(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

dazz $16/cut quite ex le.

i will diy. my mil & mummy will cut. my maternal side all can cut hair granny used to run a salon. I cut my girl's hair too.

just that boys hair i no experience i still pondering later to get those men's hair razors to shave for ah boy instead.

vic ma, lolz.. u dare to cut then ok la. I'm those "i beta don't screw up their hairstyle" kind. My hubby ever suggested to get those hair shavers then i can shave all 3 males botak but... no no no... i dun dare. lolz.

Cellow, Tks for the link! shall recce 2 9..

BEan Bean, by good, i meant after feeding my gal, i see no diarrhoea, no rejection of milk frm her, she growing plumper n happy!

Vicma - ok, so in short, best not to have these ingredients to play safe la...bb stomach so precious now...

yes no Gluten no Wheat initially. think bellamy contain traces of it?

i intend to give HIPP baby rice and Organix baby rice. my SIL gives organix baby rice. looks nice. tomoroow i'm going to give his inaugaral feed! excited. =)

i have requested for quite a few milk samples. they will send out once baby is 6 months i think. enfalac/mamil gold/friso/nan. i think all pretty much the same. as long as baby can poo poo i think it's good.


health not only tummy.

ya better bring those boxes home.

i wanna go organic shop later or bp later maybe get 2 more boxes of something else too.

cos those grains i get from organic shop still need to wash & dry & grind abit lechey le. (cos cannot grind alot at once too.


i nicked my boy's head while shaving this time. he was cranky to start with & i didnt want to wait cos wait too late liao dont like to "bath him" to late at night.

my girl's one was OK - she was in a better mood then.


why no gluten ar?


my mil say next time all can stand just stand against the wall (her grandchildren) one shot bath all by spraying water - haha machiam like convicts!! one shot bath all (inline with your 3 botaks!)

vic, wahahahha.. ya lo! machiam gg to Tekong like that! all 3 sit on row then i shave one by one. lolz. I den dun want! lolz.


hahaha... u n ur hb so cute.. play hide n seek... i no need play hide n seek alrdy can scare my hb... there were many times when i just walked up to him n he really got startled... he said my footsteps no sound one... like ghost... hahahha!


sometimes its just an inexplicable passing phase of bb... just try keep latching as per normal... dont give up... there was a period my gal kept fussing at breasts but i just continued to latch... now she ok with latching.. till date i dunno y she fussed... maybe nipple confusion or my ss not enuff... dunno...

wah vicma - really lechay lei need wash, dry then grind...i tink i go for the instant ones betta...jus scoop n add milk milk...haha.. peifu u!

hahah..i can jus picture in my head the kids standing side by side waiting to be sprayed one by one!!lolz

HJ - u make it sound so fun n long zhong!haha must remember use tripod stand for the camera n videocam to capture the moment!!! Good Luck n enjoy!!

Gbh - u phrase until so funny...walk up to him also can scare him??!! hahaha..not u la most prob he was deep in thoughts, then suddenly u appear infront of him!!

HJ - can tap on ur expertise n ask u something unrelated to bbs...hmm might sound like silly qn hor, so pls bear wif mi. For mouthwash hor, after use need rinse off wif water anot, or jus spit out can liaoz? ;p

I always rinse off wif water but the instructions neva mention must rinse lei. They jus say spit out tats it.


its ok lah.. at most i just use the pampers till all finished lor... dun think will buy again.. think stick to my MP or huggies ultra.. i must look out for the blue one tt bbdust mentioned... see if better.. so far the purple one im using is ok but then when wearing a bit lechey bcoz the back due to the elastic part will pucker up one leh... so scare tt while i struggle to put the diaper under my gal's butt with one hand, she will pee...

i dunno if im in ur fb leh.. i got quite a few mummies on my fb but then hor i only know who is who for those i initially added.. then the later ones i dunno who is who here! too many too confusing liao... my profile pic is with my gal one... J****... theres another mummy same name as me...


oh its u! paiseh... i always confuse u with celynlee due to nick... u think its worth buying the mini shuttle chef at $87??? dun wanna end up another white elephant in kitchen...

oh... btw mummies... i got those aluminium moulds for those chwee kueh types.. and also alum trays which last time i used for baking... now i prefer to use non-stick kind n wanna clear my kitchen of these trays (plus i hardly got time to bake now)... anyone wants??? FOC one...

also tt time i KS bought lotsa choc chips for baking n till date still in my fridge... i got few packets.. going to expire in few mths... just chk recently.. in Jan 2011... anyone wants? i find wasted to throw.. i intend to bake a bit with these but too many pkts liao n each pkt can bake a lot of cookies one.. so wanna give away too...

btw i saw in i think ming's album that some mummies int in baking n wanna org class??? i also wanna join in! i wanna up my skills... currently my baking is "half baked"... hahaha...

ah?? mouthwash don't need to rinse off??? I've been doing that leh!!! lolz.. so i've been wasting my mouth wash all these years?!?!?!? *FAINTZ*

zz, dazz,

not concerned abt the look of the hse.. more concerned abt the works of installing bcoz gotta uninstall the curtains part first... then all the drilling and stuff.. i cannot imagine my hse after tt... clean till siao.. plus i got an semi open balcony totally no windows one... tt one how???? then waht abt kitchen??? i got 2 windows near the sink which i think very diff to install grilles bcoz no space one... n the walls r laid with glass so if drilled on the walls, very likely the whole thing will crack... also dun wanna add more things for me to clean... so all this adds up like OMG... so tt y im lookign at the gadget which can limit window opening... as for the balcony, i grow plants there next to the walls to deter curious kids... or put child gate lor...


are you concerned abt your own milk? you asked abt iron supplementation and now eczema too.

the iron absorption rate in breastmilk is better than from FM - http://www.kellymom.com/nutrition/vitamins/iron.html

eczema, i can only tell you that a staunch bfeedg fren of mine (1st son, 24 months, 2nd son 14 months, 3rd son 37 months) who is a breastfeedg counsellor at BMSG encouraged me to cont breastfeeding C2 for a long long time to lessen the extent of his eczema.

i have surrounded myself w nursing mums (colleagues and frens and PD) who refer me to resources... and tell me positive stories to encourage me to continue. until C2 decides by himself to wean.

pumping and latching just becomes part of daily life. jiayou!

anyway. mummies worry by nature [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. if i dun worry abt breastmilk, i would still worry abt FM. at least w breastmilk, i know the source.

Thanks HJ [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] *so paiseh nw* but the contents safe for swallowing mah? i always scared kena poisoning..

Dazz - u also rinse wif water aft huh? haha..hi-5!

Gbh - i dun mind the choc chips. Issit Hersheys one or Phoon Huat ones? U sell mi cheaper la, dun wan FOC...paisei also...;p


if u r talking about HA Formula milk right. I think it does helps to control too though my girl does not have and also my husband's family does have history of eczema.

On top of that babies also can drink HA Formula milk regardless they have eczema or not.

But one thing to note that it is expensive! For Nestle NAN HA 1 @ 900g (only one size) it is gg @ $41.70 @ NTUC.

ALternatively, u can also use Paw Paw ointment on the skin of baby should eczema occurs. My gf used on her boy who has eczema and she said it is very good! However, very difficult to find in SG & heard that one of the shop in Tanglin Mall sells it @ ard $20+ whereas I got my gf to buy from Australia (origin), it is only abt $6+.

gbh, wow.. u stay landed is it?? for kitchen, i don't think need to install rite? Mostly importantly, the living and balcony. As for the invisible grilles, sorry, i dun have much info abt it. You gotta call and enquire.

We installed the window grille after we moved in. Dust is expected but not as bad. Noise level, BbZ frowned but didn't cry loudly so i guess that's acceptable too?

I changed my mind about thw cereals just buying brown rice since its HARDER.

i will buy millet & other grains soon to wash & sun 1st soon.

my hb will KOK my head heng i remember - cos i just bot a new grinder for ah boy's grains!!!!!


shuttle chef for cooking... the thermal flask u toking abt more for storing when u wanna bring out to feed...

recently i bought a combo Thermos food jar + water bottle at OG sale.. $59 i think.. not sure if sale still on.. i think still have leh... usually OG sale at this time of the yr... u can go recce... later i will upload photos of my weaning gear on fb! hahahh!

wah nowadays i cant keep up with this thread anymore...

orangey, got BP on the brother max cubes, but think u dun need coz u bought so many trays of bb cubes!


shuttle chef for cooking... the thermal flask u toking abt more for storing when u wanna bring out to feed...

recently i bought a combo Thermos food jar + water bottle at OG sale.. $59 i think.. not sure if sale still on.. i think still have leh... usually OG sale at this time of the yr... u can go recce... later i will upload photos of my weaning gear on fb! hahahh!

oh it's coz she's on leave? i'm not sure but was on fb and she was talking abt her office banning internet...so thot maybe tats why


ya she was talking about it. But dunno yet. I also scare wor cos working in bank. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

lynn u just reminded me i owe u $2!!!!

To Account POSB Savings

129-07343-8 LynnKoh

Amount S$2.00

Transaction Reference 3123586168

i hopei got the correct nick but the account # is correct from email i received.

speaking abt being worried...

PD ystday recommended another skin prick test 2 months later for C2 bcz his skin condition is STILL not improving.

she looked at me out of the corner of her eye and asked if i had been eating biscuits (which normally contain eggs). see la see la, go to PD kena stand-outside-principal's-office attitude. then cautioned me that if i dun restrict my own diet now, C2 will have life long food allergies. she suspects soy and dairy might have given false negatives in his skin prick test last month. *sob sob*

i m now reviewing all my foods for eggs. if soy and dairy also cannot eat.... wah.... can really just bring my lunch to office too lor.

i tell Mr C that i just live on veggies and meat/fish, and ZERO processed food, bcz you never know what goes inside.

gbh, who are u on fb? my hubby knows another one of ur hubbies from army...erm, the one who's hubby got millionaire in his nick one.

we were supposed to go for the gathering but he had to work last min so i decided not to go also. i asked my hubby who's gathering issit? end up he knows more pp than i do...

