(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

ruru cat,

i'm always the one who blast both my kids with high fan. both of them had a fan to themselves each and blow direct one. mummy also like that.

when #1 goes to cc, i have to specifically tell the teacher to put him at the coldest place in the class. when he first goes cc at 18 months, teacher put him at the warmest spot in the room and he came back with heat rash. it took me 1 week to find out why he came back with so many red dots. mummy send mosquito patch lah, shower foam to cc just for him to use thinking they are the cause of his rash. its was then 1 night that i on air con for him and all the rash are gone the next day that i know he got heat rash. after informing the teacher, no more red spots.


cck kinderland got no classes for 18 months meh? which cck branch did you go? i thought as long as its cc will have 18 months old one?


i use the pigeon fever patch but i don't put on forehead. i stick behind their back cos it always drop when i put on forehead.



ur boy so interesting scare heat like u huh...

My boy also scare hot nowadays he know how to take off, morning I woke up notice he 1/2 top naked and when he drink milk he likes to hold those reusable cold pad from freezer.


there are 2 one at sunshine place and one at lot 1, the sunshine place one is kindy, lot 1 one used to have classes for 18 mths and above but due to overspaced, they can no longer hold classes for 18 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so so popular.

Hi mummies,

I think gal not running temp now but it seems to come n go. Sometimes she not feverish. Sometimes yes. Just now she was napping n literally cried to slp. I wanna feed her the porridge at 1.30pm also can't with her being so cranky. In the end I gave her a milk feed n she fell aslp after drinking. Woke up a few min ago n started crying very loud n chee cham for at least 10-15 min. I see alrdy both heartache n stressed n resentful (towards hb) at the same time. Hopefully in a while more I can feed gal her porridge.

I think I got both the tiger balm n the blue cool fever patches but dunno if can use or not? What is the brand/ packaging of the one tt bb can use?


My hb also like tt. When he is sick, refuses to see doc! Im so concerned abt him spreading germs to my gal!!!


yah. all of them scare of heat. my girl's hair is always wet like she just bathe when she is at home. then cos girl mah, i can't cut her hair short like gor gor loh. so she always have this wet look. :p


i see. never know they can don't run 18 months and above class.


can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


maybe its a virus waiting to be broke out. monitor her still cause for my boy, his fever always come around late evening and midnite and morning he will feel okie after that come again.

go buy the baby one NTUC got, pigeon if u dont want to walk to NTUC u know the minimart at my hse there, they sell the blue cool fever patches but for infants (pink colour package).

celyn: my girl like ur boy, super scared of hot.. she even sweat when we in japan lor.. cos we scared she cold, so wrap her up like dumpling, in the end she sweat.. hahaha..

gbh: i did what celyn did too.. put the plaster on my girl's back instead.. i find the tiger brand one better than the pigeon one..

bbdust: wow, cc at cck so popular ah.. if i'm going to let my mum take care of my girl, i also need to look for cc at cck leh.. ai yo.. headache now..


cck area not many good cc actually very limited cc also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] the good ones are most prob taken up and in wl liao.


wow wet look lei very in trend huh hahaa..

my boy also same, alwys so sweaty, talk abt the shaver cellow recommend, see my boy hair type, he can use shaver? I also duno how to go about it.. I buy liao anyone of u pls demo show me how to use it.

I dun like my mum cutting my boy hair, I forbid n make a fuss so now she dare not cut.. the way she cut she feel bb nvm, as long comfortable can liao but wow side burn also gone, behind become straight ugly lei.


i thinking of gombak ( quite hot ) there too near MRT, think got to start queue liao.

Such enrolment can use strings ?

gbh: sayang... is she teething? my gal recently cut the top tooth, super whiney cannot put down. for low grade fever on and off, i usually bathe her more often with normal water. over 38 then give panadol. i cheapo, use wet towel to wipe her forehead, neck and armpits when she's warm. hb can be quite insensitive one lor, cannot do things our way. having said that, i don't think if fan not oscillating, will get fever and runny nose lor... treat him nicely today la, valentines day shouldn't quarrel

Hi ladies,

I just went to place a deposit for a CC near my place. I intend to let my gal go for half-day class next Jan (around 20mths old). As it is a new centre, so the class size is very small, hopefully won't fold up by next year!!! HA!

HB came home with a bouquet of roses for me. I asked how much and he told me $100!!!! I was like HAR????!!!! That small pathetic bunch of flowers cause so much. Haiz.... the romantic part of me being overshadowed by the practical ah-sao side of me. HB gave me a pained look, he is definitely thinking - damn if i do, damn if i don't. hahahha....

Hi Cellow,

Of course not patient with my HB. Just that too tired to blow the matter big big, just scold him and tell him off.


i never wrap them up when we were in japan. just a normal long sleeve top and a fleece jacket. nice weather for them loh. first time my boy can run around like mad yet not sweating.

ruru cat,

hubby got 3 slices of cakes as valentine's day present for me but none of them are what i like. so i didn't eat any. in cases like that i rather he not buy anything. its more disappointing to receive such gift.

Hi All,

Thanks for all the concern for baby E. We went back to the PD this morning and since the mucous had turned a nasty greenish-yellow colour,the decision was made to give antibiotics. Thankfully so far she is still playing as usual.

Val's Day: We made a pact not to celebrate on the actual day. Usually we will go out for dinner on 10 Feb - since that is when we got engaged. Unfortunately this year my hubby had to work late on the 10th so we ended up rescheduling. We actually spent the early part of this Valentine's Day sponging baby E and hoping that her fever doesn't go higher. Thankfully the highest it went was 39.1. But we have asked for suppositories just in case she gets high fever. *knock on wood*

GBH: Hope baby B gets well soon. I know it's tough nursing a sick child. Hang in there. Oh and used the cooling gel pads last night. Not bad but I don't think they work as well as good old-fashioned sponging.

Cellow:gd analysis o. Paternity leave. To me have paternity leave mandated by law is better than nothing. As for employer showing discrimination, i'd rather not join such company.

Gbh I use kodomo cooling sticker when my boy got a bit of fever especially during teeth growth


Yah don't worry BB gbh will recover very fast de. Babies get cranky esp when they are not feeling well just like us adult, we get pek cek when we are not feeling well. Give her plenty of water [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] My mum gave some diluted leng yong to BB Orangey when he was having on and off fever and it did reduce his fever but then it turns out BB Orangey was having roseola so the fever shoot up high to 39 but break off really fast and rashes came all over his body. You monitor and see how okay? Roseola quite common and my PD says usually babies turning 1yo tend to develop more frequently.


Hahah.. got excuse to find flats! :p

Grrrr.. I'm eating non-stop! The whole tub of pineapple tarts are gonna all be in me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] STOP someone STOP me!


tis the Braun EP15 Exact Power beard trimmer


bought at Parisilk for $75. you are not on my FB fren list leh... you need some skill and daring to wield this braun shaver. no need lessons la unless you want to ask the neighbourhood barber to show you... hey, idea?

usu Mr C cuts C1's hair. C1's last haircut is by MIL. C2 has not enough hair to trim, let alone cut. luckily he is a boy.

V Day

this is my SIL's status on FB

B4 married = its a VERY SPECIAL day (with roses.chocs, candle light dinner..etcs)

After married = its a SPECIAL DAY

After married + kids = Huh??! Valentine's day? Watsdat? Zzz... (go back to sleep)

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i totally agree

Morning mummies!!!

I spent my vday with my ILs too.. hahaha.. we initially wanted to go for dinner but in the end ILs asked us to go dinner together, so in the end had family dinner instead. I told my hubby we celebrate on chinese vday lor.. hahaha..

celyn: my parents lar, kept telling me my girl cold cold, kept telling me to wrap her up like dumping.. then last few days, I just let her wear long fleece shirt n pants only, just put her thick jacket in the bag..

Orangey: yck kimderland where ah?? Think must start to find n pay if found suitAble one, cos planning to put my girl in cc next year.. hahaha..

Cellow: so true abt ur SIL's status.. hahaha..

V day was spent slogging in opic till late. At nite then HB cam home for 'guest appearance" but too tired to entertain him.

Orangey, enjoi while u can, 1st 2 days normally stil can lag abit...hopefully tat lady con't to surf net then u can do the same too!

Juye - HB can return everynite but except for days wen he's outfield. Yday he told me next reservist in Jan for 3 weeks!! supa sianz man...

Gbh & Ming - hugs hugs, hope ur little darlings get well soon n it's not some virus outbreak! Diificult period but parents n bbs but will tide over soon! jiayou jiayou

yday managed to catch mimi's 1st stand alone w/o supporting anything. She did it so cooly...first pull herself up, then took one hand away frm bar, then suddenly both hands...dunno if she was aware of wat was happening, but we were so amazed n excited n kept exclaiming out aloud then she slumped down n cry...kena shocked by us! whahha...n she can call my doggie's name too...hw they have grown! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

celyn: that kinderland looks good.. but pretty far away from the MRT.. but looking at other places ard my area, seems like yck still looks the best.. hmm.. can consider that.. need to discuss with my hubby soon..


sad that my hse kinderland no longer have 18 mths class [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] we both quite like the place compared to LV.

sg_sc: that's makes me recall my girl's 1st attempt to stand w/o support too.. somemore when we praise her, she gave us a very proud face.. hahaha.. so funny.. now my girl trying to stand up herself w/o any support, 1st her butt will raise high high, then she will slowly push herself up.. it's just so funny..

my hb at airforce, so reservist everyday can come home one, not need to go outfield one.. everyday sit at office doing nothing.. somemore still can play games.. that's what he told me when he had his last reservist.. he super like reservist lor, cos away from his busy work and he can come home early everyday.. hahaha.. so different hor..

morn mummies!

gbh & ming...not to worry too much...our babies will get well very soon ( mine included ..sniffing away with the runny nose ).

Standing w/o support

I tink cos we are always ard to jaga our boi when he learnt to stand up, now he has a new trick...grab our hands to stand up n LET GO...there is a lapse where he stands on his own but inevitably falls cos he still cannot balance properly....aiyo..while my boi gets a kick out of this, this mummy here is sweating away worrying he will bump his head or something.

Morning mummies


Calm down. Everytime baby fall sick I take it as they are building up their immunity system.


Ur place gg to have MMI soon leh!

How was everyone's V day?

bbdust: my dh used to be a regular, then he asked for early release to come out to venture.. is ur bro still in airforce?? which base??

kdd: ya, my heart will beat very fast everytime she attempt to let go to stand w/o support, she will be very wobbly..

zz: ok, i'm taking it slowly.. just hope my girl recover soon.. she got photoshoot this sat.. need to recover by then..

my vday like any normal day, nothing special.. no flowers, no presents.. as expected.. hahaha..


yah. nearest is yck mrt. it doesn't matter much to me cos #1 goes by school bus. so #2 will follow by school bus if mummy still haven't got her driving license. :p


my bro is still inside, he extended [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] he is now at the base near CCK don't know what base is that.

celyn: oh, got school bus ah?? then will be good.. then after work, i can go pick her up easily.. only going there in the morning will be a problem..

bbdust: from fb, dazz mentioned she not feeling weel, maybe on MC..

Juye: aw, shocked yr little princess. mine will have proud face when she does something smart. like stand without support and wobble like jelly... now she is learning to climb down from the bed/sofa feet first.

bbdust: miss yr buddy huh... is unusual for dazz to so quiet hor.

vday: my hb was an hour late leaving work cos he got the time wrong. so he was happily sitting chatting with colleague while i was busy feeding and bathing and getting bbMaddie ready for bed. my maid cook dinner. but he totally surprised me with flowers. said now i mummy better don't feel neglected. he knew i will scold him waste $$ but he wanted to do something for me. i said better you come home one hour earlier. haha.

anyone know where i can get those toys that can stick to the table one?? i tried looking at toyrus and mothercare, don't have leh..


oh he was at paya lebar airbase before but after that went to tengah, he pilot


LOL yah miss her a bit cause she always come in chat chat mah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

awww so sweet of papa maddie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday hub brought me to Kuishin-Bo for buffet lunch. Don't know wanna luff or cry.. Diet gone down the drain!!

Then he picked Black Swan for movie and came out all blur.. so funny

But we celebrated my mum's birthday last evening. :D

mummies....any hi-tea caterers to gai xiao??? ...Am tinking of doing hi tea party for my boi's 1yo with family...got a bit sick of lunch buffet.



y toys stick on table ? u mean with suction.

I will like to find books with music,lights,texture to feel. My boy enjoy all tis then a plain book with pictures.

He like to feel the texture and use his little fingers to move the tiny cars on those hardcover story books.

recently realise my boy play with his own shadow. something new to him, when he move the black thing on wall also move.. hahaaa

