(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


i really dont know care giver is maid anything serious she wont say much. I will probe tomorrow.

He been fussing past 1 week. Dont want to sleep and cries away. Yday i tried instead lying and latch. I carried him to bf and he fell asleep really fast.

Maybe long weekend withdrawal syndrome?

i know why maybe.

I been giving him fresh ebm from nite and morn pump during the day. I was so tired i didnt pump last nite and woke early so went office then pump so today totally thawed frozen bm.

Maybe not used to it? cos after 2 long latches he is ok again. vein is ok again.

Maybe also slept v long when i came home hungry and dehydrated for next feed?

He is finishing up las5 5 packs may stash then jump to july fbm late may whole june all gone thanks to previous 39 litres in deep freezer accidentily thawed - freezer switched off lor.

My deep freezer is getting full again yippie?


last night was a nightmare... gal din wanna slp after waking... then i think till 3am or so... finally tot she settled down a bit then a huge cockroach flew into my bedroom! i only knew tt bcoz i heard some fluttering at my computer there... at first tot its a beetle... then on my lights n saw a huge cockroach! n it went under my laptop!!!! i took a rolled up newspaper n tried to hit it but it scurried here n there n while i took every hit, i gave a yell... frightened my gal... thank God my mother was around to help me! hb was away if not usually he will be the one doing such scary jobs.... last time i wasnt so scared one... but maybe bcoz it has been a long time since i last saw cockroaches at home tt y so scared now...

last time in my old home b4 my parents shifted, we stayed in the older flats where there is a rubbish chute opening in the kitchen, cockroaches were a common sight at night... now with newer designs where the chute openings are only at the common corridor, cockroaches are less seen... anyway in the end after all the commotion, i also dunno what time i dozed off... only knew tt i allowed my gal to slp with me in the big bed within a fortress of pillows n bolsters bcoz she cried the moment i tried to put her in her cot... these few days my gal suddenly very clingy to me leh... dunno y... any mummy exp this too??? sudden change of behaviour?

oh.. btw i tried the rice cereal + water instead of milk n it worked!!! my gal wont cry after a few spoonfuls! so far tried 2 times liao n she finished whole portion! it's wilbb who suggested this right? Thanks a lot! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


re having #2,

love of mummy wont get divided one when having #2, it will be enuff to go around bcoz mummy's love will be multiplied! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


re having 3-4kids,

ya... tt our plan to have tt no of kids, but now its me who is more on than hb! LOL! i think he scared of the endless hardwork n lack of rest in taking care of a newborn! hahahha! but hello? im the sahm leh! i take care of my gal more than he does! n somemore since birth till now, he is not expected to do night duties one... only occasionally when gal has a messy diaper or needs someone to carry while i make her milk then he needs to help out a bit... so he is considered sin nang liao... plus during 1st 4 mths got my mother helping out so he din have to do much... sigh...

hb tot best to wait till my gal older then try but i told him like what celynlee said: not u try/want sure have one hor! plus tt time we tried for than 1 yr then got my gal... then he said preggie once b4 so 2nd time will be easier to get preggie.. dunno where he got tt idea... *faint*

actually raising kid in sg is not exp lah... its exp bczo or parents' expectations... no need everything the best or branded one mah...


i see ur this "Pple see my fat puke they can lose wt on my behalf" i realy wanna LOL but cannot! bcoz now is 3.08am! will wake my mother up! u really funny leh!


re the swimming tub,

i think u can use it for as long as ur child is happy inside it... i think my hb soaked inside it after my gal swimmed in it! hahaha... but i make sure he scrub it down with soap after tt.... hahaah!


Eeeewwwww! on the white skin flakes flying around! so kua zhang ah? my skin also dry but i tot its due to me lazy n dun put moisturiser n also drinking coffee... so maybe its a combination of post natal thingy n other factors?


my brain since 2nd tri onwards alrdy not working well... last time i used to pride myself on having a sharp mind n good memory... now? sigh... i would be thankful if i can rem what i ate yday for lunch!


re having more kids,

ya.. i have a fren who had such bad preg experience tt she was suicidal while preggie (no kidding... she totally cannot eat anything except the jacob plain crackers and even smell of steamed rice made her wanna puke, got panic attacks n hallucinations etc...) n yet she was daring (and of course out of love for her child too) enuff to have a #2 bcoz her thinking was: if anything ever were to happen to her n her hb, her #1 will not be left alone in this world... GREAT is the love of a mother!


just ignore ur colleague... personally i hate it when other pple tell me how to live my life... my stand: everyone has their own preferences n the idea of how they wanna live their life, so as long as u r happy with whatever u r doing now, just stick to it; no need to change bcoz got pple (eg ur this colleague) comment on it or the main stream is doing it other way... as long as u feel that u not tired n u happy with it then no need maid...

no offence here to mummies who have maids bcoz we all have diff commitments n energy levels...though i dun rule out the possibility of having a maid next time when i have more kiddos, personally i prefer not to have maid for many reasons: no privacy, dun wanna be reliant on extra help then later bcome lazy (i know myself well!) and last and most impt!!!: i dun wanna look bk yrs later n regret that i could have been a more participative mother if i had not have a maid to take care of my kids!


i think once u cut the avocado liao, best to use whole thing asap... bcoz of the high fat content might turn rancid easily? better to have the $6 down ur throat than down the drain right? if bb only take a bit of teh avocado, u can make ur own avocado milk shake with the remaining... i made b4 very nice... mix half an avocado + 1-2 glasses of milk + some honey/gula melaka(dunno got spelt correctly or not) for taste... cant rem if its half avocado with 1 glass milk or 2 glasses of milk... u can try 1 glass n see the consistency of the drink.. if too thick then add more milk.. rem this is for adults only hor... bcoz honey is a NO NO for babies...

Vic ma,

Veins sunk in? Could be due to weather being hot or cold? Anyway, what you should notice is the soft spot which is the fontanelle. If that's sunken in means dehydration.

morning everyone


yah. i just keep quiet loh whenever she bring it up. to me, its a matter of a few years. once they sleep through the night or toilet train liao then things will get easier. so with 2 kids, maybe i suffer for 4-5 years. but then again its not continuous one mah.

#1 sleep through since 5 months and i get my sleep back too. now is waiting for #2 to sleep through then hubby get his sleep back (he is doing all night feed for #2). maybe start to have disturb sleep again when we toilet train loh.


as long as baby grow well can liao. my baby also not chubby one.

GBH - wah u nt scared of cockroaches in the past? v brave leh! last nite i was in office.. using toilet @ 11pm.. kaos, gt 2 cockroaches in toilet loh.. sianz.

Thanks gbh, sgsc, xlh and cellow!

My mum has liver scelrosis for 8 years. Her liver has hardened and shrunk and the condition is much worse now. Of course, there was a time when the condition did seem to have gotten better. But her condition will definitely only get better with transplant but that will be a new ball game altogether.

According to the docs, 50% of those in her current condition will die without transplant. With transplant, 90% of those in her condition will survive.

For now, we are just waiting for a suitable organ (she is placed on top priority). But for her blood group, it may still take quite a while. In the meantime, all I can do is pray and call / visit her whenever I have the time.

Re: Sleep Through The Night (STTN)

I finally got to STTN after almost 1.5yrs since conception of BB G. We put her to bed at 11.30pm last night and she woke for feed at 5.30am. Even daddy had peace sleeping. But downside is I have been awake since 5.30am.


there was a period of time when I thought my BB G was underfed too. So I did my own research - as long as the baby is gaining weight, s/he is getting enough. You can also check with your PDs about feed amount for your baby's age as a reference. But remember that every baby is different and they require different feed amount. So long as there is no weight loss or stagnation, you can relax.

My older girl was also not as chubby but she was hitting the 50-75 percentile for weight and height during the checks. So that is how we know she is getting enough. Now we are just concerned that BB G is overfed, since she consumes more than Faith (my older girl) did. BB G is heavier and longer than her jiejie at the same age, though she was smaller and lighter than jiejie at birth.

Re: Giving solids

We tried offering plain congee to BB G recently, but she thrusts it out of her mouth. So no more offerings until next week, although she would make noise and drools whenever she catches sight of us munching on food and tidbits.

morn mommies...really feel like taking mc sleep in 2day. Been sleeping 4hrs only past 2 nites..visibly washed out face yday coz most colleagues commented.arrghh..I NEED TO SLEEP

Rantingbb - yeah, continue to keep the faith!will pray for ur mum. Meanwhile, U must take care too...

gbh - dunno if preg made it worse..but definitely due to lazy mi not applying moisturizer conscientiously too..the white flakes more apparent in air-con places. gross hor?

cellow - paisei..tink i missed ur post on the workshop. Wun be going for mi, coz dunno hw long im gonna bf unless she guarantees evident results within 3 days! (I pump till v v tired liaoz) Then i sure attend despite $$

Oh Orangey, u were saying if fontanelle sucken in means bb is dehydrated?? OMG..coz my gal's one always sink in like tat n can see it throbbing up and down wen she breathes..quite scary i feel. but her pd tat time assess neva say anything lei.

but u r right, coz sometimes i feel tat part like no sink in, so i tot she grow up oredi, then skull all harden. Then some days later the fontanelle stil v obvious sunken in...Shucks, nw dunno any cause for concern anot.

Can i ask if any of yr bbs hands n legs always cold cold? My mum n helper commented tat abt my gal n asked if we blew the air-con or fan directly at her...No lor! i tot due to her always sucking her hands, so saliva exposed to air gets cold, but legs nei...i oredi wear booties/socks religiously for her...so my mum ask mi get vitamins for my gal next time wen she older...


eh no worries abt that i think, so long as she got pee she is hydrated.. there was one time my boy's fontanelle was sunk in but the PD did not say anything so shld be okie [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my boy's hands and legs not cold they are wet with sweat haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

gbh, junior league is a children's "hair salon". Located at places like suntec, vivo, united square, parkway and forum. Each haircut is S$20 but if we buy the vouchers it's S$16/haircut.

regarding organic food:

I was ever told that, if i kept feeding my kids "organic stuffs", their stomachs will be become "golden" and be sensitive to normal food in future. Feeding them organic was a good intention but could lead to unwanted results should their stomachs become picky and cannot tolerate normal food. How ah?


sorry I digged up ur sad story.. but then I abit pissed off when they 2 insisted they TOO tired to bring their kid home..


its good for me la but individual pref. pitera is essentailly a Beta Hydroxy Acid - but a mild & in SKII's pdts its a nice hydrating form. while salicylic acid is more of a hasher form - abit drying too.

however to point out a small group of pple break out with BHAs initially cos BHA is fat soluble so it penetrates skin deep to exfoliate pores from within. initial outbreak is normal as its 'purging' the skin.

some pple dont understand this & immed say that its causing a breakout & stop altogether declaring it not suitable for their skin.

unless its REDNESS or very scarey breakout - which then will be a real allergy - i think samples are a kinder way on the pocket to try too wo spending on the whole bottle & after that not useful or suitable -very heart pain lor.

this stupid brand - sells their samples - its seldom given out easily.

there are other brands too in the website not just this brand.

the estee advanced nite repair serum 2 pump bottles for $50+ is also worth getting as total 30ml if u get the normal big bottle think its $108 or 118 liao.

vic ma,

can you please tell me which one is the 'shen qi shui' hahaha..... i don't mind getting sample to try leh. so need to get their facial foam and moisturer is it? or do they have a series like that?

vic ma, is the "shen qi shui" nice? wanted to buy one for my mum to pamper her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


u see the url i just posted its called facial treatment essence but its the sample u can go back to the SKI brand page 2 see the full size one too.

its best to use the series - but no harm just getting the performer to try.

their stuff is not bad in general but too ex to use whole series for me. so i just using toner, treatment essence & one mask gel Skin rebooster.

i am thinking of getting skin signature for nite cream as my driness getting bad.

ya their facial foam is quite good too.

moisturiser SKII hor is not simple there is tons.

there is the lift emulsion, facial milk treatment, signs treatment series - u basically buy what u need - lift emulsion for moisturise & some firming, white source series for whitening & anti aging, skin signature series is for anti aging as well, there is no simple moisturiser as all these otehr pdts moisturise and have added functionality which is why i love hate thebrand - love the added functions but hate the always new item cannot catch up! but with samples actually i can le hmmmm!

