(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Juye: take more water and vitamin c. let someone else look after yr gal while you rest. play with her only when u want la, then u don't feel so tired. usually my hb and i will take turns to lose patience with my girl. luckily so far it is not at the same time. haha.


Hi Juye,

Don't feel guilty. When I was down with high fever and my gal was also sick that period of time, I let her watched tons of dvds as I was too sick to play with her. I can understand why u lost your temper.

Influenza takes a good 5-7days for the symptoms to clear up, meanwhile rest is of utmost importance.

Hi Wendees,

hmm... if i pump, I will be stimulating my boobs right? Then the brain thought that I still need to produce milk and I cannot stop???? I very luan leh. To pump or not to pump?

Wendees, Dreamic,

Re bb holding bottle,

Maybe u can try training them by letting ur babies "hold" their bottles by putting their hands on the bottles while u hold for them? Then after a few times, slowly let go as they alrdy in habit of holding. N if they drop, hold it for them from rime to time n let go again. I guess that's what I did last time such tt gal holds her bottle at a very young age.

gbh, dreamic,

my boy will slip his hand away when I put his hand onto the bottle. He's best at pushing the bottle away.

ya, gbh I saw ur gal can hold the bottle. Then I told my boy, "see ur friend can hold the bottle leh..."

maddie, most of the time, my boy does not drink milk in the day, not at ifc. Just too many distractions. Unless stretch him for few hours. Otherwise, he'll guai guai drink in the car, in his car seat. To my boy, I think drinking milk is to make himself go to sleep. when he's too lazy to eat solids. haha... so cute, she has a fav teacher to chu pattern.


but u feel pain when full right? Mayb cos I don't have much, so don't wanna waste my precious bm. Eventually I cut down to 3 pumps a day, then 2 pumps a day, then 1 pump a day. By the last few pumps only left like 50ml from both sides. Then I just decide to stop one day lor.

*drama time*

Story: I had some visitors last night. I can't find the angbaos i had gotten ready the night before. It was on my table the last time i remember it. So i asked my hubby, he said he didn't see it. Naturally, i asked my maid if she has seen it. She was already asleep but i woke her up to check. She said no, she didn't see nor moved it so i said ok, and as i walk away, i'm just mumbling to myself, "how can it be, hubby never touch, you never touch, then the angbao ran away meh?". At the same time, i was trying hard to recall if i had moved it elsewhere myself. I found it subsequently.

This morning, my maid smsed my hubby "sir/mdm, you're hurting me. if you lost something, pls look for it with your own eyes and not use your mouth to say i took it". (my hubby re-forwarded the sms to me after he called me to ask if i scolded the maid for that matter). @#^%^#$@#!@@$@#^#^@# damn angry lo. Called her and said, "since when i accuse you of stealing? I merely asked if you've seen or moved the angbaos? If i wanna accuse you, i would have made you take out the angbaos on the spot, no matter if you took it anot!!!!" I'm just asking you nicely if you've seen it. Is that accusation?" Then i brought up another matter where there's a blue-black on BbZ's arm and my FIL jokingly asked her if she beat him. She also took it seriously and cried. I asked why she's so sensitive? She must learn to read when we're being serious with her and when we're joking!!!!

and because BbZ is alone with her at home now (my MIL is still in msia), i can't really shout at her, for fear she might do something to my darling. @#@$@#^#$^@#@!%. Count herself lucky.

Juye, please take care. You need to get well 1st before you can take good care of your gal. Rest well. =) Did you receive my sms to you? I'm so sorry. I will find time to go buy and sms you to arrange for a time to return it to you ya.

dazz, wah... really drama! Is she really so sensitive or putting up at show? sounds like she's very emotional. nowadays got so many maid stories, so scary.

ming and RuRu .. the class at julia grabriel is good and intense haha. my boy love the class. we are now enrolled for sun/mon mandarin playnest. not signing up for english cos we speak english all the time at home.


Then you also cry and tell her " Why are you so sensitive? We treat you like family thats why we joke with you. So means all these while you don't treat us as family?" Then cry louder!

orangey, lolz.. when i see her, there's more anger than tears leh!!! hahahahah. HAIYOH! really hor.. got maid gek sim, no maid oso gek sim!!

Think when i'm back this evening, i really want to have a talk with her liaoz.


anyone still giving those instant (happy bellies) multigrain/oatmeal to your bb as breakfast? is this brand too sweet?

huai shan:

where to buy fresh huai shan? what is the english name for it?

holding milk bottle:

i will let my boy lie down on the bed or rocking chair n let him hold the pigeon milk bottle by himself. i find maybe the curved design of the bottle helps too. at times i will help to hold if drop.


淮山 is a yam... In taiwan its call 山藥.

I think its call Wild yam?

Ntuc has it.. its call Chinese Yam in NTUC.

kite, can find it supermarket or wet markets.

Those sold at supermarkets are usually vacuum packed. The ones at wet markets are not.

Kite, take note. When my MIL 1st asked me to buy huai san back, i bought burdock root instead, which is not the same thing hor. lolz.. the 2 look very alike. But huai san has "fairer complexion" as compared to burdock root.


Burdock root looks totally diff. It's very skinny while the chinese yam is fatter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u cute lah.. ask the NTUC lady or the market person?

btw can cook this with lotus root. The soup v nice one. Also can cook with fen-ge

ZZ, yes, market also have ah. Once skin is removed, it's sticky but it's ok de. If dun like, can blanch using water 1st. If not, cook directly also can. =)

aiyah.. that time i'm already leaving the place then my MIL suddenly called and ask me buy. From her description, i look see look see, that's the closest to it then i just grab and go lo! lolz. but from then on, lesson learned. wahahahha. She tell me "brown brown, thin thin de". Sounds like burdock root right~~!! hahahah...

ya ya...we always cook soup using fresh huai san and "fan gok", which is arrowroot lo. On its own also can, with lotus root also can.


you sound so excited!

well abt time paternity leave is mandated by law.


well i dunno. i never joke w my maid and i tell my family the same. i assume that her level of EQ is quite low and zero political skills in terms of reading pple... i told Mr C that if she had EQ and political skills, then she would be working in offc liao, not in my hsehold.

of course as time passes, then can relax a bit and see how her character is... whether she is able to read the situation.

BUT your ang pow story is so drama. hmm.


*pat pat*

i lost my temper in the middle of the night w C2 when he was not sleeping, happily crawling around the bed and smashed his hard head agst my nose bridge. basically HHHMMMMMPH-ed loudly at him, said 'That hurts! OW!' and told him to sleep, tis night time. the corners of his mouth went down and he started to whine. then i had to sayang him and pat him back to sleep. *rolls eyes* and i thot to myself - shd i yell at him next time anot... since yelling triggers crying which means i have to Get Upright In Bed In The Middle Of The Nite. N-o-t G-o-o-d.

my fuse is shorter in the night. and esp when i m sick. stop beating yourself up. you r a mum, not a super human.

Cellow, i don't joke with my maid. It's my FIL la.. Somemore with his standard of English, i thought it's natural that my maid misunderstood him. But with me??? She also can misunderstand me? Haiz. But, i don't think this incident is my fault. She thinks too much i feel.


ya this incident shows her character la.

very xiao qi.

even if i get scolded by my boss and later she finds out she is wrong, i m rite, and she doesnt apologise.... well that is just part of life. shrug and move on.

thanks for the pics n description of huai san. will keep alookout. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just saw on my FB, one of the mummies in Apr'07 thread, passed away from lymphoma. Her #2 is 2 months younger than our darlings. Means, June'10? Oh my. I don't know her. But my heart sank when i saw the news. I hope the family is coping well.

walking harness

i rem during C1's time, i wanted to buy a walking harness... def need one now as my back/neck is not getting any younger.

anyone came across this on SMH and knows wat is the retail price?

Hi HJ,

Wah!!! Your darling also attending the JB class har!!! But all 3 of us different timing/location. Haizz.....

Hi Cellow,

Walking harness!!! Sounds just like the item for me! I tell my HB I cant wait for my gal to start walking as I cannot tahan carrying her for a long stretch. Imagine carrying a sack of rice around. Aiyoh.


i can't remember. tomorrow, i go parkway and see can find or not then let you know.


that's very sad loh. hope the daddy will br strong enough for the kids. i guess the baby is too young to know anything but the elder one must be very sad. got to take care of his/her feelings with mummy is gone.

Hi Wendees,

Thanks for sharing. In the end I followed your advice and pumped, only 50ml from both boobs, so I guess I can stop liao.


LOL! u very funni leh! i can picture u telling ur boy that my gal can hold bottle while showing him the video!!! aiyoh!

slowly lah... each bb has their own pattern... mine till date still resist using her fingers to take the puff n feed herself sometimes she ok sometimes gets upset n angry doing that... (though she is very good at using her fingers doing other stuff like digging into mummy's arm, tearing tissues etc) ...


ur maid very drama mama leh... is she 心虚 or what? thats y so sensitive???

re parent passed away... my fren posted on fb that her hb fren just passed away suddenly and the wife is due next month... i saw alrdy also dunno what to say.. i cant picture myself in that tragic situation... that kind of grief and tragedy is beyond what words can describe...


i alrdy gave gal wolfberries (gou qi zi) in her porridge....

lian zi sounds very diff to cook leh... needs to simmer till very very soft??? by itself i tot its very hard??? even when fully cooked, its a bot crunchy one?? not safe to feed since might be choking hazard???


the birthday bash committee has narrowed down our choice of cake to be 40 cupcakes + a normal cake (for cutting) from Sweetest Moments...

the 40 cupcakes can be individually customised with our babies' names... so each baby will be able to take home a cupcake with his/her name on it... in order for this idea to materialise, we will need all attending mummies to PM Wendees your BABY's NAME and GENDER. pls kindly PM Wendees asap. Thanks!


i rem seeing the walking harness (looks like bb walking with butt in a pouch with strings attached to handle... looks like puppeteering from far... izzit that one? i think BP got sell leh...

thanks bbdust

i wasnt precise in my words

not a walking harness

but a walking wings kind of thing that supports the babies under the shoulders at the armpits while they are learning to walk.

the walking harness posted is for babies who already know how to walk.

also looking for a bigger sch bag for my 2.5yo.....

photoshoot with dphotofolio, anymore people interested?

• $300 for 1 hour session

• all soft copies return

• 4 X 5R print

• strictly for parent + kids + grandparents, no solo/individual shots for adults

• other family member will be $15 per person

• photoshoot must be completed before 30 Jun 11


1. celynlee

2. sylvia

3. dazz

any other mummies who is interested, please pm me.

morn mummies.

celyn...i forgot abt the photoshooot completely.

Will let u know asap.

Huai shan

Do i grind / grate it & then cook with the porridge for bb to eat???


Morning mummies... following up from gbh's post.

1st Birthday Bash - Cupcake Tree

The 40 cupcakes can be individually customised with our babies' names... so each baby will be able to take home a cupcake with his/her name on it... in order for this idea to materialise, we will need all attending mummies to PM Wendees your BABY's NAME and GENDER.

pls kindly PM me asap. Thanks!

