(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

ooohh.. so how's your condition now? what the doc say? Still need to take medication ah?

Wow.. why end up buy nothing?!? you ah.. lolz.. your CNY shopping all done liaoz is it?


the bus uncle and auntie knows which one is my boy one. cos they will have to pass you to correct child every time mah. :p

i also give ang pao to cleaners who sweep the floor on cny.


you let me know by mid feb can? if we have 5 people interested, we can get that price loh.


within normal range le but still got to take med then review again in 4 mths time, if by then within normal range think can slowly cut the med liao hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

haha cause nothing to buy le.. wanted to buy cardigan for ah boy but end up no size then lazy to go to another outlet to get so end up buy nothing loh


u got hyperthyroidism?

My dad has it too. Found out recently only cos he has been losing so much weight!

Wish he gave me some, so I can lose some weight too.. :p


Just a joke lah

Cos dad needs to put on weight while I need to lose some

Sometimes I think if my thyroid hormones are underactive resulting in fat!

hahahha... zz only see your reply to me but she never see my question to you. lolz.. zz, must read everything la!! lolz. eh... i want peanut cookies leh. heehee


hahahhaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u know hor i walk around until my feet pain so long never walk for such a long time haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zz, hahaha..it's ok la. opps! cashew nuts ah! heehee.. sama sama la..also nuts. wahhahaah.

bbdust, wow! you mean you walked more than what we did that day ah..? you know ah, i had to prop my feet up on a pillow that night when i sleep leh... TTTIIIRRREEEDDDD... lolz


yes hahha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] actually i can walk quite a bit one leh, u know when i go overseas travelling hor, i can walk from morning till nite only stopping during meal times now old old liao walk a bit like lao auntie le hhaha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


different leh

Cashew nuts more exp leh and more difficult to buy outside.


go shopping huh!

I bot 2 more pairs of shoes on Friday... yeah!

Cleared out at least 12 pairs on Sat

he ah... he bohchup de la.. no reaction lo. my maid and i spring clean the store room. After that i using the machine keep sucking, and was telling my maid, wow.. shiok.. suck clean clean.. he hear liaoz also like that. lolz.

bbdust: realised that ur whole family go RH one ah?? ur boy too right?? hehehe.. nowadays i go shopping also chop chop one.. buy then go.. didn't even try lor.. hahaha..

zz: i baked peanut cookies.. just wanted to bake one type of cookies this year cos no time.. cashew nuts difficult to find mah?? i find it at NTUC leh.. if got time, i will bake cashew nuts too.. maybe KIV for next year.. but i need to get a big oven.. last bake took me nearly 4 hours cos i baked alot.. hahaha..

dazz: ai ya, forget to give u some peanut cookies yesterday.. i baked alot leh.. some still at my mum's place.. hahaha.. just took out my vacumn cleaner to clean the whole house yesterday too cos my part-time cleaner came.. yesterday reached home super clean leh..

Juye, oh! so you baked peanut cookies! wahhaha.. think i got mixed up la.. you mummies all so hardworking. This one bake, that one also bake. Hahahah...if only each of you give me abit, wow! i dun have to buy liaoz leh! =P


I used to cashew nut from Red Man plus abit of those fried ones.

Giant carry some Phoon Huat stuff too.

Spare me, I baked 2 batches v tired.

1st time was like trying out, 2nd time was smoother cos know wat to do liao


MF and both Julies lor... bake bake make me gian to bake also

my 1st time baking cny goodies la

Hi ladies,

Talked about shopping hor. I went to q 2hrs to buy funky cheongsam last friday! There is this shop called Tongtong friendship store at shaw towers and they had their CNY launch last friday. I was there at 12pm and there was at least 40 ladies in front of me! I managed to get a denim fabric with rabbit motif cheongsam at the end, or else it will be a total waste of my time.


hhaha cause ah boy born in RH mah so just go back to PD there loh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] then way before preggie, i already go RH for health checkup cause its under company subsidy then diagnosed with thyroid so just follow up from there loh

there was this time i went GP in RH then he gave me discount cause i know all the GP's friends in RH LOL.


2 batches tired.. I 6 batches lagi tired, grumbled to my mum not to do that next year.

real angry with it, time tight every day and stil do all tis..

zz: i love to bake mah.. then i couldn't find one nice peanut cookies around, so decided to bake that only.. really no time to bake others.. especially when my girl so clingy to me..

chips: that's why i baked more this year.. last year baked a few, then realised that i don't have any at all..

it's lunch time now.. going to chiong to go buy shoes for CNY.. then buy more pineapple tarts.. then still need to buy some baby stuff and one medium size pot for my girl.. wow, dunno my 1 hr lunch enough for all these?? hahaha.. maybe skip lunch again since later going to have my reunion dinner..

Hi Juye and ZZ,

The denim one that I bought is $300+. Hmmm... 2hrs to q up to buy 1 dress is definitely not time well-spent but I just want to pamper myself as now that I graduate as a mother, I don't really have much ME time. Went to buy some eye make-up at sasa yesterday, so happy.


I know wat u mean

Usually I don't like those commericalised peanut cookies. Crumbles too easy and not nice one

My pineapple tarts down to 2 tubs from 3... yummy!


it is the privilege to bring all the barang barang lor coz mean u can still breastfeed mah... don stress don stress..

try letting baby take FM at the night feed before he sleeps, they tend to accept it better.

just learn from my PD that once u have intro cow milk FM and notice allergy problem, it is less useful to take NAN HA le.

he said, best to intro when u which frm BM to FM or when u are supplementing.

sigh, i wish i know about NAN HA earlier lor. But i wil stil give NAN HA to not worsen the problem..


I still under the mx # of feeding and yes, I give BM too that why 1l lor.

My boy is still taking 2 solid meals a day. one cereal and ond porridge. and got snack too esp when we are having meal, will give him fish, toufu or any adult food that is stuitable for him.

and our foods all less salt one.


i let him cry before. Then he fall back to sleep then 15 mins later cry again and again... then i ended up whole night no need to sleep.

wondering if he is not ready to wean... tired lor esp im going to only be able to sleep on the side with big tum tum later...

Ruru, wow.. you confident to wear Cheong Sum means you already slim down to your expectations liaoz. ENVY!!!! but, erm.. i will not spend that amount of $$ on a dress. *gulp*

My MIL ask me to buy a microwave. Then i was telling my colleague (she loves to bake too) that all my mummy frens are baking and she encourage me to bake too. I was like, "my MIL ask me to buy microwave, you ask me to buy oven, my house not so big leh.. must stack up the gadgets then when i want to bake, must climb ladder." and she told me, there's actually a combination of Microwave and Oven. LOLZ !!! I super duper suaku.. didn't know that. Hahahah.. She say she cant wait for me to catch the "baking bug". I told her, no chance, i'm permanently bitten by the "LAZY BUG!!" wahahhaahha

yah man.. ruru u gotten back pre-preg figure liao lor!

Mine is permanent damage liao. Can't turn back after squeezing in a 4.6kg baby. It's like an overstretched rubber band


imagine my nanny feeding my son 300ml fbm!

UCB got 40% disc I quite like it, good quality.. I bought 2 after disc $60

Intend to let him wear 1 for his birthday.

zz, WHAT!?!? your boy's birth weight is 4.6kg!!! O_O WOW.... 10pounds plus leh.. ni hao hui shen o...

Juye, your gal also drinking Friso right? Once you cut BM and she drinking FM full time, you can consider ordering in bulk from that 7-11 hotline. Quite ok leh... order 5tins (900gm)free 1 tin(900gm) plus 20 sachets of FM. Plus free delivery to your place. No need to carry until hei hei chuan. hahahha..

Woofy!!!! I just realised, i havent receive the voucher leh! You say when expire ah?

ruru..good for u ..can wear cheongsam ...i wana wear also must tink many many times when i look at my fats...shld be quite nice cos u also tall .


dazz....paiseh leh...aiyo...i scout ard for u ..see still hv bo okie...the friso FM url...can sign up for foc sample hor?

