(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


Mine is medela mini electric plus recently just changed 1 of the membrane leh.

Then this morning try again really DEAD liao (thot will have MIRICLE!) haizz..

Now I'm using single electric (Cant really cleared my milk) Last night tried pigeon manual pump,

wah my hands like wana BREAK!

I kua kua kua (squeaking sound) for 30mins really sweat & blood milk! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


go for the one with longer licensing. i had a friend who worked with mcys on childcare centres b4. she told me to always enrol at 24mths license ones.


Wig ah dunno can meet enuff orders not... Need 35 wigs but now my friend only recd 10 wigs so... we'll see how ok?


sorry u changed my last order for shoes boh? pls ignore the previous one and use the latest one hor


really ah.. okie i shall take note.. i already submit my prelim enrolment form for my boy at my 1st skool opening nxt year near my house hee waiting for enrolment to start then i can go take a look [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

bbdust, it's like i told you mummies the last time. The longer MCYS approve the license for, means the school's standard is good. If it's just extended for 6 months, means there's something the school need to improve on and MCYS will review the school's standard again after the 6 months.

xj, i know $$ can be important but i think you should look further. Though the 1st centre's fee is lower, it does not include any extra curriculum. Do you intend to send your kid to courses? Those will be cost too. And if the 2nd centre do offer courses that you are ok with and cost included, then that's savings right? Plus, i agree with Celyn, i look at the license period.

Last evening went home, 1st thing ask my MIL liaoz. She say only morning "bin cao cao". After that ok liaoz. =X


haha bin cao cao also got to work.. like my maid last time she ba gong just sit down there sulk and cry ai end up got to send her back to agency

morning mummies..

hj, me 2, after the trip the ss super low now.. but i just continue to pump and monitor to see how.. my target is pump till 1 yr old regardless how much i hv..

celyn, u're really a nice and fair mummy.. my girl i bf till 7 month old nia and not enough most of the time, this time round is more for my boy, during the trip i pumped for my girl to drink twice and it seems help to boost up her immune a bit.. it seems breast milk is still the best food in the world..

Hi mummies... I'm so tired... Gal slp at close to 3am last night... Sigh... Nowadays she wanna slp late late n wanna play in bed esp when she knows tt she can roll here roll there n climb here climb there. I think she thinks the bed is her play ground. I tried to tweet her sleeping times by not letting her sleep too much or drag her nap times till later hoping that the late evening nap will become her nighttime bedtime but no leh... She will still wake up n worse! Be awake till wee hrs!!! Eg we tot tt let her slp at 11pm can slp till morning right? She will wake up 1am n then be awake!!! How??

nice to meet you shappie! sorry cant talk much - the person next to me is my boss - heheh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I heard of this too. Will go into the URL to find out more later. Thanks.


Are you staying in Jur West area? My nearby also have First Skool and 2 more opening soon but I am on wait list. Not sure of cirruculum or teachers since they are new. About 300plus too.


Good advise. I will take this into consideration.

The amount is just one concern.

The other one is distance. I prefer short walking distance.

However, one of childcare Pricipal advised me before in Jurong West, nowadays if there is any childcare has vacancy, just go in first as it is not a matter of distance.


hee me near cck [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


thanks thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] sorry for the trouble just ignore the previous one and then send to your friend the last email i sent u


eh eh, she wakes up at 1am everyday?


Ur case sounds quite bad. Heard from my MIl that nowadays my gal sleeps only in the morning for max 2 hrs and at times my gal power nap for max 45 mins in the afternoon for once only and at times never sleep. Then I will put her to bed by latest 9.30pm.

However, she kept tossing and turning on her bed and does not seems to sleep well though I know she is very tired. She also woke up crying about 3 times a night everyday.

WHy is it like that ah? She does not seems to be teething as I cant see any pearlie white yet. I am so worried that she is not feeling well but she is ok wor. She plays as per normal and also sweat alot. So my MIL said cannot be sick!


she knows how to crawl, stand and sit unspported liao. But when she sleeps at night, she tossed and turned until she like very pek chek like that. Now at times when her pacifier dropped she will cry too. I wonder if her baby cot is too cramped or small for her now.

Last nite she slept at 945pm till 10.30pm and woke up crying aloud! she cried for around 10 mins till about 11pm. Then DH said could it be she wants milk? So i make 150ml for her and she drank about 100ml and dozed off but still woke up crying twice in the nite. Sighhhh....

Now cannot be growth spurt right?

This has been going on for past 2 weeks and this week is the 3rd week!


I know I am late in making puree for my 7.5 months old gal. But i would like to check if I can use normal fruit juice blender to make puree for her? Cos I scare if now then i buy the AVENT STEAMER & BLENDER, then after a few months she need not eat puree liao, then isnt that going into waste???

Xiao Lao Hu

What is your budget?

If I can, I will go to expensive one from $600 to $1k+- (after subsidy)

1. Pat School House at Arena Club

2. MMI

3. Yunnan x 3 CCC

Or alternative, mid range one which is $400 to $600

4. Carpe Diem

5a. Cherie Heart Blk 721

5b. Cherie Heart Key Element

6. The Little Skool Jurong Safra

Next range is $300 to $400

7. PCF Sparktots

8. First Skool

9. Kidzone

Lowest one is $300 & below

10. Brightkids

11. Brightsun

12. Wonderplace

13. Stain Elmos

14. Kanooka

15. Whispering hearts

There are some others in Jurong West, but I have yet to check it out.

You can go to this site, select Jurong West to view all the CCC


So busy to log in to read the posts but will play facebook without fail on my phone before I sleep ;) Addiction. Tsk tsk!


I totally agree family members also make mistake. Say my mum... cereal that comes with milk she still add milk powder to it. Then if the cereal is not thick enough, she add two more scoop of milk powder hoping to thicken it. When I repeat some instructions, she'll say I lor sor. Sigh... Bo bian.. need her help to take care of bb while I work lei. At least she's more reliable than maid in the sense that she loves her grandchild alot lor.

Kembangan cc baby contest

Any mummies sign up? I'm going! Shall we meet up?

I went for a job interview & was selected but I have to forgo my bonus if I want the new job cause they need ppl urgently... Then only 10% pay increase... So mummies maybe can give me some advice... I scare that my colleague will see my post on my pc so I use my phone to send this post...


pm me let me know if ur fren be getting the wig ?


yes nice to meet you and its so interesting 1st mit up to be in fire drill assembly area hahaaa


take it if its good for your future career advancement.

bonus is only tat round unless its really tat much til u bu se de..ask if there is prorate bonus.

dun forget opportunity knock once, dun let it slip off..

weigh the bonus compare to ur new job see which 1 can bring u further.

piglet, don't buy the Avent la.. so ex. Just buy a normal handheld blender which only cost less than S$100. I'm currently using Braun. I don't think you can use juicer right? Thought it'll become juice?? heehee...

Baymic, look at the total package. No matter what, it's a risk you gotta take. Be it leave or stay. Use your current pay + benefits + bonus and see how far away it is compared to the future option. Ask yourself if your ok with the gap.


1) Any pro-rated bonus fm yr current co if u leave now?

2) At new co..though 10% increase but has it got more potential in yr career advancement?

3) Unless bonus is really v attractive..u may wana check if yr new co is willing to compensate you somewhat for the 'loss' u will have to bear in terms of bonus...but u need to ask this v carefully ...usually co will help offset a bit of the 'loss' unless its a "die die u must start work immed" kinda situation & v imptly the new co has got the $$ for such stuff.


yah. look on the whole and now just the lost of bonus. previously, i quit and get a pay cut of $200 and lost of bonus. i still go cos counting in all the bonus i will get from the 'new' company i'm getting more actually. after a year+ at the 'new' company i quit again cos its too boring for me. hehehe....


not sure if you can use a juicer or not cos not all babies like puree. #1 don't take at all. now my girl don't like soft soft food too. so i don't puree at all. only did once. i had given her a few grains of rice to 'chew' whenever she sits with us during dinner.


I don't think that my current co is kind enough to give me a pro-rated bonus or offset the current annual leave that I have now...

So I must willingly to forgo the bonus(AWS & variable bonus) & the benefits (18 days leave current)


What is the model of ur handheld blender? Jus now I went best denki to check they have a few. I dun wanna to spend so much on it too.


I only started my gal on cereal and want to make puree for her this weekend. SO dunno should buy or not. Scare later she dun wanna eat puree then how?

Plus I would want to encourage her to eat more veg and fruits puree. Dun wnanna her to be picky eater later. Also, we can skip puree stage one meh?


For my lil boy,my mum gave him brown rice cereal first & two days ago,she intro some potato,carrot,apple purees to him...


My mummy steams them first then mash them together lor...she did it when she wants to feed my boy...Unlike the rest of mummies here do purees & freeze it & defrost...


what my maid did was the same as baymic, steam then use strainer to strain it, i got the avent steamer and blender but my MIL dont like it arghh gg to sell away liao

