(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

OG having sales..

anybody got anything to buy .. I will like to buy the clothes accessories pole hanger $29.90. but have to purchase $50 nett on the day then can enjoy purchase with purchase..

I just bought my water filter from OG last week cant think of anything to buy..


My house 2 snakes, 4 rats ( include maid ), 1 horse, 2 dragons, 1 cow, 1 chicken.

all compatiable with my boy except the 2 dragons and chicken which is my young nephew.

My house got a real live rooster, my boy also dun like lei see also dun wan to see..


*BLINK*BLINK* Wahaha. Then I let nature takes its course liao.


I agreed. I tot of save more than enuff $$$ liao then start to have a family and who knows halfway thru, YH popped out! LOLz.


I also thk both fierce zodiac sign, Me and DH are horses. Both paternal & maternal sides got rooster, snake, goat, rat, pig and dragon.

OG got toys' sale?

piglet08 (piglet08)

maybe if u r a rat u can 'ride' on the dragon n tiger. elephant scare of rat - is tat true.. cos rat is small n can climb on elephant. Elephant wil be itchy all the way and cant scratch itself.. hhaaa

there goes the same tiger n dragon maybe scare of rat hahaa..

stupid assumption

u dun worry such thing la.. tiger n dragon can b those wen shun type.. not necessary fierce.


when in desperate times... hand express.

google for the technique.

also get a tall glass, best is those like hotel cocktail straight up tall glass abt one handspan tall. dun use the pump funnels, bcz you kan cheong and inexperienced will def spray all over the place, then you get even more pek chek w yourself which affects ss. jiayou....


Thermos and zojirushi 20% off. Luggage tonight have special deals. If you are getting thermos you might want to get from bp. Cheaper.

Out shopping found a nice place to moo moo only to realize my gel packs in my thermal bag are NOT COLD! Any suggestions? Am walking to the supermarket see if I can buy something cold to stuff in the cooler bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Sometimes I also kana like that, I will hv extra zip lock bag with me then I go mac take ice put in zip lock to keep the milk cool..Hehe..

syzygy6, i think most supermarket or 7-11 sells ice. buy them and put in your bag [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Good idea! Next time I will keep a clean zip lock in my bag. Can use for many things.


Thanks! Was thinking of that but the bag of ice is so huge! Found a can of Frozen apple juice concentrate the size of a milk bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] fits just nice in my avent cooler bag!

Shoots forgot to change ringgit for the trip. Now must take train back to raffles place to change. Why post preggy brain so forgetful???


Hope your pump prob gets resolved! Quick chiong down to service centre!

If cannot you hand express. Tiring but can be done!

cellow, i went something like, "i know you meant well, want to decorate the place, but you should at least check with us if we got any plans for the stickers anot and whether is it ok to stick on the walls, etc. Don't make decisions as you like, afterall, this is my house."

And this morning, i kena that kind of attitude from her liaoz lo. I will see how's her attitude when i'm back this evening. If still got patterns ah, i'm going to tell her off again. Then again, i'm also partly worried but of weekdays, when we're at work, my MIL will often go out with my FIL in the afternoons and leave BbZ with her. Worried that she bully BbZ lo. =(


how many days?

maybe u are tired from the trip.

u can try papaya soup, peanut soup, pump longer session, latch on more, neurogain fish oil, drink more fluids...

kite, i went for 4 days 3 nites..

i am thinking if ss low, then just let it be? am I a bad mummy? i'm thinking to let bfding career stop naturally soon, should i should i?


does it happen just after trip? before trip, was OK? think must be tired, hv more rest n drink more fluids. once u back to work with consistent pump, shld be back as usual [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kite, i didn't pump consistently during trip, i just pump twice compared with pumping 4 times usually. This happened to me for 4 days. So now ss is low.. can't blame anyone except me..


then u pump 4x as usual, shld be as back as usual. dun worry k [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also very scare my ss will drop badly when i go on my trip. though i will still pump there but definitely not as frequent. praying hard that it won't drop too badly and i can still come back and work hard on it. i must try to be fair and pump till at least my girl is 11 months before i stop and also had a full chest freezer of fbm too. only then she is consider bf as long as #1 too.


thanks for the info.

my ss dropped so drastically after my trip cos never pump ... now i'm down to one pump a day and can only yield one feed. planning to stop soon. freezer is full ... so hope it will last him sometime with 2 BM feed a day.

pearlytea ... replied ur pm ..

maid issues:

they are really a pain! my maid made me so angry this morning! she hung this dress for very long in the ironing room and i told her to keep it into my cupboard (the dress was in that room for more than 3 weeks and i was wondering why) i found out the reason why today ... the belt colour has run because she didn't remove it and washed with the black dress. i scolded her for keeping quiet and not informing me. and she was NOT even apologetic and she said " i will PAY you for it" Game over. She has just given herself the biggest black mark. what a stupid attitude. i hate relying on maids! is it me and she has some attitude problem? what makes her think that paying will solve the issue? it's her integrity that i'm doubting now. double sigh

Hi Dazz,

I have the same thought as you. Sometimes I am mad with my maid but I only blow steam at my HB and he asked me why I used him as a target board when the maid is the culprit? I told him straight in the face, u want me to scold my maid and then leave her alone w my baby????!!!

But luckily my maid don't have much attitude problem. Heng suay lah, when it comes to maid.

Hi HJ,

Gosh!!! Then u tell her the dress is $350 lor! Then deduct her whole month salary to scare her lah. No lah, this is what the evil side of me will think in my brain. The rational side will just simmer in anger, hee....In the end, I will just let her off with a stern warning and maybe will just stand beside her when she is ironing once in awhile to 'scare' her into doing her ironing properly.

i wanted to tell her that really ruru_cat.

i gave her a very stern warning that she must report her mistakes immediately and not hide or cover up.

i'm not upset about the dress. i'm upset by her statement that she feels that money can solve the issue and was not apologetic about it. sigh.

enough of them ... makes me wanna be sahm.


About childcare again. Need advise.

I saw two that so far I like and afforable.

(my nearby all waitting list so i venture a bit further out).

1st one

1. place (window/floor/walls) are consider very clean and spacious (consider a bit not many toys/books/displays as compare to some similar set up). 2 separate area. Switch on selected cartoon.

2. Only max up to 70++

3. teacher ratio same as normal, accordingly to MCYS guideline

4. distance about 2 ~ 3 bustop away, walking takes 10 to 15mins

5. cheap : only 250 after subsidy

6. no enrichment class (even i willing to pay)??

7. 12mths license

8. beside a main road that is heavy traffic in morning

9. talk to a sup and she is friendly

2nd one

1. place (window/floor/walls) are consider just normal clean (not so clean as 1st one but similar standard to other set up), a bit old. One big area only, with short cupboards to separate. Many students work or others are display. Saw many toys. Switch on some education program or selected cartoon.

2. Only max up to 60++

3. teacher ratio seen to be better, higher accordingly to MCYS guideline

4. distance is many bustop away but driving takes 5 mins, walk 20mins to 30mins?

5. within my range : 300plus after subsidy

6. no enrichment class (heard incorporated?? need to find out more

7. 24mths license

8. beside a small road (should be more quiet)

9. Talk to a teacher and she is friendly.

Which one you will choose?


is #1 a very new set up thus only 12 months license? if not, i will go for #2 even though its further away cos it doesn't look like there is any difference between both. however, #2 having a longer license is of a upper hand.

hi mummies,

finally got time to login n see see look look... only managed to scan thru n see some complaints abt maids... tt y i also very paranoid abt having full time maid at home.. wait u pay money to have them here yet still gotta put up with their nonsense... i have a working fren who has a 2 yo... she has a maid ever since her gal arrived... n she said to me that she think i will def need a maid... esp next time when i have #2... but im a sahm... good to have extra help lah... but sometimes i find that the extra help makes things worse esp if i gotta undo the mistake... sigh.. n im not even toking abt maids lor... even family members will make mistakes lor... much less maids.... sigh... im really really hoping i can be super mum n no need maid...


is ur fren shoe spree still on? i went recce n shortlisted a few but all so small size one leh.. im a big foot here... i need size 40 or 41... but most only up to 40 and somemore they got state that teh cutting is smaller so def cant fit me one.. how ah? no big size shoes ah?


Thanks! I Pmed you my add le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thank you!!


Bigger size ah.. Let me ask my fren to check with the seller ok?

I'll let you know [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning Mommies!


Gam Siah!!! Think it'd be Ming's place next. Are you using Pigeon Breastpads? Pass you a box in exchange. Or let me know what you'd like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning all.....

Its friday yeah yeah yeah...


I wan wigs wait for mi,. Today I 1/2 day cn confirm my order when I home.


Today fire drill rite? See u downstairs, go down earlier else lift stop got to crawl down lei... We r so high up in the building.. Hehee

Syz - haha...convoy to penang? wah..tat one ultrz big project! ;p ya agree, sometimes the coil is yucky...ask for a newer one bah..until u QC happy..hehehhe

No la, Mimi had 2 separate incidents. One's the neck 'sprain' thing which i tink she's ok liaoz, the others her squint eye issue. Tat time bring her go vacc then PD said her eye like abit lazy eye, so refer us to this opthalmologist at Mt A. Thank God, everything turned out well n mimi is perfectly fine! :D

Cellow - u did??! so cute hor, issit wif C1 holding the empty box of cereal wif a victory smile? ;p hmm..tink my mum threw away liaoz...

Tink next time u must paste the "HAVE YOU SHUT THE FREEZER DOOR TIGHTLY" reminder banner on ur freezer door liao! Heng heng...

Syz - i read somewhere tat BM can leave outside (i assume at home la) for 4 hrs...dunno issit true, then u can survive on the mildly cool gel packs first. But Elmoo's suggestion on ziploc n ice frm Mac's also good idea lei!

Elmoo - prob ur membrane not flat oredi then no suctio =n issit? mine also like tat then i noe its time to change the membranes. But by nw guess ur pump set shld be fine oredi!..lolz


Ohh... Glad she is alright [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hahah your suggestion to Cellow reminds me of my mom. She'd stick post-it notes to remind us when she is fed up of having to repeat herself like... lock the door... pack up your room...

Oh and I am so happy this morning cos bb syz know how to HI-5! Grandma & Grandpa taught her that this week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Funny... master HI-5 before bye bye.



1st one is set up for many many years.

From the MCYS link, mostly 6mths or 12mths.

But, it is "dirt cheap" lor.

Let say there is a $100 difference btw both, total for 6 years (exclude inflation).

1st one

$250*12mths*6yrs = $18k

2nd one

$350*12mths*6yrs = $25.2k

Total savings are $7.2k??!!

