(2010/04) April 2010 mtb

piglet, u also work in bank? i go the banks in your area sometimes when i really need to...hehe..nowadays seldom need to physically visit banks.

vic ma haha ok ok. i gua zu tou.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4474288.jpg] hahaha, sorry, feeling v boh liao today coz long weekend is nearing. wooo hoo! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

cellow, wah, v cham ley...i give u strength *zap zap zap*


Gbh - tks for the explaination! OKie, shall go OG weekend chiong sales. Tink they had pte sale yday for members...u went the orchard one or Albert one? Din noe tat the one beside Somerset one closed down lei. Now become Courts..so mountain tortoise hor...hahaha

Dazz- ya BBdust on leave, She mentioned last evening b4 she left...;p

Cellow - hugs hugs..chant "for the good of C2, for the good of C2"

oops - hahah. sorry gbh. dazz, i mean out of all your hubbies here la. hehehe...sounds like gbh has a few hubbies all in the army hor? :p


btw the only windows in the living is via the semi open balcony lor.. im more concerned abt bedrooms esp next time when i let my gal slp separately from me...

haha..dazz - sharp ah u...thread moving so fast, i read until i eye hua hua liao

Lynn - i also no mood work. Counting down since morn..hehe..whole day jus doing own stuffs, only sent out one work related email till now!:D

lynn: ya la.. lolz.. sounded like gbh got a few hubbies. wahahaha

gbh: i think you call up invisible grilles and ask them about their installing methods lo.

Abt internet access at work. I die die must have internet access at work if not I will feel like wanna die like that :S I remember got 1 job ah.. the company nv give me internet access yet ask me to download this free database system and I was like jaw open. I tell my manager, how to download when there;s no internet and he can tell me " Need internet to download?" ALAMAK!

Mummies...im in mooncake mode now...i wana get moon tarts...those mooncake where u have walnut n lotus paste type..any idea where to get??? i used to get fm Harbour City but i tink they closed down liao .


BBdust also work in bank too? Which one?


hahaha. U tell ur manager, "No Need internet! Use ur "Pi Pi" will do!" LOLX.

vic yup yup, wun mention location - not tat i know. haha...

piglet, i thot so? hence the ban? maybe i misunderstood... :/

orangey, peng la! download must be this fanciful word he anyhow use.


scared pple know we chatting la keke! :p[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/2495852/4474348.gif]


maybe ba. If really ban ah, I tell u i thk I die also! Racking my brain for hours during work and need to relax awhile by logging in and if been ban, dunno wat to do! Can only count fingers & toes liao. LOLx.

lynn..is the "millionaire" in chinese by any chance??? ..if so then its my dh i tink..gt story behind one...some goondu pronounced his name wrongly which got him worked out :p

gbh, u dunno means not u ah...heheh...

vic ma, i also wana be anonymous so wun go bao tou other pp one...heheh...

ya lo, will go insane if keep working non-stop ley.


the choc chips not phoon huat onbe.. i bought from the factory direct at tuas when they had an open hse sale.. i think its herseys... i know the bar one is.. let me go chk later...

long weekend is here liaoz! yeah! need to go tiong bahru market tabao fish head before i can head home. o_O

Enjoy your weekend mummies!!

08 September 2010 - 19 September 2010

Event type : Retailer & Sales

Venue : Hall 5

Admission : Public - Free Admission

Event Schedules : Time: 10.30am to 10pm

Show Profile :

John Little Expo Sale

Organizer : John Little Pte Ltd

Contact Details :

Tel : +65 6212 9200

Email : [email protected]

Website : www.johnlittle.com.sg


if i am not wrong i think i seen it in the shop in marina. the big one opposite TIMES bookstore level 2 & has this gadget. might not be same brand la.


since bp have then buy there lor.. i lazy to go to shop all the way there wait not what i want also...

wheres the rest of the mummies huh??? balec kampong liao huh??? so quiet... finally i caught up with the posts liao...

anyone else wants the choc chips + alum trays n moulds??? FOC...


u pm me in case i missed the posts... FOC lah... also goign to throw away if wait till expired...


i think the shops sell sure more ex cos u paying their rental & utility bills too & also the big pool of plastic balls for kids to play in.

normal baking alum trays... not brand new one hor if u dun mind??? i use them to bake last time but now hardly bake plus i prefer non stick.. alum trays still need to line baking sheets or grease mah.. me wanna take shorcuts! LOL!

i think i also got other things like cutters... let me go see if i still want them or not... lotsa these... soem i bought one some my mil passed to me one... its taking up space in my kitchen!!!

GBH why dont u just keep?

never know when u might use them. can use for grill chicken too mah?

i buay tahan after i married my mum used my baking trays for grilling CHICKEN WINGS i prefer my trays purely for baking purposes nia cos they scratched the trays too.

its ok la lechey to mail around. i also not much time for baking. i have 5 muffin trays!!!

Baking Stuff: GBH, I will buy the choc chips off you if you want. My office is having a food fest month where people can volunteer to cook / bake and sell the food to raise funds for breadline (a charity we have been supporting for the last 2 years). I will probably volunteer to bake my double choc chip cookies. Let me know and maybe I can meet you sometime this weekend to collect [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Moontarts: XLH, I like the ones from Wah Lok (Carlton Hotel) and from Da Zhong Guo. The ones from Da Zhong Guo are marginally better. Go check them out

Ming..da zhong guo one huh??? okie i go look see ..hehe ..i love the champagne truffle one fm raffles hotel but v ex leh.

