(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

juye, haha.. thought of calling you yesterday. But i know you are still bfing so don't know still need the FTG anot. It'll be more convenient if i can get it from you corz i'm going back my inlaws place on Wed. will you be at home?

Hahaha but on the other hand, I scared she will ask my boy to stick to her leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope my boy 聽話一點, stick to me more :x

dazz: what time u going back to ur in-law place?? i will be back ard late afternoon leh, cos afternoon go back to my mum's place 1st.. what size u want?? i got total 4 FTGs leh.. can't use that much too what..

Hahahaha... i don't know you got so many!! hee. i need it for the medicine. Gotta keep them chilled. Need to store about 3 - 4 bottles plus a few more miscellanous stuff. Is the small one enough? How small is small?

You working tomoro? If yes, i get my hubby to get from you from office? He will be nearby.

yup.. ok, i go back and see which one will be more suitable.. sms me tomorrow then.. u know where's my working place??

Kite: my gal takes 2-3 bottles of 130-150ml in a day. depending on what time i feed her before send to ifc and what time i pick her up. then at nights i latch on demand.

Dazz: when u leaving for yr cruise? have a great time! hope the rain clears tho...

Maddie, boarding on 2nd Feb, night time. Ya.. i hope the rain clears!! If not, have to hide in cabin all the time? -_-|||

orangey: so many what?? FTG?? actually i only got 2 (one big one and one small one).. my mum got me another medium size one.. oh I remember I still got one more at my mum's place.. so total i got 4 FTGs.. hahaha.. u want to borrow too??

dazz: go casino lor.. hahaha.. throw ur kids to ur ILs.. hahaha..

anyone been to the grassroots' club for birthday celebration before?? the one at yio chu kang.. thinking of that venue for my girl's birthday cos they got a children playroom with indoor playground inside..

Haha.. I have 1 FTG but then I ask you hor. Cannot wash the inside of FTG? Cause I washed it then suddenly remember someone mentioned cannot wash? That time my milk spilled inside the bag and if dont wash got a very smelly smell [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


My cuz hold her daughter's bday at grassroot club 3yrs ago. It is abit old but then convenient for us who stay ard the North-East area. If you are catering from the restaurant think you might wanna ask abt the portion. That time my cuz had a little commotion with the caterer cause she ordered 100pax but the amount was only sufficient for 60pax! Ended up, she had to fork out another amount of $$ to ask the restaurant to cook more food.

orangey: can wash.. see below:

What if the inside of my Fridge-to-go® gets dirty?

Fridge-to-go® is a dry system so you rarely have to clean it like traditional cooler bags. We have all had been frustrated with cleaning our cooler bags after every use, not the case with Fridge-to-go ®. If for whatever reason the inner liner gets dirty, just simply hand wash with warm soapy water and rack dry. Do not put your Fridge-to-go® into the washing machine.

hi mummies,

happy chinese new year and enjoy the holidays!

I'm very headache now, wondering if got bb allergy to soy-based formula or not. I supplement my boy with cow milk FM and noticed he got prolonged runny nose and we changed to soy-bsed formula as recommended by PD. The situation changed to better after the suite. However, notice recently that my boy again has prolonged runny nose, phlemgh and cough. PD said he has sensitive airway and worried of developing asthma so give him ventolin (those inhaler for asthma patient) and some asthma medicine to clear his airway. But he has been on that medicine for almost a week and I don see any improvement. Im wondering if this is due to the soy-bsed formula or what because i noticed baby keeps clearing his throat after taking FM but he's perfectly fine if taking EBM leh...

any mummies have any ideas? My EBM stash is running low and my ss drop to only 50ml per pump... so I could not afford to stop FM to test for the response. Any ideas? help please. Really hope to have a perfectly healthy baby for the coming cny..

orangey: hmm.. 3 yrs ago ah.. but i see from the pics, like quite nice leh.. then from other people's blog, also seems nice..

food wise, i will take note if i really booking that place..


U can try giving NESTLE NAN HA FM. This is hypoallergenic FM and can be given to babies with or without family history with allergy. It taste closes to breastmilk and slightly bitter but not sweet.

My gal has been taking this since birth and is currently taking NESTLE NAN HA 2 (Stage 2 FM for babies from 6 months and above).

piglet, my boy is taking Isomil now. Previously we tested on Enfapro. Emm, Isomil is very smell one eh... im still giving him stage 1 coz it can be take until 12 mth, and heard from the sales representative that stage 2 or more will be sweeter. so I suppose it is not as sweet?

emm, i was thinking of NAN HA too. But can be taken by bb that is allergy to cow milk??


Goat milk you can give Karihome. They are the most reputable brand in the market and they are the most expensive FM :S

Thanxs ru ru cat n Dazz for your views. My views are same as u. Only negotiate the salary e her when her contract is ending soon n will tell her e cons of longer loan payment n if I direct engage her w/o go thru agency. I find it ridiculous to increase salary from 350 to 450! Somemore we still give her some extra off during Hari raya, red packets on Hari rays, Chinese new yr n on her birthday.

Piglet: how u know abt the taste of FM ah? Hehehe.. thinking whether to change my girl's FM too. Maybe i request for sample 1st.

Wonderland: u not in Sg ah?? Like what orange said, karihome brand. It's pretty good.


Thanks for the FTG cleaning info! Phew!~~


Karihom is quite popular in Malaysia too. The Infant range got Malay wordings also.. You give them a call to see how? Maybe they can send you a sample to try first.


Ming, is myamese maid able to cook n speak a bit of mandarin? What is her pay now? Just checking n opening my options in case existing maid not renewing her contract


not me. i never PM you about maid thing wor. :p

bb milestone,

Nowadays my bb always pull furniture, table, sofa to stand up alot but not yet cruising yet as in walking with support yet..Looking forward to this day.


I think can. But maybe u can just double check with PD first before letting bb try.


Cos one of the lactation cinsultation intro this to BB piglet and told me it is a bit bitter. I tasted too. ;)

Hi Orangey,

Accepted your req to add as friend at my gal's FB a/c [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

1sttimepapa: Our Myanmmese maid's starting salary is $350 but we plan to increase to $380 after she pays off her loan. Ours can't speak mandarin although I hear there are some who come from areas close to the Chinese border who can understand some mandarin. As for cooking, my MIL trains her so I am not sure how good are her cooking skills to start off with. But she is hardworking though. You have to be patient with them though because they really had hardly any knowledge of English. Thankfully ours is hardworking and has been picking up English quite fast from our existing Pinoy maid.

dazz: kiasu mah.. the small one really very small, i only used that if i'm bringing one bottle of EBM out.. think i will pass u the medium size one n the big one, u see which one u want lor..

piglet: oic.. hehehe.. just curious.. i'm totally cueless abt FM.. since i gotten a sample of friso gold and my girl is taking it well, i just continue with it.. i don't even know what's the difference between different FM.. hahaha..

oh, if can only fit one bottle of EBM then too small for me. Thanks thanks. I'll see if the medium or big one is suitable.

Finally finished watching One Million Star - Season 7. SHIOK !!!

(pppsss.. today bbdust on leave ah? nvr log in?) o_O


Im in the city of bean sprout hor fun... heheheee...


yes, will try to search for it but it may be difficult. I tried to look for healthy times baby cereal last time but to no avail to the extend that I went to KL to search for it but still cld not get it. Very inconvenient.

Wanted to let my boy try baby yogourt but could not find 1 here too.. sien...


ok. maybe i check with PD about NAN HA too coz karihome goat milk is expensive.


hypoallergenic as in NAN HA? emm, let me double confirm with PD tml coz my boy is going for check up to see his reaction to the asthma medicine.

Really thanks for the link. Useful info.


how come so brave to take Myanmmese. because they dont understnad english. Last time, i heard that they were quite hardworking. but heard that they dont know english, i also dont dare. but now indonesia increased until so much. I am re-considering Myanmese. A lot of them also not married right, i am also afraid they cant take care of kids.

any tips on communicating with them? sign language?


healthy times sold at all cold storage and also NTUC hypermart and toa payoh.

baby yoghut, i gave the smaller packaging type...vanilla flavour also from cold sotrage

Lolz.. Janet, prob you missed out the previous post, Wonderland not in SG, so she got difficulty getting all those.

Wonderland, erm... i'm guessing, erm... Ipoh??


talking abt yogurt, when do u give? as teabreak or after meal but too full to eat after meal. even i give fruit (apple puree) after meals, he seems full. how much portion of porridge do u give your bb now?


Good excuse to tell your hub to agree to let u move back to sg. Tell him: Wah lao.. here everything also dont have.. FM hard to find, BB Food hard to find, later our daily food also hard to find then everyday must eat bean sprout horfun"


I give my gal yoghurt in btw meals... eg, she will have milk of 210ml at 3pm, i will give her yoghurt at ard 5pm...followed by 5 to 6 chinese soup spoonfuls of porridge at ard 730pm for dinner.



wow ur bb drinking 210ml liao. mine 150ml n takes 2 to 3 times to finish not at 1 go finish all.

Ok wil try to give yogurt.

btw anyone read that spinach n beancurd cant mix together? what other food cant mix together...? any idea?

