(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Yup, she's been drinking this amt since she's 6mths... i think she can drink more than 210ml at 1 go (finish w/i 10 mins)...but i feel she's quite full alr cos her tum tum will b very bloated after milk...even thou when i chk with pd on the amt of milk i should feed, he says as much as the baby can take...if like that my pocket will burn big hole cos my gal is very greedy one (althou cant see fr her size) >_<"


Janet, the problem is im not in SG. hahaaa... that's why i said im in a lousy city. I could not find it in cold storage midvalley megamall KL too. Strange

likewise for baby yoghurt.

dazz, bingo! u love the hor fun??

orangey, yah but with a tum tum now. difficult to get a job too so gotta stuck here still lor. once i settle with kid stuff and i will be back for their better schooling opportunity. But gotta pay 10k per kid to MOE as deposit after get a placement in school in SG

RE milk intake

my baby recently takes about 1000ml in 24hr with 1 cereal and 1 porridge (ever since after i avoid lathing him on demand in the middle of night but he demand for 2 feeds at night instead, tired**). I think it is too much. What do u all think??

what a tiring day today.. so busy..

kite: never heard that spinach n beancurd can't mix leh.. i've given my girl that combination too.. even we adults have that combination too.. where u got the information from??

wonderland: do online shopping lor.. see whether sg ships to ur area then u can get hold of the stuff in sg..

milk intake, looks quite alot.. when u avoided latching ur boy at night, he able to sleep?? else try giving him water instead??


Spinach and Bean Curd

When combining together, the oxalic acid in spinach and the calcium in bean curd will form calcium oxalate that causes abdominal pain.

As long as you haven’t eaten large amount there won’t have serious adverse effects.


maid's Ang pao depends how much is their pay & if u like them or not.

I think $10-30 is acceptable. If you are finding excuse to give more - i think max mabe $50?


you think a $30 increment is too fast too soon? what about in steps?


my concern is whether following year got to bao more den tis yr, I think dun spoilt market cannot b every year more n more tio bor... den I 'poke gai'..

her birthday 3 gifts, from my mum, sis n myself.

my ex colleague maid they compare 1 lei... See if other maid get more u feel employer so niao den bo xim work.. Some maids r like tat but hope mine will b exceptional.. She has been good, scare she compare with her cousin n also 1 friend of hers.

Food for maid

Chk - breakfast, lunch, dinner, wat u all giv?

I think my maid eating a hole on me.. Only problem she got big appetite.

Breakfast, gardenia bread wif any butter,kaya or jam available. Milo, coffee or tea self service.

Bread 2-3 days finished only she eat.

Lunch&Dinner, either cook by my mum, or she cook macaroni or buy back.

Teabreak, biscuits, bread, cake, coffee, tea, milo self service.

As all of u knw buy back a meal not cheap nowadays. Gardenia also nt cheap, milo, coffee also nt cheap.

how huh? Is it take care bb whole day very hungry?

juye, ya, have been doing online shopping but sometimes not worth due to the currency and shipping charge.

RE milk intake, my boy will still wake up to search for nen nen then i try to pat him and if cannot give him water but he will make big fuss until i feed him milk one..else he will make noise for very long...

so giving water don work for him

my boy was taking about 1000ml to 1200ml when he was 3-4mo... he was a big drinker since birth but im just wondering if he is taking too much at his age now and when he is going to wean off the night feed.. tiring...

Chips my mil restrict milo cos its ex she will buy a big tin of cream crackers for her - they need to eat alot of rice de .

BUY HUGE LOAF of cheap bread same price as gardenia but got around double the number of slices - she is maid le - not here to ENJOY herself.

coffee & tea 3 in 1 hor & limit - one day how many - think its here to enjoy like your maid never drink water hor? sure high blood pressure later & die of diabeties le. sorry i think u spoiling the maid -

My family will cham xiong how much to give - i dont give more than my MIL - we have some form of agreement.

unfortunately my BIL who doesnt live with us gives alot to the maid - i think my MIL not too happy about it - disciplinary issues.


u got to call the shots lor- else she will eat your facial $$ your son's fm $$ - u have to control my MIL said u can start to restrict her each time she can only eat say 2 slices of bread for eg - every meal doesnt mean - must be coffee or tea - think coffee/tea/milo once or twice a day is enough lor.

last time my sil's maid whole day 1 tin condensed milk - milo also put , bread also put one day finish one tin herself until we got a shock & had to put a stop to it. the milo was running out like water!

photoshoot with dphotofolio,

• $300 for 1 hour session

• all soft copies return

• 4 X 5R print

• strictly for parent + kids + grandparents, no solo/individual shots for adults

• other family member will be $15 per person

• photoshoot must be completed before 30 Jun 11


1. celynlee

2. sylvia (celyn's friend)

3. dazz

any other mummies who is interested, please pm me.

Rurucat - prob ur maid noes it's a given, so tats y she not working hard for her increment? every 6 mths sure increase... I jus raised my mum's maid salary by $10 as encouragement, though she's stil not up to my expectations(compared to previous maid) but overall stil ok, so long as she loves n cares for my daughter n dog can oredi. she was sooooo happy tat she tried lifting mi up n kept thanking mi n hugging mi n *praye* on the spot. I was jus STUNNED. Then thereaft, can see she on onz n happier.

Orangey! Have a good trip n collect more ang paos for bb orangey! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dazz - enjoi ur trip too. Keep warm!

Celynlee - bus driver n auntie ang pao

tink dun need bah...see whether others got give anot. i might give if very close to them or they take esp good care of my kid...hehe

Wonderland - tats alot alot of milk!!! wow!! max i recalled mimi ever had was reaching 900ml nia (on tat one particular fine day nia) lolz

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes that's alots. Baby was on full breast milk that time and that explain my good supply. He 's now on FM and BM, but FM is still under the recommended # of feeding per 24 hr la but im wondering since it is with BM not sure the max # per feeding in 24 hrs needs to be adjusted?

Good morning mummies [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yes that's alots. Baby was on full breast milk that time and that explain my good supply. He 's now on FM and BM, but FM is still under the recommended # of feeding per 24 hr la but im wondering since it is with BM not sure the max # per feeding in 24 hrs needs to be adjusted?


yah i know. I emailed to ask if they deliver but to no avail. I hardly go to bangsar and sunway. Only at KL central and do not know the way there too.

Emm, my boy likes HT cereal. yes, it is flakes, just put more scoop to make up a meal lor.. heheheee.. it is good coz it 'added' iron =)

Yeah lor.. BB Orangey still on TBF so still need to pump and bring all the barang barangs over to Taiwan. My supply not good liao so a bit stress if the frozen slash that I bringing over enough anot cause scared my pump supply over there will be limited [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My frozen stocks also going very low.. think time to start introducing FM I guess?

I have been adding FM to BB Orangey's cereal but then when I try to let him drink a bottle of FM he will reject and refuse. My PD says TBF babies tend to have some minor problem to adjust to FM so need to keep trying. Hopefully my baby can learn to accept FM cause I intend to stop bfg when he turns 1yo and then switch him to full FM. Bo pi he can accept FM soon!


Have a nice trip! Don't worry too much can supplement BB Orangey with porridge over in Taiwan. Taking more good food can increase supply..?

Wonderland - oh so u giving recomm # of feedings frm FM + ur BM tats y in a day ur boi can drink 1 litre milk ah?

hmm...i tink at tis age since they shld be taking in more solids oredi, prob can cut down on milk? If bb drinks too much milk then stomach no space for foods also not advisable. The recomm dosage now is max 500-600ml milk per day lei. the rest of nutrients can get frm solids.

Orangey - if u intend to stop bf in apr, then u gotta slowly intro fm in his diet liaoz...BBs r smart, they expect the same BM taste frm tat bottle but wen its FM they reject. kekeke..prob u can add his fav cereal or puree in his FM for tat familiar taste n 'trick' him to drink for a start? Then once he gets used to drinking FM liaoz, can exclude the foods. slowly but surely...;p

aprmum - morning. Seems like stop raining oredi! i see beam of sunlight into my house [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] finally ah. Lotsa pple falling sick due to cold weather. (Hb say sporereans not used to cold weather) 24 deg celsius...shiok!

aprmum: is it?? beancurd in the sense of tofu right?? oh dear, think i better let my MIL knows..

wonderland: hmm.. tough hor?? think really got to slowly wean him off the night feeds, else u wouldn't have enough rest too.. especially now with a little one in ur tum tum.. what my sister do is really just to let her daughter cry, totally ignore her cries and after 15mins, she will be tired and go back to sleep herself.. u "ren xin" to do this method??

orangey: have fun in taiwan!! what time is ur flight?? prepared everything already???

orangey: initially my girl also refused FM from bottle.. so i slowly intro thru her cereal.. think took me abt one mth, then she willingly to drink FM from bottle.. so slowly try lor..

oh i jus saw - tofu & spinach cannot mix??!! My prev soup stock was prepared by mixing the 2 ingredients amongst others to cook together. wat will happen?

Juye - we 'ren xin' let mimi cry to sleep but sometimes she cry sooo loud n so cham then i scared neighbours complain disturb their sleep. kekeke

morn mummies!!!

Orangey...have a good trip with ah boi =)

Celyn...which studio is the phtotoshoot with??

i need to discuss with dh but im keen on it

sg_sc: i don't care too much.. baby cry is normal leh.. so i just let my girl cry lor.. but the bad thing abt staying with ILs is that they are the one "bu ren xin".. so they are always the one that spolit my plan of training my girl.. whereas for my sister, they stayed alone, so they very "ren xin" to do the hard way lor.. sometimes my niece cried until her blood vessels at her eyes area burst leh.. see liao i heart ache too leh.. but really got to go thru this hard way to train them lor...

Woofy, the photo shoot studio is dphotofolio lo.. lolz

Juye, for some, today is last day, like, me!! lolz... but i kena force leave tomoro de. =( Anyway, i'll be using the black color de. That's considered medium is it? that's the size i wanted to buy initially but the price, S$48!! then i'll be using it once or twice only, cant make myself to buy it. =X I just put the grey color blocks into the freezer this morning. =)

dazz: actually that's my big one.. hehehe.. to me lar.. so u can imagine when i said small one, that one really small lor.. i put her frozen food inside that when i go overseas.. i can't remember how much i got that liao..

morning mummies

today is the last day of work, we are closed to cny tomorrow.


maybe you should start with 1 FM feed daily now to slowly transit to TFM.


yah. its from dphotofolio. hubby are usually not keen in this kind of things. so for me, i never discuss with him one. i just paid and ask him to go that day. if he refuse to go then i will just bring baby myself. most cases, he will then follow. :p bad mummy here.


her big appetite actually not a big problem as compare to other more horrifying 1s..

Every day only morning and teabreak she have coffee/tea/milo, during meals she drink warm water. She drink a lot of water lei scary.. Is my house water more sweet..

I have told my mother abt buying tin of milo but she say tat hav to come with condensed milk isnt it worse..

Biscuits in tin she can finish fast.. eg those in kong guan tin. Usually in our house we buy Julie butter crackers those packed individually, We tot the biscuits is nice so buy something tat is not so nice n see if she is picky. But then no lei watever available, she is ok to eat. I think she really like to eat biscuits, bread, rice.. like wat u say they can eat a lot of rice. Her portion so much lei. for zi zhar, 1 pack I myself cant finish she can finished the whole pack. Its good also she dun waste or throw behind us.

As for bread, I alrdy yan jiu "Top 1" comparable to gardenia. But then cant last long den the due date bread become hard.

She slim type didnt expect can eat so much. sometimes tel myself she eat and have energy to carry my boy else she bo lar bo lar how to carry n entertain my boy..

talk abt disciplinary - til date she dun go bed without permission, dun go for her meals w/o permission and wont 'steal eat' things in fridge, at least she knw manners.

Im asking a standard wat u all feed them thinking if this is normal and wat can b done..

Sometimes I say hey u put on weight later u go back ur husband cant recognise u liao..

and also water, told her drink so much water retention.. hahaaa


ang pao - really individual some feel mthly alrdy pay for the transport service, stil give extra. But then qing cai give for heng heng and actually good lei ur child wil get special care. then make sure when give ur boy is standing there so tat the aunty knw is which 1..

My mum gave angpaos and soft drink to the dustbin man and even sweepers.. can see rubbish and flooring are nicely taken care of.

My maid drinks Nestle 3-in-1 coffee. Everytime finish liaoz, she tell me, i will buy. She finish a big loaf of bread within 4 - 5 days. Things we allow her to eat, i'll tell her. otherwise, she will not touch. is that considered control? =X

Morning mummies!

Last night I found out my nanny fed my boy almost 300ml per milk feed...

Lucky only one feed at her house. Faint

wow dazz

4-5 days good so 1 mth ard 5 loaves, my bread 2-3 days & only she eat.

bua loti with margarine and kaya.. fast also .. wat spread do u all provide for their bread ? Planta ? hheee biggest tin from what I knw


Spread ah.. she eat whatever i bought lo. I buy kaya and butter and jam, my MIL bought Nutella and peanut butter. So she good life leh.. so many choice. lolz. sometimes, my MIL buy cereals she also eat. Oh ya, she also ask me to buy those instant cereal drink (Nesvita). Sometimes she pay, sometimes i buy for her. i realised Pinoy seems to like the brand "Nestle" alot.

Bbdust!! yesterday on leave ah!! go where shopping leh? heehee

