(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

Last call for Iherb


from 2 yrs old hor this item - but i bot the adult immune system one for myself (which also says from 4 yrs old)

Limited stocks hor cos popular please let me know how many pcs you need.

Batch 1

1) vicma

2) vicma friend

3) vicma friend

4) vicma friend

5) jasda

6) vicma friend

Batch 2

1) Crayon

2) vicma

3) vicma

4) ZZ



US11.19 +US! = US12.19 * 1.42= S$17.30 will include postage for this thanks

http://www.iherb.com/Childlife-Colostrum-with-Probiotics-Orange-Pineapple-Flavor-50-g-Powder-1-7-oz/10630?at=0 i can also bring in colestrum



u can take dha US$42+ for 2 mth supply & Prenatal dha for 1 mth supply


i'm using SKII products too.. but just stock up recently.. ai ya..

need advise again.. when can we start baby on yogurt?? i read that 6mths onwards can feed baby with yogurt already, true?? if so, any recommendations on which brand is good?? understand that we need to find something that is low/no sugar/salt, no preservatives.. what else we need to take note when choosing yogurt?? i'm thinking of letting my girl try on yogurt probably the week after next when she passed 6mths..


plain yogurt very sour & other yogurts alot of sugar.

there is yopliat one for kids i understand. stay away from strawberry & berries 1st 6 mths .

good to intro more fruits & veg 1st i personally feel yet to read up on yogurt yet when to intro.


they deliver within 2-3 days

today fridya maybe monday or tues u can see their delivery schedule -they hand deliver them selves de.

wah, the thread is so active again!

catch up later. m dashing off for physiotherapy..... have a neck crick that has been there for 2-3 days liao. and seems to be getting worse.

oh no,

i din know the veins and fontanelle sucken in means bb is dehydrated. Gota monitor.

re: bbs hands n legs always cold

mine too. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


best to intro rice cereal or brown rice to baby 1st?

just got goodwood park durian mooncake, going to eat this evening. also got a 'dou hua' one, shall try that too.

vic ma,

good hoh.


#1 had brown rice cereal first. #2 is rice cereal.

Hi, just managed to login today!

Pearlytea: know the fontanelle sunken in means bb dehydrated but usually when that happens dehydration quite jialad oredi. didn't know about veins tho... my gal first 3 days of birth had fontanelle sunken cos my BM not enough and gave top up milk too late. end up jaundice.

what is difference between rice cereal and brown rice? there is brown rice cereal, can try that...

vic ma, are u in sales? if u r u r very good!!

cellow: enjoy yr physio. hope yr 'pain in the neck' gets better soon.

juye: how come u wanna give bb yogurt? it never crossed my mind to give mine that.

vic ma,

yah, i order myself unless you can order but deliver mine to me direct? if not, you help me order then still post to me mafan and also got postage cost. then you can also earn the points thing if can send direct to me. just opt for COD for mine.

mummies with older boys or girls who like vechicles, might be interested in this. pasta in car, motorbike, aeroplane and train that i buy from sheng siong. i think they will love to eat these.



its stazara, red colour packaging. very interesting hoh. previously, i bought hello kitty one from bp so ex loh for a small pack. this is cheaper, less than $4 a pack if i didn't remember wrongly.

i'm cooking this for dinner. hahaha....

Iherb pending

Last week ordered for syz & lucida - i yet to receive this shipment

This week

Batch 1 Sambucol for kids

1) vicma

2) vicma friend

3) vicma friend

4) vicma friend

5) jasda

6) vicma friend

Batch 2 sambucol for kids

1) Crayon

2) vicma

3) vicma (extra for anyone to buy)

4) ZZ

5) vicma (extra for anyone to buy)

1 Prenatal DHA - vicma's friend.


yah. there is only 2 pack left when i buy this.

vic ma,

so are you going to order for me and get them to deliver to me direct or i order myself?


i think hor use the pasta colour with water colour then stick on colour paper very nice actvity for kids.

just hope they dont attempt to eat it later!!!!!


what u ordering?

i dont mind either if u want me to order then i need your order & addy name & contact - its best sent to a place which got pple around day time cos its day time courier hor.

vic ma,

cannot leh. my son will try to eat it loh. even normal pasta that i have in the cupboard, he will sometimes tell me he wants to eat.

Thanks for all the encouragement mummies! Glad to know that I am not the only one who doesn't have all her brains back. It's just that my team is all guys at the moment so I am not sure how understanding they really are. I just had lunch with my ex boss today and he said to me that there is plenty of time to make money but the growing up years are so few, so must enjoy them. And I think he is definitely right so shall not stress over whether I am top of my game at work or what my increments/promotions/bonuses will be like. Jia you!

Vic Ma: I want to try the SKII signs night cream. Count me in please and let me know how much to transfer when order is confirmed. Thanks!

celyn, re: pasta - got animal shaped ones too.. same brand.. my kids love them all.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] the vehicles.. i never cld make out wat was it.. until you take pic with dark background.. see from here, realised is motorcycle.. thanks ar! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

very long never post. went back to work... ss dipped.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maid give prob.. sacked her.. threw in letter on monday.. now abit mixed feeling.. abit sad.. hv to eat bread liao. boo hoo! anyone got good hsework tips must share with me..


re feeding bb semisolid,

bb thrusting the food out with tongue might not mean tt they dun like... i read somewhere that its bcoz they r so used to drinking milk from a bottle/breast and the way the tongue moves is to press against the teat/nipple... so when given food from a spoon, chances r the food gets "spit" out bcoz they dunno how to use tongue to bring the food to the back of the mouth...

re hair loss, dry skin,

any mummy also exp oily hair??? i feel that my hair becomes oily much faster now leh... even if i stay home all day n din perspire much... i can wash hair late at night and yet by noon will be very oily liao...

BBdust - i tink so too..frm young her fontanelle sunken in till now..poor gal means Been dehydrated till now.

vicma - the website u posted really very much cheaper lei..im gonna get my Avene products frm them moving fw liaoz!!


oh.. i think i rem liao.. saw post b4 abt the haircut... paiseh... brain not working... dun think will be getting the vouchers.. me trying to grow my gal's hair out.... ppl keep asking "boy huh?"!


re SKII stuff,

i do know tt some shops like those in chinatown sells SKII prod at a much cheaper price n my SIL told me that the lady told her the origin is not the same as those sold at counters... somthing like imported from another country so tt y cheaper... i wonder if its "fake"??? and safe to get from website like tt or not?

i tried a few SKII prod... personally i feel tt the treatment essence is really good!!! the rest of teh range like cleanser n stuff so so only.. so not worth the $$ but the essence is well worth it!!! i usually buy the biggest bottle n can last me 6 mths even with daily use!!!

oh re SKII miracle water,

its not really so miracle taht use few times can see effect liao.. try 1-2 mths n daily n can see real improvement in skin condition...

gbh - dunno issit perspiration also tats y wet...but tink i'll ask PD on next visit.

hahha..the 'boy' comment frm pple my gal also kena few times...day b4 got my neighbour uncle, saw mi n bb, then started speaking in cantonese "very big oredi hor, hou lang (means beautiful), then i smiled happily to him, then suddenly he decided to add, "hou handsome"..i nearly sweatz lor


i read from annabel karmel book that if yogurt dun go for low fat one bcoz bb needs fat for proper brain development n growth... let me go read again n confirm with u... i do know tt it is a most unwise thing to let children have low fat or no fat diet (bcoz parents ks n tot low fat means good...) on the contrary, kids need some fats in their diet to grow properly... depriving them of this can be more harmful than good... but of course must be good fats... not the bad ones....


when i used skii mid 20s it just gave radiance and maintain pimple free skin. Not much improvement at all. But thinking back it did do a good job maintaining the current then skin.

Of course as well at 25 skin looks good already what is there is improve haha.

So when my then 20 yr old friend try those antiaging skincare and said no effect. I will say yr skin so young at its best what is there to improve? Haha

seriously hope to find a good non oily antiaging antioxidant rich lotion moisturiser soon.

ok, i will go look for the yoplait one.. i'm going to get those plain ones as I want to add my own fruits n veg..

maddie: dunno leh.. i feel my girl like having constipation, so thought having yogurt maybe good for her.. got probiotics isn't it?? so can help her digestive system to work betetr.. i remember reading from somewhere..

gbh: *wave from cck cres now*.. ya, i know don't look for those low-fat ones.. as our babies needs the fats.. just want to know more 1st before introducing to my girl..

do u have all have issue with Medela swing?

There is always vapour n water in the tube.

We exchange the motor 1 mth after we bought.

Last few mths, stalled a few times..

Very sad now. Few hours ago, #2 was cranky and wanted sarong. I carried #1 out and let #2 sleep in it. #1 deprived of his sarong was tossing in bed and could not sleep for hours. When he finally about to sleep, #2 suddenly cried causing #1 to cry as well. Hb was tired and gotten angry with #1 and whacked him. Now I put #1 into sarong and #2 on the bed.

Quite angry with hb. I am the one who coax #1 to sleep while he is sleeping. Why should he whack #1 when he cried? The one deprived of sleep is me. I still got to pump after they are all asleep!



i used the medela swing for the initial period... no problem with it... re the water vapour in the tubes, i think it is quite common n expected... even with the current pisa im using also have... what i do it that i let the motor run on its own for a few min after i detach the bottles n while i store my ebm in freezer.. then when im done storing, i can switch off liao bcoz by then teh motor would have sucked out the vapour liao... its impt ot keep the tubes dry if not might grow mould inside esp if u keep the tubes in dark places after use... then that will be eeeewww...

