(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Orangey - the mkt really so good outside had? My sil who is a non grad working in hospital just gt a sales job outside. Basic pay 3k, transport allowance 1.1k, 350 petrol allowance plus gt sales commission! kao so much! It's much more than the 2k she is earning in the hospital as a dietician. Envious... But I duno stable or nt. Although gahmen job is not my cup of tea n frankly super lowly paid, it is stable.

Sg_sc - aiyoh ur neighbor smokes bar? Wah I can imagine ur frustration cos I gt a neighbor living at the same for as me who smokes. His kitchen faces my living fm so when he smokes in my kitchen I sumtimes can smell but gal mistype the time in bedroom so nt really affected. can't complain de right? If like that u may hv to close the window, no choice... My bil smokes in the kitchen in nanny hse n best ting, my gal likes him alot keep running to kitchen see him smoke! Omg I wan to knock her head!!!


Understand your frustration. I next door neighbour is a smoker. He usually open the side of windows near my hs but close the door and the other windows. Before pregnant, I ever knocked at his dr to ask him to close the side of windows near my hs but open the door and other windows and fan out the smoke as now all smoke trapped inside his hs and come out bit by bit and I can smell it. I told him my dad died of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and advised his to quit smoking. Initially he was unhappy but later he also realized that it's hard for non-smoker to tolerate smoke. He also told me his grandfather actually died of lung cancer. Now he has reduced smoking and I seldom smell it. Tell your neighbour you have a bb at home and see how to improve the situation. It's bad to smell the smoke at 3.30am!


cellow: no la, think my gynae is just wanting the best for my pregnancy. she's a fertility expert. and since i miscarried, she said the prolactin levels in the blood may cause the pregnancy to be unstable. while i was early in the pregnancy, she was actually ok with bf. after the d&c then she said maybe better to wean first before trying for another. like to eliminate all possible factors. i guess i also dowan to miscarry again.

Morn mommies...

SP - hahah...since is BIL, prob easier to ask HB to ask him smoke outside house coz smoke can linger on in kitchen then diffuse ard house. abit inconvenient for him la but if he can do it for ur gal....ask ur gal give hime BIG HUG!!

Aprmum - Am sorry to hear of ur dad. but wah u my hero lei..so brave! Now, i only noe is downstairs neighbour but cant realli see which unit. i suspect is the young middle-aged couple few levels down. im tinking if i shld purposely close the window hard n loud wenever i smell smoke to *hint hint* but scally situation become worst!

Thanks Orangey & SG_SC for recommending other brands of liquid detergent. Will go to the supermarket to check them out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Meanwhile, will try to use normal dishwashing liquid for feeding bowl so that can remove the grease fr the fish.


yes. thx. will chk it out=)

maddie, im still bfg. so sld not be a pb to get preg b4 weaning. jia you.

aprmum, my boy very scare of lonely 1. he cannot stay alone even sleeping. think he will be happi to see his mei mei in jul =)

Hi Cellow,

Hmmm..... if I am not wrong, it is an article in Mind Your Body supplement? Actually the bm won't cause the baby to be anemic, it is more of the fact that we tend to allow our darlings to drink more than the daily requirement thus taking away valuable stomach space for the solids that give them the balanced nutrients that they need for growing up?

Read abt the saga on maid min pay $450 in newspaper.my Maid pay is now $350, I am thinking of revising her pay when her contract is renewed in 6 mths time. Do u all revising your maid pay now to $450 to tie in with market rate.sigh cost of hiring maid is getting higher, what choice do we have? Think govt must something to help. How to have more child when cost keep on raising but pay is stagnant


Is it good sign 3rd 1 is coming.. Hheee

Anyway thks for the shoe coordination, its big but when measure, this is the size.. Dosent look cute. Supposingly bb feet shld look cute but his long n shoe big.. Hmmm.

1st time papa

I didn't knw of adjusting maid salary, or I miss out ??

I jus bk from clinic, my boy off balance while crawling n hit his face near right eye bone against my drawer edge.. I was slping n didn't notice haiz... Applied zam bah n bring him see doc.. By the way chk, doc said I cn buy saline eye drop drip in both nose before he drink milk n when he drink, he breathe through the nose the eye drop will soften the pisai or phelgm n swallow in... Is tis safe??


oic. yours is exceptional circumestances then.


ok! i will go google for it on mindyourbody


wat is the latest on the 450 min wage for maid saga? in msia now, never read sg papers.

to some extent, there will never be enuf $ to have more children. i seriously dun think the problem is $ for low birth rates, but values. a true blue singaporean is pragmatic to a fault. everything in terms of dollars and cents. how to measure the love of/for a child in terms of sleepless nights, lost self entertainmt time, leaky boobs and a 7up bottle figure instead of hourglass figure....


swallowing in is better than clogging up the nose bah... i guess that's wat the doc means.


i agree. that's why my pro natural gynae cost me an arm and a leg. sigh.

BUT still worth it. as C2 had a gentle, welcoming start to his life.

psssst juye,

for that post, i cheat. i open a word document and toggle between smh and word, then respond one by one. you really think my memory so good ah... esp after 2 kids....

hi all

i have 4 tins of NESTLE NAN2 probiotics to let go @ $10 ea - do pm if interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I mean the saline eye drop ok to drip in nose ??

to me tat is eye drop can go in eye, go in nose shouldnt b a problem hor.. but then swallowing the phelgm dosent seem to help .. should get rid totally..

I like ur description 7 up bottle why not other gassy drink ? hhaa

Cellow n shappie, was in newspaper recently. All maid agencies stood n said min wage for Indonesia maid is 450 to be comparable to Hk/Taiwan rate.


How much ur bb drinking bm now since already 3 meals per day? m thinking reduce from 3 to 2 bottles x 150ml bm while I m at work. Not sure if ok anot if reduce n up his solid food. Seems ur reading borderline mine quite low worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Ikan bills,

Yup must make sure wash until not salty rite else not gd for kidney. Heard can cause uti in bb if too salty.

Cellow, love for child is pricless. It's true that value is the root cause. C our older generation where 3 or more kids are common, money is never a problem. But now society progress, values change n all these are priced with $$

wat a wonderful weekend to sleep in.....rained for nearly 2 days liaoz...but as usual, kor mia mommy here kena tortured by my mimi again...keep crying n fussing. dun wanna drink milk..tired tired...

vicma - i xiguan le...lagi best time we bought the car seat wen mimi almost 4 mths old, but the owner ask mi wen deliver, no need so soon decide! ***arrghhh***lately prob better, but stil have pple giving tat "scan head to toe" look, wondering n tinking real hard if i'm realli preggy or jus fat". bochup la. i happy can oredi

1sttimepapa- i heard my colleagues toking abt it, something along the lines tat it's unfair to compare against other ctries salary coz dunno wat tax involved....din realli pay attention though

Cellow- haha..sama sama, i will open the notepad n respond accordingly as i scroll along wen i miss a full day of posts by u ladies!

Chip - wat a coincidence. My gal also kena the runny nose n tats y so cranky, somemore yday also knock her right eye corner against the playpen corner whilst crawling, nw bruised n peeling skin. Close shave! Luckily not into the eye....tink 2ml bring go mum house, sure kena big time frm her...


Kkh doc prescribed eye drops for my boy too the other time he had quite bad nasal decongestation hmm sounds weird but it works and i didnt notice its eye drops until he recovers lol, u can get it from unity it starts with Sa something ine cannot remember the name


really heng nv gana direct on eye else really jia lat.. its at the side but I scare it affects the eye bone structure.. urs bruised n peeling very bad lei.. got see doc bor ? Just now I bring him to see doc n check if his eyes is ok.. as usual some words from a professional set my mind at ease..


its saline eye drop, $2 only I saw at guardian pharmacy but nv buy need to ask u all 1st.. I kia xi...

the eye drop once open throw when 1 mth is up.


any of ur precious able to hold on to something and move sideway ( i mean walk ) ... jus now doc asked me this qns and he asked me how old is my boy ..

alamak is my boy too old ( 10 mths ) for not knowing how to walk in crab way.

he can only hold and stand up but not walking..

But then when holding his arms to climb stairs, he can lei he knw left right left right n 1 leg up the step, follow another leg up again..

Orangey, ZZ: Yep, will prob enrol Baby E in my alma mater which is a girls' school. So if Baby no. 2 is born in Dragon year and happens to be a boy, can't imagine the competition for places [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Baby E just mastered how to shake her head when responding no to queries. BUT, she hasn't quite mastered the art of nodding her head so she tends to shake her head at most queries. The only difference is if she actually wants something, she will pause before she shakes her head, otherwise she will smile when shaking her head. Pretty funny to watch [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mommies,

Reading about Chip's boy boy climbing up stairs and Ming's girl girl shaking her head no brought a smile to my face. Now our darlings are very responsive and are learning new actions everyday, so cute and fun to watch them.

Hi Chips,

Yah, I ever use the saline eye drops for my gal as nose drops but I still prefer the nasal spray. it is safe to use, dont't need to worry.

i was packing the whole day and now my house can 'jian ren' liao.


my gril can stand up and walk side way by holding on to something but not very stable. she don't do it very frequent too.


So u use tat, great. I will use it if require.


So ur hse ready for cny, ur 2 kids must hav help u a lot. Hhaaa

My boy today nonstop make so much noise n keep saying nei nei nei nei.. Giv him alrdy stil nei nei nei nei.. Duno wat he wan...

My cny wishes for all Mummies...

Mummies who are running bulk purchase 生意兴隆。

Mummies who are pregnant 生体健康。

Mummies who trying for another 心想事成。

Last but not least, all babies of ours 快高长大,健健康康,活泼快乐。。more more more

*my chinese characters duno rite or not but anyway u all knw wat I trying to say la.. Hhaaa.a


they don't disturb very good liao. i do while they nap. packing my study, my dressing table and dining table. clear their toys into proper place, keep the luggage that is sitting in yu xi's room for the longest time. throwing away all the toys boxes that had been sitting in the storeroom. the only place that i didn't pack is yu ze's room. his room got too many books and toys, don't know how to start. shall touch on his room tomorrow.

dazz, sorry, i just saw ur msg. i did collect my thermos on fri at cityhall - wassup?

i'm also no longer using my FTG - can lend to you - how can i pass to you?

morning all

I stil thinking til the very last min to cao keng today..... I cn no nd come til feb cos my work for jan is complete.. But then dun go eat in my leave or mc so forget it jus go, lunch time go isetan.

Lynn, because i couldn't make it to collect on time that day. Thought of asking for your help. lolz.. But it's ok, i've arranged for collection tonight. Lucky the seller was flexible. Erm, i go your place collect? Do you stay very far away from Central?

Hi 1sttimepapa,

I guess you need to adjust your maid's salary only after her current contract ends. Hmm.... as far as I know, for indonesian maid, those with experience will command a pay of $380, but now increase to $450. Perhaps you can negotiate with your maid for a range between $380-$450? You can tell your current maid that she may be getting $450 if she finds a new employer, but don't forget she will have to forgo 8mths of her salary to start afresh in an agency in Singapore.

Hi 1sttimepapa,

Also, we as employers must not have the mentality that when we give them higher pay, they will work better and harder, it just doesn't happen that way (at least for my maid's case!!). I increase my maid's pay every 6mths by $10 but her level of work standard is stagnant as she still makes the same mistakes, but overall she is ok.

Re: indo maids' salary increase to S$450.

I've got 2 malay colleagues who currently are employing Indo maids. One maid has stayed with my colleague for 9 years but her salary is less than S$450. Spoke to my colleague and she mentioned she will not hide the news from her maid but instead, will talk to her to come to a price they both agree upon but she will not increase it all the way to S$450 to match.

The other one, the maid's contract is ending in Nov this year, she has no intention to renew the contract as the maid's performance is not up to her expectation. So she's now deciding to hire Pinoy or Burmese muslims instead of Indo maids. She say given that price, not worth it.

Morning Mummies!

Holiday mood leh cause tomorrow I'll be flying to Taipei with Baby and Papa Orangey! Yippee! I really hope my MIL change back to her normal self and not the MIL that I encountered during confinement! *Sing bo pi bo pi bo pi*

*doing hand sign & singing*

bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi o... bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi bor pi o...

Orangey, enjoy your trip ya!! =) gong xi gong xi in advance!

Dazz: But pinoy maids' starting salaries have also gone up right?

Kite: Was it you who pmed me the contact for GRE agency for Myanmese maids? Our Myanmmese maid has been with us for almost 2 months now and so far so good. She is really hardworking and good-natured. Thanks for the recommendation [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


aprmum: it's not me that wants to wean my girl off bf-ing, it's my MIL n hubby who want me to do so.. anyway just told hubby that i will continue with the current arrangement on bf-ing my girl till she really don't want my breast anymore.. i latch her on every morning n night..

dazz: i've many FTG too.. big one, medium one and small one.. if u want, can borrow from me too..

