(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Hi Chips,

I didn't type wrongly, it is indeed $540 to hire a new Phil maid.

Hi Juye,

Some maids are very short-sighted, they think if the current employers don't want to increase their pay, then they just get send back to agency and then transfer to another household that is willing to pay for the increase on the basis that she is experienced. What to do right? Haiz.... Somemore take care of old folks, lagi less maid wants to do hor.


Ruru, when you mentioned S$540 to hire a new Phil maid, that's excluding monthly levy? It's S$200 more per month leh!!!! wow..

ruru: that's why my mum agreed to increase her salary, since she's the only one that can tahan my grandma's nonsense.. hahaha.. we change 3 maids when my grandma got stroke 2 yrs back.. they only lasted between 1 - 3 mths.. haha.. so po bian lor..

but i need to complain lor, cos i pay half of the maid's salary leh.. hahaha.. but just be it lar.. i told my mum, if she don't be more alert, we are not going to renew her next year..


today's topic is maids ah.

mine still ok. a bit blur only. ystday forgot to bring the milk bottles over to aunt's, and i had to dash out in the blazing hot sun, take bus there and back to bring them over. some more can tell aunt that nvm she will spoon feed C2. sigh.

last night i show black face 2 her.

but her overall attitude is still excellent. despite being more blur and less competent than my 1st maid. she is drawing $350 a month, think will increase a bit la. i will talk to Mr C first.

... old pple always got opinions also. MIL told Mr C no need to inc la, just give her bonus at the end of her one year can already. i was thinking - cannot lor, for myself if i know my colleague doing roughly the same work is paid 10-15% more, then definitely xin li bu ping heng.

BUT tis the C family's biz, not MIL's biz. decision still ours to make since we are the boss.

Cellow: I give bonus one month pay at the end of one year, va increase pay by $10-20 per month, might as well increase pay n forget about the bonus. Think the more experienced maids are less calculative. My maid came from Dubai where she treated badly n had to look after huge house n 10plus ppl living there. Now she is super grateful to be with me in my shoebox.

Two nights ago she tell me she dowan to eat dinner cos she eat too much over cny, scared fat! I told her she better now faint. But look at her again she does look fatter.

Maddie, wow! one month pay at the end of one year?? Beta not let the one at my place know about it, otherwise she "sensitive" then say i never give her. lolz... we merely increase her pay by S$20/mth leh. No bonus. =X

I dunno ma. Thought since everyone got 13th month she also should get. Mine now just past 6 months. Maybe give smaller bonus then. Haha.



Some of the mummies here are 1st time mums mah

still hv chance to celebrate one..

2nd time mummies become maid rank liao

maddie: i never thought of giving bouns lor..

come to think abt it, that maid should be ours leh.. since we paid for all her expenses and salary.. why let my uncle they all use?? but my grandma very stubborn, don't want to come and stay with my parents, she said she must stay with her son.. ai yo.. my mum kept telling that maid, not to take orders from my uncle they all, can only take orders from my grandma and my mum.. hahaha..

zz: i don't even remember that v day is coming lor.. hahaha.. hubby got company dinner tonight, tomorrow we got cny gathering, so only left sunday and i doubt my hubby will have any arrangements.. hahaha..

helo mummies

i'm back. wanna ask is it adviseable to bring bb for holiday @ HK ard Apr? Wanna bring my mum for holiday and she prefer HK over Taiwan

ya lo, Juye, why aren't your uncle sharing the maid's cost? they should ah... or they give the reason, "ah ma already staying at our place, eat ours, stay ours, so maid you all pay"??

I starting new work on Valentine's day lor.. lagi sian!! Tmr got Popiah party at my house, hopefully my house still intact! :p

over this maid issue, my parents already got a big quarrel with my uncles.. so better don't say too much.. anyway it's my parents that suggest to employ a maid for my grandma one, so we pay lor.. actually i'm ok to pay for that, as i don't have the time to go and visit my grandma often now.. so take it as monthly contribution to her lor..

initially we want to employ the maid and grandma stays with my parents, but grandma too stubborn and don't want to stay with us, so no choice lor.. we don't want to beg our uncles to pay since she wants to stay with them, so we just pay lor..


my supply dropping since after last mth menses. menses triggered supply to drop??

Before menses triggered, can collect ard 450ml.

now i collect 350ml - 400ml from 3x pumps at work. at home, i will latch on.

those still bf, hv u slim down totally? i still hv 4kg left leh. sianz. i heard some ppl said after stop wil slim, some wil put on. which one is true?

but I intend continue bf as long as i can.

kite: i don't pump anymore, i don't think i can yield so much now.. anyway heard that when menses come, amount will drop abit but will go back to normal once over.. that's for my case too..

i haven't slim down to the idea weight and size i wanted.. and i don't care anymore.. i'm not those skinny kinds of girls anyway, i'm happy with what i am now, probably a little bit better if tummy can go away.. hahaha..


once stop bf will put on weight. read article on bf said that when u pump it'll help u burn calories thus help u slim down faster. me put on aft stop bf ='(


It takes time to slim down. I dont know leh but I believe we might just pile back a bit if we stop pumping but then I think I slim down more when my supply drop. Previously when my yield so good ard 1L per day, I didn''t had any weight loss and it can take forever to lose just 500g but when my supply dip cause I lengthen the duration to pump, I realised my weight drop faster maybe because not as hungry as I used to be so I snack much lesser?

I am intending to continue bf till BB Orangey turns 1yo then full FM so right now I am trying to intro FM lor but haiz.. this boy of mine ah.. dont like FM leh. I think I really need to try everyday till he ok with FM cause my supply is not good now and my frozen slash are using up so I planning to go on 80% BM and 20% FM so that I can drag longer and he can still enjoy BM before I fully let him go on FM.

I still have ard 1-1.5kg but I can fit in all my bottoms. Although bottoms can fit but I think the measurements are all wrong leh (for me lah). My boobs are way too big for my body I feel cause if I wear baby tees, very er xin!

Hi kite and Orangey,

Haiz... I stopped bf-ing and I gained 2kg!!! Gosh, my stomach is expanded from months and months of free-style eating. hahhahha....


you will put on some weight after you stop bf.


you complain about yout big boobs. mine is small to start with, now is like no more. flat flat liao. how!!!!! i got a little tummy too. sigh..... how to move the little tummy to my boobs. i think can don't wear bra like my girl liao.


I also no more nei nei.. Flat like airport! Even my hb commented y become so small.. Hai hai hai..


my 2 weeks old Filipino maid's salary only $360 leh.. $540 is way too high!

good morning!

was going through older post...regarding what bb eats, my bb eats this much:

1 chinese rice bowl of porridge morning and evening (about 2.5 pigeon green bowl)

usually with threadfin or pork (throw in the pork but did not feed to bb) sometimes add some veggies.

recently, I up it to blending the pork for bb to eat. it's been about 3 days, so far so good. I also told my mil to give him half an apple pureed for 3 oclock snack plus a bottle of milk


yes. while i bf, my smallest jean (kid size 16 will still be loose, i have to keep pulling as i walk). when stop, it will fit nicely.


Kdd, you puree the apple got steam or not?

I'm about 1 kg from my pre preg weight. Can wear some bottoms but tops generally still cannot cos nn and chest big...

aftn mommies

Flat flat runway...me too la, but mommy oredi, so i dun bother hw i look or hw others perceive mi. last time will wear those nubra or push up bra one...nw simply bochup! kekekeke

Maddie - my dad will scrap the apple puree direct frm apple to feed mimi. But at home, i will steam the apple w/o skin n freeze it for future use.

KDD - hi-five! i stil got 7kg n cny not helping in any way...*gulpz*

talk abt flat flat.. people say gav birth wil upsize a cup.. so tis is not true

maybe must do some massage to gather the 'extras' to where you want it to be.

During pregnancy did upsize cos have to use extension and also buy new bras.. now old bras also cn wear n its just like before.. so no up no down ...


Opps... let me settle with my new job first then I'll arrange with you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Can PM me your hp so I can sms to arrange? I think think go somewhere lesser pple.. I too shy to show my figure :p

If only Charlton Swimming pool is still open. It's so empty even on weekends!

Good afternoon celyn [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

No 1 around, all napping ;p


mine all wake up liao. nap from 12.30 - 3.30pm. my girl just had dinner and now hubby bathing her. me going to cook dinner at 5pm.

Charlton swimming pool.... Wow it remind me of my primary sch charlton primary sch.... So wu Lu one. Even ppl stay at hougang also don know

Hi All,

Baby E's fever came back yesterday morning so we rushed to the PD. She changed the medicine for her running nose but said no need for antibiotics yet, just monitor. Am worried as her fever went away for a few days and now it's back. Sigh.

bb's being sick

mommies, dah dah junior had been having running nose and phlegm since CNY..do u think the phlegm wil go away without medication?

Ming, hopefully the fever goes away and dun come back this time

Hi Ming,

My gal's fever also like that, had fever for 5days, then fever broke then came back 3 days later. My PD immediately told us to let her eat antibiotics and after 1 dose, my gal's fever broke and she was fine after that. It made me so guilty as I resisted giving her antibiotics for so long as I feel that her body should be able to fight the infection naturally but unfortunately i guess my darling's body is too weak to fight a 100% win.

My gal had running nose, phelgm and fever. No sore throat or ear infection. Suspected influenza Type A.

mommies.. did u gals noticed something? Jan 10 to Mar 10thread archived already...so next one will be Apr..so we can no longer chat here anymore is it?

everybody drink more water, so hot nowadays.. Remember take good care of urself n ur little darlings...

I have been feeding a lot of water to my boy n he so thirsty maybe due to the weather.

anybody cn recommend any place in west for my boy hair cut, hav nv bring him to any stylist. His hair is getting thick n very sweaty.


Kdd no worry didn't we hav our list of contact standby, we will nt lost each other cn add in msn.. Hheee

