(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

cellow: my boss has met my baby a couple of times when i was on ML and called back to do urgent stuff, sign documents etc, i cart her along to office. but don't know if he remembers her name.

dazz: really don't want her to grow up quick quick hor! maybe thats why ppl have no2 and no3 etc etc etc...


cellow, my colleagues know my boys' names but not my boss. But he saw their photos before. Why you ask that leh?


tis a good indication of whether boss cares or just pretends to care, or even heck care.

all heck care bosses shd be locked in a room with a loud baby screaming for milk / to be carried / watever.

i m in a mean mode today.


me me. i know my direct boss kids very well. even have them in fb as friends. hahahha.... some of my colleague's kids, i also know their name and quite well. we even have each other's hp no. :p

COO's kids, talk before, know their name, so so loh.

Sorry ah, skip tone abit. Wanna seek your views.

Last evening, when i reach home, my MIL start complaining to me about this ang-moh that stays at the condo opposite me. He is either totally naked, walking around the house, or he'll be in only his briefs. There was once my helper was cleaning the window, and she happened to look over. He noticed her attention and proceeded to M#st**b*t* on his sofa. Yesterday, he walked around naked again, and purposely flaunt his body. My MIL got aggitated and showed him middle finger. Then she took his HP wanting to capture his photos. That fellow, only hide for awhile, then repeat the whole thing again. As this happens more than one time, i thought, enough is enough. So i called up NPP to check on how the police can help me. I'm told that if possible, i'll need to capture him on pictures or video as evidence. Not only that, i must be willing to be witness in order for police to prosecute him. Dahz. so mafan. Is there another way to stop him? Will writing to the management of the condo help?


hmm maybe u shld tell the condo management and then seek their help.. but i think police is the best liao wor but a bit ma fan cause got to collect evidence.


i agree too bring up to mgt this is singapore & i am sure i dont want my children growing up in this kind of lewd enviroment.

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

this is cheaper to buy cos i just bot from the cereal lady in BP $10.90 (before postage) i bot 2 tubes ($10.90*2) so i will buy 4 more for 1st 6 mths. after which i will switch to the other one.

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 1:59 pm:       

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

29. Chlosper

30. Chlosper

Re beaba discount

can't recall who posted. But I get 10% off stuff at motheworks including beaba stuff. So for things like babycook which usually has no discount. Not too bad. Of course can't beat the tangs sale sometime back. So whoever wants to get stff from motherworks can let me know.

To all mothers who need moomoo prayers - here is it .. ..



lodge a formal complaint to mgt but I doubt it'll be useful. Police report is the best. Anyone else able to stand as witness? Neighbours?

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 1:59 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

29. Chlosper

30. Chlosper

31. Jasda

32. Jasda

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 1:59 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

29. Chlosper

30. Chlosper

31. Jasda

32. Jasda

33. Piglet08

34. Piglet08

HJ, thanks for the coordination! Cheerios!!!

wah haven't had time to log in and saw the long list of toothpaste. ok last orders by this sat. and i will contact supplier after that to see when i can get the toothpaste.

heez no problem hope supplier got enough stocks haha ...

i'm off today so went out for lunch at triple 3 ... think i prefer the old triple three more ...


from 2 yrs old hor this item - but i bot the adult immune system one for myself (which also says from 4 yrs old)

Limited stocks hor cos popular please let me know how many pcs you need.

Batch 1

1) vicma

2) vicma friend

3) vicma friend

4) vicma friend

5) jasda

6) vicma friend

Batch 2

1) Crayon

2) vicma

3) vicma

4) zz



US11.19 +US! = US12.19 * 1.42= S$17.30 will include postage for this thanks

http://www.iherb.com/Childlife-Colostrum-with-Probiotics-Orange-Pineapple-Flavor-50-g-Powder-1-7-oz/10630?at=0 i can also bring in colestrum



u can take dha US$42+ for 2 mth supply & Prenatal dha for 1 mth supply


i wish the day to end soon so that i can go home to see my 2Cs.

i also want 2 finish my work before that! can diiiiiieee. so much work to prepare for the india trip. shd have just kept my big mouth shut and not put my hand up for the trip.

... budden... no la... i will lose credibility w my boss.... *sniff* at the thot of being away fm C1 and C2!

your dilemma, best make police report la.

ya lor, like boh langz today, all order toothpaste only!

LOL on chlosper's moooomooomoooooo!


i have alot spare as my girl's using normal toothbrush & toothpaste consumption is 4 x faster gum brush usage.

vicma, i want 4 gum brushes, can?


ahhaha.. yeah lor, all only order toothpaste and no chat.


yup, i miss my 2 babies too. #2 has been sleeping early these few nights. can only play with her for 30 mins b4 she knocked out liao. miss those days during maternity leave when i could be with them the whole day. haiz...


hahaha.. nowadays, few couples hv 3 hor? my mum had 3, so i myself dun mind hvg 3.. but not now lah.. how to cope?


coz his colleague's wife just got pregnant. his colleague had been exercising hard for the past few months to get fit so that they can have another baby. so, my dh told me he also want to exercise to 'get operationally ready'.

siao hor?

Lovebbk, er.. actually, have la. But if you ask me about Chinese couples, then the number is lower. My colleagues, both Malays, is a mother of 3. One lagi best, her kids do-re-mi. One after another. Her eldest going through PSLE this year. She's going to go through the pain for 3 consecutive years before the next big headache of O levels. lolz.

ya lo... so, the age gap between #2 and #3 for you, also don't too big la. Work hard~! =D Waiting for your good news ah! HEE


anyone can tell me roughly how long 1 tube can last? i can't be just ordering 1 tube mah but i need to know how long then can estimate how many tubes. hahaha.....

i got 2 babies that need to use loh.


wahh.. your dh so 'on' ahh!


i also dunno must get how many tubes of toothpaste. Now I have 1 jason's toothpaste from vic ma and is ordering 1 from hj's spree.

dunno can last how long.

Posted on Wednesday, September 15, 2010 - 1:59 pm:

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie

16. vicma - can i ask postage included or how much is postage? [email protected]

17. vicma

18. vicma

19. vicma

20. woofy (vicma will pay & pass u her addy as well)

21. woofy

22. woofy

23. woofy

24. Bbdust

25. Bbdust

26. pearlytea

27. lovebbk

28. lovebbk

29. Chlosper

30. Chlosper

31. Jasda

32. Jasda

33. Piglet08

34. Piglet08

35. Elmoo

36. Elmoo

HJ, can I know when is the expiry date? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


ok! i will go chk it out. no worry.. i wont start bb on brown rice so soon.. i started her on organix wholegrain rice cereal... today tried a bit of pureed carrots...

re feeding,

any mummy exp this problem?: my gal ok with the rice cereal when i 1st started but these 2 days she will take a few spoonfuls and then will start crying! y huh?

oh ya,

i read that lil baby orangey is down with HFMD. Poor boy. Must take care yah!

Now having headache.. Dunno what apps is suitable for my boy. search til my eyes crossed liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]



try to have a cup of warm water & extra spoon feed some water inbetween so can swallow better maybe crying cos cannot swallow properly too "dry" to her cos just started mah.

ya remember if u carrot that day dont pumpkin - too much beta carotene in a day not good. - maybe u know already.

