(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Morning mummies!!!

I also agree that baby are very sensitive towards our feelings.. everytime I tell my girl mummy very tired and upset, she will lean towards me to give me a hug (so call lar).. yesterday while she was going to sleep, she actually lean towards me to give me a kiss (her mouth on my cheek, that's her way of kissing).. just love her so much.. think we just don't too bothered abt our irritating hb, just see our happy babies, we should be ok already..


Morning mummies, anyone keen to bring their lil ones to kindermusik trial? $30/ pax

Orangey, at least ur dh will panic.

My girl going to 3yo, is nt close to her daddy. So he has to bribe her with chocolate, yakult, or tell her bad man is going to carry her away then she will let him carry. Now my boy also dun like him to carry! But hor, dh is not scared! In fact he is happy cos he has a good excuse since both kids dun wan him.

Hi morning mummies!

I'm keen to bring my boy to kindermusik trial too!!!

Heard that if more mummies join, we can have our own trial class. Wanna go tog?

Morn mommies!

Headache headache coz mimi fell off my bed 3x last nite n whine...(Bed on floor, so not very high la), but stil, gotta wake up carry her n pacify her...sigh...SO TIRED!

Gbh, hugz hugz...u have really sacrificed so much for ur gal. Good idea to ask ur HB be SAHD just for a week and see what he says...ask him take CCL n try it out. They confirm cannot make it one. lolz...

Quarrelling in front of BB

They noe wan..last time we always quarrel shouting at the top of our voices, then mimi will suddenly become very quiet, stare at both of us (Like very sad) expression like tat, tinking we dun wan her kinda look, then we became aware n nw we make it a point not to shout in front of mimi coz will scare her...dun wanna affect her psychological development! i read ur post abt u crying in front of ur gal then she so guai n sayang u, i also feel like crying...very gan dong...

Hope these couple of days both of u cool down oredi...cold war does help set things rite again coz both parties have time to tink clearly n not act rashly, saying hurtful stuff in a moment of impulse.

charismama: my hb also don't bother cos he can have the excuse not to help out as my girl dont want him..

wendees: i'm interested in the kindermusik.. i was looking at it the other time.. let me know if u have sufficient number for a grp.. else i got to go enrol myself..

sg_sc: ai yo.. mimi also don't like to sleep in cot??

Morning Mummies!!

Greeting from new office [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can log in to SMH but cannot use MSN leh.. My colleagues using MSN but when I try to login, it states server down think blck by firewall. Maybe when I more gam with colleagues then ask them how to login :p


Pat pat.. our babies like to wiggle and wiggle and lucky you have now adjusted your bed lower. Papa Orangey and I are thinking to change our current bed to platform bed cause I've been waking up with nightmares ever since bb Orangey fell down from the bed the last time. It just kept spinning in my mind until cannot sleep well and will jerk up thinking bb orangey roll down the bed :S Hub is guilty cause all the incidents happen cause he fell asleep before he pat bb orangey to sleep! Tsk..

ZZ - Mimi also very attached to her daddy lei...see his face only will smile/laugh n very happy.. i make all sorts of funny face she ying xiu me abit by smiling abit nia...i tink its the morn bonding tat they share wif our hbs coz my hb settles her n fetches her to my mum's house in mornings too..(morn im packed coz wake up need pump oredi) no time for her, very most carry her 2 min then off she goes!

Juye/Orangey, not my bed as in my house, hb on reservist so im staying at mum's house in my room...no cot. nJus my old bed on floor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

yah, luckily is low bed..BB orangey doesnyt sleep by himself in cot/playpen?lolz...wonder y men r always sooo tired, more so than mommies??? n we r also working lor!


sayang mimi!

wah i was offline for half a day to tend to work and all the hubs complaints come out. mummies this is my post-C1 story.

i was prob clinically depressed. i couldnt imagine i had morphed from a carefree rather organised woman, to a woman who is suddenly wearing many hats

- mummy to C1, who had problems latching

- employer of a maid, whose work attitude ws horrendous and in mandarin, no big no small

- DIL bcz the ILs came by every 2-3 mo to visit for ONE month at a time

wife and employee took a back seat.

one day when C1 was abt 6mo, Mr C's younger sis and her HB came to SG for a visit. so we all went out for dinner. dinner consisted of the normal walk up walk down, i-cannot-sit-still-at-table-bcz-of-baby. Mr C kept telling me to let the maid handle. i was prob sleepless and cranky. the last straw came when C1 pooed and we ran out of diapers in the diaper bag (maid's fault, she never bring enuf diapers out). so to hurry up the dinner, i told the waiter to pls pls check w the kitchen and serve our dinner faster. it was some gourmet italian place. Mr C's face turned blacker than charcoal. said it was GOURMET pizza, def takes time to serve. i hissed at him that we were out of diapers and anyway i m hungry. seeing that his sis and her HB ws there, we stopped arguing out loud. a chill had already descended between us.

that night, i seriously thot of Divorce. wat an asinine man i had married. this whole marriage and child bearing biz ws obviously a mistake. i wanted my carefree life back.

the cold war lasted for a week.

then i smsed him to say that i was sick of fighting w him and that i was sorry. (i din mean i ws sorry for wat i said and did, i was just sorry for myself... haha) after that we got to talking. and this incident showed me

1. when we fight, yes baby senses it. and even if i win the point, i still lose, bcz the fight makes me feel lousy.

2. it is better to be calm

3. do not interfere w the waiters when Mr C is hosting a dinner.

4. giving the maid clear instructions helps a great deal

and yes.... 5. men are martians, wat makes sense on mars doesnt make sense in venus.

LOL to Mr Vicma being perfect, perfectly irritating!

well *pause for breath* and thinking...

we must have married our men bcz they have good points. HBs are pple too, got ups and downs. i have learnt the hard way to fight calmly and (if i m in good mood) w a sense of humour or (if my mood is bad) sarcastically.

i also notice that Mr C takes his emotional cue from me. if i m lighthearted, or rather successfully act as if i m lighthearted even when i have a gazillion things on my mind (being employee, employer of maid, mum, not so much the wife stuff), then he responds in kind... he will ask me wat he can do to help.

i dunno why i type so long.... prob bcz i also felt like i m better off divorcing him once upon a time... i also learnt to be patient. husband n wife need to find a way back to each other, after bb. it takes time and a lot of communication.


My hub also fetch my boy to my mum' plc and we fetch him back together but hub will be the one who pat bb orangey to sleep and feed him milk once we reach home cause I need to pump but still.. bb orangey still prefer me. I think cause my hub used to raise his voice at him when he's a newborn. That time he colick cry non-stop at 7pm everyday and my hub seems to be impatient after we have our own kid. Like if bb orangey doesnt want to sleep and cry, he will scold him whereas I will pacify bb orangey by singing lullaby or read a book. My mum says 慈母多敗兒 :S

sg_sc: oh ya hor.. ur hb on reservist.. maybe mimi not used to the new environment too.. ,y girl don't sleep in cot, she sleeps with me on the bed, so i super worried abt her rolling off the bed in the middle of the night..

orangey: actually i also has the thought of changing my bed.. i also everynight kept waking up to make sure my girl didn't roll off the bed.. so tiring.. but but.. we are going to move house probably next year, so if buy now then got to shift that bed over to the new house, abit troublesome.. so now got to bear with it..

cellow: nice one.. think i've also learnt to take things easily.. i know at some point of time, my hb do want to care and take care of my girl.. just that he doesn't know how.. and he has his own ups n downs, especially with such a stressful sales job where he got to constantly keep up to his targets.. so i don't bother too much now.. like yesterday, once my girl sleeps, i go sterilised the stuff myself.. and wrote a note to him just to tell him to help me take the diapers cos i can't reached them in the storeroom..

orangey: at least papa orangey helps on that.. mine no time for all these.. i do everything myself cos i latch my girl everynight, he can't help on that.. hahahaha.. then most of the time, drink until half way, my girl will fall asleep, so my hb also can't help on that.. so my hb is leading very easy life as a father.. hahaha.

oh! sgsc, we didn't let bb orangey sleep in his cot cause he is still having night feeds and his cot is now in his room so having him sleep on our bed is more easier lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hub was telling me... last time hug each other to sleep now only can touch legs lol


haha yes, but who will read such a book??

this morning Mr C was looking at his hair in the mirror, patted his head to rearrange a few locks, then turned to me n asked 'do you think this looks ok?'

while i was balancing c2 on the potty, telling maid to dress C1 and pls put 4 pieces of bread into the toaster plus thinking of my work day ahead. so i calmly told him - i have to think abt many things dear, you hv to take care of your own hair. MEN!

Charismama: I'm interested in kindermusik trial also. Let me know when confirmed.

Re: sleeping on bed. Stopped letting her sleep in our bed between us. Even tho she won't fall cos we the 'walls' i sleep quite badly when she's there. We put a thin mattress on the floor, let her sleep there. So now I will sit up and latch her back to sleep then carry her to put on the floor. Figure out that the 20 min I'm up, I can sleep after that, vs possibly falling asleep while side latching and then disturbed sleep. My hb is quite keen to pat her back to sleep rather than latch cos he say bad habit. And he's quite willing to do the patting too. just that she will scream then I can't sleep. Might as well latch. Tho he usually does try pat pat first, cannot then latch. If she sleeps in our bed, someone will sit in the room to watch her so she doesn't fall off. Since someone shared about her friends baby got head injury in ICU, i can't fall back to sleep when she's crawling around in the bed.

Re: quarrel with hb. Who never quarrel with hb is not married. However, there are many ways to quarrel. I have never had a shouting match with hb ever. One thing even i shout at him (or rather speak slightly louder, he won't retaliate, which is also irritating when i'm angry!) I had cold war, then after 3 days of feeling miserable, thinking of Divorce, etc, he asked me to go out for dinner, I said so we not having cold war already? He said what cold war? Cos he stopped being upset couple of hours after the 'fight'. Wa lan. Super tui.


hahha i will cause i find it relates to me LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

MEN haa they really are from different planet


wahahahha at least urs will give in, mine hor unless i say sorry be it i right or wrong (well he will inisist he is always right) if not war will continue so i will always be the one that says sorry .. sorry really cheap leh.

yupz my DH also asked me to let him sleep in his own bed but i am just so lazy carrying him up and down, somehow i can zz when i side latch hah so i just leave it as it is for now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello mummies, i'm back. With a cough and sore throat, and, NO VOICE. argh. Lucky still can chat here by typing. lolz.

How's everyone? I see lotsa complains on hubbies ah? lolz.. never-ending story. Take deep breath, cool down, rethink of part-tor days, those happy times, and probably we'll recall why we got married to this man. =)

smtimes i also cut out bb blues comics, stick them on the fridge and point them out to Mr C.

there was once he opened his big mouth n asked me why i was so cranky. the next morning, i stuck a bb blues comic

1st panel: zoe the 5yo toddler walks in to see mum wanda on the rocking chair w bb wren. zoe: "hi mom". wanda: "zoe, wat r u doing up?"

2nd panel: zoe rubs her eyes "i heard a noise in here." wanda: "wren just needed a little coy"

3rd panel: wanda continues "I used to do this with you too" zoe: "you did?"

4th panel: W: "oh yea, we spent a lot of late nights in this chair tog, you n i". Z: "b4 hammie was born?"

5th panel: W: "yes, and when he was a baby, i did it for him too"

6th panel: Zoe: "now i understand why the first thing on your gift list is always 'sleep'" Wanda: "*yawn* always appreciated and no gift wrapping nec"

i keep an arsenal of bb blues clippings to tell Mr C what is my point. haha. i m eviiiiilllllll. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hahahha good one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


hope u are feeling better leh. drink more water pls

Elmoo, I mean your #1 's name and gender. Replied your pm liao.

SG SC, I also try not to quarrel in front of BB. I feel very bad lor, esp I quarrel with hub in front of my boy. He'll just keep quiet and stare at us. If our quarrels become super big fight (happened once), my boy really cry lor. I tell myself must control myself lor, but duno how much hub can control himself. Like as if I'm the one who initiates all the quarrel :S

Orangey... hhhooooorrrrrr!!! lolz. My orangey is ok la!! Think positive! Btw, i'm still very tickled by the idea of you posting on FB, helping your colleague to look for a gf. hahaha.. is he really serious? But is he those type that goes for looks? Corz my buddy is seriously looking for a partner but, well, just no such luck. she's not those pretty pretty, will doll up kind but ok lo. Very active, loves marathons. hahahha.. sounds like i'm already starting to matchmake! =X

bbdust, no leh.. it's getting worse leh. Apparantly, the bitter tea that my hubby made me drink didn't help! dahz.. initially was only sore throat. Then cough came and my voice escaped! dahz. Now taking medicine that my doc prescribed previously. If still not ok after i finished it then i'll go look for him again. haha. Can feel a bad bad inflammation in my throat. Probably need antibiotics again. haiz. Now TodZ is coughing again. think he caught the bug from me. haiz.

bbdust, honey, got use ah? which kind?

Mummies going for kindermusik class, wear pants hor. Corz you need to carry bb up down, probably run abit, work out. lolz. Frankly, it's more like an exercising class for parents then music class for the bbs. wahhahahaha.


manuka honey but must be UMF 15+ and above de then it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] pretty ex but got use for sore throat haha. everytime i got cough, sore throat, i down one mug of honey then i will be well


Hahah kidding lah.. Papa Orangey still ok lor but his temper is getting short that annoys me occasionally but he's still affectionate lah but you know being a mum can be tiring so he sort of like will complanint that I'm not so "re qing" hahah but ok lah he does understand.

Re: Match-making

Looks ah. I dont know seriously. It was over lunch that he told me that he is looking for a serious relationship then I drop jaw cause I was eating my fish happily nv expect him to suddenly spurt out this topic. I told him "wo xiang mei po meh?" and he exclaimed that girls know more gilrs maybe can intro. LOL! Frankly speaking.. when you ask a guy.. do you look out for a girl's character or looks, they definitely syas go for character one lor but then deep inside its looks that covers the majority but then I Will ask him lah and then see if he interested? Maybe I ask him if he ok to give ur friend his FB lor then can add and chat?

yesterday hb came back late from company entertainment again.. and this morning he left early, didn't mananged to catch him to have a chat with him.. so i sms him my girl's photo with a good morning.. then he called back saying that he will pick me up later after work.. hahaha.. sometimes must give him abit of love then he will do something for me.. hopefully later we can go settle the cake for my girl..

juye: yup i will take pic of my gal and email to his work email cos he freq check it. see already he will miss her and come home on time. haha!

hahahha.. Juye, good move! use gal gal on him. hahah.. he cannot reject love from the 2 ladies in his life! hahahah...

Orangey, hahaha.. i also havent told my fren abt it. maybe you check your side 1st. If he ok, then i'll ask my fren. hahahahaha.

bbdust, wow.. so chim.. what is UMF actually. can roughly tell me how much is it? Drink only when got sore throat or occasionally also can drink?

Interested in Kindermuzik trial Class?

1) Wendees

2) juye

3) charismama

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

when is the trial?


UMF - Unique Manuka Factor, the antibacterial factor in Active Manuka Honey that is responsible for naturally destroying bacteria such as staph aureus, streptococcus and Helicobacter Pylori [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

depends on how big a bottle u get wor, it can cost up to 100 plus for a 1 litre bottle. eh for ours cause my BIL always fly here and there so he got it from nz which is cheaper

Can drink everyday one but i lazy lah only drink when i got bad throat LOL [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1L !?! got smaller bottle anot? lolz.. i dun drink honey often de leh. heehee. Wow.. you sound like you took medicine in school lo.. how come you know all the bacteria names!!! haha.

If i'm going JP later, i'll go check it out. hahahha.


got smaller bottle de [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sometimes there are promotions in malls so sell cheaper [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha its in the brochure lah just copy and paste can le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pai say seldom check that email, already sent you my #1 gal name [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Mummies, I have checked with Kindermusik. If we have 12 babies, we can arrange a private class.

For trial they have classes on every sat and sun. sat class is 5.30pm, Sun class is 2pm

I prefer sat timing as my boy nap around 2pm

Interested in Kindermuzik trial Class?

1) Wendees

2) juye

3) charismama - 5.30pm sat

4) maddie

5) bb dust

6) Orangey

when is the trial?

