(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Ghb my gal had the same reaction too, so I decided to do without milk n mix it with warm water n it works! U can try a small teaspoon n see if she is okie with tat.



i think the only way is to let the police handle ur case... tt time at my blk there was once i was really suay to see this young man across my unit m%&**&) in the public!!! and it happened in the wee hrs when i was abt to close my windows... woke hb up to see n hb saw too! i called the police immed but the guy walked away b4 the police came... though the police came like in few min time? they also sent quite a few ppl chking around the block...

alternatively, u can install a webcam at ur windows n see if u can capture anything but im not sure if that is considered legal or not since ppl can say infringe privacy???

pearlytea, vicma, wilbb,

i think taste shld be ok since 1st 2 days ok leh n she finished all up! ok i think maybe i try adding water instead of milk n also give her water during feeding...


ya. i know cannot have too much yellow fruits/veg one... i intend to let her try carrot 1 time a day for 3 days ... then next veg i wanna try is potatoes... hahaha... btw thanks for answering my qn on the eys brown rice! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


re having #3

wah! ur hb really very daring n on leh! i told hb we must start trying for #2 soon n he was like "HUH???!!!so soon???!!!"... hahhahaha! told him time is not on our side bcoz we not any younger and we plan to have 3-4 kids...

re having kids do-re-mi way,

got its own set of blessings.. i have a fren she got 4 kids, eldest is 10yo n youngest is 4yo and she is same age as me!!! so now sin nang liao lor...

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 1:59 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

29. Chlosper

30. Chlosper

31. Jasda

32. Jasda

33. Piglet08

34. Piglet08

35. Elmoo

36. Elmoo

37. GBH

38. GBH

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 6:47 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. celynlee

11. celynlee

12. Orangey

13. Orangey

14. Charismama

15. Charismama

16. maddie

17. maddie

18. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

19. vicma

20. vicma

21. vicma

22. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

23. woofy

24. woofy

25. woofy

26. Bbdust

27. Bbdust

28. pearlytea

29. lovebbk

30. lovebbk

31. Chlosper

32. Chlosper

33. Jasda

34. Jasda

35. Piglet08

36. Piglet08

37. Elmoo

38. Elmoo

39. GBH

40. GBH

i amend my qty.


do we puree the food when its cook or raw huh? me never do before leh. but want to do for my girl. bought a baby pumkin today. hopefully can feed her rice cereal with pumkin on weekends.

ya haha too much work ah ... think shd be the same for postage unless can do meetups or collection near my work/home? if supplier give cheaper, i will inform again =)

celynlee ... ur boy had a good start. at least he brushed his teeth. just need to work on cycle reversal now ...

i use the avent steam and blend ... very good the puree ... my boy loved his pumpkin puree. but i don't dare to give 4 days in a row for the 4 day rule.

btw how to heat up babycubes ah? how long can it be in freezer?

gbh & hj,

you steam then puree so you puree the whole pumkin then store in baby cubes? when need to use then warm up like bm is it? sound so stupid leh me. sigh....


roughly when will the toothpaste arrived? then i can collect from you when i see you. make appointment with you after you tell me the date can? hehehe....

vic ma,

do we give 1 cereal a day or 2 huh? i sound like 1st time mummy hoh.


if yourcube is microwable u can do so. but i am iffy about that no MW for my children until much older. which is why i prefer to use covered ice cube trays instead.

frozen hor deep deeep freezer 8 mths but try to use within 1 mth usually initially slightly longer as bb grows older & soon old enough can eat more - should be fresh liao.

BP selling $10.90 before postage the lady quoted me $1.70 postage for 2 toothpaste (wo gum brush) & 1 4 leaf cereal 300gm portion.

at $10.90 + 50 cents postage can earn la - but i will be making a few enemies!!!! better not.


its personal pref - some pple must graduate to 3 meals a day acutally start with 1 & end up 2 meals a day is fine. unless bb seems keen for more then give more.

i like to give cereal morning or rather say Lunch time then dinner time porridge.

u start 1 cereal then graduate to 2 cereals or 1 cereal 1 porridge really up to you .

but allergy testing hor is once a day for 3 days- some pple seem to say 4 days give & take but at least 3 days then monitor for another 3 days for eg then NEXT food item.


ya i steam then puree then keep in babycubes, today 1st time used baby cubes bcoz 1st time intro veg... today is carrot... i steamed 4 small carrots... can make 4 portions (4 baby cubes) i gave my gal 1 portion but she din finish lah... cried after a few spoonfuls...

can put babycubes into the avent bottle cum food warmer to warm up... i also dunno, i asked zz one.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i intro 2 cereal meals per day.. lunch n dinner... but i started with the simplest one: wholegrain baby rice cereal... nothing fancy in case allergy or stomach upset... today carrot, i intro the carrot 1 time per day, later im goign to give my gal the plain rice cereal...

vic: i finally remember ur email n replied back to u.. hahaha..

gbh: so fast want to have number 2 liao ah.. i'm still very scared abt childbirth, so maybe stick with one for the time being..

dazz: i think even u report to the condo management, they can't do anything.. police will be the best.. or try to take the pic and post it on STOMP.. hahaha.. sure got lots of comments one.. hahaha..

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 8.33 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. celynlee

11. celynlee

12. Orangey

13. Orangey

14. Charismama

15. Charismama

16. maddie

17. maddie

18. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

19. vicma

20. vicma

21. vicma

22. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

23. woofy

24. woofy

25. woofy

26. Bbdust

27. Bbdust

28. pearlytea

29. lovebbk

30. lovebbk

31. Chlosper

32. Chlosper

33. Jasda

34. Jasda

35. Piglet08

36. Piglet08

37. Elmoo

38. Elmoo

39. GBH

40. GBH

41. juye

42. juye

HJ: thanks!! also i've dropped u an email, pls check ok..

gbh: i thought for start of feeding solids, should give just one feed daily?? i only give my girl morning feed daily and rest of the day still bm.. only started to give her prune today as i find she got constipation.. yesterday see her gek sai very heartpain..

vic_ma ... i also dont want to microwave my baby food ... will prob defreeze it and use avent warmer to heat it up. for pumpkin how to do 3 day test? i scared feed 3 days of pumpkin too much beta carotene haha ... now baby onli ate organix baby rice and one time pumpkin.

btw mummies who feed organix with breastmilk .. does ur cereals turn watery very quickly? dunno why like that ... hmm. my boy now can take 30ml of breastmilk mix with 2 spoonful of baby rice. he ate at 430pm just now and at 7pm still don't want his milk hmm ... just latch him and drank some.

thinking what other food to intro him ... will prob go by the organic supermarket this weekend again ...

juye ... i've replied ur email ...

wah toothpaste closed to 50 tubes liao ah ... now thinking if supplier will raise an eyebrow haha ... sure need to order in so won't be so soon ...

someone asked abt expiry date? i dunno yet ... will ask when i place order?

vic_ma .. how u send out the toothpaste without crushing them in the post ah?

btw i think supplier can give me the toothpaste in 1 week notice ... depend when i place order. she must be thinking i suddenly love their toothpaste ah haha ... i like biotene first teeth cos it's well researched upon ...


i jsut remmebered i was think about the toothpaste with brush -wo the brush actually easier to post maybe 50 cents for 1? 80cents for 2 possible. but if u put into envelopes maybe charge us for it. (i just dig around my office for used paper - printing paper's cover i used inside out la.

actually i personally dont mind just throw into envelop or wrap with recycled paper (put return addy incase lost) can le - cos u want to post nicely box no crush you are talking about bubble wrap which will cost more to u which you should charge us - it will bring up the price in totality.


u can try intro pumpkin once daily for alternate days if u scare too much pumpkin at a go... day 1, day 3, day 5... i.e. will take 5 days in total if u wanna intro the veg 3 times... day 2 and day 4 just plain rice cereal (which i assumed u alrdy intro b4 pumpkin)... for me i intend to intro carrot once for 3 days consecutively... but each day only a few spoonfuls.. bcoz i reckon tt if bb really allergic, will show up even if small amts... bcoz i think allergic reaction usually no need large amts to surface one?

i tried once rice cereal + bm n yes it turned watery very fast.. dunno y.. but if mixed with fm ok leh... so now i mix with fm bcoz i dun have huge ss anyway... bm i just latch...


so far i gave my gal 2 times cereal per day... ok leh... but sometimes when my gal not cooperative n keep fussing i just skip that meal n give her milk instead bcoz she sure wont eat if not happy... my gal poo poo more pasty now leh... i scare not enuff water so now i give her water now n then and after milk to rinse her mouth as well...

re having #2,

my childbirth was quite smooth abt 5 hrs since admission so quite ok... plus i think we mummies tend to forget abt the fear n pain after we see our babies? hahahha!

my boy had his very first brush after finishing milk just now. he finish his usual milk by 830pm, go brush teeth and back to bed and fall asleep by 9pm. yeah....

vic ma & gbh,

ok ok. thanks. in this case, i can only prepare puree on sat. at least then 1 meal is very fresh pumkin. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. celynlee

11. celynlee

12. Orangey

13. Orangey

14. Charismama

15. Charismama

16. maddie

17. maddie

18. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

19. vicma

20. vicma

21. vicma

22. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

23. woofy

24. woofy

25. woofy

26. Bbdust

27. Bbdust

28. pearlytea

29. lovebbk

30. lovebbk

31. Chlosper

32. Chlosper

33. Jasda

34. Jasda

35. Piglet08

36. Piglet08

37. Elmoo

38. Elmoo

39. GBH

40. GBH

41. juye

42. juye

43. syzygy6

44. syzygy6

No time to read/post these few days. Now reading about you all feeding cereals and making purée... I still have 1 month plus to go before starting bb on solids. Can only buy weaning stuff and read up. Can't wait to feed her!

This week my girl started to stick out her tongue and blow bubbles at the same time... Wonder where she learn that from... The doggies she see at the park on weekday mornings?

wah...jus log in and all i see are toothpastes n more toothpastes..kekek..u mommies sure have bbs wif supa clean sparkling white teeth next time!!

HJ - Tks for organising! i also wanna join :d

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. celynlee

11. celynlee

12. Orangey

13. Orangey

14. Charismama

15. Charismama

16. maddie

17. maddie

18. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

19. vicma

20. vicma

21. vicma

22. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

23. woofy

24. woofy

25. woofy

26. Bbdust

27. Bbdust

28. pearlytea

29. lovebbk

30. lovebbk

31. Chlosper

32. Chlosper

33. Jasda

34. Jasda

35. Piglet08

36. Piglet08

37. Elmoo

38. Elmoo

39. GBH

40. GBH

41. juye

42. juye

43. syzygy6

44. syzygy6

45. sgsc

46. sgsc

Cellow - My boss/colleagues noes my gal's name n seen her pic coz 1st mth i got give the cake + card. Boss also wanted come visit mi, but neva la. So far, she's been encouraging coz she has 2 young kids herself n im thankful tat shes understanding enuf for all my MIAs wen i go pump. She will say "pump in peace" so i really take adv n slowly pump lor.. tink gonna get retrenched soon in case i get her interpretation wrongly..

Dazz - tot the guy would hide upon being "seen" but he still brazenly went on to m#$%#%...tink u shld take his pic/video then upload to youtube, better still call the newspaper hotline!

Gbh - wah u wan 3/4 kids??? *clap hands* power gal sia..heheh...

Syz - same same..stil got 1.5 mths to weaning. But im hoping not so fast lei coz i scared. Dunno wat to do still..tink will jus start wif the organix rice cereal..then slowly puree veg then fruits all one at a time each day...say easy, but tink action out sure kns one...;p

We would definitely like a #2 but not so soon too..coz i feel la - only child then the kid quite lonely lei...at least have another sibling to confide in or share family burdens next time. Not so siong...

hj: ya, my organix rice cereal mixed with bm also turned watery very fast, heard it's very common. My girl ok with that so just give her lor. Talking abt organic veggie, just now I bought one organic avocado for nearly $6. Dunno whether really worth it to get that.

gbh: I also fed my girl water now. But only a bit only. I let her drink from her training cup. So to differentiate between milk bottle n cup for her.

SSO Babies' Prom tickets to let go: Hi mummies, I have a pair of the Babies' Prom tickets for 18 Nov (12.30 p.m.) to let go. Stall seats. I will let them go at cost price ($25 per ticket plus sistic fee). PM me if you are keen. Got to let the tickets go because Hubby and I both bought tickets so we are going on 17 Nov instead.

