(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

celyn, dazz, haha! but tis so much easier to roll over and side latch C2 now. we all get a lot more sleep this way.

ok quick poll

Diana West, author of MAKING MORE MILK, might be able to come to Singapore to give a workshop. She is part of Dr Jack Newman's team. Given that she is so famous hor, how much will you be willing to pay for her session (with free flow food and drinks at someplace like Rochester Park)?

1) $30

2) $40

3) $50

4) dun go, so expensive, give it a miss!

sorry cannot go below $30 liao.

amazon's customer reviews of her book


i thot this was so relevant, given that some of us are concerned abt milk supply

cellow: u can be with Mr C when yr kids dowan u to tuck them in bed anymore! provided u don't go and itchy oh baby so cute and have another one then.

Cellow: don't think will pay for Diana west. my milk ss so far ok, cross fingers, thank god.

piglet: i also remember 100 baby recipes or something. go to her website. http://www.annabelkarmel.com/bookshop

I'm also waiting for 6 months. two more weeks to go hee hee!

HJ: don't think feeding pumpkin 3 days in a row will be that bad. think is more than that...


oh no no. psychoing myself that babies are not cute not cute at all....

but C2 this morning eh-ed very loudly at me when i waved bye bye at him. my heart immediately flew to him and has stayed there ever since.

aaaaargh no itchy backside to have another baby!

actually the major thing that is keeping me back is i still want a career for myself. being SAHM is toooo tough a job for me :p :p :p

Australia: Love the place and relaxed lifestyle but dislike the heavy taxes and the fact that we are a minority there. Had a chance to relocate to Sydney in 2008 but gave it a miss. I would have had to pay something like 40% taxes! Didn't make financial sense. HOWEVER, I will not rule out moving there later on in life. My cousins did that when she was in her 40s and she correctly pointed out that you cannot move to Australia for the money, only for the lifestyle. So what she did was, she accumulated her wealth first before making the move. I think that is wise.

Anyone feeling this way? I have been back at work for slightly over a month now and I can't help feeling that I am not on top of things as I used to be. My brain now takes much longer to come to terms with complicated financial terms and concepts when it used to be much easier. Can't help feeling a little demoralised [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Am hoping that this is a passing phase and that I will get the full extent of my memory back. It's strange but I think I actually performed better during the last trimester of my pregnancy. Anyone with similar experience?

ming, same same, you will get your brains back soon! u r still on half days? if so will take some time to adjust back. now i'm ok with being worker during the day and mummy at night.

Lynn: Still on half days till Mid Oct but I have had to cancel my PM leave on some days. Don't like this feeling of not having all my brains back. Makes me feel rather incompetent. Sorry, competitive perfectionist nature at work here.

i also need to jia na.. having super bad engorgement now on my right breast, cant pump out much milk. Sigh!


pls dun buy clothes from cleocat fashion, the quality sucks!


i just pump & pump & latch & latch of late baby's crabky at night maybe that's why the sudden surge again.

it was during confinement & maternity leave my boy keep getting kidnapped away (inlaws la - boy le) so my kuku bird fly away i free lor.ipumped & surfed .

easily clocked 40-50mins every 3 -4 hrs.

other than that i just drink more water - its something i am very bad at -remmebering to get enough water.

then i take nordic fish oil also la but i not sure if that affects supply.

ming i know wat u mean, and i hate to give up and submit to this supposed post-pregnancy syndrome coz i dun think it's fair to all mothers! but i was so scared of being found out too - hahah - that i wasn't like before. but i got into the groove after some time. so rest assured. half days dun help seriously - haha - i was on half days when i returned too but for a short period. the old ming will be back with a vengence!

ming u need more time

its distraction.

not sure if it helps or make it worse - i have a webcam to helpme see my kids while i am at work.

now a days i just forget to see also liao -too busy at work.

i Came back mid june prehaps i have dived into the deep end of the pool liao while u are still at waddling end. + its your 1st time so its usually ok.soon u will be holding your breath with me under water in the deep end soon. (i am somewhat drowning haha!)

physically i feel hor when we just go back to work - we also suffer abit - body fatigue general weakness.

you might also want to take chicken essence more often at least to help in the alertness dept

With regards to memory, it got bad after i had TodZ. With BbZ now, i think i'm at a point of no return. I simply cannot recall things. I don't know why.

eg: I met up with 2 oldtime friends last evening and we chatted about the past. The 2 of them was happily relating to it while i'm cracking my brain hard to recall. I was like "how come i got no impression of it!" and they were surprised too because i was very much involved in the things they relate. So sad! and i felt soooooo useless!!!! Haiz. Even my hubby is surprised by the extend of how much my brain shrunk. Scary to think what will happen if i have #3?? o_O

pull up pants for toilet training so bb Shld b wearing pull up n go to urinal or wherever if he need to pee but the pull up so tight n fitting isn't it difficult for bb.

Will boxer work well, at least they cn take out their didi to urine..

i don't understand what you mean by so tight and fitting? It act like a underpants, isn't it? I think the initial stage, it's more like letting the kid get used to wear it the bottom-up method instead of normal pampers where we wear it when they're lying down. Subsequently when they know how to say when they need to pee, pull up pants gives addtional assurance when we're outside, just in case can't toilet in time or the kid could't tahan anymore than can let it go in the pull up pants. If wanna let the kid wear panty/underwear out, then like me, i'll just bring extra clothings lo. In case of accident, can change.

Saw what ZZ post on FB and a part of my heart ached. I was a victim. I am the only child. My nanny looked after me since i was 4months old. I stayed with her, Mon-fri, till i am 12 years old. The reason my parents gave me, is that both of them need to work, and don't really have time for me. My dad made an effort to bond with me every weekend. Even on weekdays evening, he will pop by my nanny's place, and just bring me downstairs for a walk or just to buy me ice-creams or sweets. My mom, to her, just work work work and work.

So, the consequences of that is, i don't talk much to her. Now, it's better. Because ever since i became a mother, i know how hard it is. But still, each time, i had to think hard to start a chat topic. Whenever i'm at her place and sometimes when she made comments on how i handle my boys, i can't help but to rebutt her, "aiyoh, you don't even know how to handle me...." Very bad hor, but, i can't help it. =X

As for only having one child, i will think, it's really better to have 2. And make sure the siblings are close. In the event that something happens to the parents, the kids have each other for support and when major decisions had to be made, they have each other for discussions.

My mum was admitted to ICU 2 years back. I still remember how stressed i was having to shuttle from work, home and to the hospital. I jumped whenever my HP rang in the middle of the night. Luckily at that point of time, my hubby is around for me. I was thinking to myself, if that time i was alone, i will be very lost.

Not trying to help the govt promote more kids la.. but... at least 2 ba. =)


my brain only fully came back after C1 started sleeping thro the night. which happened when he turned 1yo.

then pregnant w C2 shortly after. so i havent been quick on my feet since... 2008!

i dun expect myself to hv full 100% brain capacity when i m sleep deprived and C2's routine changes like the wind changes direction.... all these take mental energy to cope. yes yes i dun like the feeling of being slow witted too, but i know it will pass.

biologically, during pregnancy, our heart and lung capacity increases to accommodate bb. so it ws quite normal to be energetic during the pregnancy. faster blood flow to the brain also. and all the happy hormone oxytocin coursing through our bodies as well.... now all gone!

go easy on yourself. glad you recognise being competitive and perfectionist is not going to get you anywhere... except a faster road to a mental breakdown.


[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] here... take a life float! since you are nearly drowning.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


jia nai jia nai! engorgement. use hand to squeeze and manually express, can relieve a bit


sayang! at least your kids see your face everyday now. mi bu the mistakes of the past generation.

now v curious to know wat zz posted on FB, but in office cannot see, and when go home, dowan to log on....

toothpaste order: think will stop at 50 tubes. Have to close order earlier sorry. Can indicate next to your name who wants postage or self collection?

50cents one tube 80cents 2 tube - postage rates to be confirmed.


ah okie maybe can meet u at bugis bah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] can i decide when the toothpaste arrives ?

cellow, she asked 2 mummies why they don't bring their children home everyday. The reason they give is, "very tired".

HJ, i'll self collect from you. =)


any mummies who stay near woodlands can help me to collect from hj then pass to me? bugis / eunos all v far for me leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


i can help u collect also if u want but i have not decide postage or collect myself got to see when the stock comes in [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow & dazz,

one of my colleague insist that i must get a maid. she had been talking about it whenever she got chance. she got 2 kids, 6 years old and 2 years old. her mum was looking after them even till now and both are in cc now. younger one in half day cc and she also had a maid. previously without maid, she feels that even with her mum help she can't cope. very tiring and now with a maid, its better.

so for me with no help, better get a maid. don't tired myself. just leave my girl with maid instead of babysitter. maid can cook and also look after my girl and even fetch my son from school bus when he comes home. maid also can wash up and we don't have to wash up. i don't need to rush back home to cook and fetch him daily. very tiring to do that. (60% of the time, its hubby who fetch him. i just go back to cook dinner).

to me, i don't see why i need a maid when both my kids are not home. definitely not going to leave my girl with maid alone when she can't even complaint to me what happen at home.

oh ya, regarding the junior league vouchers, so far, only Ming replied me. The rest of the mummies, noone interested ah??


possible to hav 2 tubes for me.. A bit late of mi,. Yesterday look through all the posts of toothpastes intend today evening go home n log in my order to u but saw ur previous post stop order liao Alamak..

If unable n u alrdy place order its Ok.. If there is next round den I join again.


I have not decided whether by post or self collect. If I self collect right i can do for you and meet u at Woodlands causepoint. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


a maid to me is nec only when the children are young. in fact, as they get older and go into upper primary, i would most likely get PT help for hsework and not need a maid.

tis really weird to have a stranger, not a relative, on a long term basis in my home.

your colleague prob means well, dowan you to be tired.... (she is extrapolating based on her own home situation ah) however, you are also doing fine w/o a maid, so no need la. just laugh her off the next time she mentions!

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow - self collection at Eunos

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Dazz

8. Dazz

9. Lynn

10. Lynn

11. Celynlee

12. celynlee

13. celynlee

14. Orangey

15. Orangey

16. Charismama

17. Charismama

18. maddie

19. maddie

20. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

21. vicma

22. vicma

23. vicma

24. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as will)

25. woofy

26. woofy

27. woofy

28. Bbdust

29. Bbdust

30. pearlytea

31. lovebbk

32. lovebbk

33. Chlosper

34. Chlosper

35. Jasda

36. Jasda

37. Piglet08

38. Piglet08

39. Elmoo

40. Elmoo

41. GBH

42. GBH

43. juye

44. juye

45. syzygy6

46. syzygy6

47. sgsc

48. sgsc

49. chips - HJ, you decide whether to take it anot

50. chips

Hi mummies, I'm a July mummy and would like to have your attention for a while.

My baby girl is now 7 weeks old and I've been doing baby yoga with her for a couple of weeks now. She quite enjoyed it from the smiles I see.

I successfully completed the Birthlight Diploma in Baby Yoga (Part I) and Toddler Yoga (SMART) in June 2010 and would like to offer free baby yoga classes for group (6 sessions) and individual (3 sessions). Class will be suitable from 1 month onwards. The class will include yoga moves for both baby and mum.

Do refer to my blog for more details.


Class will be preferably held at either my home (in bukit timah) or another participant's home. Timing preferably afternoon, weekdays or Sat.

If you are interested, do drop me an email at [email protected]

dazz: i still remember that time my wedding ur mum in hospital.. can understand ur situation when young.. my younger sister same as u lor.. my parents left her at my aunt's place on weekdays, only bring her back over the weekends.. she's not close to us at all when young.. very bad temper too.. at one stage, me n my elder sister told our parents that we don't want this sister, just give her to our aunt.. see we even more bad.. i remember my mum did cried when we told her that.. but at the time, she got us and younger brother to take care.. so no choice got to leave my younger sister at my aunt's place.. so now, i will make it a point, if i'm going to leave my kids with someone else, i will pick them up everyday no matter how tired I am..

HJ: able to make it before u collect ur stuff from me?? then one stone kill 2 birds..

i'm going to post my expensive avocado.. hahaha..


anyone can advise me on how to store avocado if i'm just going to use abit??

SG_SC - yah lah, 2 years loh. then maybe we b in the same thread again for #2.

Celyn - after 1 year bdae har.. maybe bah. i think v fast we talk abt gng to wat caterer for 1 yr bdae celeb le! n rem, more fish = more milk milk!

Lynn - lets pray all this will end soon. i clear the hair in my bath area.. see liao v scary.

Piglet - i also after start. think only trying when baby is 7 mths.

Cellow - will multiply mah? i scare i will hu lue #1 after i get preggie w #2. i havent luv her enuf yet! n LOL on the dry skin comment. reali so bad mah?

Final Toothpaste Order:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow - self collection at Eunos

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Dazz

8. Dazz

9. Lynn

10. Lynn

11. Celynlee

12. celynlee

13. celynlee

14. Orangey

15. Orangey

16. Charismama

17. Charismama

18. maddie

19. maddie

20. vicma

21. vicma

22. vicma

23. vicma

24. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as will)

25. woofy

26. woofy

27. woofy

28. Bbdust

29. Bbdust

30. pearlytea

31. lovebbk

32. lovebbk

33. Chlosper

34. Chlosper

35. Jasda

36. Jasda

37. Piglet08

38. Piglet08

39. Elmoo

40. Elmoo

41. GBH

42. GBH

43. juye

44. juye

45. syzygy6

46. syzygy6

47. sgsc

48. sgsc

49. chips

50. chips

Order have been placed. Supplier has alot of pending orders and hence don't know if can deliver by next week.

will follow vic_ma way of postage.

50cents for 1 tube and 80 cents for 2 tubes. for those who wants postage, pls pm me your mailing address. thanks!

btw expiry date .. think it should be reasonably ok cos they have no ready stock and will be ordering in ... today i ask my clinic to place order and my staff went "huh 50 tubes of baby toothpaste? wahhahaha!"

wah just saw BP selling the toothpaste at $10.50 with normal postage. cheaper on our thread haha ... $9.50 + $0.50 with normal postage.

veins on scalp.

didi has very visible ones running across the sides of his head. doctors say its ok one la. but today i saw instead or protruding. his deep vein is sunken in!

should i bring to pd?

juye u can cut 1/4 then glad wrap the rest or zip lock put in normal fridge. use quick within few days as the surface will oxidise.

Dear All

Today is 1 day of 6th mth.

Son is drinking 5 times of milk per day.

4 times 150ml of bm and 1 time 180ml night to last till 6am.

Do u think he is underfed?


thanks vic.. going to start tomorrow, so hopefully by sunday she can finished the avocado.. just now my hubby scolded me for buying such expensive avocado.. hahaha.. but for her daughter's good, he got nothing to say..

1sttimepapa: ok leh.. my girl also abt the same as urs.. why do u think he's underfed?? is he growing?? if so, nothing to worry abt..

