(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


im using huggies ultra.. the purple one... bbdust was the one who tried blue... i think tt one is huggies dry... i think she said not bad too... tt one i nvr tried b4 so dunno... i think most diapers will get "swollen" up once it is soaked with urine right? currently i finished my huggies ultra liao n using pampers which i bought b4 i pop... the M size one design a bit diff leh... the sides r elastic n can fit better... so far no leak lah... *keeping fingers crossed!* will also get "swollen" up if soak but the bulge is much softer...


how do u heat up ur babycubes huh?

any mummies using baby cubes can share how u heat up the food so tt minimal nutrients are lost?


where do u get ur organic brown rice?


salutes u for the positive thinking!:

"hey, looking at the bright side of things, all those FBM contained trace elements of eggs which i ate, which C2 is allergic to ... but i couldnt bring myself to throw away the milk. now tis decided for me!"

LOL! u really one positive n happy mummy! thats good! if its me, i sure so upset for quite a few days!


actually im quite angry when i see ur post abt how ur boy gets hfmd... if its me i sure dash down to the cc n ask to spk to that mother and sure give her a gd pc of my mind! will def make her paiseh so that next time before she does something so inconsiderate n irresponsible, she will think twice! this is not something that is accidental tt she dunno or cannot foresee one leh! its very likely she knows high chance of spreading (whether or not her bb confirm got hfmd or not)! so teh more responsible way is to keep away if not sure...

sayang for ur bb, hope he takes it well n recover fast fast... u must also take care.. make sure ur own immunity is up too...


I think you need sufficient rest to get more supply too. I'm sick so haven't been waking up on time to pump. Been delaying my pump and can go as long as 8hrs but I slept alot and surprisingly I don't see a drop in supply.


yes very angry but then i am sick so no energy to go down to "fight" with that mum but then the centre manager told me they reported her doings to MOH so that mother actually got a warning letter and if this happens again she will be issued a legal letter by the center as well as a fine from the ministry.


i yet to do any indept study on brown rice but i did ask teh organic shop lady before she recommended aust more sticky kind of b rice i really forgot what kind - but its more starchy one after you COOK.

but my MIL has another kind of white rice she feels is better for porridge.

this round i bot eys' brown rice. cos of trust -ex la but trust.

i dont really trust the cheaper ones at Ntuc (lower shelves) (esp if its from u know the questionable source place - i dare not buy anything food related from that country for babies)


one batch will be closing this friday please let me know your orders by thurs thanks! I will be buying 2 pcs of kids sambucol extra for spare incase anyone wants or for myself i dont mind.


its gd tt the centre did something to warn the mother, if not she might think tt next time can do something like this again! just really horrified tt also a mummy herself, she cannot understand tt other ppl's bbs are also precious...

ok toothpaste update

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz






Anyone else interested?

Maddie ... Toothpaste can use once baby got teeth. Usually appear at about 6mths of age.


my gal got teeth liao leh.. but i wonder how to brush? use cloth n dab a bit of the toothpaste on it n rub on the teeth? dun think can use finger brush bcoz tt time i tried, the brush too big for my gal's mouth... and after tt how to rinse?


ya lor.. my ifc quite gd la esp the caregivers there. Now hope Baby Orangey recover fast [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I would like 2 tubes of the toothpaste [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yesterday i told hubby that yu ze need to brush his teeth after drinking milk and he say ok and send me to buy toothbrush and so we can start. so as usual, he was putting him to bed then sudden;y he came to me with him saying they are ready to brush teeth. that was 830pm, i thought ok he finish milk liao and off they went to brush teeth.

hubby say #1 was just 'niao ji-ing' (tickle) his teeth. when told to spilt out water, he drink. hahahaha..... expected that.

what i didn't expect happen after the brush teeth session. he haven't drink his milk yet and he is going to drink his milk. 'faint' i told hubby the whole idea is to brush teeth after milk and not brush teeth and drink milk. like that, then don't brush loh. why bother. :p

this is what happen when i leave it to him to do training. sigh.....

Thanks ladies

my mum is still ok for now, but her current condition is a lot worse than before. She needs to undergo organ transplant for her condition to really improve.

I will try to make it for the Christmas gathering, but it is usually my busiest period.

Lansinoh Breastmilk Storage Bags (50cts)

I have extra unopened milk bags.

Selling 2 for $34.80. excl postage

PM me if interested.tks



they sell ground brown rice with si shen powder. Think its the only grain they sell. I buy the powder alone for older child put into her fm tot might as well try this cereal for didi. But its not going to b the 1st. I starting with organix rice cereal, then 4leaf millet, then organic barley, quioe then oats then this eys brown rice since it has si shenpowder i doing it later.


what is the difference bet Jason's toothpaste and Biotene First teeth toothpaste?

For my #1 who have teeth, do i use gum brush or buy kid's toothbrush?

do i have to make him spit out after brushing?

morn mommies!

haha..celynlee - at least ur hb tried n they're off to a gd start!

RAntingbb - Hugz hugz...not gonna be easy, but try to cheer up and always think on the bright side of things yeah?!hope ur mum gets better real soon.

morn mummies.

celyn...cant help but smile at yr dh's attempt n tinking if my dh will also be the same..hiak hiak..oh well..at least the dh tried =) .

Rantingbb..its not going to be a easy period for you while juggling the no of hats u have to wear...keep the faith & stay hopeful okie..a lil goes a long way in coping with stuff along the way ..jiayou!~!

suddenly this year ...i dun hv the urge to go out n buy mooncakes...simply love the raffles hotel ones but then so bloddy ex....teochew yam also so nice...alamak duno why these days not much energy to do anything..grr


just want to sleep right [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i also no energy to do anything come weekends i am so so tired.. no time to pump too cause need to take care of ah boy

goooooood morning! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


he tried. tis a good start.


hug hug. prayers for your mum!


good that the other mum kena warning letter to show the seriousness of the issue.

some time ago in May 08 thread, a mummy unthinkingly (she was under a lot of stress at that time - work, ILs, moving hse, dunno wat other stuff) brought her child to a gathering of the babies. her child was looked after by either ILs or babysitter and had been exposed to another child w full blown chicken pox.

when the other mummies found out ah.... wah... you can imagine the thread discussion suddenly got very heated and even vindictive.

okie doke, no more gossips for today. gotta dash for my first pump!

bbdust...spot on! ..i see my house ..so messy..wana clean but ah boi comes first ..duno where my energy went..drink chicken essence also no use one...maybe i shld take some pao shen


our sons zap all our energy away... every weekend i can only pump 1-2 times damn jialat [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


I dreamt of u last night. Dun ask me why.. I also dun know.. lolz

Today Tristan turns 6mo! Super fast, and halfway to 1yo!

happy 6th month to tristan!

right boob produced 260ml of milk! the milk production vibes are catching! YAY YAY YAY!

*scuttles back to work*


haahha so cute lah u dremat of me.. oh oh and happy 6 mths old to tristan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


yeahhhhhh ~~

morning everyone


yeah yeah!!!!! i also need to work hard on my ss. milk mlik come come.... mei mei is drinking more than what you can give liao. mooo moooo.......

gbh, lynn, xlh, cellow,

well. yah, at least he tried and remember without me reminding him.

Brought MSW Mooncake to office. Wow.. everyone loves it~! lolz.. now i'm praying hard they don't start burping durian. wahhahaha

HJ, can I have 2 tubes of the toothpaste?

Cellow: yay!!! soon will have enough for 20 days in coconutland!

zz: so fast hor. my gal also 24 weeks today.

HJ, two tubes for me: did i miss anyone out? pls use the list to order...

Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama


Biotene First teeth toothpaste estimated price $9.50 per tube

Interested parties:

1. HJ

2. HJ

3. HJ

4. Cellow

5. Dazz

6. Dazz

7. Lynn

8. Lynn

9. Celynlee

10. Orangey

11. Orangey

12. Charismama

13. Charismama

14. maddie

15. maddie


dun scare me ah... 20 days in coconutland!

you ask me to spend 20 days in western europe or australia / new zealand, i would happily do it.... india... hmmm.

*send milk pdn vibes to celyn*


thanks thanks. just realise my girl is drinking 140ml now from babysitter. my poor girl only gets 120ml at home cos we didn't know she increase her intake liao. no wonder she always cry when we take out the bottle from her. hahahah..... then mummy just stuff pacifier into her mouth to shut her up. :p

this is what happen when i don't fetch her and its hubby who fetch. he never check with babysitter on her progress.


cost cutting ah... cannot go angmoland.

i DOWAN to go anywhere, even angmoland, away from C2 when i m still pumping like mad. later when he is taking solids AND sleeping thro the night, being away fm him will become easier from a logistics pov. emotionally, it never gets easier.

i m prepared for 18 years of wanting to tuck my boys in at bedtime! (although they would prob shoo me away when they are 10+ years old)


tis liddat. Mr C is not sure how much C2 drinks also. and how frequently. he is soooooo bz taking care of C1 that he doesnt know C2's routine.

cellow~! 18years! lolz..! Probably by age 12, they'll tell us, "mummy, i'm big boy now, i can go to bed myself". =( i'm soooo gonna miss the times.


going places when kids are small

i had a talk w my UK-based boss yesterday. he is also going to the chennai trip. the week b4 that, he is actually gonna be in London. 2 1/2 hours each way for morning and evening commute from his home so he will stay in the london hotel.

so he will be away for 2 weeks continuously. he has just adopted a 2yo, keeping him very bz bz.

it helps when my boss understands and is going thro the childcare amazing race himself.

random thot

so. ladies, whose boss knows your kids' names and / or has seen your children's photos?

