(2010/04) April 2010 mtb


I've also started weaning him yesterday. Hubby mixed the stuff but it seemed too watery. My boy hated it. He probably thought it was his milk disguised in another way. Refused to take it. Hubby made it a little thicker and surprisingly he took a few spoonfuls! After taking into account the spillage, etc, he probably ate two spoonfuls.

Comments are bound to be made so just be a little thick skinned. I think people probably though we were torturing baby when we battled with him over the milk!

First time nursing him in public today. Covered with a shawl. Luckily it went well. My skin was quite thick. Except it's quite hot for him under the shawl. I'm tempted to do it with the shawl. Haha. Tried in the car before, but it's dark so quite safe.



My boy is nt the heavyweight 1, got a bb gal in our 1st mit up lagi heavy weight..so fair n chubby. Cannot remember whose 1..

me only up for pump now from last pump at 8pm. i started vomitting at 12am, all my dinner down the toilet bowl. throw up 3 times and feel so uncomfortable. wanted to pump then but can't sit up at all so give up. didn't sleep properly too. so tired now.

morn mummies.

gbh....dun worry abt comments n stuf like tt..yes it gets v frustrating when ppls juz keep commenting..one ear in, the ear ear quickly out =).

Chlosper...might be a passing phase..my boi also like tt..put dwn in cot n he start screaming....i sorta put down n bring him out many many times thruout the night i rem..till i pengz...aft tt i decided to pat him to bed in his cot...sometimes bb might be longing for sense of security..now whn bb cries, i speak to him softly ( no carrying ) ..until he falls asleeep again..can be v tiring but slowly bb will get used to it.

Shappie, think u talking abt my fei mui, she wore pink at ming's place? Yeah! Now she 8.25kg. But yrs not champion. Got one more bb more chubby at the lunch buffet but I can't remember that mummy nick.

shappie..hw old is yr ah boi now?? seems like a good weight wor =) ...my boi also 9kg now at 24 calendar weeks or 5.5MO old ...hehe..i scared he gain weight too fast tt i got no strength to carry him .


Fei mui lei,..Hehee wat a word, so funny.

I remember is a light color clothing n hair black n thick..

My boy nt champion for sure as compare to urs Hahaa..

Xiao lao Hu,

As of calendar wks, my boy is 25 wks old weigh 10kg, I also scare he gain fast n I can't hold him, ever try to use bb pouch to hav him in sitting position but its difficult seem he nt comfortable in it.


Hw to calculate in wks? Hmm seems confusing

My boi 29th mar

Hair loss,

I think my hair loss is Becos of my boi pulling even slp also pull my hair..

shappie..ohh!!! my boi a day older than yrs =) ...no lah cos i mark each wk on my calendar..so it go by calender weeks, my boi ( n yrs too!! ) is 24 wk aka 6mths..but if go by strictly birthdate then its 5.5Mo lor since still gt 2 more wk to the 28th/29th.

sort of confusing to calculate their age in wks. If in lunar alrdy older liao hor.

Actually nt necessary to b heavy weight as long healthy n they absorb well can liao else all my $ Duno go where...

This year calendar hard copy I will keep cos I mark down a lot of memorable dates eg the day I manage to wear my levi jean after giving birth

Very sleepy.. baby been waking up alot at night. I think i read some mummies bought a kind of baby wrap that will snuggle baby and baby had a good night sleep - what is it huh??

morning mummies!

im going to be late for church again... sipping my kopi to wake me up n bb just went bk to slp... after her morning bath... its her morning nap time usually at this time...


prev when u train bb to slp, did u allow him to cry to slp or he auto slp on his own? 2 diff schools of thought... some says if cry too much last time might end up bb more needy bcoz less secure... mine was super sticky last time n i gave her the attention n now she can slp on her own except for the occasional eh eh eh.. but thats fine bcoz cannot expect bb to totally dun fuss at all mah... u might wanna see giving him more attention now n if condition will improve later?


is ur vomitting = gd news??? :p


dun think it is suitable to swaddle bb at this age right? wakign up freq now maybe due to teething discomforts or bb ready to wean? i read in books that could be a sign to wean bcoz milk alone cannot satisfy liao....


my whole body ache. can't moo moo properly. only moo moo now from this morning.


hhahaha..... no lah. where got time to 'do' when got 2 babies. :p


so whose bb .. alamak so confusing..I onli remember tat big gal beside my boy, n my boy fingers is at tat gal armpit hahaaa


It's wilbb's girl girl u r referring to! I just went n scan thru the pic. White dress right? I saw 1 pic ur boy point at her arm pit!

Jiak lak jiak lak...nw then pumping, last pump at 11pm..13 hrs oredi, but was soooo tired n i remmebr asking my gal latch in the morn she latch abit go sleep liaoz, not helpful at all. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] nw im gonna slowly pump n make sure i empty my breasts! see can break my own record anot...


many of us buy le gbh & i just bot if u see the thread u just posted - if paranoid buy from normal shops 1st lor.

I just went to check the organix rice cereal hor is $7.90 outside & i bot from the otehr BP for $5 or $5.50 then another $1 for postage also worth in the long run but must plan ahead lor incase the BP oos. Then 2 boxes i think postage also same can even add in some other pdts the pther lady offered for same postage price wor. end of the day its not cheap lor bb's stuff - if can save $5 each batch of cereal we buy means can get something extra also good lor. (imagine pigeon $4.95 a box of buscuits for bbies - sometimes i just take 1 box cos so ex)

dont say i went to see 4 leaf brand one at the city sq mall shop yday DONT HAVE LE!


shld be safe one... i went buy the rice cereal from shops too bcoz bp oos for the rice one... i rem the exp same as stated on bps... or something like tt... soi guess its same batch one lor... all come from same source...

wah vicma - yummy mask. Aft procedure done can ask my dog lick clean..hehehehe

gbh - *hug hug*..dunno heard who say b4 wanna start on bb's 1st wean better to do at home (to avoid unconstructive comments like ur aunt's in tis case)...all these aunties always tink they raise kids b4 so got supa lotsa comments one..jus ignore la, anyway is ur bb u're feeding, not hers, jus do wat pleases u n blcok out wat others say...;p remmeber to take pics of ur gal next time too k!

Chlosper, maybe u try put bb on tummy to sleep? My gal likes to do tat either herself or we flip her, somehow, she can fall asleep faster like tat n tend to fuss less.

Thanks for sharing mommies abt the thermal flasks n jars [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u've jus made it easier for mi to decide. i shld be getting Thermos then. Tink brand more established n can keep warmer/colder longer..MY HB prefers the La Gourmet coz got pouch for the food jar n can contain more, but i prefer Thermos one. hahha..so nw wif all mommies input, i can happily go for my chosen one liaoz..;d

Maddie - fei mui..haha..so cute n so long neva hear liaoz. Last time my bro always call mi fei mui too

got so many fei zai n fei muis in our thread?!?! envy envy...yday pple stil tink my gal 3mo nia...sob sob


I like ur statement

"all these aunties always tink they raise kids b4 so got supa lotsa comments one"

Ya man as if very smart.. not to say aunties, my sis not married no kids yet as if she is always right..this cannot tat cannot.. a bit extreme in her way lor..


from wat I heard to lie on stomach to slp they feel more secure.

U may try cover put a 'weight'( bean bag ) on his stomach.. this is how my boy slp..

Thermal flask

Tiger is the best, I hav a tiger flask for nite use the hot water can last for more then 10 hrs.

Chips, dun say aunties la, own mum also like tat. Went to buy cereal for my gal liaoz say last time we 4+ mths also start eat...but i scared, faster bring home cereal n hide.kekkeke

Hi gbh,

Oh.. oki.. actually wanted to start her on solid this weekend but she's having diarrheoa now - most likely due to me as I think i took some cakes or probably the chocolate with peanut .. not sure what.. my girl is lactose-intolerant so i really have to becareful on the food i eat...

should i still start her on solid?? the diarrheoa seems to be better already...

Vicma & GBH - yep yep, think i will buy some boxes thru the BP to try bah. Din notice you all bought as well.. so excited with the wide variety of food i can give my gal. Now hoping my relatives wun niam niam abt me feeding gal with this.. actualli i find the range outside rather limited. i only see bellamy, orangix, happy baby, pigeon and i think thats all.

Hello everyone!

Back from my short trip. Reached home around midnight. Was so tired that I have been resting in bed till now except to go toilet and eat brunch. Poor bb had to camp in bed with this tired out mother as well. The only perk for her is unlimited access to my neis so she has been having a buffet since she woke up. Only now do I feel rested enough to have the energy to give her a bath.


Thanks for the Hope pack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I used 2 this morning to test. Confirmed negative! Now can continue to bf my gal without worrying about being asked to stop.

Looks like I won't be the 1st one here with the next bun in the oven!

i just started my girl on organix rice cereal. hahaha.... she doesn't sit as well as #1. she is sort of leaning forward, should i stop and wait till she can sit up more stable before continue?

didi cry and cry for nothing. Latch cry play afterawhile also cry. Yuan lai the dryper tape on his leh and pain lor. Hiaz. It was a size s i was trying to finish up. Maid bathed him and reused since i just changed it.


i super want to wean too. I just bot barley, flaxseeds and quioe. I ordered 4leaf millet. I hv organic rice cereal and eys's brown rice cereal.

But i think 1wk can only test 2 items when mth 6 start whole mth 7 only tested 8 items?

I think mth 7.5 i will start rice cereal once a day 30g worth and cont with other food testing.

Once he ok with rice cereal i will buy more boxes and maybe new flavours mix in abit millet or barley or flaxseeds etc eventually.

vic ma,

i think she is ready cos her eyes are on our food everytime we eat. she will really follow loh. haahaa.....

now, i'm not sure if i want to continue cos she doesn't sit well. sigh.....

Before I forget, we were talking abt a contribution to any needy organisation during our christmas celebration

Last wk I saw this brochure

" KK hospital Health endowment fund"

Because every woman and child deserves good health...

This fund will be for those poor family whose children are stricken by illness and need treatment.

Maybe this can also be 1 of the consideration for the donation


actually sitting is quite important as it would be a bigger amtsoon and u need her not to choke as well.

if she swallows well maybe can cont. but if she still caannot swallow cereal and plus sitting not firm then should wait ba.

mega drool.

Is what my boy's doing and only coming 5mths in few days. No teeth yet but the drool is in mega pools.

Are u all experiencing this as well?

vic ma,

yah yah. though sometimes wish that they quickly grow up but looking back, really miss them when they are small. good thing now is that we have things like video, camera, our mummies don't have such things to keep the memories.

celyn and vic ma,

i guess mothers are all like that. When my son throws tantrums, i can't wait for him to go through this toddler phase quickly. But when i see his old photos and videos, think about how much he has grown already, and think that one day he will not even want me to play with him but rather have his friends, i feel so sad. Ha ha.. talk about kids being needy. Mothers sometimes are too...

i had a peanut sandwich & felt sick after that just now. i think its the early onset of monday blues!!!!!!!!!!

I had a great 3 days with my kids & so dont want to go back to work!


celynlee, vicma, runningmuff, dun say u mommies miss #1's bb dyays, nw im oredi starting to miss her NB days..the stone expression n lie straight straight cannot move position...lolz

awww...tats y keep taking pics n videos of her every day if i can. next time retired can slowly play back n enjoy wif HB...hehehe

