when my mum sprouts wat i think is nonsense.


i understand, mine is like loosing his voice so i wonder whether its the med too strong or not [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and his nose though not drippy anymore its still raspy when he breath [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


mine is infected by my DH

Happy valentine's!

Haven't decide what to ask maid to cook for dinner tonight. Hb asked MIL to come n babysit another day so we can go pak tor this week. We also very practical one. Vday dinner ex and not nice. haha.... No flower, no present. Me like Cellow.

Shappie: I cut bb hair myself. but hear vivocity toy r us there got one bb hair cut place.

Orangey: wa, so shiok... zzz

Charismama: so you give bm at night?


paiseh can dont put ah boy's name inside got stalker [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] gam sia

MIL ah she no say we no say loh but we are finding cc liao haha been going around the estate visiting them


I duno how to cut myself, he alwys like to shake head if he dun wan something.. nowadays give him porridge or milk, he shake his head and shut his mouth tight.


u in my fb bor, my boy hair able to use shaver ? cos his hair all stick on head type not as if can do slope for him 1 lei ..

re maid pay hike

haiyoor, today's newspaper has yet another article (page 3, main section) on trsfr maids asking for more money, more days off etc. basically they are the ones interviewing their employers now....

i had a chat w maid while walking back fm supermkt ystday. asked her why she quit her last employer. she cleans 2 households, looks after 2 children aged 4yo and 18months, posts letters for her sir's biz so frequently (at least 2x a week) that the post office staff know her, and takes care of the dog too. got her to conclude for herself - working for me is sooo much easier.

need to really sit down w Mr C and decide how much to raise her current $350 pay.


re paternity leave. i was talking abt this with some frens over the weekend, and whilst all of us agreed that tis a good idea, one implication is that employers would be more reluctant to hire Singaporean men. rem you got NS commitments as well.... so even if the Govt pays 100% for the paternity leave, tis another admin hurdle for the employer to suddenly have to plan around prospective fathers as well as prospective mothers. so guess who the employer would hire when faced w 2 equally qualifed interviewees - the Singaporean man or the foreigner.

be careful what we ask for. there is no free lunch in Singapore.


tats a lot of work

so how abt mine 1 bb only, no cooking, no laundry, wiping of cars interior and basic cleaning for the whole house except my room.

talk abt increase really think liao hit chest they r so protected and taken care how abt us ( employers ) whose goin to know our misery if we have a 'not up to standard' maid.

cellow: urs still not as good life as my grandma's one.. she only needs to take care of my grandma, not need to clean the house or do anything else.. if grandma sleeping, she also sleeps.. good life hor?? so i don't understand why need to increase her salary.. haiz..


wow so good lei, follow ah ma daily schedule.. den might as well get a nurse with medical knowledge if got to increase

Hi mummies,

So angry n upset with hb!!! My poor gal is sick n all bcoz of someones stupidity!!!! Hb stopped the small fan tt was placed near the cot from oscillating (which all along we always let it oscillate) on sat night n he put gal to bed while I prepared some food for next day. N I din slp till morning 4am. Next day gal woke up with a runny nose n even got a fever in the Sunday evening!!! My gal has nvr gotten a fever before!!! I also feel very angry with myself bcoz I think I saw the fan some pt before I fell aslp but I din do anything abt it. But I'm more angry with hb bcoz he was the gek kiang one to stop oscillation!!! In the end both me n gal suffer!!! She din slp well the whole of last night due to blocked nose n woke up many times n I also had to wake up to comfort her bk to slp while hb got to slp!!! N today I gotta face my gal endless crying n crankiness all by myself!!! PISSED big time!!!!

anybody can teach me wat to start and how to 'process' the veggies, I will like to make fruit & veggies juice for my boy. cos he dislike veggies I think the sweetness of fruit can cover the taste。


they have types for infants de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] but i find that it doesnt work haha... or at least we believe it does work. bring her to PD for bb panadol better

my boy also sick cause DH sick and doesn't want to go see doctor. then whole day crying and crankiness too until i was so tired and fed up oops


go unity/guardian/watson, u cn get the tiger plaster for kids. i use tat when my boy stil an infant. I paste on his head and on his upper back .. I cut into a smaller pc of cos else too 'hiam' for them...

bb panadol r in pink syrup rite. i ever got from gp and I realise store in fridge if wan to use again the effect not there liao.

alwys good to go n consult doc again cos our bb growing n their dosage is different.


My PD says the stick pad no use one lah. If you feel that temp is really high, give her a bath (normal temp water that you always use to bathe her, not cold water hor). Yes, like bbdust said, give baby panadol will help.

If not convenient to gp PD, then can buy from Guardian. For blocked nose, can use baby vicks on her chest, neck and feet. If really bad, then use illadin nose drops. Best to check dosage with pharmacist.

Yah, i find my HB very irresponsible in such a way also. He bathed my gal and then bring her to the toy room to play and blast the fan full speed becos he was hot. I was so pissed off with him. I told him if my gal falls ill, YOU go and take leave and look after her. And the best part why the room was hot is because he is too lazy to open the window. Haiz.... sometimes too tired to quarrel over such things....


or sponge her with tepid water (KK always give the sponging one)

the bb panadol goes by bb weight so I think best to visit PD lah then at least the dosage is correct.

Iliadin is good for nose block but if its really jialat it doesnt work and can only use for 5 days then stop


hahha yes yes me and my DH will quarrel over such things too, asked him go see doct he don't want now end up ah boy suffer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

gbh: sayang u n ur girl.. like what others said, better bring her go see pd, since she got blocked nose too.. my girl sick too, so i know it's so tough n tiring to look after a sick n cranky baby.. u have to take care too.. not like me, fall sick at the wrong time too..

talking abt baby vicks, now really got lots of babies fall sick mah, i went to 2 watsons, both sold out already.. later going back to the my place there to see got sell anot..


means must tahan ur mil for another 8 months?

tdy brought evrything but forgotten the medela funnels. end up have to handexpress [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] v little leh


yah 8 mths haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] anyway i very sad cause hor kinderland at cck does not hold anymore classes for 18 mths old le, only start from 3 year old so got to see other cc le.



chill and cool.

if Mr C did the same, i would give him a good kick in the backside to wake up his idea.

plus make him pat C2 back to sleep every time he wakes up.

plus hold C2 to sleep upright when C2 cannot breathe in the night due to nose block.


you are also v patient.

Mr C would have gotten it from me.

Me to Mr C: C2 has no motor skills to open the window himself. however you the adult obviously have the motor skills. pls open the window when the room is hot, not blast the fan straight at C2...

then *exit stage left*

Calm and sarcastic wins the day.

to be fair, Mr C fathers much better than i mother. so he wouldnt do such stupid things. he is the one who hovers and tells the maid to stick closer to C2 so that even if he falls, he wont hit himself on the head.


all the best in your CC search!


hang in there. zip off at 5pm today so that can pump at home [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

