(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

gbh ... Coeliac disease is an autoimmune disorder of the small intestine that occurs in genetically predisposed people of all ages from middle infancy onward.Coeliac disease is caused by a reaction to gliadin, a prolamin (gluten protein) found in wheat.

gbh and piglet ... i really dunno if HA does make a big difference. when he was very young he had enfalac before. didn't seem to have a problem. after which we stopped giving him milk powder cos BM was enough. so i'm wondering if there is a real need for HA besides the cost.

cellow.. i'm kinda concerned about this constant pumping .. very tired and cos of my work i can't just pump at a constant timing. cos patients come first at work. i always gave myself 6 mths TBF and later on supplemental. thinking of decreasing pump and slowly transiting. i still got a good freezer store and thus want to try one FM feed a day so that he will not reject FM next time ... but hor my pd said BM is most impt for 6 mths ... afterwhich formula being fortified can provide alot of carbo and proteins for their increased activity. which i agree... and my menses came back again last mth and this mth and milk supply drop. so i better start preping in case it is insufficient. and after my bout of flu this week... sigh .... it has nose dived!!


totally get wat you mean abt constant pumping at work, esp in your line. hmm. pump when you can... leave the rest to nature... that's my attitude also over the mth-end chennai trip.

the good thing abt being w ah boy 24/7 during holiday while still latching is that you dun have to lug FM, steriliser, bottles ard. in fact, your ss might even increase! take care take care re the flu!

ok. so C2 woke up many many times last night after his vaccination. and i managed to pump 3x at work. over lunch, i was whining to a colleague (another one of my bfeedg angels, i surround myself w them) that i m very tired... she asked me if my ss has decreased... i said no... then she looked at me and smile smile said 'then you are not tired gal! tis all in your mind!'

i wonder how long i can sustain this 'i think, therefore the milk comes' philosophy.

hmm. maybe another bout of online retail therapy will make me happier, and hence inc milk ss..... good excuse to shop! wahahhahaha.

midnight musings

for those who are religious, pls pray for my fren's little 6mo boy.

for those who are not, send best wishes to his home anyway!

from his daddy

"bbS has Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD). Basically it’s a rare condition in the family of immunodeficiency diseases that renders his body vulnerable to bacteria and fungus infections. In clinical terms, one of the major groups of white blood cells found in bbS cannot produce hydrogen peroxide to oxidise (and dissolve) common bacteria and fungus that gets into his body. In practical terms, a simple act of sucking on dirty fingers, an open cut wound or even a walk in the park could potentially kill him (if he breaths in the spores from fungi commonly found on tree barks). If you got time, you can look up Google to learn more about CGD, there’s plenty of information online.

bbS tends to get infections easily, hence we have to be very cautious about cleanliness ever since we found out about it. He got diagnosed when he developed a big lump in his neck in late May this year. It was an infection of the lymph nodes in his neck caused by a particularly strong and antibiotic-resistant bacteria called MRSA (commonly found on our skin). He has since recovered from that first infection and now he has developed his second infection in the lymph nodes under his armpit. But as of yesterday, we started to notice his neck growing another lump again (opposite side from the first infection), so we are monitoring him closely. We probably need to admit him into KKH to start his IV antibiotics soon as he is not responding well to his current oral antibiotics. So far all his infections have occurred in his lymphatic system which can be resolved quickly with IV antibiotics and surgery (to drain the puss accumulation). We are praying that he does not get an infection in a major organ (like his lungs or kidneys) as things would get very serious then.

Bottom line is, we need a bone marrow transplant (BMT) to cure him of this condition, otherwise his body would just keep getting infected by bacteria and fungi that are found everywhere and are normally quite harmless to us. Each infection would shorten his lifespan quite considerably if we do nothing about it. We have to do the BMT sooner rather than later while he is still somewhat protected by the antibodies that he is receiving from his mummy’s milk. Going to childcare or school would be out of the question while he still has this condition. Unfortunately neither mummy, his elder sis or myself have compatible bone marrow to S, so we can’t start the BMT process as quickly as we would have wanted. The only bright spark is that S has been coping very well even with his condition, in fact he is a very cheerful and interactive boy. It’s really heart wrenching for us to see him suffer when he gets admitted into the hospital. In my line of work, I go in and out of neonatal ICUs in Singapore quite frequently and see worried parents’ faces all the time, but little did I expect to be placed in such a position as well. The BMT process will see him stay in a hospital ward for no less than 42 days (once we find a bone marrow match). During which, he would have to undergo a short span of chemotherapy to remove his existing defective immune system so that his body would not reject the new bone marrow cells being grafted in him. After that, he would have to spend a few weeks in an isolation room after the BMT procedure while he has no immune system (and still growing a new one). No small feat for big and strong adults like us, so I can’t imagine what it would be like for a 6 month old baby. Hence please pray that bbS will somehow pull through this phase of his life. Every prayer is much appreciated."

heart break heart break [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

S is only 2 weeks older than C2.

i was reading this in office late afternoon, then my eyes started to sweat profusely.


no need buy lah.. im giving away FOC... i most likely be in town tmr... u going town? i pass to u? can pm me ur contact?


u want the choc chips??? where do u stay?


wah.. thats very chim... but thanks for informing.. all along tot gluten is nothing harmful one... glad tt i read up n chat in forum with mummies if not i wont know at all...


i dun wanna keep things at home that i hardly use.. so just wanna give away.. throw very wasteful bcoz in good condition.. so im asking around those who bake one who wants lor...


u are so nice.


so sad le. I immed asked hb what entails a bmt. He said just injecting into the bone and possible proasis? My sp dunoo ok or not.


today i took an umbrella out of the car and wack my girl's butt gentily and she wailed. I showed her its to hook her ball that rolled out of the car and under the car. After rescuing her ball i hit her butt again and she continued to wail.

This evil mummy trying to teach her a lesson not to anyhow throw her toys

My aunt commented she didnt eat dinner but as she saw my hb go into the hse , she quickily took her bowl of rice went behind into the kitchen and asked the maids to feed her and finished it!

With Her poxes and going off w my dad's care worry me as she will not eat properly. Not that my dad dont try hard to ffeed her. But she bullies him.

cellos thanks for your encouragement. Yeah it's very hard to find time to pump at work .. Baby Shaun has gotten used to the bottles. During the day when I try to latch him he likes to play instead. So he will drink every 2 hrly but if he takes a bottle he can last 3-4hrs. So i latch only for midnight feeds haha. So still have to bring pump and sterilizer and fM in case not enough bm. And if I keep latching I am worried also after 2 weeks he won't take the bottle again. He refused the bottle for quite some time previously when I jus went back to work.

Will be praying for your friends child. It's so sad to hear babies sufferig conditions like this.

Gbh and Vic_Ma ... Yeah sounds very chim hor the disease? Basically means no gluten and wheat for babies just in case. Stick to white baby rice and brown rice which has very low allergic rates. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


so sad to read on your fren baby's condition. hopefully they will be able to find a suitable bone marrow soon.


do you have any idea no gluten and wheat til what age for babies?


Cellow,so sad to hear that ur friend's bb boy likes that...I cried when reading the article...

I will pray for the lil boy to speedy recovery...Hope that he can get a suitable donor soon...

Morning mummies,

Cellow, will keep your friend's boy in prayer that he will be healed and grow up healthily.

Vic ma, if I share the Four leaf brown rice with you, will it be cheaper? I'm just thinking of one packet to try.

Morn mommies, good weather to sleep in...

GBH - since Ming8110 wans them too, maybe u can give all ur choc chips to her bah coz she's needing it for a meaningful cause. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Dun trouble u la. mine jus for leisure baking...Tks for sharing gal!

Cellow - Real heartbreaking story and it happened to someone so close to u..A very brave bb too..will pray for bbS n hope he'll find suitable BMT donor soon

lynn & ladies,

JL somerset having sales? causeway point also lei .. seems like a clearance..

dun tel me really close down... jus like last time tat YaoHan ( r we in same generation ) hahaa


i bot millet its a kind of nutritional small rice u want? i email u later ba most probabily use lanoish zip lock milkbags since its steralised, to pack. or i can take out mine into tupperwear and pass u original packing too.

hi everyone!! how's everybody doing? (p/s: i removed WN from my nick and changed to ccp)

i haven't been able to come in to the forum much since i returned to work =( so busy and tired...

have been looking after baby on my own at night the past one week plus cos hubby has been sick... superly tired...

btw, i have some medela pump and save milk bags to let go (over-bought!). anybody interested?

$28 for each box of 50 bags. i have 3 boxes... PM/text me at 93383677 if you are k?

oh and i just bought the LG prime mat for my baby and she lovessss it!!! she was ahppily scratching and drooling over the cartoon pictures on the mat! =) so happy to see her happy!

GBH, I can collect from your house if it's easier. Will also be at Raffles City area for high tea tmw (2 to 5 pm) if that works for you. Will pm you my no. and you sms me? Thanks again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Happy Bellies Rice Cereal by Happy Baby: I just found that the Fairprice Finest outside my house sells it! (It's the outlet at Thomson Plaza) I have reserved it with Vitakids since last month and they still say their stock hasn't arrived. So I got mine from Fairprice instead. $8.90. Comparable to most places.

ooh...yaohan..i used to work there..so Chip, i definitely frm same era one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Your's friend bb will be fine! He's in all our prayers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow: it's really very sad.. will pray for speedy recovery for ur fren's child.. that's reminds me of the situation i saw at KKH when i went there for visiting.. sad sad sad..


wanna ask u when u said u grind ur own brown rice for bb, its those normal brown rice that adults eat one? or is there such things as special kind of brown rice for bb?

im bk wow forget malay loves cats..

no offence to any malay here..

sort of regret going lei.. cos tat cat keep walking ard.. I scare the 'hairs' ...

after tat then I knw is a stray cat.

my colleague young daughter 1 yr plus got very serious asthma n hav admitted to hospital a few times. stil she allow tat stray cat to come in her house.. really no words to say...

the cat pass by my bb stroller, jus now I mentioned to my maid.. she hor more scare then me when I went to change she take out the whole seat cover and wash ..

Im ok with animals and likes dogs / birds / terrapins but after when I have this boy I keep away all furs stuff and every now n then wash, wipe n mop..

Bought one box organix rice cereal from jasons marketplace today. Also caved in n got the box cube things gbh recommended. Found that at KP for $24.90. Now a bit excited about bb first meal!

can i check when should we stop sterilising the bottles or feeding items?? i heard from some that once started on solids, not need to sterilise already.. but i read from baby center, better to sterilise for a year.. of course i will rather believe to sterilise as long as possible.. but realised that some of the feeding items cannot be sterilised.. so that's abit difficult.. then i'm going for holidays soon, so need to think abt sterilising there too.. thinking whether i should get the compact steriliser from pigeon?? i dun like the sterilising tablet as I feel there's a smell and after using that, the bottles got a sticky feel that I need to wash the bottles again..


i didn't stop for #1 till now, 25 months cos since i'm sterilising for #2. if don't have #2, i think i will stop at 2 years old bah. anyway, i'm fine with rinsing it with hot water and not sterilise when they hit 4 months old. this is only when we go out and need bottles to use.


i cannot rem where i read but bottles (esp for milk) best to sterilise till 1yo but feeding items like spoon n bowl no need to sterilise... but if items can be sterilised n u wanna be ks also can lah... otherwise no need... reason is bcoz those items tt come into contact with milk one, the bacteria can multiply very fast if not washed clean... usualy bowls n spoons we dun feed milk mah... we feed other stuff plus it is easier to wash more thoroughly than bottles n teats...


oh btw to add on.. if u going overseas.. best to sterilise bcoz not all countries r like SG have safe drinking water straight from tap one.. so after washing with tap water, best to sterilise...



Ya la I 5.5 but today I take leave, seldom hav long wkend n avoid alwys waking bb up so early.

He can't slp last nite nose blocked caught my virus.. Later bring him see doc.

My boy getting handsome?? Whre u see him from? Whahaaa


I think I sort of didn't slp last nite every 2 hrs I woke up carry bb think his nose badly blocked I use cotton to help clear but no use he jus cannot slp when I hold him up he can slp very well in my arms...


Really admire u.. Still got so much milk.. Ur boy very blessed..

